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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 12

by Lynnette Bernard

  “You need to get strong, Claire. I need you to come home and stay with me at the ranch. I’ve got a parcel of land on McKade land already picked out to build our own home. You’re going to help me plan how it’s going to look. I think we should have a big kitchen and living room. If you want, we can make an office for you so you can see clients when you get your license in massage therapy.”

  “You’d do that for me, Jake?” Claire asked in wonder.

  “Sure, angel. If that’s what you want.”

  Claire thought about it for a minute then shook her head. “I don’t think I want that,” she said softly.

  “No? Why not?”

  “I want our home to be our home, not a place of business,” she explained quietly. “It should be a place where we share our lives and no one can intrude on our solitude.”

  “You want us to keep away from everyone?”

  “No. That’s not what I mean.”

  “Then, what?”

  “I just want our home to be our haven. I want it to be filled with love and comfort. I want it to be a place that is never touched by the outside world. I want just our family and friends to share our home. I don’t want to feel any emotions from the outside world when I’m home with you and our family.”

  “I understand,” Jake said gently. “I didn’t think about that.”

  “You don’t mind if I want to keep our home special just for us?”

  “I don’t mind. I want our home to be special for us, too.” Jake hesitated. “I think we should probably talk about things, Claire.”

  “You don’t have to say anything,” Claire whispered. “I know.”

  “What do you know?”

  Claire tried to bury her face into Jake’s chest but he wasn’t about to allow her to hide from him. He eased her back so he could look at her beautiful face, smiling when she squeezed her eyes shut as if to block him out.

  “No hiding from me, Claire,” he told her firmly. “Open your eyes.”

  Claire opened them slowly, looking directly into the blueness of her man’s eyes. She could see directly into his soul and feel everything that he was feeling. She loved being able to do that with him.

  “I like when you speak to me like that,” Claire whispered.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re in control of the situation,” she explained. “It makes me feel good. It makes me be able to relax.”

  “Relax?” Jake was stunned by her revelation. “How does it make you relax, angel?” His voice was gentle as he spoke, knowing that whatever Claire told him was either going to build him up or destroy his hopes.

  “For my whole life, I’ve had to keep myself hidden away so I could control everything I thought and felt,” Claire explained, speaking slowly as she sorted out her explanation in her head. “I’ve always had to struggle to keep myself safe. I had to fight every day to protect myself. I always wished that someday I would be able to just relax and let someone else do that for me. I just want to breathe, Jake.”


  “Yeah, breathe. Normal people don’t realize how lucky they are to just be able to exist without the world bombarding their brain and setting their nerves on edge.”

  “Claire, if you say that you’re not normal one more time, I will paddle your ass with my hand,” Jake warned her.

  “Promise?” Claire teased him.

  Jake couldn’t help but laugh. “No. I won’t promise,” he said after a moment. “I will never lift a hand to hurt you, angel. I was just trying to make a point. You have a gift that makes you unique, but you are definitely normal. And you’re mine.”

  “I like that.”

  “Me, too.”

  Claire snuggled against his chest, kissing his neck lightly before humming in appreciation. She loved his scent. He smelled like home. He also smelled all manly and sexy, and she wanted him desperately. Thinking about making love to him, she couldn’t help but blush.

  “What’s that blush for, Claire?” he asked, reaching up and touching the soft pink that stained her cheek with the tip of his index finger.

  “I want to us to make love all the time,” Claire whispered. “I want us to make babies.”

  Jake smiled down at the precious woman in his arms. “Oh, angel, we’re going to make love all the time,” he promised her. “I’m going to show you so many ways to love me. And we’ll make as many babies as you want as long as you’re healthy and it’s safe for you to carry them.”

  “I’m fine, Jake. You have to stop worrying about me.”


  Claire sighed and caressed his chest lightly. “I know. I guess I understand. And, I have to admit, I like that you’ll look out for me. I’ve never had anyone care about me enough to make sure that I’m okay before.”

  “Well, you do now.”

  Claire nodded and smiled softly. “I do now,” she agreed. “And so do you.” She eased back and looked up at him, glad to see the gentle smile and the happiness in his eyes as he looked at her. “Are you ready to accept that you’re mine to love, Jake McKade?”

  “Yes, angel,” he whispered. “You’ve been in my heart and on my body for a long time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Jake reached up and unbuttoned the next three buttons of his blue flannel shirt, pushing it aside and pulling down on the neck of his white T-shirt to bare his chest to her gaze. He saw the moment she realized what he was showing her.

  On his chest, directly over his heart, was a tattoo. It was of an angel sitting with her legs drawn up to her chest and her beautiful wings wrapped around herself. The angel’s face was the exact image of Claire. He had brought a picture of Claire to the tattoo artist and had made sure that the angel inked on his chest was the same angel that was engrained within his heart.

  “Jake,” Claire whispered, reaching up to trace the tattoo lightly with the tips of her fingers. “It’s beautiful.”

