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Micaela’s Big Bad: A Halloween Novella

Page 10

by Tijan

  Nikki: I have no idea. None. I need you to come and tell me what his energy is saying.

  Cale: Okay. Just hold off. I need a few more days with Kieran and then I’ll be back.

  Nikki: OMG! KIERAN. I can’t. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. He rules the other half of the world, literally.

  Cale: Dude. I’ve not even told you about Rakon.

  Nikki: RAKON?!

  Two days later.

  Nikki: I can’t wait any longer. What’s going on? I need to know.

  Cale: lol I know. There’s a lot of changes going on.

  Nikki: I can only imagine.

  Cale: A few more days?

  Nikki: What about your classes?

  Cale: I had my last exam. That’s getting worked out too.

  Nikki: Okay. I miss you. Jay asked about you.

  Cale: Jay?

  Nikki: He was in the cages with us. He fought for you.

  Cale: I had no idea.

  Nikki: He’s saying he’s just concerned about you, about Kieran. He’s sniffing, being nosey.

  Cale: That’s none of his business. How are things with Brad?

  Nikki: You’re just trying to distract me.

  Cale: Yes. Did it work?

  Nikki: YES! Now I can only think about Brad. Let’s have an actual conversation tomorrow. I’m heading to Bass for a shift. Guess who are being super friendly to me? Trey and EVERYONE. I’m loving it. They’re all kissing my ass because of you. Anyways, love you girl. Miss you. I have to babysit Bud tomorrow too, so a phone call would be awesome.

  Cale: Yes right back. Grrr to Trey and everyone else. Stay sane with Bud. Follow your gut with Brad. You might have to just try it to get him/it out of your system?

  Later that night.

  Nikki: Yeah.

  Cale: What?

  Nikki: Brad showed up at Bass during one of my breaks…

  Cale: You opened your bedsheets for him?

  Nikki: I’m weak. We’re going to try.

  Cale: Now you’ll know, though. I’m being supportive for you trying. But, if it goes bad, you’ll finally know.

  Nikki: I’d rather know more about you and your MATE!

  Cale: lol soon. Promise. Love you lady.

  Nikki: Love you back.


  Don’t Calm Me

  I can feel your nerves.

  I didn’t spare Kieran a look because I was keenly aware of everything about him. How he was sitting next to me in the back of his vehicle. How he was multitasking by working, having conversations in his head with some of his workers, and how he was now tuning into me. Sometimes I could hear his conversations. He never allowed them in his head, but he’d go into theirs. Some were powerful enough to converse back, others couldn’t. I was learning all that out because as an energist, telepathy wasn’t one of our skill sets.

  At least it wasn’t mine until Kieran.

  But he was feeling my edginess, and I had a lot going on.

  We were on our way back to Bass.

  We’d been at Kieran’s estate in Indonesia, and it’d been amazing. More than amazing. Overwhelmingly amazing.

  Seriously. Very overwhelming.

  Kieran and I were still learning about each other, but we were psychically and magically linked. We knew the core of each other and because of that, I could feel his concern for me even before he said anything.

  Everything is going to change now.

  I could feel the buzz of three conversations he was still having with his employees, but his hand slipped to mine. He gave me a squeeze, and shifted his focus to me.

  It’ll be fine.

  He meant it when he said that, and I felt him pushing some of that reassurance over to me.


  But I thought that with a grin because I knew he wouldn’t.

  Within seconds, I was content. The worry was pushed out, and he sent a surge of strength right after.

  Nikki and I had our phone conversation, but I wanted to wait for a girl’s night before really filling her in on all things Kieran. Because of that, I told her the gist of what happened and how it came to happen, then asked her about Brad. The plan was to head to Bass where Nikki was working her shift.

  Everyone knew we were coming, or I was assuming.

  Kieran was the new owner, and the workers there knew he was coming. Nikki knew I was coming with him so I was just doing the math here.

  Kieran would do what he needed to do and I’d spend my time with Nikki. After that, we were going to figure things out. Whether that was staying here for me or staying where he needed to. I had a feeling we’d be doing a lot of traveling.

  I had another feeling that the Western Hemisphere was going to need to get used to seeing a dragon flying around more than it had before. Rakon rose quite a bit when we were at Kieran’s, and Kieran shifted and merged with Rakon. All of us went flying after that.

  Our time had been almost dream-like.

  You’re starting to worry again.

  It’s a big adjustment.

  He stopped his other conversations and turned to me. I was getting his whole focus now.

  The power and intensity behind his gaze reached all the way inside of me, taking hold of my heart, and it was like he was cradling that in the palm of his hand.

  Me too.


  Me, too. That’s how I’ve felt about you since my mark showed. You have my heart.

  I wasn’t going to cry. Nope.

  Not going to cry.

  Not me.


  Sigh. The soft way he thought my name, and I felt it reverberate inside of me. It was like a drum beating and sending the waves of the rhythm outwards.


