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Vampire's Babe

Page 14

by Karensa Minett

  “Mudrox here name is Yana.”snapped Jacob coming in between them.

  “Is your name Miyana?.”asked Selina.

  “Yes.”that one word out of her mouth infuriated everybody,even Jacob turned his head madly in her direction but her moist eyes brought him back to his senses.He still guarded the invisible boundary that was between her and the others.

  “Mudrox lets just calm down we can talk,you and I alone.”tried Jacob but it was too late,Mudrox was running and so were the other two females,ready to attack.Blood boiled in his hands as he fought his sister and friends,Yana was terrified,she tried to run,but everytime somebody did pull her back.Jacob was quick and more powerful than the three,they tried to distract and attack but he failed them each time,this time when Crystal and Selina fought him,Mudrox had trapped Yana at his mercy, “change of plans,you die today and your father sees your body and follows you.”

  “Jacob....Jacob....”her muffled screams from under the fountain were clearly audible to his sensitive ears.He did not take time to throw both the women far away in the opposite directions.He ran at full speed pulling Mudrox away from her,this time he was greatly shocked,Mudrox was not fighting,he eyed Yana in a different way,the lustful eyes were something which he could read easily.Yana was scared to death.She shivered in the cold water trying to catch her breath.

  He threw him like the two,up in the sky and away from her.

  He growled now ready to tear any ones throat who came close to Yana.

  Mudrox landed neatly on his feet, he even stopped Crystal and Selina from attacking .His eyes were still glued to her Yana’s wet skin,she tried to cover herself ignoring his eyes.Jacob held her just behind his body,covering her completely,her head was low on his back and he could still hear her soft sniffles.

  “Stop crying.”he hissed.

  “Who are they and what do they want...”she wailed.

  “I’m your...”

  “Don’t even try Mudrox.”shouted he.His entire frame was shaking badly,waiting for just one move and he swore to rip every limb of his opponent,be it anyone,he didn’t care.

  “We can talk Jacob.”he tried again.

  “Yeah we can,when I see you healthy like before.”he snapped.

  “I must say,how do you manage the best...”

  “Get lost before I rip your throat.And don’t forget to get your followers with you.”

  “Very well.We will definitely talk Jacob.”he laughed leaving with the two.

  He did not turn to her,not yet,this was something very big,he went against her own sister and friends even the women who he once wished to be with.What was happening,he was loosing grounds,not understanding the sudden change,was it the rain or his eyes were leaking.It was a very strange feeling,not known to him even when he was a human,wasn’t she a toy that had a small shelf life,she was about to die then why not today?.

  Her hands slipped gently over his chest from behind and he felt disgusted.Yana had never seen him so annoyed before,his hands were already choking her neck,she did not complain but he just could not kill her.

  “Your name is Miyana.”he shouted.

  “It is.”she cried,still not able to understand what wrong had she done.

  “You never corrected me, you never told me.”he fumed pacing the wet ground while it poured heavily.

  “You don’t like my name,I can change it.”she whispered,still inside, struggling to stand in the cold water,her eyes were red,he melted right away,pulling her out of the fountain and squeezing tightly in his arms.

  Far away Selina watched the two and her eyes were filled with disgust, it was not hard for her to catch up with the rest.

  “We found your daughter.”announced Mudrox.The dying king smiled and he spoke very softly, “how is she?.”

  “Beautiful.”the moment he said that,his lusty mind was recalling her image again,those thick lips and wet skin, “when can I see her?.”

  “Very soon.”

  “Did the meeting go well?.”

  “Yes,it was a healthy Encounter.”

  The Prediction

  “What is going on will you tell me?.”she asked.

  He ignored her,his head was still buried in his hands. “Who was that man?,why was he looking at me like that?.”

  “Shut-up will you.”he snapped.

  “Why did you call me bitch?.”she was not going to stop at anything.Jacob was loosing his temper,ready to lash it out on her, “stop, I am not your boyfriend or husband that you throw questions and I should be ready with all the answers.”

