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Past Forward- A Serial Novel: Volume 3

Page 34

by Chautona Havig

“Girls! They are going to see each other before the ceremony. That’s how this will play out. What’s the big deal?” Christopher knew it was a lost cause but felt obligated to try.

  “The big deal is that in a few minutes, she’s not going to have clothes on. Now go away.”

  A fresh wave of laughter sent Christopher running for his life, while Cheri began brushing mineral powder into Willow’s face. “I got this stuff. I spent all week learning how to use it too. They swear it won’t melt off no matter how hot and sweaty you get, but I don’t know if I believe them.”

  Willow was incapable of reply. Her mouth clamped shut as a brush dusted powder into her cheeks, chin, and across her forehead. As she sat there being converted into Cheri’s idea of the perfect bride, she wondered what Chad was thinking. Had he gotten enough sleep? Was he hungry?

  The first words out of her mouth once Cheri wiped her lips with a face wipe were, “Has Chad eaten today?”

  Marianne hurried downstairs to see, but the sight of her son snoozing in the porch swing sent her back inside without asking. She saw Wes come through from the kitchen and pointed outside. “Did you get one of him out there?”

  “Got several. That was the best picture I’ve ever taken of a groom. I think I’ll call it, ‘Wedding Jitters.’”

  Upstairs, Willow smiled to herself as she heard of Chad’s catnap. Marianne caught the look and beckoned Wes upstairs. “Willow, before you change, I want Cheri to touch up anything she can so we can get a few pictures of you getting ready.”

  “Can we get your bouquet in here?” Wes spoke between shutter snaps.

  “Bouquet? There are jars of flowers everywhere. If you want one in here, maybe Dad could run down and grab one from the living room?”

  “No, the bouquet you’ll carry. Where’s that? I’ll have Dad go get it.” As she spoke, Cheri tweaked a tendril into a perfect spiral down one side of her face.

  “Oh, like Aggie’s for covering the kiss? We’re not covering it. Chad didn’t like that idea.”

  “You’re supposed to carry one just because you’re a bride and brides have bouquets.” The tone of disgust in Cheri’s voice was barely disguised. “Didn’t you read those magazines?”


  “I’m sorry. I really am, but it gets frustrating not knowing which thing won’t happen next.”

  Willow turned understanding eyes to meet Cheri’s. “I guess now you know how I’ve felt all these weeks and months. You wonder what won’t happen, and I wonder what I’ll offend everyone over because I didn’t know I had to do it or be offensive.” She fought back tears. “I did read a lot of those magazines, and I kept reading, over and over, ‘This is your day. Own it. Make it a reflection of you and your groom’s tastes. Challenge the norms, but don’t deviate so far from everything that is familiar that twenty years from now you wonder what you were thinking.’“ She swallowed back choked words and tried to smile. “I did what it said, but I guess I didn’t choose the right things to focus on.”

  Cheri’s arms wrapped comforting arms around her shoulders. “Ignore me. I have pre-wedding jitters, and I’m taking them out on you. I’m just sure something major is going to happen. I can feel it.”

  “It did but it’s over now. Chad’s here. If Judith hadn’t shown up, we might have just had a big party with no host. Relax!” Willow’s laughter drifted to the porch below and brought a smile to Chad’s semi-conscious face. “I’ll make a bouquet. Give me a minute, and I’ll be right back.”

  Hands reached for her, but Willow hurried downstairs in robe, flip-flops, and with perfect hair and makeup. The sight was comical to the catering staff, and Lane, standing at the sink, shook her head. “Need something?”

  “I just have to run down and get some flowers for a bouquet. Oh. Ribbon.” She paused as though in a quandary. “I need ribbon, wire, and scissors. Drat.”

  “Tell me where to find them, and I’ll bring them down. You need to hurry. I saw two cars arrive a minute ago and you’re not even dressed.”

  “How long does it take to step into a dress and pull up a zipper?” She frowned. “Well, lace up a gown. No zipper. I forgot.” Willow shrugged and then explained where to find what she needed.