  Mates are for life.

  I know.

  No, you don’t because I can feel your resistance.

  He was right, but images were bombarding me.

  As he was staring at me, studying me in the blue velvet room.

  Our time in his vehicle.

  When he stopped at Harry Bahl’s for me.

  When we eviscerated Quesadilla, the first time.

  The time after.

  When I was missing him and I didn’t want to admit it.

  When Rakon reached out to me.

  When I thought Kieran was having sex.

  When Kieran told me he wasn’t having sex.

  When he was concerned about me not eating.

  When he said he’d come back so I could eat him.

  When Quesadilla attacked me.

  When I felt them coming for me.

  When he killed Quesadilla for me, a second time.

  When I woke and felt Rakon’s mark on me.

  When we kissed.

  When he slid inside of me.

  When Kieran’s matching mate mark surfaced on him.

  You’re doing this, I thought to him.

  He was sending me all those images, but they were memories from his point of view. I was feeling his intrigue, his confusion, his reluctance, his amusement, his interest, his caring, his concern, his warmth towards me, and then his possession, his claim.

  The last one had me blinking my eyes.

  I knew it. I felt it.

  I was scared to label it.

  I feel that, too. But I wasn’t scared to tell him.

  I know.

  He squeezed my hand again before leaning over, cupping the back of my head, and kissing me a soft kiss to my forehead. He touched his forehead to mine after, and I looked at him. He was looking at me.

  He had shut everyone else out.

  We rode like that until we pulled up to Bass.


  So Girly

  We walked into Bass, and all eyes were on us.

  All eyes were on Kieran, but then the curiosity and somewhat hostile attention turned to me. I was having deja vu from when we walked into Quesadilla’s compound.

  This time, it was demons.

  And this time, I heard a, “MICAELAAAAAA!” before Nikk
i broke from the crowd and came running at me.

  We ran to each other.

  We collided. We didn’t care.

  Arms around each other.

  Bodies hitting each other.

  We were laughing, and crying, and being girls.

  “Oh, girl! I have missed you so freaking much.” Nikki wound her arms even tighter around my neck.

  I squeezed her back.

  Kieran was inside of me, feeling the hug through our link. He started to pull out, giving us privacy.

  No. I pulled him back. I wanted him to feel how I felt about Nikki.

  She’s a good friend to you.

  Except for the part where she didn’t tell me Jay was cheating on me.

  Well, she’s a demon. And that’s not an issue anymore.

  I glanced back, grinning at him.

  He grinned back before the Stuck-Up Vampire from the blue velvet room approached him.

  I need to go and work.


  I was still hugging Nikki. We were starting to rock back and forth.

  If you go with her, my driver will take you.

  What about--

  I stopped in mid-thought because I knew. His driver would take me to Nikki’s apartment. He’d return for Kieran, and both of them would come to get me.

  Kieran would take me back to the estate he uses here.

  Nikki just didn’t know that part.

  Your friend understands mates. She’s expecting it.

  You’re in her head?

  She was worried about you. She’s not so much anymore. Have fun with your friend. I’ll come for you tonight.

  After that thought, I felt his own surge of emotions. Possession. Need. Want.

  And that emotion I was still scared to label.

  I felt him walking away, his mind returning to his other conversations from before.

  “I get you tonight, don’t I?”

  Nikki pulled back, asking as she did.

  I heard the uncertainty in her voice, and guilt speared me a moment.

  I didn’t like hearing that in my best friend.

  I nodded. “Yes. Your place?”

  She laughed, the relief palpable in her tone. “Hell yeah! Ralph ubered me here. I was told that I should expect to ride back with Kieran Raoul’s mate because he’s not likely to let her ride back unattended.” She rolled her eyes upwards, grinning. “I’m lying. I wasn’t told that, but anyone who’s anyone in our world would know that about you.”

  We headed out.

  I felt Kieran through our link, and I felt his goodbye.

  I sent mine back, linked arms with Nikki and we were getting into our vehicle.

  “Fancy schmancy.” Nikki climbed in, looking all around.

  It was the same vehicle I rode in with Kieran to Quesadilla’s compound. I hadn’t taken it in on that ride. I’d been worried about Nikki and distracted by Kieran, but since then I’d come to appreciate the grandiose of it.

  Leather seats.

  Blacked-out windows.

  There was a whole system where we could push a button, and our drink of choice would roll out. I used it for coffee one time.

  Then a latte.

  Then a chai tea.

  An espresso.

  “So.” Nikki’s head was relaxing all the way back. She was watching me. “Do you love him?”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  I felt Kieran fully through our link now.

  You’re eavesdropping.

  About this? Fuck yes, I am.

  I smiled. “Do you love Brad?”

