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Night Train to Venice

Page 11

by Caroline Valdez

  For a moment, no one spoke. Alex broke the silence, his voice as smooth as satin. “They failed to relieve us of them. No doubt they’ve vanished for fear of what you’d do to them.”

  “Like hell they would! I’d track them down and kill them.”

  “Really? So if they are dead, it would not be a problem for you.”

  It was a statement, not a question. All done, Nick later realized, to distract the stranger. At that moment, someone appeared behind the gunman. It was the man with the scar he’d seen in the shadows as they’d entered the restaurant. He was also undead. Nick had noticed that, too.

  “Fly,” Malcolm whispered. Nick slipped his hands around Malcolm’s neck.

  “Stop moving!”

  Shadow man grabbed their assailant in a chokehold just as he fired.

  Alex and Malcolm had lifted off faster than the bullet could reach them, and it flew through empty space to land in the water hundreds of yards away.

  They touched ground beside the now unconscious gunman, still locked in the vampire’s arms. Malcolm retrieved the weapon, twisted it into a useless piece of scrap metal, and tossed it in the canal, where it landed with a plunk.

  “Shall I?” The undead stranger made a throat cutting motion with his free hand.

  Remembering the slaughter earlier, Nick steeled himself for more horror.

  He overheard Dante say to Alex, “I can feel your anger, my glorious fighter, but we’ve had enough death this trip. Please calm yourself.”

  He watched Alex’s grim face slowly relax as he regained control of his emotions. He shook his head and answered their rescuer. “I think not tonight. There are other options that wouldn’t draw attention down on our kind after we’re gone.”

  Obviously displeased that he couldn’t rip the man’s throat out and drink his blood, the vampire reluctantly laid the man on the ground.

  Nick drew in a deep breath of relief as Alex smiled and stepped over to greet their rescuer with a handshake and a man’s one-armed hug.

  Malcolm did the same, then said, “lo Greco, you know Dante. I’d like you to meet my friend, Nick Samson.”

  “The doge,” Nick said as he put it together. The hand he shook was hard and cold. The handsome vampire with the scar nodded and smiled his charming smile, enclosing Nick in its warmth.

  “What shall we do with this piece of dung?” he asked.

  Nick dared to answer. “Malcolm may have a solution that avoids more bloodshed.”

  The leader of the Venice vampires stood, arms crossed, shaking his head in amazement as he watched Malcolm hypnotize the man after he’d revived. By the time they left him, this encounter and his former criminal intentions and life of crime had been permanently removed from Marco’s memory. They’d captured his cell phone with its contact numbers, made sure he had plenty of money in his wallet, and headed him in the direction of a café, where the smells of wine and pizzas roasting in hot ovens drifted out.

  lo Greco accepted the invitation to their suite, but Alex politely declined the offer of his gondola to return there. “I’ll explain when we’re there. I owe you twice now,” he said with a smile.

  “We both owe you,” Malcolm added.

  Alex slid his arm around Dante’s waist, and Dante gripped his shoulders and wrapped his legs around Alex’s right hip and leg. With a leap, they rose into the star-laden sky with Malcolm and Nick close behind.

  This time, their landing place was deserted. The homeless man and his rat’s warren of filthy blankets were gone.

  In Alex’s rooms, a relaxed and congenial duke laid down his terms for what was due him for his services. “I need to pay my cleanup and disposal crew in cash, but my payment will be a round-trip ticket to the United States for a visit.”

  “Done,” said Alexandros, and pulling euros from his wallet, he paid him. “Let me know when you want to come and I’ll arrange it.”

  Dante added, “If you visit New Orleans, you’ll want to fly into Baton Rouge and take the night train in.”

  Once that was settled, the vampire leader called and ordered blood, wine, and cheeses, which Malcolm paid for when one of lo Greco’s subjects delivered it. The vampires drank blood, while Nick and Dante sipped the wine and sampled the cheeses.

  “That flying thing. I’ve never known one of us to have such a gift.”

  “We have no explanation for it. One day, we just discovered we could fly. It does have its disadvantages.” Alex explained his water mishap, and now that the danger was over, they could laugh about it. “Nick and Malcolm saved my undead ass.”