  “Toolbox by the door, on the shelf to the left. Ribbon is on the spool rack. White satin and golden sheer. Got it.”

  While Willow pulled daisy stems from the leftovers in the barrel, Lane dashed upstairs, waving the group hovering around the doorways for Willow’s return. “She forgot ribbon and wire.”

  “Forgot! Yes!” Cheri pumped her fist jubilantly. “A real bride at last.”

  “Well honestly, Cheri, she didn’t plan to make a bouquet at all so last minute, this is putting a lot of pressure on her.”

  Wes cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I didn’t mean to make trouble. I just assumed…”

  “It’s common around here. No worries. If Willow was adverse to flowers, she’d have said, ‘Sorry, I just don’t see a reason to waste my time making something I’m just going to throw away.’“ Cheri assured him in a perfect imitation of Willow’s confident tones.

  “I think I’ll run down and get a picture of her going up the stairs in that robe. That’s the kind of thing that usually makes for the most fun pictures.”

  Wes followed her upstairs, getting a perfect picture of her pedicure as he placed his camera lens between the railings. Upstairs, she waited as Cheri tried to recreate the dressing process. The artificiality of it created awkward and obviously posed pictures until Christopher began cracking jokes in the hallway. He recommended beauty marks, warts on noses, and told Cheri to try the Goth look for herself, causing Marianne to threaten to bar the door.

  Cheri handed Willow a bag the moment she finished additional tweaks to the bride’s face and hair. “Put these on, step into that dress, and call me. I’ll lace you up.”

  Once the door shut, Willow pulled out undergarments that she hadn’t expected. What on earth—how did you hook yourself into something like this? she wailed silently to herself For several minutes, she fought to hook and tie everything until she was certain that insanity had moved into her mind. Finally, she stepped inside the dress, pushed her arms in the armholes, and called for Cheri.

  “You’re going to have to hook that thing up. I can’t do it.”

  Her instructions were unnecessary. Cheri was already fastening the corset. Once the corset was done, she laced Willow into her dress. “This is incredible. From the back you look amazing! How can anyone look that good from the back?”

  Willow caught her reflection in the mirror and stared. “Well, I don’t look that bad from the front, but I’m not sure how decent I look.”

  “It covers. That’s what counts.”

  “Well, I’d better not bend over or dance with anyone very tall, that’s for sure.” Her tone was more uncertain than her words. Willow looked very uncomfortable. “I don’t understand. I tried this on four days ago and it wasn’t a problem.”

  “You left your bra off. Good undergarments make the outfit as you can see.”

  “As everyone can see.” She hesitated before calling for Marianne. “Mom, I need an opinion in here!”

  Marianne gasped as she opened the door. “You look—” Tears welled up in her eyes. “Oh Willow, my Chaddie is going to be so stunned.”

  “She’s concerned about stunning other men. She thinks it’s indecent.”

  “Wes is still ready to take a picture of you in your room in your dress. Want me to call Christopher back up here and ask what he thinks first?”


  “Willow,” Cheri began. “You don’t have to do this. You can take it off.”

  “Do you know how hard it is to get out of this dress?”

  Do you realize you can’t do it without help? You are so busted girl, Cheri thought to herself. “Well, regardless, you look great.”

  Christopher arrived and agreed, “That she does. Chad should be seeing this.”

  “Any minute now!�
� Marianne’s voice was excited. “I see a couple of cars out there already. I think one is the Finleys. I’m looking forward to meeting them.”

  “Ok, well then, it’s time to do this thing.” Willow grabbed a hidden loop under the dress and hooked it over her wrist. “So I don’t step on it,” she explained to confused faces.

  “Do it when you’re already down there. Wes’ll want good pictures of that train. It’s not long but it’s so gorgeous—” There was a dreamy note in Marianne’s voice. She hugged Willow and then cupped Willow’s face in her hands. “My son is blessed. I am blessed.”

  “Mom! Cut it out. You’re such a sap.”

  Christopher, while the women emoted all over one another, woke up Chad. “Son, she’s coming down. You don’t want to miss this.”