  She was dumbstruck,her wide eyes were brimmed but she held those tears back in time, “yeah,I know you are not my boyfriend or husband.”

  “Please keep that in mind and don’t go out of this place.Do you get me Miyana.”she nodded unwillingly,he was already out of her sight,Mudrox,that one guy haunted his thinking,he wanted to talk,yeah right,talk,well he knew exactly what he wanted to talk.His speed increased and so did his anger.

  “There you are my friend,I was hoping to see you early but I don’t complain at all,its hard to leave such a flesh and...”

  Before he could continue further Jacob interrupted very politely, “Mudrox,just get to the point.”

  “If you know me you very well know where I am hinting you...”

  “That’s not happening.”

  “Remember we used share things and....”

  “That was when we were kids and now we are full grown adults...”

  “Jacob but the toy is...”

  “She is not a toy.”he wanted to box him down and pierce his sharp protruding eyeballs,somehow he did hate the way he looked at Miyana,he was still his friend but something within him had changed and this change he was not able to comprehend.

  “Agreed.”Mudrox continued, “You seem very powerful and annoyed and she looks very different than before.”

  “What are you playing at?.”

  “Power has a price,she looks different because the power is been passed onto you,beautiful skin,rosy cheeks,luscious flesh is not your gift its just beginning to heal,you are sucking her power little by little Jacob.The old man did not separate her women like that,he did so,so that his ultimate powers were always hidden and protected.”


  “Fine.You remember the locket that he wears?.”


  “It has a pendant which we cannot see,that is his power,the pendant will only be visible when he dies,however my experts have discovered that it is only half,half of it is with the daughter...”

  “She does not wear any necklace.”Jacob was mad,Crystal held him just in time.

  “I know,it would be so easy if she did,but that’s the catch.”

  “What’s the catch?.”

  “She has the power within her veins,the one who digs gets it every time.”

  Jacob was already catching him by his collar,he even boxed him down two to three times,Mudrox laughed and laughed,he was savage in his thinking and behavior,he did not mind the blood or Jacob’s arrogant punches,he in fact was enjoying it,the lust in his eyes was so obvious to figure out.

  “Try and recall Jacob does she have a tattoo or a mark,recall Jacob?.”pushed Crystal.

  His mind raced back on her naked skin,visualizing each and every part of her,he had seen it,it was a small star sign below the crescent curve where he usually bit her.

  “Yes.”his tone was defeated,the star was half.

  “I love that sinking feeling.”he laughed, “so when are you introducing me to her,I’m waiting for those...”

  Jacob bashed him hard,not stopping at anything.All the people present in the palace watched the two being the perfect brutes.They were not ending it here and neither did Jacob wish to give up,his head was filled with Miyana’s tearful eyes,which he tried to avoid,he could clearly see her uncomfortable frame as Mudrox would approach her.

  They already had swords in their hands,ready to rip the other.

  Before any of them could go closer to one and other,a s
pecial power forced them back into the nearby walls.It was the old king,he was sitting at the stairs watching them.

  Mudrox was scared to death but Jacob he was not,he stood straight,not leaving his eyes any minute,they watched each other in perfect silence while the others including Mudrox avoided his tired gaze.

  “You don’t love her?.”


  “Then why do you protect her?.”

  “ ‘Cause she is...she is...”he did not have words,the king still sat in his place breathing slowly but he was still there, “she is what?.”

  “She has few days to live.”answered he.

  The king only smiled, “you want these few days of her life to be the most beautiful ones.”


  “Fine then.You have my throne and daughter.I declare you my successor and if I find anyone going against my will and command,this place will see only death.”he said eyeing Mudrox specifically.

  “Your majesty...”tried Jacob when he saw him climbing the steps slowly.

  “She is going to die isn’t she,make her last days remarkable.Bring her to me tomorrow,I need to see her before I close my eyes.”He did not turn,his voice alone commanded,there was no soul in that place who still had a spine to go against his will,he was considered still the law,an unavoidable and unbreakable one!.


