Book Read Free

The Sound of Shooting Stars

Page 6

by Heather Allen

  My phone starts to vibrate across the desk. I frown wondering who could be calling. An unknown number scrolls across the screen. I punch the answer button, lift it to my ear and wait.

  “Jamie, are you there?” It’s Sam’s voice.

  “Hey Sam, how’d you get my number?”

  She giggles, “Oh I have my ways.”

  My brows raise at this, wondering how she could have gotten it.

  Her voice changes to a harder tone, “Jamie, I was wondering, can you get away to go to the beach. I wanted to talk to you and,” she hesitates before finishing, “school isn’t the place for what I want to talk about.”

  “Yeah, I can probably be there in thirty minutes.”

  “Do you want me to come and get you?”

  I hesitate to answer. Sam coming to Beckett’s house is probably not a good thing.

  She answers for me instead, “Cherry Street, right?”

  “Yep,” I decide not to elaborate.

  As if she can hear my inner thoughts she makes the decision for me.

  “I’ll pick you up at the end of the street.”

  I hang up wondering what Sam could possibly want to talk to me about. We just reunited and we don’t have much in common at this point in our lives except attending the same school. Not able to focus on homework any longer, I close my book, slip my feet into my flip flops and make my way down to the first floor. It’s quiet, something I’m not used to. All the homes I’ve been in have either had a load of kids or lots of yelling. Silence was hard to come by.

  I stroll into the kitchen to find Sasha alone making dinner. She turns as I enter and smiles, “Hi Jamie, how are you?”

  I hesitate but ask anyway, “Did Beckett… I mean did Marla come home yet?”

  “Yes, I guess Beckett fell and did something to her wrist?”

  I nod unsure what story Beckett gave, there’s no predicting what she told them.

  “Marla took her to the doctor. They’ll be home later. Are you hungry?”

  I shake my head and ask, “Can you give them, Marla, a message when she gets home?”

  She stops what she’s doing and looks at me suddenly interested.

  “Can you tell her I went to the beach and I’ll be home…back in a couple of hours.”

  She smiles and repeats my statement, “I’ll let her know you’ll be home later, Jamie.”

  I turn ignoring her home reference and walk out into the thick humidity. Once I make it to the end of the road, I spot a red Mini-Cooper that can only belong to Sam. I lean down to her open window and ask, “Can a guy get a ride?”

  She chuckles and unlocks the door. When I’m settled, she takes in my attire, “You took the beach thing literally, didn’t you?”

  I look down at my pale blue baggies and shrug my shoulders. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the beach. I’m looking forward to it. She’s dressed in jean shorts and a tank top.

  She’s quiet during the short ride. Our reunion from earlier in the day flips through my mind. She’s still my Sam but she’s different. I can’t quite put my finger on exactly what it is but there is something.

  When we pull into a metered space, she turns the car off but doesn’t move to get out. Her hands remain on the steering wheel, holding tight.

  I want to ask her what’s wrong but it might not be my place anymore. I don’t really know her anymore. She shifts in her seat and turns to face me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you’re living at Beckett Chase’s house?”

  I shrug my shoulders not really having a good reason for keeping that information from her. But I think I was right on. Beckett had an odd reaction to Sam today. They have some sort of history and judging by their reactions, it can’t be good.

  She blurts out, “Jamie, she’s evil.”

  I wait for more but she falls silent. Finally reaching for the door handle, she climbs out before loading change into the meter. I get out and stretch my legs that were cramped in the small space. A sweet smile spreads across her lips when I look up. There is the Sam I know.

  She reaches her hand out. I grab it and follow her down to the water’s edge. We dip our feet and splash each other with the chilly salt water. She squeals with laughter reminding me of another time we had a splash fight with her dad.

  After a while I follow her back up the beach. We sit side by side as she rests her head on my shoulder.

  “God Jamie, I’ve missed you.”

  I grab her hand and raise it to my lips. She pulls it away and sits up with a serene expression.

  “I really love Jake. I want you to know that.”