  Chad stretched, slid his arms in his jacket, and then stepped inside the door just in time to see Willow turn the corner at the landing. The woman who stood there was everything he expected and nothing he’d imagined. She was Willow—yet she wasn’t. The Policeman’s Ball had been a cheap imitation in comparison.


  To everyone’s surprise and delight, Willow did not continue walking slowly down the steps. She raced down the final steps and stopped in front of Chad with a bounce. “Happy Wedding? Is that what you say?”

  “Most people say ‘congratulations’ but that’s to the bride and groom. I think brides and grooms are supposed to say ‘wow’ and after that, ‘I love you.’”

  “I love you,” she whispered. “I’ve already made a lot of mistakes today. Don’t need to mess up that one. Why didn’t you tell me I needed this bouquet?”

  Knowing she wouldn’t understand him, Chad leaned down and murmured in her ear, “Why didn’t you tell me I’d need a defibrillator?”

  “I don’t know what that is. I can send someone—”

  Chuckling, he pulled her closer and whispered, “I’ll explain later. No worries. Let’s go greet some guests.”

  Though unplanned, a receiving line formed near the entrance to the pasture. Chad and Willow stood with the rest of the Tesdall family and Willow’s grandparents, greeting and introducing everyone. At first, the guests were restless and awkward, not quite sure what to do, but Chad noticed and grabbed Willow’s hand.

  “Looks like it’s time to have the first dance! Um, before we do, I want to say a few things.” He smiled down at Willow. “Any of you who know Willow, will understand why things are so different around here today. Those who don’t, well, you will; I promise.” He tried to make eye contact with all the children as he said, “ Ok, all of you children, behind the barn over by my truck, we have gunny sack races, spoon races, a huge bucket of bubbles and all sizes of bubble wands. Enjoy yourself, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water and lemonade but—” Chad’s voice took on the tone he used with wayward children in town while on the beat. “Leave the animals alone. You can look at them, ask an adult to ‘introduce you’ to them, but don’t tease them, or we will have you sit with your parents.”

  His face split into a huge grin as squeals of joy followed children around the barn to the play area. “That worked. Ok, we old folks have about an hour to dance, visit, take a tour of Willow’s farm, whatever you’ll enjoy. Listen to Lane and Tad of Argosy Junction or meet new friends and catch up with old ones. We’ll be eating at noon. For now, I’m dancin’ with the most beautiful woman here.”

  The words of the song washed over them as Chad led her to the dance floor and two stepped around it with Willow resting her head on his chest.

  “No other love can warm my heart… Now that I know… the comfort of your arms. No other love… Oh the sweet contentment that I find… in you…”

  The dance area filled slowly with other couples. Around the floor, the group spun to the tight harmony of the song. By the second number, the ‘reception’ came alive. Laughter and discussion filled the dance floor and tents, and occasional laughter drowned out the singers, much to Willow’s irritation. Marianne and Christopher glanced around the pasture as they danced at all of the guests and their eyes spoke the words in their hearts. “This day is really here. Chad is getting married.”

  Wes captured each moment of the hour. Somehow, with precision lenses, digital technology, and an impeccable eye for when to capture a moment, Wes’ pictures would show the dawn of a new generation of Tesdalls.

  After her third dance, Willow slipped from the tents to the back of the barn, threw the hem of her dress over one arm, allowed Ellie to tie their legs together, and raced across the course in a three-legged race. Tavish and Laird beat them by a good length, but they were far ahead of the rest of the racers. Chad climbed into a gunnysack and silently challenged Willow to a race. The children all stood back on each side of the course and chanted the name of their champion. Adults from the other side of the barn followed the sound of the children’s cheers and arrived in time to see Todd drop the flag.

  Immediately, the race was neck and neck. Across the field they hopped, Willow pulling ahead and then Chad. A titter rose from a small group near the finish line when Chuck commented dryly to Cheri, “The wedding isn’t even over and they’re already in the—”Half the group missed the finish line when Chuck screeched and bent over, clutching his leg compliments of Cheri.

