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Vampire's Babe

Page 11

by Karensa Minett

  “Kim is nothing but a imagery and so is Chris,you have to forget Ruth,when you walk out of this door,you will request everybody to go back,you hear me,especially Jill,you getting it.”he shook me heavily,eye in eye,I stared at him,who was he?,why was he behaving so roughly,I wanted to scream and I did, “Kim,Kim...”

  “She will come when I want her to come.”he smiled hiding his grin.

  “Chris..Help me please..”

  “He is our puppet.”he snapped,his nails were deep inside my skin,I was crying feeling exactly like Ruth,seen it many times when Ronaldo’s hands held her,why would she cry so much,I truly understood why,it did hurt.“What do you want?.”I demanded shocked and in tears fighting hard to free myself.

  “Idiot,how many times am I going to repeat myself,you will walk out of this place and behave you have some fever,we will return home,especially Jill,got it.”

  “ I will not do it.”I snapped pulling all the strength in my body,I failed miserably,he was far stronger than I had imagined him to be,nothing was working,he was enjoying our stupid fight,he loved to see me cry, “I wish I could say,you are after all Miyana’s sister but I’m afraid Jacob will not like it.”he laughed pulling me up on his hip and pushing me on a wooden table. “Let go,you filthy...”

  “What’s wrong,don’t you remember the first time,it was just the same wasn’t it?,in your bedroom,vacuum charm,same hands and lips Aagi,why are you backing now?.”

  “You liar that was Chris...Let me go.”

  “You are such a crybaby,it was me,today in bed you were with me,every time you were with me,all I had to do was wear a fake face,oh,sorry, you still an A grade witch,strange,I hated you first,when he hired me to keep an eye on you,but slowly you did manage to steal my heart,you know it feels very good to have you like this,vulnerable and at my mercy,we are made for each other.”he laughed.

  I wanted to slap him,what was he speaking and who was he talking about,I tried many times to push him away from my body but he just played with my hands,this is the first time I seen how strong his muscles were.

  “Its no use is it.”he sighed and I still struggled to get myself free. “Need to pay a visit to your sister.With Kim’s fake death,I guess everyone will return to the main land.”

  I did stop,he was taking me back to Ruth,he knew where she was and the way he pretended to help us,I honestly wanted to kill him,I guess it was not hard for him to read me,he chuckled, “Jacob will truly be happy and I will finally have you,you should know,who loves you actually,high time.”

  “I don’t love you,let me go,Jill help me please,Roy...Sipper....”before I could take Rocky’s name he was kissing me on my lips,I wasn’t able to breathe,it felt very dark and gloomy,my eyes were heavy,I could not see his face anymore,he was all over me...


  I could see her clearly,Ruth was still in her wedding dress,Ronaldo was no where to be seen,she was sleeping on that gigantic bed,her disturbed face had many secret lines carved in her forehead,when the sun entered her room she struggled to open her eyes,still watering and wet,she tried slowly to wipe them clean,the mark on her neck was still fresh,she winced unwillingly as her fingers tried to examine the bite.There was nobody in the room,her brains though tired were still figuring a way to escape,she could hardly stand on her legs but she managed.There was an opening in the distance,it was a window.Her legs were heavy it seemed like she had no strength left within her anymore,she tried hard,each and every step that she took was painful,it clearly reflected on her face.

  The lines of sweat around her temple and neck were frightening,how on earth was she...That is when Ronaldo entered,he was not happy but managed a cunning smile on his face.

  “Ah Miyana,do you ever give up?.”he laughed pulling her back in his arms,sweeping her up and kissing gently on her lips.She was dead,I could hear the abrupt beating of her timid heart,she was scared to death,her eyes avoided him continuously,he loved it.His hands touched her now and then and she tried hard to maintain the distance.

  “You are my beautiful wife aren’t you?.”he laughed pulling her close to his chest and lifting her chin so she could clearly see his face.Ruth was already in tears,no words escaped out of her mouth,she was petrified,her ears were waiting for something,something which I could not hear in her head.

