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The Forest and the Farm

Page 47

by Vance Huxley

  “Oh no he won’t.” Hektor had been nodding but now he stopped. Ellibeth glared at him, then looked at her Sis. “Sis, if you breathe a word before Harvestfest, I’ll sew your mouth shut. Hektor, if you don’t keep your mouth shut, I know where Billi’s good knives are.” Hektor winced, most of the Hunter’s knew about Billi’s good blades by now as when he was butchering near them the wavy pattern in the shining metal was distinctive.

  Then four sets of eyes went to Rubyn who had started to grin at whatever he’d made of the situation. He immediately looked defensive. “What? I didn’t say anything.”

  “Rubyn, would you like to live in Billi’s hut at the lakes, and help him mend the traps and suchlike?” The littlun’s eyes widened to match his grin and he nodded rapidly, temporarily speechless. “Well you say nothing about these,” Ellibeth touched the stones. “Or bussing or hugging, or sitting on knees. Not until after Harvestfest.”

  “Then can I tell Eddwyn? He will be so sick.” Three pairs of eyes looked baffled, but Bliss sniggered.

  “His Sis is Eweyna, the maid with careless buttons.” Bliss touched the one the maid left open for the bear to look for tattoos. “That sounds as if she thinks she’s in with a chance of catching the bear.”

  “She never was.” Well! That brought Billi’s first proper public bussing. It was a good job he wasn’t running! “Thank ye kindly, fair maid. Now why do they all need to wait until Harvestfest? Because I wanted to do some hopping about and shouting.”

  “Because these,” Ellibeth touched the stones gently, “need the right setting before they are shown. Otherwise everyone will think Tinkerer beguiling. So the bear needs to dance one more time.” Billi stirred; he didn’t want to. “With one maid. Then he’ll retire since he’s caught one that he’s not giving back.”

  “Never.” This bussing didn’t last as long but tasted just as sweet.

  “See, he says the nicest things.” Billi would be thinking of more if he could. “My Sis is going to help me because these need something special.”

  “They’ve already got the best setting.” Hektor rolled his eyes and Bliss grinned.

  “You get thanked for that later.” Billi thought that sounded wonderful. “Rubyn, would you like to stay with Unk Hektor tonight. You can help with the babe?” Rubyn looked torn until Hektor whispered something. Ellibeth nodded towards Spots. “Take Spots, he’s a good guard dog.” Not as good as Dapple but nobody mentioned that.

  “There is one problem. We’ll be going back by Da’s house, since the babe’s with her Ganda.” Ellibeth looked stricken and hugged Billi’s neck tighter, but Bliss laughed.

  “He told me that if you two need more time to discuss things I should bring Rubyn home. Da said you had a lot to sort out.” Bliss had trouble getting the last bit out and Hektor was off again, laughing. Ellibeth didn’t care and neither did Billi. A long time sorting things out sounded wonderful. The three of them got their coats and left, because “You’ll want as much time as possible to get it all sorted out.” Which meant the adults were still sniggering as they went down the path. Everyone knew the bribe by then. Rubyn had asked if he could actually hold the tusk so he’d be seeing the Great-Boar trophy.

  Then there they were. All alone and Ellibeth still on Billi’s knee and not trying to get off. They practised creating heavy breathing, then did talk for a while about chasing and the choice of chasing presents. Then how this present was to be presented, and how they only needed one hut in Two Lakes now but it would need a room for Rubyn. Ellibeth liked the name which settled it.

  Their eyes went to the bed more and more often. Until Ellibeth extinguished the lamp and Billi wasn’t worried about his stump at all, and this time the little bird didn’t wake Ellibeth and she was still there at dawn. Their late, slow breakfast came with a lot of smiling, and Billi finally took her home.

  Viktor brought Billi in and privately admitted the whole affair had baffled the Tanner. Viktor had thought Ellibeth was chasing and Billi might be, right up to when she stormed into the house. After that he’d been angry at Billi for taking advantage. Then he’d heard Billi’s attempt at an explanation and realised that wasn’t the Hunter’s intention. Now it seemed to have worked out well but he’d been asked to keep quiet about it. Once again Viktor admitted to being baffled, but this seemed important to Ellibeth so he’d do it. Viktor did point out that his maids had both baffled him many times as they grew up, so it wasn’t really that unusual.