  Clueless of the latest “Majors gaffe,” Chad lunged across the finish line just a second before Willow dove with every ounce of energy she could muster. Chad saw her heading for the ground and rolled into her path, ensuring she landed on him rather than skidding across the grass. “You almost got us killed!” he gasped laughing.

  “Killed?” Willow panted and forced herself to sit up.

  “You nearly turned your dress green!”

  Blushing, Willow stepped out of the bag. Throwing her arms up in the air, Willow declared to the stunned crowd. “I couldn’t just let him win without trying!”

  Promptly at noon, the catering crew served the meal. Pastor Allen called everyone to attention and then requested that the Tesdall’s pastor, Vince Lanzo, offer thanks for the meal. Vince stood, wove through the tables, and reached the table where the Tesdalls and Finleys sat together.

  “This is an amazing day. Let’s pray.” Vince’s voice grew thick and quavered with repressed emotion. “We want to thank you Lord for this day, this food, and most of all, the reason that we’re here. Guide our paths to stay in Your ‘narrow way’ and ‘may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight.’ In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

  Willow and Chad waited for Vince to leave before eating, but he urged them to go ahead and eat. “I have a few words I want to say, and I don’t know if I’ll get to if I don’t take this opportunity.” Laughter rippled through the crowd once more. “I’ve known Chad since he was still in elementary school. My family has watched him grow from a sensitive little boy who just wanted to be like his father, to a man who knows his own mind and,” Vince paused smiling down at Willow who was oblivious to his scrutiny, “obviously his own heart. I remember his summer in The Pit. He thought he’d failed himself, his church, and especially his Lord. He never saw the strengthening of his faith during that time, but the rest of the church did. A few years later, Cheri went through the same experience, and we all hoped he’d see how much he’d grown through it by seeing her growth, but all it did was show the rest of us how deep his new relationship with the Lord was. He never thought of himself during that time. His concern was for Cheri. That was when I knew that he’d be an excellent officer.”

  Chad’s face whipped up from his plate where he’d spent several embarrassed moments eating, trying to ignore what felt a little like a eulogy that should have been saved for his funeral. “I thought you disapproved! You seemed to try to talk me out of it—”

  “I tried to help you solidify your own decision Chad; I never meant you to think I disapproved.” Vince took a deep breath and continued. “Through other difficult times in Chad’s life, I watched how he clung to the Lord through
his faith. Chad has a quiet faith. You won’t find him preaching to people, but his life is a sermon. I wondered what kind of woman he’d marry. Already I’ve seen in Willow exactly what Chad needs.”

  To Willow, Vince gave an apologetic look and shrugged. “I really didn’t think it was possible that you were good enough for him. I worried that he was making a mistake and even that maybe he was rushing things. I was torn between trusting that he knew what he was doing and wanting to beg him to take his time and be sure. I’m so glad I chose to trust.”

  The faint clinking of silverware on dishes could be heard as Vince struggled to continue. An emotional man, his congregation was accustomed to these stretches of silence and the tears that often ran freely down his cheeks. “I want to ask everyone here to pray for this couple. Pray that their hearts and minds would stay fixed on Jesus and committed to one another. Thank you.”

  Chad nudged Willow and gestured for her to watch as Vince reached his wife Lisa’s side. “They are so in love—so united. I wish you could know her.”

  “Maybe I will. And maybe,” she added, “You’ll tell me about ‘the pit.’ I am so confused.”

  “Someday. I’ll talk to Vince about it.”

  Bill sat with Lee Wu, saying little and observing much. The day was even harder on him than he’d expected. When he arrived and saw Willow shaking hands and hugging people ahead of him in line, he’d nearly turned around and returned home. One look at Chad’s face, however, had changed his mind. This was a very good thing for Willow, and if he cared about her half as much as he thought he did, Bill knew he couldn’t begrudge their happiness.

  He turned to Lee as the singer urged everyone to the dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”

  Lee’s head jerked upward. “Are you sure—” Her fingers twitched. “I’m sorry, you just seemed a little… preoccupied.”

  So, she had guessed his struggle. “I am but—”

  Thankfully, she chose to be frank. “But you’re having a hard time not being the groom today. Come on, I’d love to dance.”


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