  “You don’t have to do this.You are not Ruth,you never were.As far as I know its my women’s soul,it doesn't matter which body she picks.You don’t have to bother Miyana,be free,be yourself,be with me.”His eyes were wild,each and every word that he said was with so much of passion and love.He was waiting for her answer and she avoided it but he held her firmly back,his fingers were down the nape of her neck, “You are not Ruth.You are not.”he repeated closely in her ears,more hot tears made their way out of her eyes.

  “You got what you want, now let me go.”

  “Where will you go?.”he laughed.

  Her wide eyes had the answer ready and he hated it,his smile disappeared immediately, “There is no one for you.I am all you have..”she avoided his hands but he held her firmly in his arms not allowing her any freedom of space, forcing her to look at him. “You have no sister,no friends,you are not a witch,you never were,you only had me,it was only I that helped you so far,I am your husband and your world.”he snapped.

  “You like it or not,you are staying here,forever.”No tears escaped out of her eyes,there was nothing that she could do,he was connected with her,could easily read her thoughts,she finally accepted the harsh truth,she would just exist from now on,live a life of a puppet,her days of freedom were gone,she was no more free,she was only a captive!.


  “Miyana aren’t you hungry?.”he asked,Ruth was motionless,she looked out of that one window,not at all showing any signs of life,she was dressed in black silk ,her skin looked soft and fresh,healing and rested.Her eyes were however red,the dark circles around them were growing darker and darker.

  He sat next to her offering a bowl of green soup,she did not move. “Don’t behave as a kid.”his voice was smooth and measured, “you have to eat Miyana,come on now.”

  “I don’t want to have food that has your blood in it.”she voiced softly pulling herself away from him. “You know this body will not sustain till you drink my blood don’t you?.”


  “Then why are you becoming difficult.”

  She cried more, “Speak.”he demanded.

  “I don’t want to be with you.”she sobbed

  For the first time I seen a line of tear welled in Ronaldo’s eyes,he gulped and his hands kept the bowl back on the table. “I cannot set you free.You are nothing but a weakness to me.”

  “Then kill me...”

  He was shocked,his steps were frozen,he tried to compose himself again before turning to her, “I cannot kill you,a husband should not kill his wife,its a sin.Strange, that Miyana who taught me this is suggesting the same.”

  “That Miyana is long dead,you should move on.”

  That did it,he held her again in his cold grip and she did scream loud,he was actually crushing her in between his hands, “How dare you speak such nonsense,how could you speak...”he was shaking her rigorously.She cried more.

  “Lord,Troy has come down with Agatha.”one of the soldiers informed.Ruth’s face changed,her wide eyes were begging in front of him and I could not ignore the charming smile that crossed his face.

  “Why?.”she blocked his path.

  “So that you behave.”

  “Please don’t do it,please.”she requested him,he was at the doorstep,his ears could not ignore her soft request,he was about to take another step when her soft voice interrupted again. “I’ll do anything,anything that you want,please let them go,I’ll have that food,I will behave,you can do whatever you want to do with me,you want my skin,you want the blood,you want that power,take it,take everything that I have but please,please let her go,please..”

  His face was expressionless,he just stared at her not blinking his eyes once,she was in pain,a
n immense amount of it,he was not,well he did mask it well.She sat in front of the small table where the untouched bowl of soup waited for her.One sip after another she gulped it down her throat.

  He sighed softly taking the empty bowl out of her hand, “What do you see in them?.”she did not answer. “You will let her go won’t you?.”she asked,he was a bit annoyed,she did not answer his question.

  “I’m afraid it cannot be done.”he added casually.

  “Why not?.”she said holding him back,her hands were still around his right elbow,he smiled,like something within him was finally coming to peace.She understood it late before she could pull her hands he held her close to his lips, “ ‘cause Troy Winshot will not allow so,you know don’t you,he is the commander-in-chief.Your sister loves him and he does the same,I’m afraid she’s going to stay long.”

  “You cannot do this.You promised,how can you break your promise.”she demanded angrily.

  “Like you did.”his eyes were locked in her’s,there was no way he was allowing her to pull back now.