  The colors within the tattoo were stunning. The wings of the angel were an iridescent white with pink and blue wispy colors within them. The angel’s hair was the color of midnight, just as Claire’s was. The face was a stunning likeness, and the eyes were the most gentle and beautiful brown she had ever seen. It was obvious that Jake had depicted her as the angel—at least it was his perception of her beauty. There was no way she was that gorgeous.

  “It’s you, angel,” Jake told her gently. “You’re a part of me forever. I needed you to be a part of me forever.” He caressed her cheek gently, smiling sadly. “I never believed you could be mine. I knew that you shouldn’t be mine. You deserved so much better than what I could offer you.”

  “Jake, stop,” Claire said as she reached up and took firm hold of his hand as it stroked her face tenderly. “You’ve got to stop thinking that way.”

  “I can’t help it, Claire. I don’t want to hurt you. I’ve had to keep myself away from you so you could find love. I knew you shouldn’t love me. I knew we would never have the blessings of the Great Spirit and find the marking of the golden entwined links on our necks.” He took a calming breath as he thought out his words. “Because of that, I decided I needed to have you inked on my chest, over my heart, because in my heart is where you always are, angel.” He kissed her forehead lightly then gently pulled her flush against his chest. “I promise to love you forever. I want you to be with me always.”

  “I will,” Claire promised. “You’re the only one I will love and make love to for the rest of my life. I want the same promise from you, Jake. I need you to promise that you’ll love me and be faithful.”

  “I promise,” Jake answered without hesitation. “Only you, angel. Always.”

  “And kids?”

  “And kids. We’ll make sure to build our new home with lots of bedrooms for our kids.”

  “Your babies are going to be beautiful,” she whispered, closing her eyes and sighing softly as her entire body relaxed within his arms.

  “I promise to be gentle with you, Claire,”
he whispered against her temple.

  “Okay. That’s good,” Claire said softly. “I hope you’ll also be rough and in charge.”

  “You want me to be rough and in charge?” Jake asked, surprised.

  “Yes. I need to feel you protecting me,” she admitted softly. “I like it when you hold me down. I expect you to show me more of the dominance I know you’re good at.”

  Jake was speechless at her admission. He knew that what she had been trying to tell him all along was that she needed him exactly as he was—his dominant nature included. It seemed as if the Great Spirit had chosen the perfect mate for him, after all.

  “Sleep, Mate,” he told her firmly.

  Claire smiled as she hugged him lightly. “Okay, Mate,” she answered. “You just promised yourself to me, Jake McKade. Don’t even think about taking that back. I won’t let you.”

  “I won’t take it back, angel,” he vowed. “You’re my mate, and I’m yours.”

  Claire settled peacefully against Jake’s side. She was exactly where she was meant to be and was determined to be for the rest of their lives.

  Jake smiled as he held his woman tightly. He felt the rightness of his decision. Claire was his mate. He whispered a silent prayer to the Great Spirit to bless their mating. He wanted the blessing of the mark of the golden entwined links to appear on the nape of his and Claire’s necks.

  He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Claire’s scent settled him. Her touch grounded him. He was a stubborn man, but he wasn’t a stupid man. He knew he would never find another woman he loved more or was better for him than Claire was. He just hoped he could provide her with everything that she needed.

  With his angel in his arms, snuggled against him, he was finally able to relax. The pain and loneliness of the last three months melted away. He closed his eyes and sighed with complete contentment. He found himself drifting off. Claire was right. When they slept in each other’s arms, they slept soundly and without worries. He kissed her forehead one last time as sleep called to him. He finally gave in to the pull of his dreams and slept as he hadn’t slept since Claire had last been in his arms. He was determined to have his angel with him, by his side, in his bed, and in his heart for the rest of their lives.

  As the late afternoon turned to early night, the room filled with the warmth of their love and commitment. A soft, golden glow surrounded them both, kissing the napes of their necks with the mark that gave them the blessings that they both deserved. Jake McKade and Claire Hamilton were now one.

  The Great Spirit smiled down at the two of them, chuckling softly at their stubbornness. He was happy to bless such wonderful people. He knew that Jake and Claire were the perfect match for each other.

  Be good to each other, my children, the Great Spirit whispered within their minds. You will have a good life together. You will create beautiful children. Do not allow others to fill your minds with doubt. Your love must stay strong. You must protect each other from the evil jealousy that will come your way. Always remember that the two of you are stronger when you are together. Your love for each other will always protect you.

  Chapter 11

  “Jake, I’m fine,” Claire said in frustration as Jake stood before her in the hospital room. “I need to get dressed.”

  “Angel, I don’t want you to fall,” Jake said firmly. “I’m going to help you.”

  “Jake,” Claire said, grabbing for his hand that was gripping her left shoulder and bringing it to her mouth to kiss his knuckles lightly. “If you help me get dressed, I’m going to lose control.”

  Jake’s eyes flared with heat. “I’ll take control,” he whispered.

  “I know you will,” Claire said, laughing softly. “That’s what I’m worried about. I don’t want the doctor walking in on us when you’re deep inside of me. And that’s exactly what will happen if you help me take off my clothes.”