  “What is this place and why is everybody staring at me?.”demanded Miyana clutching Jacob’s arm tightly.

  “Just keep quite and walk I want you to meet somebody.”

  She did as told,he was rocking in his armchair,his beady eyes watched her carefully,she tried to hide behind Jacob but he held her right in front.

  “There now Jacob,I need a little time alone with my daughter.”

  “Daughter..”repeated Miyana and Jacob pressed her hand gently,hinting her that she should sit.

  Most of his hushed words he could not hear,Jacob had his back rested very well against the wall,Mudrox eyed him angrily,his glare confirmed that he wanted to rip his throat,Jacob managed a cunning smile,throwing him more into his petty anger fits.

  When she came out, Miyana was not herself,suddenly she was so serious and grave,no smile or happiness crossed her face. “He’s dying..”she whispered, “He is.”answered Jacob holding her in his arms. “He called you in Jacob.”,without further delay Jacob was inside his bedroom,the old man was lying on his gigantic bed, “the day you understand what love is you will be a true king.”he said handing him the locket,he was not able to see the invisible pendant but he wore the thing around his neck.

  “I’m a thick skin will take time to leave you.Get the arrangements done.I want to see her dressed in that white gown.”Jacob was not sure but his wrinkled hands in his strong palms replied softly, “Don’t think Jacob just do it,you have nothing to loose,you win anyways,its just the daughter and her father who have a deadline to meet.”His smile assured the king that his last wish would be fulfilled at any cost.


  “Jacob I want to go home.”sniffed Miyana.

  “Not possible.”

  “You know what he wants don’t you?.”


  “Don’t do this Jacob,don’t hurt yourself.”

  “I have nothing to loose,I’m just giving the old man his peace of mind and to you last and beautiful days of your life.”answered he. “Are you scared Miyana?.”


  “Don’t be,its going to be fine.”

  “Its all coming true.”

  “What?.”he asked.

  “The Prediction.”

  The Invincible One

  “Come dear,just a little closer.”his tired eyes were watering.Miyana looked very beautiful in her white gown.Happy tears rolled down his cheeks,Jacob still stood at a fair amount of distant,his eyes enjoyed the sour expression on Selina’s face.Jacob was very happy,it was not the power or the throne but the girl that was kneeling by her father’s bed.Her soft lips and wild big eyes were amazing, he tried to ignore when she cried but his sensitive ears were not at all helping, best refuge he thought was to enjoy Selina’s face and Mudrox’s sullen attitude.Crystal was jumping in happiness, he knew how she might be feeling,it was really no new thing to him, he never failed to understand his sister.She was not a great warrior,nor was she a healthy soul to be around but they were bonded by blood and so it was, he could not give up on her, the same way she refused to give up on him. His power would mean she was powerful.

  “Miyana let the old man rest,its not wise you know to keep crying always.”he said really getting annoyed now,the king however laughed softly at his son-in-law’s concerned nature.

  “What’s so funny?.”she asked.

  “Nothing.You go and take rest.”.

  “No, tell me now?.”she insisted.

  “Your husband is funny.”he laughed.


  “Man who has everything,does everything to protect it and yet he does not know what it is called.”he laughed a little loudly.

  “I don’t understand.”she said softly.

  “Its alright Miyana,you two are still kids.”

  Jacob winced, “Did he just call us kids?.”

  “Yes.”he laughed again,Miyana was laughing with him.

  “It feels nice to see you like this,after such a long time I did get your blessings.You don’t know the lonely nights and days that I have been missing you,living alone and cursing my breath.You are just the opposite of who I imagined you to be.”

  “I love you my girl,be happy.Its night you must go now.We still have tomorrow.”

  “You sure?.”she asked.

  “Yes.” he smiled.

  Jacob gladly pulled her out of the room and scooped her lovingly in his arms, “Why are you so desperate,there is no dinner for you today.”she teased.

  “Yeah you are right no dinner but at least I can enjoy a little delicacy if my host does not mind.”his eyes were already imagining her, she blushed red, “when will you ever stop.”

