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The Belt Buckle Ranch Collection, Volume 1 (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 16

by Olivia Black

  “Fuck,” Oliver said as he took the lead. He threw a few punches, clearing a path for them to exit. “Get out of here. I’ll meet you back at the ranch.”

  Once outside, Robbie rushed Cody to his truck as police cruisers pulled into the parking lot, lights flashing and sirens blaring. He shut the man safely inside the cab of his truck before scanning the parking lot.

  “Oliver! Let’s go!” Robbie waved Oliver over. “Come on!”

  He jogged to the truck, looking panicked. “Where is everyone? I thought I saw Wyatt and the others come out here.”

  “They’re probably headed back to the ranch,” Robbie told him. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Rounding the front of his truck, Robbie jumped into the driver’s seat as Oliver climbed into the passenger seat. He started the engine and left Marilyn’s behind. He gripped the steering wheel, his heart still pumping too fast from all the action. He was still a little dazed at how quickly things went south. When a warm hand touched his thigh, Robbie covered Cody’s hand with his own, glad the cowboy was by his side.

  “Jesus Christ,” Oliver breathed out. “I saw that guy coming toward you and I knew he was going to do something. I didn’t think it would turn into a fuckin’ bar fight. Holy shit.”

  Robbie couldn’t help but chuckle at Oliver’s outburst.

  Chapter 9

  Oliver Davis stared out the windshield as Robbie drove them back to the ranch.

  Adrenaline pumped through his body, making him shake like a leaf. Fisting his hands together, he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He hadn’t been in an actual fistfight in a while, not since his days in the foster care system. It brought back memories—all of them unpleasant. Oliver closed his eyes tight in an attempt to block those thoughts. He didn’t want to go back to that place. He wouldn’t.

  He’d learned to defend himself at a young age. Using his fists, he’d fought many battles through his teenage years, but before tonight, he’d never fought for anyone. When he saw Sam rushing toward Robbie and Cody, he knew the man was looking for a fight. He could see it unfolding before his eyes before Sam even reached the men. Robbie didn’t need to be in an altercation, not after the scare he’d already endured and the scars he would carry.

  Without much thought, Oliver tackled the man to the hard ground and let out all his emotion. Frustration and anger that he’d been holding onto poured out of him. It had nothing to do with Sam, Robbie, or even Cody. But once he started, he couldn’t stop. It felt as if someone had taken over his body. He became numb to it all.

  The truck rolled to a stop, Oliver opened the passenger side door and climbed out. He shoved his still-shaking hands deep into his pockets and headed toward the house. He didn’t talk to anyone. Instead, he went to his room and shut the door, clicking the lock into place. He’d learned his lesson not too long ago when Robbie found him in the bathroom and learned his secret.

  Oliver stripped out of his clothing as he strode into the bathroom.

  When he was naked, he laid a thick cotton towel along the lip of the bathtub. Pulling out the worn brown leather shaving kit from under the sink, he sat down on the towel. Oliver unzipped the bag and pulled out his straight razor. He looked at the sharp blade, tracing the edge with his eye. Taking a deep breath, Oliver lined the razor up to his stomach and traced the lines that were already deeply scared into his flesh.

  One, two, three…blood bubbled, dripping slowly out of the self-inflicted wound. Four, five, six…the slight bite of pain helped him to release the emotional pain from his past, but it was more than that, he felt actual pleasure. All the voices that taunted him slowly disappeared, leaving his mind silent. It was a relief to vanquish them back to the past where they belonged. Moving to his thigh, Oliver traced the lines with the razor—six perfectly straight lines.

  Standing up, Oliver cleaned off the razor in the sink, dropped it back into the bag, and placed it under the sink once more. He looked down at his belly and became mesmerized, watching the blood trickle down his body. After a couple of minutes, Oliver started the shower and climbed under the spray. Now that he was done, he felt better.

  He could finally breathe again.

  * * * *

  After a quick shower, Robbie jogged down the stairs and headed for the living room with Cody still by his side. Wyatt, Jackson, and Easton were already there, talking about the incident at the bar.

