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Vampire's Babe

Page 18

by Karensa Minett

  “I hate you,how can you be so positive.”I tried pushing him away.

  “ ‘Cause I know Jacob and his mind, unfortunately his passionate heart.”

  There was no way I was arguing with him,he knew things, many things which I only dreamed of finding,it was a dark row of stairs where he took me,I was scared but he managed to hop without fear,I tried to communicate again, “so how long for the company to reach?.”

  “Few hours.”

  “Exactly how many hours?.”

  “Four.If you are lucky then two.”

  “What do you mean by lucky?.”

  “Lucky means he will kill many in the court itself and save time,so you can see Jill and company soon,but I doubt it,he won’t be the same savage,Miyana will not like it.”

  “Why he even cares,he has done many things which Miyana does not like.”I snapped blood boiling within my veins and ready to explode.

  “A fat head like you will never understand,its not always about the body.”

  “Says who.”there was no way I was giving up,so he was trying to be more sensible than I was,honestly,fooling me into game play and now he was a saint.He laughed, and he kept on laughing till the end of stairs. “You are right Aagi,sometimes its the body too,and you have a lovely one,can’t wait to be with you.”

  It was back,the lust and the devious smirk,he left me in the cell,there was only one candle that lit the place,no moon in the sky and freezing temperature made me cry,my brain was working and the thoughts did not help me,what if he killed us,I had not seen anything so far,I never had any particular ambitions but I had all the right to a normal life,life which I always took for granted,even my friends and very leisurely Ruth.I knew what she was thinking and could guess who knew besides me,he hated us,because she loved us and not him.There was no way I was seeing any ray of hope,this time I could surely feel the blade,its sharpness and my blood curdling scream!.

  “Hey,blanket.”Troy threw the thing in and I watched him in perfect silence.

  “Want anything else?.”


  “Any questions?”

  “Just two if you could answer.”

  “Bring on.”

  “What if he ordered to kill me?.”


  “What in me interests Crystal?.”

  “You are a Berch Witch the key to The Curse.”


  “Name?.”asked the judge,there were three of them sitting on high chairs behind a huge oak desk with long white beards and eyes that were closed.Jacob sat on a chair whereas Jill was on the opposite side,Kim’s uncle was behind her,his unmarked forehead was covered in disturbed lines and fearful droplets,he observed the calm man in front of him,well he was more alert than the rest of the people.Roy,Sipper and Rocky were glued on different chairs behind him.

  “Ronaldo Sweep..”

  “Rubbish.”thundered Jill.

  “Silence.Nobody speaks out of turn.”hissed the middle judge,his head automatically turned to Jill,his eyes like the rest were closed. “Sorry.”Jill added softly. “continue.”

  “Ronaldo Sweeptuck as this world knows me.”

  “Are you speaking the truth?.”the last judge asked.


  “He is speaking the truth,ask him what he is?.”shouted Sipper angrily.

  “What is it you girls don’t understand,what is eating you?.”asked the first judge.

  “He has done wrong to us,he did wrong to her.”sobbed Sipper.

  The middle judge was about to shout again when the first one stopped him, “girls speak one at a time,lets hear your story first.”

  Sipper looked at Jill who was better composed than her,without a second thought,Jill stood and bowed in front of the entire court,even Jacob,it was mandatory,the perfect smile which lifted his lips burned Jill more,she turned only to the first judge and began narrating her collected facts which she had neatly tucked in a blue wrap.

  “The person in front of you is neither a Vampire nor a wizard,he is a Lunati.Do you agree?.”she asked and he smiled more widely, “Yes.” the answer left most of the people in shock,his working employees and the close and near dear ones,well so called friends.

  “How you know he is a Lunati?.”asked the first judge again and most of the crowd present for the trial didn’t even know what it meant. “He drinks blood,no ordinary blood but blood of his mate,his early body is still lying in the dungeons of Cassavadeora,where dark spells and energies safeguard it.His power is not matched by any one of us,he was cursed and he did came back to life because of our folly...”this time she too could not hide her tears, “easy..”said the first judge and handed her a glass of water,it floated in the air and was neatly placed in her right hand, “go ahead girl,drink..” without a second thought Jill was drinking it,the glass was the same and water was still filled up to the brim, “do you want more?.”he asked. “No thank you.”