  Nikki’s mouth dropped. “Are you serious? We talked about Brad already. Brad is like old bread by now. He’s old news, even though I love bread and I’ll always love bread. You and Kieran Raoul. Everyone is talking about it. Him having a mate? And him having a mate in our hemisphere? That’s the only thing people are talking about. Or, not people. You know what I mean.”

  I felt a nudge from Kieran.


  I nudged him right back, answering, “Yes. I do.”

  I could feel him smiling. I love you, too.

  We were mates so fast.

  Everything happened so fast, but I did.

  I loved him.

  This is just the beginning, Micaela.

  I know.

  I was brought back to the vehicle because Nikki was squealing, grasping my arm, and she was kicking her feet a little. I waited a second, then I joined in because this was a moment that I needed to be all girly about.

  It was later that night, after Nikki had passed out when I felt Kieran coming for me.

  I knew he had business to handle and I was tired so I went into the guest room, but I was awake.

  He came in, and bent over me.

  His arms slid underneath me.

  I was waiting for you.

  He tucked me against his chest and turned back for the door.

  I’m glad you did.

  He took me to his house, and he told me all over again how he loved me.

  He showed me too.



  Ten years later.

  “Go on.” I nudged Raki forward, nodding to the doorbell. “Ring the doorbell.”

  He looked up at me, Kieran’s eyes and my father’s chin. “You do it, Mom.” He pressed back into my legs.

  “Oh my God! I’ll do it.” Drakaina was the opposite of her brother.

  Same age. Same eyes. Same hair.

  Completely different personalities. Also, she had my chin.

  She pushed forward and jammed her little finger into the doorbell.

  There was a stampede coming for the door.

  The doorknob was being fumbled with, then it was swept open.

  Nikki stood there, holding her one year old on a hip. The screen door was opened, and their Mickayla ran straight for Drakaina. Both girls collided, arms around each other, and the squealing began.

  “Come to my room! See the mural that Buddy drew for me.”


  Both took off, and Nikki stepped back. Her eyes were on me before falling to Raki. “Hey, little man. How’s it going?”

  Raki melted for Nikki, every single time. His cheeks got red and he folded his head down, his little finger curling even tighter around mine. He mumbled to the floor, “Hi, Aunt Nikki.”

  She was melting right back for him, fanning herself as she mouthed to me, So cute.

  I know, I mouthed right back.

  She knelt down, shifted Bradley further up and whispered to Raki, who was leaning towards her now, “There’s some candy on the table, if you want to have first pick. Don’t tell the girls.”

  He giggled, glanced up at me. I nodded, and he took off.

  Nikki stood back up, and we were hugging.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  I said it right back, “Missed you more.”

  I reached for little Bradley. It was my godmother’s right.

  He came, laughing and gleeing. Then he reared back, his eyes shuddered black and he smacked both my cheeks together. If he could squeeze my face together, he would.

  “He’s his father’s kid.”

  Nikki laughed, shutting the door behind us. “He sure is. You ready for some trick-or-treating?”

  Kieran and I lived most of the year in the Eastern Hemisphere. The other third part of the year, we were here.

  We always made sure we were here for Halloween.

  I used to think that first one sucked so bad.

  Now, it was the best one. It’s where I met my Big Bad.

  I told you it was just the beginning. From Kieran.

  You did. When are you done for the night?

  As soon as you’re ready for me.

  Okay. Love you.

  Love you.

  And from Rakon, Love you.

  I smiled.

  * * *

  I hope you enjoyed my novella!

  If you did, please leave a review. They help so much.

nbsp; For more stories, and more stories to come:


  I mostly want to thank the ladies in my reader group! I did a poll and asked if they wanted paranormal or not. They chose paranormal, and it was so much fun to write. I haven’t written paranormal in so long, but I have a feeling there might be more coming from me.

  Thank you to Debra Anastasia and Helena Hunting. We wanted to do our Halloween novellas together. Out of sheer stubbornness, we made it happen.

  Thank you to Crystal, Amy, Eileen, and the rest of my editing and proofreading team. I’ve been in all of your messages a lot lately, and you guys always make the time for myself and my projects. I truly appreciate it.

  Last, I hope everyone has/had a great Halloween. Let yourself believe in a little magic.

  Also By Tijan


  Evil (standalone)

  Davy Harwood Series (paranormal)

  * * *

  Sports Romance Standalones:


  Teardrop Shot

  Hate To Love You

  Rich Prick

  The Not-Outcast

  * * *


  Fallen Crest Series

  Crew Series

  Broken and Screwed Series (YA/NA)

  Jaded Series (YA/NA suspense)

  Carter Reed Series (mafia)

  The Insiders Trilogy

  * * *

  Mafia Standalones:


  Bennett Mafia


  * * *

  Young Adult Standalones:

  Ryan’s Bed

  A Whole New Crowd

  Brady Remington Landed Me in Jail

  * * *

  College Standalones:



  * * *

  Contemporary Romances:

  The Boy I Grew Up With (standalone)


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