  As Nick studied the duke, he realized how sensual he was. It was like an aura enveloping and radiating from him. It was hard not to be drawn into it, not to yield to the desire to have sex with him.


  After a time, lo Greco lifted one eyebrow and said, “Ever done a five-way?”

  Nick choked on his wine, and Malcolm slapped him on the back until he recovered.

  “Or perhaps a threesome and a couple in the same room at the same time tonight?”

  “One man’s enough for me. He’s all the stimulation I need.” Alex took Dante’s hand and looked deep in his eyes as he kissed him.

  lo Greco turned his gaze on Nick and Malcolm. “Maybe a threesome then?”

  Nick’s response was to draw closer to Malcolm. Malcolm put his arm around him and held him tight.

  “No?” The duke’s languid smile held no reproach. He rose. “Well, in that case, I shall take my leave. I’m glad to have been of assistance. By the way, the subject who refused to connect me with you has been dealt with. If you’re ever in Venezia again, please call on me. It would please me.”

  They walked him to the door, thanking him again with handshakes and man hugs. He stopped in the open doorway and said to Malcolm. “The hypnotism was amazing, too. But I’ll keep an eye on Signor Marco to be sure it holds.”

  Nick had a sudden sad feeling that Malcolm might not have saved the thief after all.

  “I will contact you about that ticket and we will see you in the US.” Alex said, and closed the door after the departing figure.

  As one, they sank down on couches and chairs in relief. Despite lo Greco’s affability, it had been a strain.

  In the quiet, Malcolm suddenly said, “Can’t you just see the count and the doge together?”

  Alex and Dante burst into laughter.

  Malcolm stood and held out his hand to a confused Nick. “I’ll explain the joke, but first I want some alone time with you.”

  “And I’m ready for time alone with you, too,” Dante echoed to Alex.


  Malcolm shut the bedroom door behind them and leaned against it, watching Nick advance farther into the room. He felt pride at how Nick had helped rescue Alex, at how he’d resisted lo Greco’s subtle, sensual charm and wanted only him. The tantalizing figure with its perfect proportion of wide shoulders to slim waist and tight ass was only a surface thing. Beneath the smile in the model’s face was a strong man. A decent man. He marveled at how lucky he’d been that night at the Vampire Ball, how fortunate he was to have been found again.

  Nick tossed his jacket on the bed and began to take off his shirt.

  As Malcolm watched the flexing of well-developed shoulders and back muscles, sudden fear enveloped him. Fear he might lose this human he’d begun to love because of the ferocities he’d seen the night they’d rescued Dante. He’d warned Nick about hanging out in the NOLA cemeteries, but now he’d seen it. Seen two vampires he personally knew engage in something bestial and ferocious.

  Nick turned and saw him still at the door. “What?”

  “I love watching you move.”

  Nick threw his head back and laughed. “Apparently, you’ve never seen yourself. You’re all grace and glide, muscles rippling, face aglow with pleasure or taut and fearsome. And flying with you is awesome—unbelievable and awesome.”

  Malcolm remained where he was, and Nick walked up to him. He removed M
alcolm’s jacket from his hand and let it fall to the floor. Then, with slow deliberateness, he removed his shirt from his slacks, so one of the tails slid across Malcolm’s cock and set it afire. It felt wonderful, and Malcolm let the low growl from deep in his throat escape.

  “Let’s get naked,” Nick said, as he pressed his open mouth against Malcolm’s throat and sucked.

  Before he could take another breath, Malcolm had stripped them both and carried Nick to bed, where he pushed him onto his back. He wanted to touch him all over, to draw on his warmth and feel the pulses beating in his neck and groin, in the fat vein running the length of his cock. Nick’s balls were cooler than his body when he cradled them in his hand, but they still gave off stimulating warmth.

  For the first time, he pressed Nick’s knees up so he could reach the tempting hole behind the sac, and then he lubed him and eased his cock inside.

  They hit their peak together and collapsed side by side. Malcolm spread a comforter over them and lay with his cheek over Nick’s beating heart, while Nick aimlessly stroked Malcolm’s back. Almost afraid of the answer, Malcolm broke the soft darkness with, “Come live with me.”

