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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 25

by Lynnette Bernard

  Jake felt his entire body relax at her words. Maybe he could actually believe that the person he loved most in this world would not leave. He wanted to believe it with all of his heart.

  He felt his softening cock slip from the warmth of his woman’s body and said a silent prayer to the Great Spirit that he be allowed to know this woman’s love for the rest of his life. He couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t survive losing her.

  Lying beside her, he drew her into his arms and cuddled her against his chest as he pulled her legs over his hips to keep her even closer. He smiled at the sweet laughter that escaped his angel. When she kissed the tattoo on his chest and rested her head against his shoulder, he felt peace settling within himself. His Claire always did that for him.

  Pulling the blankets and sheets over the both of them, he made sure that she was warm. He loved the way she snuggled against him, soaking up his warmth and his love. He held her tightly against him for just a moment before relaxing his hold. It suddenly occurred to him that he didn’t have to hold on to her so fiercely. She was content to stay right where she was—in his arms.

  In that moment, something radiated through him as the belief in their relationship finally found its way into his heart and into his mind. Claire was his. She was happy to be with him just as he was. She wouldn’t disappear from his life as everyone else he had ever loved had done. She was his angel. She was his mate. She was his forever love.

  “Love you, Jake,” she whispered, kissing his chest once again.

  When her hand settled on his chest and rested possessively on his tattoo, he couldn’t help but smile. His angel was on his chest in more ways than one.

  “Love you, Claire,” he told her softly, kissing the top of her hair and relaxing as she fell asleep. “I’ll always love you, angel.”

  He knew she didn’t hear him, but that didn’t matter. He knew she could feel the depth and honesty of his love. Even though he knew her gift would always give her that connection to him, he was going to be certain to tell her with words every day how much he loved her and how much she meant to him.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. Although their lovemaking had made him lethargic, he didn’t think he would be able to sleep just yet. His mind was filled with plans and schedules. He thought through the construction of their home and was determined that everything would be finished within the month. He wanted them to occupy this home soon. He knew it was going to be a loving home because his angel was going to be the center of it.

  As the night turned to early morning, he finally relaxed, his mind settling as he held his woman tenderly against his side. He finally gave in to his need to sleep. Pressing his nose against the side of Claire’s head, he breathed in the scent of her hair and smiled as her beauty filled him. Resting his arm across her stomach, he held her hip lightly, knowing he didn’t need to hold on tightly. Claire was his, and she wasn’t going anywhere.

  A warmth suddenly radiated from Claire to kiss the underside of his forearm. He opened his eyes and looked at her. She was peacefully asleep. The warmth continued and was intensifying in strength. His brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to understand what he was feeling.

  Deuce’s words to the family about sensing his child inside of Gracie the night she had conceived flashed through his mind. Deuce had said it was a feeling of warmth that grew in strength as their baby grew.

  Jake’s heart lurched at the realization. He and Claire had just made their baby. Pushing up on his right arm, he allowed Claire’s head to slide from his shoulder to rest on her pillow. He slowly moved his left hand from Claire’s hip to slide it across her body until it was settled lightly on her stomach. The heat that kissed his hand made him smile. It was more that the warmth of her skin. It was the new life within her. His chest tightened with excitement and happiness that their child was making his or her presence known to him.

  Easing forward, he kissed Claire’s shoulder. He looked down at her and saw the sweet smile on her face as she gave herself to him even in her sleep.

  “Love you,” he whispered, taking a brief kiss from her heart-shaped lips before pulling back and looking down at his hand where it rested on her belly. “Our baby is growing inside of you, angel.” His voice was soft but held all the awe that was filling him. “I can’t believe the miracle of you.”

  He closed his eyes and said the prayer that every man on McKade land had been taught since the time they had been young men. He asked the Great Spirit to bless their child and watch over both the baby and Claire.

  “Please watch over my angel,” he whispered. “Please help our child grow and be healthy.”

  Bending down, he kissed his mate’s belly and rested his head on the warmth of her skin, rubbing his cheek lightly against her and smiling as he thought about their baby growing within her womb. He was looking forward to feeling his baby moving inside of her. Kissing her warm skin lightly once again, he thought about how Claire would look with a swollen belly. Beautiful. She was going to be beautiful—even more beautiful than she already was.

  Jake laughed softly. Pregnancy beautiful was going to be something that he was hoping Claire would experience many times.

  He kissed her belly one last time before easing up so that he could hover over her. He rested his left forearm beside Claire’s body and kissed her forehead tenderly.

  “Hello, little mother,” he whispered.

  Chapter 24

  Claire stretched her arms over her head as she struggled to wake up. She felt Jake’s arms holding her against him, tightening slightly when she moved. Turning her head, she gazed at him. His eyes were closed and a soft smile graced his sexy mouth.

  “I know you’re awake, cowboy,” she said, laughing softly.

  “Yeah, I’m awake, but I’m too content just as I am to move,” he whispered.