  Perry knew, though sworn to silence on pain of being banned from hut-minding and reed- cutting. He’d started sort of chasing a maid and she’d dropped by the hut a couple of times in the daytime, according to some, so he really, really, wanted to keep the job. Billi stopped for the evening meal since he’d supplied it, Viktor pointed out. They all had to sample Rubyn’s cream cheese which really was very tasty. Not the firm and delicious yet, though that was ready to come out of the Dancer’s cloth.

  * * *

  For the next three days Billi and Rabbit spent a lot of time with just Rubyn. They put out or emptied traps, saw to the goats and chickens and threw sticks for Spots. Billi gave Bliss the whole box of fangs and claws when she asked for a few. He told her to use as many as they wanted since he wouldn’t be needing any for a chasing bracelet. At least with Billi and Rubyn there nobody tried his hut, important now because there were rough stones in his hidey-hole. Though the hut wouldn’t be left empty again because Viktor had picked up on Billi’s comment about someone still trying his door. He had suggested a solution and now Spots stayed in the hut while Billi sent to see his Sis.

  Billi went round to see his Sis to talk about what to do with the hut, while Rubyn played with her littluns. The reason he gave had to do with moving to the valley, with no mention of catching. Billi offered put someone in it until one of Sis’s littluns grew big enough and then it would be theirs. Her glance at Rubyn showed that Sis assumed Ellibeth would get the hut, but Billi meant Perry. He’d get it on the condition that if Billi, Ellibeth or Rubyn needed a bed for the night when visiting the Village, the extra room was theirs.

  Back in Billi’s hut he spent more time drawing a new house in the dust with Rubyn, and eventually on a piece of parchment. This version included an extra room for Rubyn, just for him. Ellibeth and the stonecutter would explain what was wrong with their notions but this kept Billi and Rubyn busy and out of the way. The planning and drawing occupied Billi’s mind but not as well as Rabbit’s joyful song.

  He didn’t have to plan what he’d take to Harvestfest because Ellibeth had been planning anyway, even if ‘twas only for winter. Billi had stuffed his store with salted, dried and cooked meat, and fish. He had plenty of meat as he’d spent a lot of time out at the lakes this summer and Billi always hunted on the way back unless he’d filled his pack before leaving. Better yet, anyone who came along carried extra back for a share. He’d also pillaged the bramble hedge and the Forest trees for extra fruit this year after Ellibeth mentioned how popular the wild fruit seemed to be in the Village.

  Ellibeth had converted a surprising amount of what he’d brought into sausage, pots of berry preserves and meat spreads, and pies and pasties. Billi never really noticed since often Rubyn, Perry or Timath carried his catch down the steps. Now he realised that behind the usual lumps of this and that Ellibeth had been hoarding bits away all year, all carefully sealed and stowed in the deepest, coldest parts. Billi wouldn’t go hungry regardless of the winter. Ellibeth came from a house without a Hunter and wasted nothing which sometimes puzzled One-shut.

  Billi would be taking a big pie to Harvestfest, venison this time, and a smaller pork pie that Ellibeth said would only feed two families. Though just now the stores were far from his thoughts.

  Eventually Harvestfest arrived, and Billi dropped Rubyn off at the party for the littluns. Spots stayed in the hut all on his own, after dark for the first time. Spots already thought he should guard the hut, and would bark, and that should be enough to alert the Hounds if anyone tried the d
oor. Rabbit’s song seemed to agree, that he’d hear Spots and come running and the eagerness meant he’d come very fast. Viktor had agreed to keep quiet about the reasons rather than spoil Ellibeth’s night or start up a lot of rumours.

  By rights Timath should miss this Harvestfest, his first, while babysitting his two younger Bros, Rubyn, Bliss’s babe and two neighbour’s littluns. But Timath would babysit next year instead since Viktor arranged for a neighbour’s youth, Currin, to stand in so the youth could see the bearr dancing. Currin would no doubt know all about the gift and Ellibeth and Billi before long, as Rubyn’s silence would only last until he left the littluns party for home. The littlun had already mentioned calling round to see his friend Eddwyn on the way with some excuse, any excuse. Rubyn wanted to make him so sick before Eweyna came back from the dance with the news.