  “Has anyone seen Jared?” Robbie asked. He hadn’t seen the man since they were together at the table inside Marilyn’s.

  “He was at the bar,” Easton said. “When the fight started, I saw him with the bartender.”

  “He didn’t catch a ride with you?” Robbie turned his question to Wyatt.

  “No.” He shook his head. “I grabbed Easton and Jackson and ran for the exit.”

  “Jared is probably still with Jacob then.” At Robbie’s questioning look, Cody added, “Jacob Monroe owns the bar and he’s also the bartender. If Jared’s with him, he’ll be fine.”

  “How’s Oliver?” Jackson asked, a look of concern on his face.

  “He’s okay.” He sat down on one of the couches and held out a hand to Cody.

  The cowboy took it, smiling, as he climbed on the couch. Cody moved close to Robbie, cuddling into his side. He wrapped his arms around the young man and held him tight as the conversation continued around them. Everyone was telling their version of how the fight unraveled and what happened after Oliver tackled Sam to the ground. He didn’t bother adding his two cents because he still wasn’t sure what happened.

  A loud knock at the front door sent Robbie’s heart in his throat.

  He jumped up from the couch and hurried to the door. Turning the knob, he pulled it open and paused. Robbie raised a brow, inspecting the man facing him. It wasn’t a good sign when the sheriff arrived at your door late at night. The visit was either about Jared or Oliver. Something in his gut said Oliver.

  “Hank,” Cody said from behind him. “What brings you out to the ranch at this hour?”

  The sheriff smiled and nodded, removing his tan cowboy hat. He appeared to be in his mid-thirties—chestnut brown short hair, a beard and mustache cut close to his face, and chocolate eyes.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t stop by sooner to meet everyone. Cody, Wyatt.” He nodded toward the men behind him. “I’m here on official business. I need to speak with Oliver Davis,” Hank said.

  “What do you want with Oliver?” Robbie asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

  Robbie wasn’t going to turn his brother over to law enforcement. Oliver was only trying to protect him and Cody against a man he didn’t even know. Hell, he was still wondering why Sam came after them. Robbie barely had a conversation with the guy.

  “Like I said, I’m here on official business. Can you please tell Oliver to come outside?”

  “He didn’t do anything wrong,” Robbie insisted.

  “Look.” Hank let out an aggravated sigh. “Don’t make me come back here with a warrant. I’ll have to haul him away in cuffs. You’ll be putting Oliver in a worse situation than he’s already in. So do me a favor and bring Oliver to the door.”

  “I’m Oliver Davis,” Oliver spoke up, coming up behind him.

  Oliver stepped out onto the porch. He stood still, appearing a little intimidated by the badge and waited for Hank to tell him what to do. He could understand Oliver’s unease since he’d grown up in the foster care system. Robbie wanted to step in, feeling an overwhelming need to protect his brother.

  Cody touched his forearm, stopping him. “Hank’s a good man,” he whispered in his ear.

  “I’m Sheriff Ramsey.” He stepped back, placing his cowboy back on his head. “Can we have a moment to talk about the incident tonight?”

  “Sure,” Oliver murmured before clearing his throat and speaking to them in a stronger voice. “Can you guys give us some privacy, please?”

  Robbie hated the idea of closing the door, but he followed Oliver’s request.

  “Why don’t you take a seat on the porch swing…” Hank’s voice trailed off as he led Oliver to the other side of the porch.

  “Let’s go hang out in the living room and give Oliver and the sheriff some space,” Wyatt said.

  “Do you think Oliver will actually get arrested because of tonight?” Robbie asked.

  He didn’t know anything about small town cops. There seemed to be different rules though. When living near Las Vegas, Robbie avoided law enforcement. He’d never done anything illegal, but seeing the shiny badge made him nervous.

  “Hank’s always been a good guy. He’s not going to haul Oliver in without cause.” Cody sat back down.

  “He threw the first punch,” Jackson grumbled under his breath and Robbie rolled his eyes in frustration, ignoring him.

  When he’d first arrived, Oliver made a few thoughtless remarks, but mostly he kept to himself. The man didn’t talk much anymore, but Oliver had spoken to him and Robbie felt like their relationship was growing. It didn’t matter if he threw the first punch. He saw danger and jumped up to protect them.