  “Never,you are driving me crazy, do you even know.”

  Before she could reply he was already kissing her, “Jacob you are such an...” He did not give her that space,his lips were already locked with her.Selina was burning and so was Mudrox,Crystal ignored the two love birds and closed the curtain where the three of them were watching the newly wed. “Don’t you think you are crossing lines.”snapped Mudrox. Crystal smiled quietly “you crossed the line not me.When you first left your girl I thought I was different but when I saw that lust in your eyes for her,I knew any girl who had ravishing flesh and smooth skin can make you a slave.She belongs to my brother and so does the throne,wish you nice life Mudrox.”she snapped handing him the ring.

  Selina was a bit happy,she followed Crystal whereas Mudrox stood like a stone statue, unwilling to take the fresh blow of defeat.

  “Hey stop following me.”roared Crystal turning abruptly to face Selina.

  “Sorry and thank you.”she said.


  “I am sorry for picking you as my enemy and thank you for showing me true face of Mudrox.”

  “Really,do you think this will buy you a seat in our good row?.”


  “Then why are you wasting your time?.”

  “I am trying to win a friend.”she smiled.

  “Nice try.”

  “Thank you.”

  Jacob was sitting in the open,watching the stars,his eyes now and then checked Miyana,she was still sleeping on the bed,the peaceful line on her forehead clearly said how blessed she felt.He just could not focus on anything.Those wild curls and soft white skin were tempting him again and again,he had never seen anybody so beautiful and pure,there was a time when he despised her skin and face, but now she was not the same anymore.There was no way he was getting any peace where he was lying,within few minutes he jumped back to Miyana, holding her by her curves and pulling her close to his torso,she did turn,her lips were kissing his open chest,the place where his he
art still was beating,her cold lips were more than a blessing,it felt so good and warm,he recalled a past memory,where he was a boy and there was a small girl,he did ask her what kind of a guy did she wish to marry and she had replied the one who was taller than her,out of mere curiosity he asked again why? and she said that she would kiss his heart and listen to his heart beat,the only purpose of her life for still breathing.

  He failed again to see what it meant for him,what was it that was driving him crazy,what did she have,what possibly a dying girl had that he was not aware of,she was very different,Selina had more beautiful features than her and her experienced hands were great but she was not even close to her and yet she was the only one that he wanted now and ever.

  “I love you Jacob.”she whispered talking in her sleep.

  “Keep loving me honey.I want you more than you do yourself.”he laughed, kissing her on forehead.


  “You made through the night.”smiled Miyana,pouring fresh juice from a flask in his silver cup.

  “Yes,I did.”laughed the old king trying to sit straight,he could hear the noise that was coming from his huge window.

  “Are they fighting again?.”

  “Yes,its a custom isn’t it?.”she asked perplexed.

  He did not reply but his sharp mind could easily vision Mudrox and his brand new son-in-law Jacob bring the madness again,this time with swords in their hands.

  Jacob did not stop at anything,he was really annoyed,Mudrox’s words kept haunting him, “a true lunati will have all the rights to the throne and the girl,the one who is chosen by the king should fight with his opponent or leave the castle.”

  He did not back away,it was high time that Mudrox learned his lesson,lesson to accept defeat and move on.

  Mudrox was having a tough time,he was only able to defend himself,looking desperately for an opportunity to fight him back but he failed in every attempt that he made.Jacob’s power had increased and so did the beauty of his wife,she stood in the balcony watching the two,never dying attitude of Mudrox and the explosive anger of Jacob,she was new to this, “be careful.”she voiced when she saw her husband slipping over a pile of rope,the hatred had completed blinded him.He could not ignore her face,the sweet voice and the ever growing concern,it is then Mudrox reaped his opportunity,attacking him from behind,she was horrified to see him fall on the ground,no one clapped,everybody was unhappy,even Selina.Crystal was cursing the women who let this wrong turn,in fact she was willing to climb the top of the building and rip her throat.


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