  Ellibeth turned up at the hall with her Da, and Perry looking as if he’d swallowed the finch and the cat as well. Hektor failed to keep a straight face but that looked normal, as did Bliss’s happy smile, though Timath looked baffled. After Perry whispered in his ear a huge grin spread over the youth’s face and he kept glancing at Ellibeth. Billi kept looking at Ellibeth as well, then pulling his eyes away before everyone realised. She took off her coat to show a big shawl around her shoulders, one with fringing. The rest thought that must be for bear dancing, but Billi couldn’t help wondering what Ellibeth wore under the shawl.

  Although Billi knew the setting for the sparkuls would be a cat and the stones were its eyes, he had no idea of anything else. He only guessed cat from Ellibeth and Bliss wanting claws and fangs, so he had to sit impatiently through the build-up to the dancing. The Eldest said her bit including about the valley and that next year some of those present would miss the Harvestfest; they’d be watching their own flocks and herds out on the far side of the Forest. Kelli was missed, as were two Hunters and their Hounds, a farmer’s lass, a babe and an elder. The babes who had survived their first year were named and welcomed to the Village, though Bliss’s babe was too young and would be named next year. Edan and the banished were carefully ignored, especially because Canitre and his family were here.

  The dancing struck up and Billi sat with the older men as usual and watched with mounting anticipation. He had trouble keeping his mind on the talk of crops and even the valley. There were a lot of scarves and plenty of anticipation tonight, and Eweyna had already started playing with her careless button. Eventually someone placed the bear chair, the call came for the ssrrong bearr and his gloves, and Billi went out and braced himself against the post. The music struck up and this time there were at least three maids who were looking determined. Billi now had a large and proved landclaim, and some of the Village maids had been to the valley and confirmed it.

  As before, the younger maids were allowed to dance first. Except that even as they were plucking up courage Ellibeth joined them, with her shawl still almost covering her top except for her arms. Ellibeth danced out first, which made it clear the first catch would be hers. The other maids held back and everyone watched as Ellibeth danced a bit closer and Billi grinned. He caught and pulled the shawl and as he’d known he would, the bear caught the maid.

  There were gasps since this was a bit early to catch Ellibeth and last time she’d had to give two bussings and the beguiling. What would it be this time and would it be blatant enough to be classed as definite chasing? Maybe even catching, since a lot of them thought the chasing had been going on for a while. Ellibeth shrieked, beat his chest and then sat on Billi’s knee as she’d been caught before so it was required.

  While Billi allegedly demanded a prize she appealed for rescue, for help. Da, Bros and Sis were unmoved. When Billi asked her very quietly when he was to see the real prize she smiled happily, and Ellibeth turned to the room. “The bear is mad! He wants to keep me! He going to carry me off to the new village, Two Lakes!”

  A cheer went up as Ellibeth announced the name of the new settlement but quickly died away. Everyone wanted to hear what else the bear had to say. Billi whispered in her ear. “No need to wander about outside next time.”

  Ellibeth tried to look horrified, but spoiled it by laughing. “He says he won’t catch any more maids but there are conditions. I have to be tattooed and wear Tinkerer sparkuls so I can practice proper beguiling.”

  Once again Ellibeth appealed to Viktor but he shook his head. “I’ve given up. Ye keep going back to be caught by this bear and I’m starting to wonder if you want him to keep ye.” That brought a gale of laughter. Ellibeth went tragic, which failed due to her big smile and the laughter from the crowd. Perry almost wept with mirth and only the wall kept him on his feet and this time Timath joined him. “In that case, what can a maid do, tattoos and sparkuls it must be.” Ellibeth whipped off the shawl and turned to face the room.

  Everyone went dead silent, and then a storm of laughter, whistles and cheering broke out and Billi wanted to join in even if he’d only seen a bit of it. She had a striped hunter on her blouse, right across the front! Billi could see the buttons down the back so the needlework wasn’t even marred by the fastenings. There had to be strips and patches of eight or nine different pelts at least to get the striping and shading, probably from scraps as Viktor cleaned and cured them.