  Rubbing a hand down his face, he paced around the living room. He tried to be patient, but he was worried.

  * * * *

  Oliver sat down on the porch swing, his back rigid and his face carefully blank.

  He hadn’t been expecting law enforcement to show up so quickly, which meant that someone he knew turned him in. He didn’t know anyone in town, hadn’t bothered to introduce himself. The only person it could be was Jared. The man was suspiciously absent. Tightening his jaw, he took a few aggravated breaths as he fought internally to not show the sheriff any emotion.

  “Mr. Davis,” the sheriff said, gaining his attention.

  Oliver looked at him, making eye contact, and was momentarily lost in his kind brown eyes. “Oliver is fine.”

  “Okay, Oliver.” Hank Ramsey smiled and gave a nod. “Can you please tell me what happened at Marilyn’s tonight?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Oliver didn’t want to confirm or deny anything until he knew what the sheriff knew.

  “There was a fight tonight and there are a few reliable witnesses that said you started it. Do you have anything to add before the report is filed?”

  “Am I being charged with something?” he asked.

  “Look, Oliver, cut the crap. Why did you attack Sam Caine?” The sheriff’s soft eyes turned hard and the kind face disappeared. “Or are you just a troublemaker? I ran your name. You’ve got a record and a history of fighting dating back years.”

  The man stood straighter, towering over Oliver as he sat on the porch swing. The “nice guy” vanished, being replaced by the “bad cop.” Oliver had been in this situation before. It seemed that all cops were the same. Smirking, he raised a brow.

  “I’m sorry, sir, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You must have me confused with someone else.” Oliver shrugged.

  “That’s it, get up.” Oliver followed the sheriff’s orders, standing. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back. I’m placing you under arrest.”

  Taking a deep breath, Oliver reluctantly obeyed. Cold metal bracelets caressed his skin, clicking into place. Hank Ramsey gripped his bicep, turning him around before leading him toward the patrol car. Opening the back door, Hank palmed his skull, putting him inside the car. The door slammed and Oliver interlocked his fingers. He stared out the window as Hank strolled back toward the house and knocked on the door.

  Robbie pulled the front door open. He took one look at the sheriff before making eye contact with Oliver in the back of the patrol car. Oliver watched the two men talk for a few minutes, wishing he could hear what they were saying. After a little while, Hank came toward him. He got behind the wheel, started the engine, and started driving down the long gravel road.

  Leaning his head back, Oliver closed his eyes, hoping the good sheriff wouldn’t want to chat.

  Chapter 10

  Robbie shut the front door. He hated seeing Oliver’s face as the sheriff drove him off to jail. He wanted to follow and rescue the young man, but the sheriff told him to pick Oliver up in the morning. Would he be okay? Would he make it through the night alone in a six-by-eight-foot cell? There were so many things about Oliver he didn’t know or understand. Physically, Robbie knew the man would be fine, but emotionally, he had concerns. Should he have told the sheriff about the cutting?

  “Come on.” Cody wrapped an arm around his waist. “Let’s go to bed. In the morning, I’ll go with you to pick up Oliver.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep knowing that he’s inside a cell all alone.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I wish there was something we could do for Oliver, but there’s nothing we can do right now.” Cody’s voice was full of understanding and compassion.

  Wrapping his arms around Cody’s shoulders, Robbie held him close. “I don’t want Oliver being punished for trying to protect us. I don’t know what Sam was thinking. I only had one conversation with the guy.”

  “I’m not sure why Sam came after us either. I didn’t even see him, I was focused on you. But whenever alcohol is involved people do stupid things.”

  Cody lifted his head. Leaning up, he captured Robbie’s lips in a sweet kiss. His sweet cowboy held out his hand and Robbie took it.

  “Let’s go to bed.” Cody tilted his head toward the stairs and Robbie nodded.

  He followed behind his cowboy, walking up the stairs toward his bedroom. Once inside, Cody shut the door and clicked the lock into place. Robbie was ready to crawl into bed and call it a day. He was emotionally exhausted, but relieved he wasn’t going to bed alone.