  “He cannot disobey you.All you have to do is just give the command.Please.I will do whatever you want me to do,I will not argue,I will just be a mute doll,you are free to do whatever you want to do with me..”

  “I don’t want you as a mute doll.”he snapped pushing her away from him.

  “Jacob wait..please..”

  He slammed the door right over her face,no matter how hard she cried,he marched out of the zone.

  I was still unconscious,swinging in Troy’s hold.He was not at all interested in looking at me.

  “Take her with you and wait for my next command.”he ordered.Troy followed him.My half open eyes could see a malicious shine in Crystal’s eyes as she poured her brother some red liquid.

  “Is that..”she dropped eyeing him curiously.

  “Yes.”he answered still disinterested.


  “I thought they were extinct.”

  “No,there are four of them.”

  “Lovely.”her eyes did not leave me for a minute,she was watching me hungrily,her lips moved and I could easily make out what she was saying, “Finally we see some Berch Witches.”

  Jacob Bodwin

  “Kim what is the matter with you?.”Jill was terrified,Troy and Agatha were missing and Chris was not responding to anything,he was like a moving robot,waiting or lost for his next command.Roy tried hard to bring Chris back to his senses,Rocky was kneeling next to Kim who was not showing any signs of life,what was happening?...

  I was there,I could see her crying,Jill was at her wits end,no matter how hard she tried,Kim was not coming back,she was lying motionless on the ground,Troy was just sitting in front of me,I was in a cell lying on a wooden cot,unable to open my eyes completely,something told me that he could see what I was watching,he was connected to my dreams,he was enjoying it,the malicious grin masking his lips were boiling my blood,how on earth I could love a dirt like him,why did I fail to see,see the evil.

  “Ruth...Ruth...”I wailed,in pain,I was not dying that was for sure but something within me was burning,I wanted to know why were we going through this,why was Ronaldo in our life,how was she connected to Miyana?.

  “Ruth.....Ruth....”I did scream loud and clear.My eyes were heavy,not willing to open,I could see her,she was no good than I was, “Please let her go,you got what you wanted.”she cried,Ronaldo ignored her as usual,he was watering a rose plant in her window, “why are you doing this?.”she shouted,his face was bright and a sharp light shone in his eyes, “you did not give me any other option that is why.”

  “What do you mean?.”

  “What do you see in them Miyana?.”he asked gravely,wiping his hands in a piece of cloth.

  “I see them as my sisters.”she replied.He nodded his head again in disappointment.

  “Come on Miyana,you don’t fool me,sister,really..”he laughed holding his stomach.

  “Let them go Jacob.Please.Leave her,she is just a child.”

  “Crystal I’m afraid has developed a peculiar interest in her and so has Troy,after all you don’t see Berch witches that easily do you?.”he pointed.

  “Don’t do it Jacob,you hurt her you hurt me,let her go.”she pleaded.

  He was sober again,sitting on the bed,his eyes watching her gravely, “What do you see in them Miyana?.”

  His question was not changing,not unless she answered him correctly.He wanted this answer very badly,he knew she was not fond of power then why would she waste her time and energy in bringing up four of them and keep him waiting,he knew she was not the same,the women who loved him had given up long back but he still refused to accept it,he had seen her dying eyes,eyes which waited to see him just once before they closed,it was the same eyes,not at all difficult for him to sense when she was lying or speaking the truth.

  “What do you see in them Miyana?.”he repeated again not at all happy.

  “They were the first one to love me as me.”her answer was a fresh sting to his old untamed ego,his smile was a hard line of suppressed anger.

  “ foolish of me,I should have thought about it,delicate soul like you,all you wanted was love and there your father married you to an amateur beast,who was hungry for only power and fame,marriage to his only heir,his daughter was a plan to win his throne and power,the daughter however loved the beast but he slowly and steadily cut all her enthusiasm,finally making her nothing but a servant in his huge palace.So when his wife found no love she cursed his soul and tried to finish whatever was left of her.Did I get it right?.”he asked creasing his forehead and trying hard to remember something.