  “We did not know like the rest of the world that he was something else,he went to the same school as Ruth and then he attended college with her, lastly she even worked for him,but all this was just a cover,she was living a fake life,he is....”

  “Every accusation has to be supported by facts please.”interfered the third judge.

  “This is Ruth’s aunts diary,she mentions one incident where it all started from.”she handed the same tattered book from her file to him,it flew in air and settled in the middle,without touching it they came to the page where it was all neatly written, “Ah,its a hand diary,let us see what she saw or heard.”suggested the first judge,Sipper was baffled and so was Jill, “a hand diary is basically a diary where the user just places his palm on top of the cover and everything what he saw or heard just pens down on its own,old school trick.”explained Jacob finding it hard to hide his grin,he was unusually happy,something within him had changed,his eyes were soft and his heart was at ease.

  “You bloody...”boiled Roy when Sipper pulled him down, “Lets see..”suggested the first judge again.Words flew out of the book and transformed into a motion picture,Jill was way back,she did not know this,she had read the entire book in one day,her eyes were wide open to see Agatha’s mom and dad driving in their mini van as fast as possible,they were being chased by giant trees who did their best to crush them.But luck helped them and the car flew in air though it was not a flying car,they were at the end of the other side of the mountain and the thin bridge of wood connecting the two edges broke,everybody saw the man who was driving, he was bleeding and cursing,trying to protect and soothe his pregnant wife,they walked on foot to find some shelter,it was already getting dark,when they came to a ruined castle and its creaking iron gate...

  “You sit here honey,I’ll just make a call okay.”Andrew was at his wits end.His wife was hurt,nine month pregnant and she was bleeding badly.

  “Angy,I don’t know,that tree just came in between our way,I don’t know where I am stuck.We were chased by many such wild creatures,you cannot imagine what they looked like.Angy I need to get her out of here,please,please find the co-ordinates and drop in.Please Angy I beg you.”Andrew was the man who was driving,he tried to calm his wife,“Honey just hold on okay,she is coming,we will get out of this place easily,I’ll get some water for you.”Her heavy eyes tried to see the place where she was,there was a wrought iron bed in the center of the room with an ancient mattress still covering it.She was sitting against a cold mirror that was about to break and it did,she felt as though something entered her,the moment it did,everything was peaceful,she smiled perfectly.The wounds were healing ,her husband was running up the stairs when he heard a deafening roar, after that he did not care to stop.

  The moment he arrived in the room she was smiling at him. “What happened?.”

  “I don’t know,I just feel very healthy.”she smiled taking the cup from his hand.They did hear a car stop down. “I think its Angy,lets go.”she was able to walk perfectly,the sound of the roar had turned into an howl.

ey could not believe their eyes,certain figures were breaking from the wall and walking close to them.

  “Are these zombies?.”cried his wife.

  “I don’t know,just walk fast honey.”

  “Oh god,I’m trying.”she said putting up with her husbands fast stride.

  “Angy bring the car near the gate.We have dirty company.”he screamed.

  The other women,Angy,did not waste any time,she was ready with the car,the moment he settled his wife he cried loud and clear for her to speed the vehicle.She did without any delay.

  “You alright sweetheart?.”inquired she adjusting her rear view mirror,her smile was good,she nodded,“what was that place?.”inquired Andrew,his head was still in his hand,“This place did not show on any of the witch networks,it was a blind call,just based on the co-ordinates which kept on changing,you don’t even know how I managed.”she said easing her hands on the wheels and slumping back in her seat.“Look out Angy...”cried Andrew,there was a man in the center of the road,his purple eyes were mad,tattered clothing and dirty face looked as though he had just walked out of his grave. “Shit..stop...”cried his wife holding her stomach,she experienced an immense amount of pain. “Bullshit the wheels are not stopping..”cried Angy pressing both her legs on the brake.