  “I’m pretty content, too. But I think I need to take a shower. A sexy cowboy filled me up last night, and his seed has dripped down my legs and needs to be cleaned away. Do you know you come a lot, Mate?”

  Jake couldn’t contain the laughter that her words elicited. A certain amount of arrogance filled him. Claire had no idea how it made him feel to have her be so open with him. She also was unaware of the miracle growing within her. The thought of enlightening her made him happy.

  “Turn over, Claire,” he told her gently, releasing his hold on her and smiling when Claire immediately turned over onto her stomach.

  He reached up and brushed aside her thick tresses to look at the nape of her neck. He traced the golden links that signified their mating having been blessed by the Great Spirit. Seeing the tiny golden link that held the place of honor between the two links that represented his and Claire’s union, his heart swelled with happiness. The Great Spirit had blessed their baby.

  Leaning down, he kissed the new, tiny link. He felt Claire sighing beneath him and knew that she was going to love the news he had to tell her. Carefully turning her over, he smiled down at her, unable to form any words as he looked at his beautiful woman.

  “I like the way you’re looking at me,” Claire said softly, reaching up at caressing Jake’s cheek with the tips of her fingers. “You look sexy as hell all rumpled from sleep, you know.”

  Jake only smiled. If Claire only knew how incredibly beautiful and sexy she looked every moment of every day, she would realize that the beauty within her radiated for the whole world to see. His view of her was one that would never change. His love for her would only grow deeper in its intensity. Each moment he spent with her, loved her, and cared for her made the connection between them grow stronger. Now that their child had created another strong link between them, the connection was solid. They were not only a mated couple. They were now a family.

  “Claire, when you were sleeping, I sensed our baby,” Jake told her gently.

  “Our baby?”

  Jake nodded, smiling. “We made our baby last night, angel. I felt the warmth of our baby’s life when I touched your belly.”

  Claire gasped and covered her stomach at once. Jake was right. She could feel the warmth that was radiating from her body. It scared her.

  “Is it okay to feel the warmth? Do you think the baby is okay?”

  “The baby is perfect. Just like you,” Jake said tenderly, kissing her temple before nuzzling into her neck. “Deuce told us that he felt the warmth of his baby’s life force when he and Gracie had conceived. Remember?”

  “I remember.”

  “He also told us that when the Great Spirit blesses our baby, a small golden link will appear attached to our mating mark.”

  “Do I have the small golden link?”

  “You do, angel.”

  Claire’s eyes filled with tears. Jake grew concerned. “I thought you would be happy about the baby,” he said quietly.

  “I am.”

  “Then, why are you crying, sweetheart?”

  Claire took a calming breath. “Jake.”

  “What, angel?”

  “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “Yes, we are,” Jake told her, smiling at the look of wonder on his woman’s face.

  “Your baby is growing inside of me.”

  Jake nodded.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close so she could hug him tightly.

  Jake hugged her gently, gathering her within his embrace and kissing her mouth tenderly. “Thank you, angel,” he whispered against the fullness of her lips.

  “Are you happy about it, Jake?”

  “Yes,” he told her without hesitation. “I’m very happy, angel. Our baby is a beautiful gift.”

  Claire nodded, hugging him once again. She suddenly pushed him away. He fell back onto the mattress, shocked by the move.

  “Turn over, Jake,” she told him urgently. “I want to see the baby’s link on your neck.

  Jake smiled as he turned over, resting his face on his hands as he crossed them on his pillow. He waited while Claire brushed his hair up with her hand so she could look at his mating mark. When he felt her butterfly kiss on the mark, he knew that she was kissing the link that represented their baby. The joy that filled him at that moment was incredible.

  “I see our baby’s link, Jake,” she said softly, tracing the link with the tip of her index finger. “I love this.”

  “What, the link?”

  “The link and the baby.”

  “Me, too.”


  Jake turned over and drew her into his arms. “Yeah,” he whispered.

  Claire’s bright smile filled his heart with happiness. He drew her up onto his body so that she was draped over him, every bit of her nakedness touching him. She settled comfortably on top of him, kissing his angel tattoo just once before resting her head on his shoulder. She bit down on the sensitive skin between his neck and shoulder.

  “Hi, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “Hello, sweet angel,” he whispered back. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother, Claire.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Without a doubt.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Why would you question yourself, Claire?”

  “My mother is a cruel person,” Claire said after a moment. “I don’t know of any other way for a mother to act toward her child.”

  Jake was silent for a moment. He could sense the real fear inside of his mate. He could also sense the tender kindness within her that would be instrumental in the raising of their children. He had no doubt in his mind that Claire would be a loving and caring mother.

  “I know that you’ve been exposed to the perfect example of what a mother shouldn’t be, angel, but I also know that you are the kindest and gentlest woman I have ever known.” Jake paused just a second while Claire thought through his words. “I’ve seen you with my nephew and nieces. I’ve seen you with our friends. And I’ve experienced your gentle support and love for a long time. Even when I tried to push you away, you remained kind and caring.”

  “Because I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you when you were in the hospital,” Claire said simply.