  Jake smiled slowly, leaning down and kissing her shoulder lightly. “Once the doctor tells me you’re fine, I’m taking you home,” he promised her. “The minute I’m sure you’re completely healthy, I’m going to take you to my bedroom and tie you to my bed. I’m going to love you that day and the next. Maybe even the day after that. I’m going to know every inch of your body. I’m going to be buried deep inside of you and filling you. My seed is going to brand you as mine.”

  Claire laughed, sitting down on the bed and holding onto the side rail as all strength left her. “You’d better be ready to make good on that promise, cowboy,” she told him, smiling up at him.

  Jake stood beside the bed and knelt down in front of his sweet woman, spreading her legs and settling his body against hers. He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled up at her.

  “Angel, I always keep my promises,” he told her softly. “Are you sure you’re ready to be loved the way I want to love you?”

  “Jake, I’ve been ready for more than a year!” she told him in exasperation.

  Jake laughed and leaned his head forward to rest against her breasts, kissing them lightly through the cotton material of her hospital gown. He hummed against her as he felt her hands slipping into his hair at the back of his head. He heard her soft gasp and felt the way the tip of her finger was tracing circles across the nape of his neck. He leaned into her neck, kissing the underside of her jaw before biting down on it lightly.

  “Jake,” she whispered.

  “What, angel?”

  “You have the mating mark on the back of your neck.”

  Jake’s head snapped up, his blue eyes wide with surprise before they softened as he looked at her. He didn’t think he would ever bear the mating mark.

  “I have the mating mark?” he asked in a whisper.

  Claire nodded, completely astonished by the miraculous mark of the entwined golden links that graced the nape of Jake’s neck. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  Jake stood slowly, drawing Claire to her feet before him. He turned her carefully until her back was facing him. He wrapped his left arm around her waist and held her firmly against his chest as he raised his right hand and lifted the heavy, silken tresses of her black hair to allow him to see the nape of her neck. When he saw the golden entwined links that were there, he couldn’t prevent the growl of pleasure that escaped him.

  He leaned forward and kissed the marking tenderly, whispering the blessing that every man had been taught from the time they were young to speak over their chosen mate.

  “Angel, we’ve been blessed,” Jake whispered, kissing her neck one more time.

  Claire’s soft whimper concerned him. He loosened his hold on her and held her gently as she turned in his arms. When she looked up at him and he saw the tears that filled her eyes, he was filled with worry.

  “I’m so happy,” she whispered, smiling when the stress on his face and the worry in his heart was immediately eased.

  “Me, too, angel,” he said gently. “I hope you won’t regret this.”

  “Jake! Why in the world would I regret it?” Claire asked, huffing in frustration as she pushed out of his arms and sat on the bed. She shook her head as disgust filled her. “When are you going to accept that I want you?” She looked up at him, her eyes flashing with anger. “I want all of you, Jake. Every part of you. Do you think I don’t know what’s in your heart?”

  Jake’s stomach clenched with nervousness as Claire looked at him as if she could see right through him. How could she accept the deep needs that he had?

  “Jake, sit down beside me,” Claire said calmly as she settled herself more comfortably on the edge of the hospital bed.

  Jake sat down as she requested and waited silently. When Claire took his hand in hers and entwined their fingers, he couldn’t prevent the sigh of contentment that left him. He leaned in and kissed her temple lightly, settling back and smiling at her as he waited for her to say whatever it was that she had to say.

  “Last year, when you were in a coma in the hospital, I was drawn to your room,” she began. At Jake’s nod
, she smiled and took a steadying breath. She had to be completely open with him. He needed to know what she was able to see and feel. “I touched you and was shielded from the emotions of everyone else.”

  “I know, angel,” Jake whispered.

  “What you don’t know is that I was able to feel your emotions,” Claire explained. “I was surprised that I could experience what you were feeling and thinking, but it didn’t hurt me in any way.”

  “I’m glad,” Jake whispered. “Wait. You could hear what I was thinking, and you knew what I was feeling?”

  Claire nodded. “Yes.”

  “I don’t know how I feel about that, Claire.”

  “I know. I wasn’t sure when I should tell you because I didn’t want you to keep yourself away from me.” Claire snorted in disgust at the sentence that just left her. “I guess that didn’t work out very well, did it?” She looked up at Jake and couldn’t hide the sadness that was obvious in her eyes. “When we made love, I thought you would finally understand that the way you made love to me is exactly what I wanted. It was exactly what I needed. I love being held tightly, Jake. I’ve never had anyone want me so fiercely. I feel safe when you’re with me. I feel cherished when you kiss me. And I feel wanted when you dominate me.”

  “That doesn’t scare you, Claire?” Jake asked, his voice firm as he spoke. “I can’t help the way I want to hold you. I need to love you that way. I was very upset when I saw the bruises that I inflicted upon your body. You deserve someone to be gentle with you and love you tenderly. I knew I couldn’t be that man. I kept myself from you because of that.”

  “I know,” Claire admitted. “But it hurt me more that you pushed me away.”

  Jake remained silent.

  “I gave you my heart, Jake McKade,” Claire whispered. “You stomped on it and threw it away.”

  “Never,” Jake whispered.


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