  It did come to it what they had feared to,he was beaten,the loud crashing sound sent them into a feverish shock,“is he dead?.”asked Andrew still sitting on his seat, “No he is not.”answered his wife,her eyes were closed and she was unconscious,“did she just speak while sleeping?.”Angy was getting scared,she got out of the car and looked around,there was only ice on the road and no body,“this place is creepy..”she cried getting inside and driving at a fast pace.


  “Mr Ronaldo there are three accusations on you so far,the first being that you are not a wizard or a vampire and the second one that your name is not what we know and lastly the man who was standing in the middle of the road,is a carbon copy of you,if that is true that means you are....”before the third judge could complete,the first judge asked “do you agree?.”

  “Yes,I am not a vampire nor a wizard,I am a lunati,king of all the lunatis,my name is Jacob Bodwin,I hate this day when that women came to my palace,my wife’s soul entered her dead daughter’s body,she took her far away from me and so I followed.”

  “Why don’t you confess,saves us time..”suggested the first judge and Jacob smiled, “yeah sounds great,I am missing my wife,one night without her is hard.”

  Jill took the paper stopper in her hand and threw at his face,it stopped just in time and broke to millions of pieces in front of his eyes.

  “Every person present in the court has to abide by its law.”thundered the middle judge,Roy unwillingly pulled Jill behind making her sit on her chair.

  “I had trapped my wife’s soul in that mirror,she was born again as Ruth,I haunted her from childhood,there was anger in me,she did not give me a second chance,a chance to show her that I could change and be the one who she longed for,she cursed me and I trapped her,we were even,until that day when that women came,my wife is a Berch witch,she can be born many a times,she took refuge in her and I was mad,I could not break her curse but there were certain conditions which favored me and so I became an inseparable part of her,I tried many times to win her back and till date I try but she refuses me....”

  “Come to the point please.”added the last judge.

  “My wife was reborn as Ruth so I was reborn as Ronaldo,I made her fall for me but her parents especially her aunt came to know who I was and so I...killed them.I kept an eye on her,she was breathing and I knew how many breaths she had taken in that one day.”

  “You could had easily married her like any normal wizard.”

  “I did think about it but that would mean to pretend again in front of the non sensible world and idiotic people,so I devised a plan where she married some common school teacher and with his death people would think she....”

  “Rubbish,the cake was jinxed,nobody remembered her and you thought nobody would believe us,coast clear,that music teacher was just one of your tools,he was an imagery my lords,he was just an imagery...”shouted Jill.

  The first judge was fidgeting with the small cage that was near his pen stand,inside a small bird struggled to get out,he laughed and opened the cage door,she flew in air,right in front of Jill’s eyes,she did not understand what was happening,the first judge laughed,he laughed as loud as he could.Jacob was annoyed and so were the rest of the two judges.

  “What’s so funny?.”asked one of them and he replied turning grave all of a sudden,“Freedom.”

  Ruth’s Diary

  “Is she dead?.”I could hear a voice beside me,seemed she was afraid to touch my cold body,the blanket given by Troy was not helping,it was freezing cold.I could hear my own slow heart, “just shake her up will you.”snapped another female,there was no denying it,Jill and her commanding voice,voice that shook me to my senses,my eyes however were finding it hard to adjust to the dark surroundings. “Agatha are you dead?.”shivered Sipper hugging me in her arms, “Not dead idiot,alive.”I sobbed holding her as she held me.Four more hands joined the circle,I knew it was Jill,who else was with Jill?.

  After a little while,the cell was lit with a new candle,I could see their faces,It was Sipper,Jill and Kim,honestly Kim,she was dead wasn’t she,that’s what Troy told me, “You are?.”I had to ask,she laughed,there was no humor in her voice,“Aagi did you forget me?.”

  “No,I did not forget you its just...”

  “Yeah I know,I was his spy and about to get married but there is no way I am going to be married now,Chris is a puppet to Jacob,he himself did this to me.Well lets just drop my topic,we don’t have lot of time.”