  I nod and my eyebrows knit together wondering why she’s telling me this. I love Sam but I’ve never loved Sam like that. She’s my best friend, the one person who knows me better than anyone else. Concern etches itself across my face and I tell her, “I know. We’re friends right?”

  Relief seems to wash across her face. I start laughing at her reaction. I lean over resting flat on my back. I take in the bright blue cloudless sky. She leans over me claiming, “Of course we’re friends, I just had to make sure.”

  She lowers herself onto her back with our shoulders touching slightly. I turn to glance at her and admit, “Sam I love you and I always will but not in that way.”

  Her smile is genuine but a cloud seems to wash her features. She lifts up from the sand in a sudden movement.

  “Then I need to tell you something.”

  “Okay, tell me.”

  “It’s about Beckett.”

  I raise my chest up and rest my elbows on my knees. I knew there was something between them. I am curious but also leery to hear what she has to say.

  She turns her face to stare out at the ocean, “Jake and I have been together since ninth grade. We have a lot of history together and we’re planning our future together. And as I told you, I really love him.”

  She takes a deep breath, “About a year ago, Jake went to a party with Gabe. I couldn’t go because I had to babysit that night. Anyway, Beckett was there. Both Jake and Beckett had a lot to drink from my understanding and they ended up sleeping together.”

  I hold in my shock, although why I’m surprised, I don’t know. Beckett seems to get everything she wants whether it belongs to someone else or not.

  Sam’s voice grows softer, “It took us almost six months to get through it. I trust Jake but I don’t trust her, not for anything.”

  Maybe I’m misunderstanding something. I turn to meet her pained eyes, “Sam, but he had a part in it. He didn’t have to sleep with her. You do understand that, don’t you?”

  Exasperation fills her voice, “Of course I do Jamie. But Jake isn’t the only one she’s gone after that belonged to someone else. She’s evil and she’ll sleep with anyone. She has no remorse and I, I hate her.”

  A lump forms in the pit of my stomach. I’m not sure Jake is good enough for Sam if he cheated on her. I raise my hand to her shoulder and she snuggles into the crook of my arm. Flashes of Beckett from earlier in the day on the floor of her room play through my mind. There are many sides to this girl and my decision from the day I laid eyes upon her, to stay away, still rings true. Now, more than ever.

  Chapter Twelve

  Beckett Chase

  Camelopardalis – The Giraffe

  A reference to the book of Genesis in the Bible.


  A tingling rises through my arm. I frown realizing how uncomfortable the sensation is making me. One of my eyelids lifts to find my legs tangled in the soft blanket across my bed. Under my body is my wrist folded into a brace at an odd angle. I wince as I force it out and lay it across the pillow beside me. Great, just super.

  Yesterday when Marla saw my swollen wrist she about reamed me out. But, lucky for her I willingly went to the doctor. I’ll do anything to distance myself from Jamie. His admission about Sam was a huge wake-up call for me to stay as far away from him as I can get.

  The doctor determined that my wrist is in fact sprain
ed. I was given some Advil, wrapped up in a brace and sent home. Jamie didn’t come down for dinner when we got home. Sasha explained to Marla that he already ate but I knew better. He’s keeping away too. I wonder if he’s already talked to Sam. If he hasn’t, I’m sure she’ll give him all the gory details today at school. He’ll despise me even more.

  I step off the bed and open the French doors leading to the balcony. The bright sun warms my face as I walk to the railing. The water is smooth today, barely a ripple moves. I look down toward Jamie’s closed door and quickly turn back to my room. Dammit Beckett, you’re making this harder than it is.

  I skip breakfast and drag my feet all morning dreading that moment when I have to go out and face him. I took off yesterday after our ‘star gazing’ when he explained about Sam. He’s bound to want an explanation as to why I bolted unless Sam has already gotten to him.