  The long pause before the response worried him as much as the stiffness he felt in Nick’s outstretched form.

  “I’m under contract with the Orient Express for two more months, and it would mean not going back to my airline job if I’m rehired when business picks up.”

  “If you lived with me, you wouldn’t have to work.”

  “I like working. I’m a man. I could never be a hausfrau.”

  “We could find a job for you that you’d like, but I’m not going to push you. It’s your choice.”

  “Let me think about it.”

  “I intend to keep on seeing you, even if you don’t do the live-in thing.”

  “Promise?” Nick kissed the top of Malcolm’s head. The demands of the day had exhausted him, and he fell asleep soon after.

  Malcolm slipped out of the bed and showered. Clean and dry, he pulled on sleepwear and lay beside Nick under the covers. Propped on one elbow, he watched Nick as he slept and hoped he hadn’t been premature with his invitation.


  “This morning we can eat breakfast out!” Dante said.

  The insistent buzz of their European cell phone drew his attention. He pressed it on. “Rocco here. Oh hi, Hank.” He paused, rolling his eyes at Nick, then smiling as he said, “That’s fantastic. The last twenty-four hours were a bite-your-nails-to-the-quick experience, so the cancellation of this gig’s a relief.”

  As he spoke, he began a note for Alex and Malcolm. “I’m sure we’ve nothing more to do here, but when’s he’s up, Alex will call to see what arrangements you’ve made. Ciao.”

  Clicking off the phone, he explained, “Our boss. Today’s appointment to pick up a delivery of cut diamonds and take them back with us has been canceled. Buyer backed out.” To the note, he added, Breakfast in St. Mark’s Square. Lunch somewhere. See you on wake-up.

  Out of habit, they looked both ways before venturing into the hall. Nick turned to Dante. Dante said, “Just how dumb was that?”

  “Hope it doesn’t take us too long to realize we’re safe.” Nick laughed.

  At a busy café along St. Mark’s Square, they ordered mugs of steaming coffee, frittatas with their choice of toppings, ham, and toast. Nick chose onions, mushrooms, olives, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and cheddar cheese on his. Dante mirrored that, but chose green peppers and mozzarella instead of the cheddar and the hotter peppers. Too hungry to talk much after their food arrived, they tucked into the meal. At last, the waitress removed their empty plates and brought more coffee and cream. Rested and satisfied, they sat back in their chairs and talked.

  “This beats being confined to our rooms,” Nick said.

  “That was rough, wasn’t it? I hate being bored.”

  Nick asked how long he and Alex had been together, and after he’d answered, Dante added, “I’m glad you found Malcolm again. It’s been hard for him to see how happy we are. Sometimes he watches us with a sad look, and I know he realizes he’s missing something. Now that I know you a little better, I can see you’re good for him, and it’s nice to have another human in our group.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you’re their friend. Not sure I could handle things if it was only Malcolm, Alex, and me.” Nick stirred his coffee for a time, toying with the mug’s handle. Without glancing up, he said, “Malcolm asked me to move in with him.”

  “I’m not surprised. He really cares about you, and I think you care for him. Alex and I had only known each other a week or so when he asked me. We met in Naples, and he wanted me to quit my job with an Italian courier firm and live with him. Even after I arrived in New Orleans, I wasn’t sure I’d made the right decision. Did you give Malcolm an answer?”

  Nick shook his head and explained about his jobs.

  Dante nodded, but didn’t speak. Their cups were empty, so Dante signaled for the check and insisted on paying. “Business expense.”

  As they exited the eating establishment, he put a hand on Nick’s shoulder. “Take your time. Don’t rush your decision. Malcolm’s not going anywhere because he’s waited too long for you. My only advice is to listen more to your heart than your brain.”

  For the first time since they’d arrived, sunlight glinted off the sea green Adriatic, and there was a mild breeze cooling their warmed skin. As they crossed the square, a pigeon landed on Nick’s shoulder. Dante shooed it away before it could crap on him, and they escaped the square by entering the Palazzo Ducale, palace of the ancient dogi. They’d both seen it before, but enjoyed renewing their pleasure in its art.

  Dante didn’t suggest St. Mark’s Basilica, almost next door. Introducing Alexandros to it had been special and intimate, and he didn’t want other experiences to intrude on those memories right now.