  “And you will love our child beginning with the moment of conception,” Jake told her. “You love our baby, Claire.”

  “I do,” Claire whispered.

  “I know, angel. I do, too.”

  “I’ll be a good mom,” Claire promised.

  “You don’t have to make that promise to me, angel. I know you will.”

  Claire cuddled closer, slipping her hands beneath his back and hugging him. “I want to keep this news to us for a while. Is that okay with you, Jake?”

  “Whatever you want, angel.” He kissed the top of her head as he held her close. “Are you worried about something?”

  Claire nestled closer, kissing his neck lightly. “I’ve been wanting to have your baby for a while,” she whispered.

  Jake smiled. “I know.”

  “I’m afraid that this will be taken from me.”

  “It won’t be taken from you, angel.”

  “Can we please just wait a little bit before we tell anyone about the baby? I know you’re probably right, and I don’t have to worry, but I can’t help it. Being pregnant with your baby means so much to me. I can’t help feeling afraid that this miracle will disappear.”

  Jake hugged her gently. “I understand. You let me know when you’re ready.”

  Claire sighed with relief. “I will.”

  Her words were soft, but the promise was deep. Jake accepted her desires because he understood her fears. As her mate, he could do nothing but honor her request and keep their secret until she was ready to share it.

  “Rest, Claire,” he said after a stretch of silence. “When you’re ready, I have a need to make love to the mother of my child.”

  Claire laughed as she straddled his hips and slid up and down his shaft as it rested against his stomach, hard and ready to love her. She wasn’t averse to having another session of lovemaking.

  “I guess I’ll have to put up with another round of sex with my baby’s daddy,” she said, sighing dramatically.

  Jake laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them both so that he was cradled between her legs. Moving his hips, he drew back until his cock slipped between her swollen folds and found the place that welcomed him. Pushing inside of her carefully, he sighed with contentment as he found his way home inside of his mate.

  “Love you, angel,” he whispered as she arched up to take him deeper. “Love you and our baby so damned much.”

  Chapter 25

  Claire hummed softly as she took out the large roasting pan that contained the pot roast that she had made for dinner. All of the members of the McKade family, their mates, and their friends were there for dinner. The weather had turned brutally cold, and almost eleven inches of snow had already fallen with no end in sight.

  Despite the fact that Melanie and Luke’s home, John and Jamie’s home, and Spence, Lainey, and Tim’s home were within a mile of the main ranch house, Deuce had insisted that everyone stay at the ranch until the storm had run its course and the roads had been cleared. It was for their own safety, and none of them were going to argue with the eldest McKade brother.

  The house was filled with adults and children, but Claire didn’t mind at all. She loved being a part of the McKade family. She had felt a part of them since she had arrived at the ranch to take care of Jake’s rehabilitation and had comfortably filled the position of cook and housekeeper. There really wasn’t a need for her anymore since Deuce and Gracie had mated, but Claire never felt pushed out. Every one of the members of the family appreciated the extra help that they received and naturally offered their own help in running the ranch. Now was no exception.

  There was plenty of food in the house. The fireplaces had been lit and were stocked with enough wood to keep them warm for the next week if they needed to. There were always the cords of wood stacked near the corral if they needed more. Every one
of them would contribute to the care of all of them during this storm—or during every moment of every day, really.

  Claire couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt to have the entire family there. She felt no barrage of emotions or feelings like she normally did. It was amazing. It was freeing. It was a miracle. She had thought about it a lot during the day. She usually didn’t feel this peace within her own mind unless Jake was touching her and acting as her shield. She felt the same relief to some degree whenever she held Melanie and Luke’s daughter Mary Grace, or their son Robbie, or Gracie and Deuce’s daughter Gia. Madison’s daughter Cooper also provided her with the protection that only the pure heart of a child could give her.

  Even though all of the children were at the ranch right now, they were not in the kitchen with her or touching her. Claire knew there was only one reason that she was feeling so protected and contented. She slid her hand beneath her sweater to touch the warmth of her skin. Her belly didn’t feel any different than it normally did—well, except for the warmth that radiated from her womb to let her know that the baby inside of her was there and growing. She knew that she was being protected from everyone’s emotions by the baby she was carrying. Jake’s baby was shielding her just as Jake did. She couldn’t wait for Jake to come home so she could tell him.

  As if her thoughts had conjured him, the back door to the kitchen opened and Jake stepped inside. He took off his black cowboy hat and hit it against his right thigh to shake the snowflakes from it to land on the heavy rug that was in place at the back door. He smiled at her as he used the boot pull to remove his boots. He took off his coat and draped it across the back of one of the kitchen chairs, walking directly over to Claire and gathering her into his arms.

  “Hello, little mother,” he whispered before claiming her mouth in a kiss that had been too long denied because of his time away from her. He licked at her lips, enjoying the flavor of her strawberry lip gloss. “I missed you like crazy today.”

  “I missed you, too,” she whispered, smiling against his mouth as he kissed her as if she was the one who gave him the ability to breathe. “You’re later than usual. Is everything okay?”


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