  When I can’t stall any longer, I square my shoulders and step out onto the front porch. He’s leaning against my car with his ear buds in. Good, he can keep them in. When I approach the car he looks up meeting my gaze. My set look wavers a moment but then I gather strength telling myself that he’s like all the rest of them, he doesn’t care. We get in at the same time but I don’t dare look his way. The drive seems strained, at least to me. He hasn’t removed his music so maybe he does know and he’s ignoring me. I say a silent prayer because that’ll make things easier.

  When I pull into a spot up front, Trina and Dani are just walking from Dani’s silver Lexus parked in front of us. They stop near my driver’s door and watch as Jamie walks away without a backwards glance. I gently punch Trina in the arm, “Hey, didn’t I say no rubbernecking?”

  She laughs as she states, “It looks like there’s trouble in paradise. Maybe I can smooth things over.”

  I shake my head staring at the worn asphalt under my feet. I mutter to both girls or to no one in particular, “He used to live with Samantha’s family.”

  Dani chuckles loudly, “Well damn Beckett, you really know how to pick them.”

  I look up and glare before stating fiercely, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t choose this, remember.”

  I walk a few feet toward the building but turn back to face them. My voice comes out with finality when I announce, “Actually Trina, I think you should go for it.”

  Trina’s brows raise and her accent becomes more pronounced as the excitement is evident in her voice, “Are you serious? Don’t tease me Beckett. He’s really good looking and truthfully, I’ve been lusting after him.”

  I smile as real as I can make it for the circumstances, “Yes, I am serious. But I don’t want you to get hurt so try not to get too involved. He seems kind of…broken.”

  She laughs, “Oh well honey, I’ll fix him right up.”

  Miserably I mutter, “No doubt.”

  I turn toward the building again and catch Dani’s frown as I look away but I ignore it. When we walk down the hall to my locker, I spot him with Samantha at the other end of the walkway. They are laughing with Jake. I look back toward the girls to see if they see him with Samantha but they’re too busy talking about Trina’s choice of shoes for the day, two inch platform heels. I’m sure she’ll get a detention for those but she never seems to care.

  My classes drag on. It’s Friday so I should be happy that I don’t have to wake up early tomorrow. Instead I’m dreading being holed up all weekend with Jamie just down the hall. Maybe I can arrange an overnight with one of the girls.

  As I approach English, I take a deep breath bracing for the scene I know will play out before me. I’m the enemy now. I’m sure Samantha has made sure of that. I’m about to walk through the door but I feel a hand gently grasp my arm and pull me back. I whirl around to see worry in Dani’s expression. She leads me back from the doorway and whispers, “Did you know he would say yes to Trina?”

  I frown not understanding what she is talking about.

  She clarifies, “Trina asked him to go to Gabe’s party this weekend and he said yes. He even smiled at her and added that it sounds like fun.”

  Well he’s a better man than I thought. I shrug it off and answer, “So?”

  “Beckett, come on. I know you and the games you like to play. Are you doing this at Trina’s expense?”

  “Of course not. I would never, remember the girl code. He’s off limits for me.”

  She straightens herself rising to her full height, “You wouldn’t have said that yesterday on the way to this class. I’m worried that you think this is funny and Trina will get hurt in the process.”

  I glare and hiss,“Dani, do I look like I’m laughing? There could never be anything between me and Jamie. He lives at my house for God’s sake and he hates me so Trina can have at it. I promised I wouldn’t get involved. She has my word.”

  I turn before she can respond and I head for the front of the classroom again. Cara has beaten me to her seat but I spot an empty one beside her. When I sit down she looks over in surprise. Her tone comes out in a whine, “What is your deal Beckett? You never sit up here.”

  In the softest voice I can muster, I reply with a smile, “Maybe I need a new perspective on things.”

  As soon as class is over and we are dismissed, I rush out. I don’t need Dani’s shit and I especially don’t want to face Jamie. Why in the hell am I letting him get to me? On the way to the cafeteria a fleeting thought passes urging me to avoid the room but I push the thought away as my usual contempt for life in general starts to return.