  Keeping his eyes glued to Cody, a slow smile stretched across his lips as the cowboy started stripping off his clothing. Golden tan skin was exposed with each article of clothing the man discarded.

  “Damn,” he moaned, licking his lips.

  “What?” Cody grinned, his naked body on display for Robbie’s viewing pleasure.

  “Your body is a work of art.” He pulled his lower lip into his mouth and groaned, eating Cody up with his eyes.

  “You think so?” He winked.

  Cody crawled onto the bed, making a big production out of it. He shook his ass in invitation, moving to the center.

  “Oh, baby, I can’t take my eyes off you. Your ass is perfection.” Robbie pulled his shirt off over his head, tossing it to the ground before unbuttoning his jeans.

  * * * *

  Cody couldn’t take his eyes off Robbie either. Flipping to his back, he spread his legs and gripped the base of his cock. He slowly jacked his hard shaft, giving Robbie a little show.

  The black stitches running along his neck and shoulder stood out against his skin. It was a reminder of the pain Robbie had endured, and Cody wished he could turn back time. Instead of allowing the guilt to consume him, Cody pushed it away. This was his second chance and he wouldn’t ruin it, not now that Robbie had forgiven him.

  Once his tattooed stud was naked, Robbie followed him onto the bed, crawling on top of him and laying his naked flesh against his own hot skin. Cody moaned at the contact, overjoyed to be back in his lover’s bed and, more importantly, in his arms.

  Leaning down, Robbie placed an openmouthed kiss on his throat, neck, and finally his lips.

  The kiss started out as a sweet brush of lips, but soon evolved, turning into something more. This is where I belong. A shock wave of awareness ran through Cody, shaking him to the core. I never want to be separated from Robbie again. Robbie parted his lips and Cody pushed his tongue straight in.

  They kissed in a rhythm, in and out, curling their tongues around. He relaxed further into the soft mattress beneath him, letting Robbie’s weight settle comfortably on top. Moaning, Cody spread his thighs, reveling in the feel of Robbie’s tongue twisting and swirling against his own.

  He’d spent too many nights missing Robbie. He wanted the man back where he belonged, inside of him. He loved the big callused
hands touching, rubbing, and caressing him, but it wasn’t enough. He needed more. He wanted everything Robbie had to give. Breaking the kiss, Robbie winked as he leaned back. He leaned his body over, reaching the side table, and grabbed a bottle of lube and a condom.

  “I need to feel you,” he said, his voice gruff.

  Cody started to move, ready to go to his hands and knees, but Robbie stopped him by placing a hand on his chest.

  “Stay right there. I want to look in your eyes as I take you this time, baby.” Robbie flicked open the lid on the bottle of lube and dripped the liquid onto his fingers.

  Dropping the bottle on the bed, Robbie’s slick fingers began to circle and dip into Cody’s hole. His big fingers slowly stretched and played with Cody’s puckered skin, leaving him begging to be filled. Reaching for his cock, Cody grabbed the base and started to slow jack himself as Robbie sank first one finger and then two inside his ass.

  He followed Robbie’s rhythm, moving closer and closer to completion. Robbie’s fingers pressed against his prostate gland and Cody cursed.

  “Shit!” he yelled. “I’m gonna come. I want you in me when I come.”

  Robbie pulled his fingers out. Making fast work of the condom, he tore the package open and sheathed his cock in record time.

  “Will you ride me, cowboy?” Robbie asked, sitting down between Cody’s thighs.

  Cody straddled Robbie’s hips. His first instinct was to go fast. He wanted to feel Robbie inside of him. Instead of slamming his ass down on Robbie’s dick, he went slowly. The head of Robbie’s cock breached his hole and they both moaned together.

  “Goddamn, you’re tight.” Robbie let out a deep groan as Cody slowly lowered himself.

  “You feel so good.” Cody panted out as his body accepted Robbie’s entire length. “I missed you.” He settled his ass against Robbie and swiveled his hips, pushing the man impossibly deeper inside his ass

  “I missed you, too, love.” Cody stared into Robbie’s eyes and was struck by the strong emotion he saw.


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