  The claws and fangs were realistic because they actually were real and there was a chasing necklace’s worth of claws ruined because only the tips had been cut off. But the real shocker were the eyes, blazing out in the lanterns and lamps. As the maids rushed in to look the exclamations began while Ellibeth sat there proudly. She’d certainly found a way to stop any Tinkerer jibes. She’d told them the sparkuls were to make her Billi’s personal Tinkerer beguiler and the stripes were her ‘tattoos’ of course.

  What nobody had expected was real sparkuls, the genuine big flamboyant type flaunted by Tinkerer maids. As Viktor had pointed out earlier nobody had ever seen them on a Village maid, which made them even more shocking and exotic here in the hall. Now they all wanted to see the sparkuls up close and a good few maids were also wanting detail about how the cat was made.

  Billi moved to a chair at the side of the hall and announced that as this bear had retired the youths must compete to find another. The winner, judged by how many maids he caught and what sort of bussing he attracted, would get the gloves and start the bear dancing at the next dance. After he’d danced with all the maids, the youths must all compete again to find a bear for the next time. That idea, the competition, came from Hektor and Bliss so none were too jealous of the new bear.

  The youths were soon vying for the chance, and Ellibeth whispered that Eddwyn’s Sis had found a new target. A strapping youth soon had to sit on the chair to get a look at the careless blouse button, so Eweyna really did like strong arms. It hadn’t taken her long to shift targets but she’d get second prize, Ellibeth told Billi with a smug smile. Billi had to rely on the other comments or Ellibeth since his view remained blocked by her, other maids, lasses and some men. They all wanted either instructions about how she’d made the striped hunter or a good look at the sparkuls.

  The older men each side moved away and his Bros and Sis took the chairs! They smiled happily and congratulated him, though his Sis pretended to be annoyed. Only pretended since she laughed while berating Billi for fooling her about why he’d not need the hut. Billi didn’t think he could be happier, but now something else eased in him. They really had forgiven him any extra work on the farm, and any trouble he’d caused them since. All three promised to come out when the new settlers moved to Two Lakes, to look over the valley.

  Then Billi had to answer a few questions from a lot of people. Billi told them the truth about why he had the sparkuls. They cost a huge number of tiny roughs and he’d bought them for his old age. His leg took more use than any two so Ellibeth needed a better nest-egg than most, to keep them both when the time came. A couple of people reckoned that a Great-Swan, if there was such a thing, wouldn’t lay a nest egg like that. Viktor had a clump of
older men round him asking questions. He did a lot of shrugging, don’t know, and told Billi later everyone wanted a value and he didn’t have one.

  Billi had a good idea because the Trader had bid hard for that one sparkul, and a Tinkerer had bid for the pair Ellibeth had. The value wasn’t for public knowledge as it would be a temptation, since Viktor had been a bit wide of the mark. One stone in a setting like that would buy a landclaim on its own, as a matched pair they would more than double in value so a good farm and the stock. That came as a shock for Billi especially since they were all found goods, even the gold for the setting.

  At the end of their dancing the bears were judged and a winner announced. The strapping young man was congratulated by his erstwhile captures and allowed a last dance with the gloves to prove their worth. He ended up with a second look at the careless button and some beguiling and two bussings so the gloves were working. Some general dancing and a bit of growling and chasing followed for a while and then the dance ended. Ellibeth got off Billi’s knee after a very thorough bussing.

  “That’s not a forfeit. ‘Tis because I’m entitled now, and so is the bear.” Ellibeth laughed at the whistles and comments even if she went a bit pink. So did Billi and he thought his head might fall in half since his smile was so wide. Even a glimpse of Edan’s Ma glaring at him couldn’t affect his mood tonight. At least part of Billi’s smile came from the sheer joy in Rabbit’s song when Ellibeth sat on his knee and made her disclosure. Was the song because Billi felt so happy? Billi didn’t care; the song soared gloriously and fitted his mood perfectly.

  Billi held onto her hand just a moment longer. “You won’t have to hide on the way home.” Ellibeth squeezed his hand, then went to join her family.


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