  They indulged in a short tour of the Grand Canal and the isles of Murano, renowned for its glassblowing, and Lido, where they grabbed a quick lunch. As their boat sped past the Lido palazzo of the leader of the undead, he leaned into Nick and said, “lo Greco’s place. Not so shabby inside.”

  Wind burned and happy, they climbed out onto the dock near Nick’s hotel, where he settled his bill and collected his belongings and backpack.

  Running his hand across the glint of blond stubble on his face, Nick said, “At last. Clean clothes and shaving equipment. I only have time to say good-bye to Malcolm, then I have to report for work.”

  Alone in the elevator in their own hotel, Dante said, “When you…when…you know, when you have sex and you’re about to peak, does Malcolm bite you?”

  The horror spreading across Nick’s face told him the answer. Dante hurried to reassure him. “No, no, he wouldn’t turn or drain you.”

  For an instant, Nick remembered that first night on the train when Malcolm had been afraid he’d fang his femoral artery and drain him. He hadn’t, and he decided it would be safe to do as Dante suggested.

  At that moment, the doors slid apart on their floor and a couple with rolling luggage waited until they stepped out. Dante couldn’t keep a small, secret smile from his face as he said to Nick, “Try it sometime. It’s the best.”

  They entered the suite to find the undead were not only up, but all the backpacks were ready and waiting by the door. They each reached for their human lover and hugged gingerly so as not to crush them.

  Malcolm said, “Alex has made all the arrangements. We board the train for Rome this evening. Are we all eager to go home?”

  After a collective “Yes!” it was high fives—not knuckle bumping—all around.

  Dante asked if Alex had given Hank the contact numbers from Marco’s cell, and Alex said he had. “Good. They’ll probably determine who leaked our schedule to him; maybe connect the leak to other courier attackers.”

  Nick interrupted with, “Hate to interrupt, but I’ve got to go.” He kissed Malcolm good-bye. “See you tonight.”

; Chapter Eleven

  Nick winked as he welcomed them aboard. Malcolm, when he passed him, squeezed Nick’s ass so fast only another undead would’ve seen it. Naturally, Alex had, and his emerald eyes danced as the dimples and creases deepened around his smiling mouth.

  In contrast to that first night, when they’d been tense and alert for danger, now the faces of his lover and friends were filled with an easy happiness. He was feeling that way himself. The evening progressed as it had before, with a meal ordered for three, which only Dante ate, and the vamps congratulating the chef, then card games, table football, and TV.


  Nick had thought his shift would never end, but it did. Humming to himself, he delivered blood first to Alexandros and then to Malcolm. Because he was off duty, he was out of uniform when he rapped on that second door, stepped inside and locked it behind him. Malcolm was dressed in loungewear. The top was snug, accentuating shoulders and chest muscles with strength enough to have handled a saber and a warhorse simultaneously. But the shoulders slumped below a face wearing a serious expression.

  He’d expected to be enclosed in Malcolm’s arms the moment they were alone. Instead of striding over to pull Nick to him, Malcolm waited without speaking.

  An ache began in Nick’s chest as he realized he’d reduced this confident, powerful being to the unsure figure before him. Trembling for fear he’d ruined their relationship, he said, “Malcolm, I don’t just care for you, I love you. Please don’t stand there looking so hurt. Come to me.”

  On the instant, his vampire lover was there, his arms closing around Nick as if he’d never let him go.

  Against Malcolm’s cheek, Nick said, “I need time to wrap up this job, then I’ll come to New Orleans. We’ll give it some time to decide if it’ll be permanent. Okay?”

  Cool kisses rained on his eyes, temples, forehead, ears, and, at last, settled on his mouth with lips and a tongue he couldn’t get enough of. Malcolm wooed him, stripped, and seduced him, claimed him with his hands, mouth and body. Excited beyond imagining, Nick moaned as he knelt and invited Malcolm inside. The big cock eased in to push and withdraw, push and withdraw, and Nick wrapped a hand around his own dripping dick as his sensual body sprang to life. The wonderful tension began to build until he balanced on the edge, driven to reach that pinnacle of heat and fire and find his release.


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