  This is crap. I am literally letting a foster kid push me around. I straighten up as tall as my five foot four frame will allow and stride to our usual table. Brett is there first along with Jackson and Rachel has appeared for a change. It’s about time she hung around her boyfriend, it might keep the skanks away. I inwardly chuckle at my joke and meet Brett’s stare. He’s looking at me like he wants to eat me for lunch. Give me a break.

  A few minutes after enduring Brett’s advances, the girls stroll in. Dani sits across from me glaring before diverting her attention to Brandon who has just arrived. Trina plops down next to me and whispers excitedly, “Hey Beckett, did you hear? Jamie is meeting me at Gabe’s party on Saturday.”

  I nod and smile. “Dani told me, that is great.”

  “It isn’t gonna be weird for you or anything, is it?”

  I feign shock, “Of course not. Really Trina I wouldn’t have told you to go for it if I wasn’t serious.”

  As these words leave my lips a rock of regret cements itself to my middle. I look away and meet the stare of Jamie across the room. He’s glaring at me. Yep, Samantha definitely told him. Can I get any lower? Probably.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jamie Grey

  Hydrus – The Water Snake

  Heracles defeated the Hydra when his charioteer Iolaus helped him by burning the stumps of each head that Heracles struck off, and eventually Heracles cut off the immortal head and buried it under a rock. He dipped his arrows in Hydra’s poisonous blood, which would eventually lead to his own death.


  As school ended, Sam and Jake asked if I wanted to swing by the beach with them. I’ve never prided myself on being a third wheel, but today I was thankful for it. The last thing I wanted was to be at the mercy of Beckett or her two sidekicks.

  When we’re all shut into the car Sam starts in on me.

  “Jamie, what’s this I hear about you and Trina?”

  I shrug and meet her eyes in the rearview mirror.

  “Come on, she’s almost as bad as Beckett. You need to stay away from all three of them.”

  My contempt comes across a little too strong, “Like I can control that Sam. I’m living at Beckett’s house.”

  She sighs and grabs Jakes hand. He looks over at her and I can see the feelings he has for my friend plastered all over his face. Regret, sorrow, and adoration, all rolled into one.

  I turn away, suddenly in a fouler mood than I was five seconds ago. The houses we
pass are like nothing I’ve ever seen. One of these houses could comfortably fit twenty apartments the size of Joe and Miranda’s in them. Wow, I wonder if she is even still alive. This pisses me off even more thinking about the waste and my life in general. I look forward again and catch Sam’s glance in the mirror, that sympathy thing crosses her features. What the hell? She really has changed over the years. What did I expect? People change as life goes on. I should know this better than anyone.

  She takes us to the same beach as the day before. I walk ahead of them along the water’s edge. A glance down the length of the beach shows that it’s mostly deserted. The homes,encroaching the edge of the sand, tower two and three stories high. They each seem to showcase a different style. Some are pristine and modern, while others exhibit the typical Florida house; Spanish tiled roof, pool and balconies for the view.

  Sam runs up and hops on my back making me collapse into the sand from the unexpected force. She starts laughing and gets up running into Jake’s arms. I’m still unsure of him. Sam is a wonderful person. How he could even consider cheating on her makes my blood boil.

  After our brief visit to the beach, Sam drops me off at the Chase house just after seven. I try to slip up to my room unnoticed, but Marla walks into the foyer as I’m climbing the steps.

  “Jamie, can you come down here for a minute?”

  Crap. I nod and trek back the short distance that I just gained.

  “I thought I was pretty clear but I know this is all new to you and you probably haven’t had anyone to care before. Please call if you’re going to miss dinner. I need to know where you are.”

  I stammer, “Yes, Marla, I will, I’m sorry.”

  She smiles and changes the subject, “Well tell me, how are you adjusting to school? I know everything must be a major shock to your system from what you are used to.” That is the understatement of the year. Shock is a good word for the past week.

  “Everything is good. I’m doing fine.”

  I don’t think I could give a more typical response. What do you say to the woman who took you in while knowing her home will be the last stop? I could mess it all up if I say the wrong thing. Not to mention, who knows what Beckett has already told her.


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