  “What do you mean?.”I asked,there was something which was haunting me,it was so clear in Jill’s eyes,she was strict and herself but still that fear haunted her beautiful eyes. “What is it?.”I repeated, “She should know.”added Sipper softly. “Jill I am waiting..”my tone was completely acidic but still Jill was deciding,finally giving up she sat down looking straight at me,before she could begin,there was a loud thud sign,I saw Rocky trying to sit up while Roy helped him. “I told you to warn him.”hissed Jill. “I tried to but the guy was unconscious and I wanted to know where it actually started from,so I was listening alright.”

  “Guys,we don’t have time to waste,Sipper lets show her what we saw.”said Kim, “Alright.” “Now why are you two waiting.”Jill was literally loosing it,the mask of composure and sharp fog of intellect that she managed in the dire time of crises had just disappeared,I was not liking her much. “You can hate me later on Aagi,I don’t blame you,its been quite a rough time,we were rubbed miserably,but we did manage the most of the truth.”

  “Hell ya.”tried Rocky and slipped back down,his left hand was badly bruised. “Did he kill everyone?.”

  “Who are you talking about?.”ignored Sipper.

  “You know who,Jacob of course.”

  “No,he did not have to kill anyone,he was good,the entire place was burning down before we even knew.”answered Roy admiring his killer skills,Jill glared at him and he shrugged “Come on the guy is cool,he is just a bit mad thanks to your sister.”

  “Excuse me.”I thundered, Jill was in between us,already stopping me from boxing him down, “He is not lying entirely Aagi.”interfered Sipper and I was speechless, “can you just show her.”pressed Kim really getting bugged out,she was the same,it never looked like I was all the while with her imagery,same face,voice and attitude.

  “Fine then,come on Aagi.”encouraged Sipper holding out her hands to me,I took deep breaths,they all were in a circle,Kim was to my left and Sipper was to my right. “They have seen it,haven’t they?.”

  “Oh,I love to see it again.”barked Roy and Kim together.

  “Could find some clues.”added Jill and Rocky together.

  Sipper just smiled “everybody loves the mad boy,trust me.”

  In a minute we were in bet
ween parched pages,yellow with time,I could see the huge words on which I was standing, “Route two.”announced Sipper and within few minutes we were in a dark street,I did remember this place,it was our old home,where we used to spend our summer vacations after mom and dad died.I never knew who this house belonged to but Ruth used to come religiously to this place,each and every summer,I did ask her so many times but she never answered me,ever.

  “There she is.”pointed Jill,I could see Ruth,she was my age,long hair raced till her knees,she had such a clear and flawless skin,she could become a model if she wanted to,those perfect curves were unavoidable in that simple blue dress,where was she exactly coming from,it was not hard to guess,there was an old church in that direction,wow,I had to compliment myself for the memory I had.She was in tears and her strides were readily transforming into a run,which she eventually did,we followed,running behind her,she was good,Sipper had hard time keeping up,I don’t remember how many small lanes she dodged,she did stop,well,she had to,because she bumped into someone, “I’m so sorry,I didn’t mean to hurt you.”she wailed,trying to lift the boy who she had bumped into unknowingly.

  “Hey,what’s the hurry Missy,help me pick up these books.”he thundered,holding Ruth tightly by her wrist, “please let me go,he is coming for me,he’ll kill me.”

  “I cannot see anybody,though I am wearing a mask does not mean I cannot see,there is nobody out there,you are lying,why do girls lie so much,why,and that too pretty ones,like you.”

  “Please let me go,he is coming,he will....”she stopped dead,looking into our direction, “can she us?.”I whispered,Sipper nodded in confusion,we were rooted to our place,what was she staring at,her wild big eyes were fixed and terrified.A growling sound did hit us from behind,each one of us turned,to everybody’s horror,he was there,the same child from my childhood memory,who did prove Ruth mad and who punished our cousin,he was there,his cold eyes watched Ruth hungrily,the shiver that ran up her spine gave him immense pleasure, “please let me go.....”she begged but the boy who held her wrist did not flinch,he stood confident on the solid grounds,his sharp eyes could see what everybody could see, “let me go.......”


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