  “Shh..Sh sh..Oh I forgot to add,but the so called successor, her husband was in love or no I don’t know but something within him had changed,it was not pity or sorrow,it was something which he couldn’t comprehend,something which he came to know recently,he wanted his wife back,he tried everything possible to make her laugh,to make her comfortable but his wife did not give him a chance,for the first time ever in his life he knew a women who was good at taking care of everybody around her,she even took care of him,there were no curses or malice in her innocent heart,till date she is the same but one thing she did change,she vowed that she will never love anybody back,the husband was...”he couldn’t continue,she was in his arms and he tried to reason with her, “would you like to continue Miyana.”

  “Jacob that is the past.”she tried avoiding his eyes, “Fine then lets start fresh,only you and me.”

  Her eyes were dead,he was madly in love with her but she was not comfortable around him. “Jacob,I don’t....”

  “Miyana,I love you,I always did,I’m sorry I was a jerk,forget and forgive me,be mine,I will not give you a single...”

  “Jacob please..”she said covering her face, “I did forget and forgive you,I will do anything that you want just let them go.”

  “Fine.I’ll let them go.But on one condition.”


  “Love me the way you love them.”

  She was speechless,his cold touch gave her a shiver,the way his hands brushed her curves and lower lip, she was petrified.

  “Do you love me?.”He asked.

  “Yes.I love you.”she answered without thinking, “I do.”she choked.Ronaldo was laughing,he just could not stop,holding his stomach,he was on the bed and Ruth was so confused,her hands shivered now and then, “Miyana do that again,like you are vomiting something..”

  His laughter was loud and clear, many heads turned in the upper direction where his voice echoed.Crystal was playing with her parrot,she was not looking happy,her eyes were blood red and willing to tear somebody apart.

  “Jacob let them go.”

  He stopped, staring at the ceiling and then he did turn towards her, “I want her to go,honestly I want it,should we wrap her up in white cloth..”

  Before he could complete the sentence a tight blow marked his right cheek.He sighed continuing boldly, “Troy suggested another option he sa
id..”she slapped him again,he tried to open his mouth and she did it again,blow after blow,she did not stop,he did not complain,her hands were red and so was his cheeks,he sat straight in front of her,offering his cheeks again,she did not hit him this time.He waited and she sniffed, “Jacob let them go.”

  “Love me.”he said eyeing her,there was no response,he sighed getting up and walking towards the door.

  “I’ll kill myself.I will.”

  His face turned hostile,his eyes were furious and he looked very annoyed,slowly he turned, his fist still clenched, “come again.”

  “I will kill myself.”she repeated.

  “No Miyana,not this time,I won’t let you die,this life does not belong to you,it belongs to me.There is no way you will do anything against my will.”

  “Death is not your slave.”she threatened.

  “But your Agatha is.”he smiled.

  “Do whatever you want to do with me but let them go.Just do it.”

  “Miyana if I had to do things like that and seek only physical pleasure from you,I could had done that long back why would I wait so long,use your brains,hope it works.”

  She was baffled not understanding what to say next.

  “Love me and I’ll set them free.”he said leaving the room without turning back,he did stop,just couldn’t help it,the women who was there,she meant the entire world to him,his eyes were hurt,she was the same,they both were speaking,something so mutely that I could not hear.He left immediately when the door slammed.

  Crystal threw a newspaper in his direction and he laughed reading loudly the headline, “Jacob Bodwin.”


  “Up,up lazy-bone.”called Troy,I was handcuffed,my eyes were still heavy but I managed to open it.Ronaldo was standing in front of me,Crystal,her eyes were locked on me like I was something to eat.I hated her,something about her was just not right.Ronaldo blocked my way and he hinted Troy to free my hands.He followed him without any delay,he made me sit straight and for the first time I saw him in person.He looked so beautiful,his purple eyes were wide with astonishment,jet black hair pulled back in a pony tail and his fair skin was mind boggling,true, he had to be a vampire,they were seductive and had a knack to easily win their prey,I was scared to death,did he come to kill me,did he?.


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