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In Search of Shakespeare

Page 42

by Michael Wood

  Colet, John 66

  Collins, Francis 373

  The Comedy of Errors 60, 105, 121, 165, 281, 295, 331

  Compton Abdale 18

  Condell, Henry 114, 244, 267, 271, 292, 294, 333, 341, 374, 378

  Cooley, Thomas 75

  Coriolanus 326, 328, 329, 330

  Coryate, Thomas 359

  Cottam, John 85, 86

  Cottam, Thomas 77, 78, 84, 301

  Cotton, Robert 359

  Coventry 38, 62, 104, 110, 112, 117

  mystery plays 61–3

  Cowley, Richard 210

  Cross Keys inn 124, 134

  Curtain Theatre 125, 225, 244, 245, 253

  Cymbeline 338, 339, 340, 346–7, 364

  Daniel, Samuel 174, 194, 216–17, 252, 322

  Davies, Richard 376–7

  Day, John 246–7

  Debdale, Robert 77, 78, 84, 87, 109, 301

  Debdales of Shottery 39

  Dee, John 358

  Dekker, Thomas 241, 242, 243, 283, 312, 318, 319

  Satiromastix 260

  Descartes, René 309

  Dethick, William 181–2, 287

  Devils of Denham 300–3

  Diggers of Warwickshire 326–8

  Digges, Sir Dudley 354, 359, 360

  Domesday Book 26

  Don Quixote (Cervantes) 363, 364

  Donne, John 174, 175, 185, 252, 264, 295, 302, 359

  Dowland, John 346

  Drayton, Michael 370

  Dryden, John 242

  Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester 20, 48, 95–6, 98, 101, 104, 138

  Dugdale, William 62, 101

  Edward VI, King 11

  Elizabeth I, Queen 20, 25, 146, 157, 315, 338

  accession of 12, 28–30

  and the Babington Plot 108–9

  and black people 272–4

  courtly entertainments 212

  death 276–8, 290

  ‘Ditchley’ portrait 13

  and the Earl of Essex 253–4, 258

  excommunication of 48, 78

  and the Garter Celebrations 188, 224–5

  headdress 266

  in Henry VIII 368

  and the Northern Rebellion (1569) 46–7

  and Protestantism 10, 12, 31, 37–8, 48, 70–1, 316

  and the Queen’s Men 117, 142

  and Richard II 255, 256–7

  and Shakespeare’s plays 169–70, 179

  and the Somerville plot 95–6, 97, 102

  and Southwell 159, 172

  and Stratford 236

  and Topcliffe 175–6, 177–8

  visit to Kenilworth (1575) 20, 62, 96

  Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia 363

  Elizabethan England

  in the 1590s 146

  best-sellers 234–5

  collapse of the wool trade 69–70

  enforcement of anti-Catholic laws 71–2, 74–6, 159, 316

  farmers 16

  grammar schools 52–8

  literacy 53–4

  living standards 33–4

  mealtimes 54

  middle-class domesticity 39–40

  poverty in 33, 110, 146

  public executions 100–1, 108–9, 171–2

  racism in 162

  sex in 88–9, 202

  women in 202

  see also Catholicism

  Ellis, Thomas 280

  English Catholics see Catholicism

  Erasmus 60, 67, 241, 300

  Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of 227, 252, 253–4, 255, 256, 258, 261

  Euripides 60, 145, 204, 241, 242–3, 247–8, 333, 347, 369

  exorcism, and the Devils of Denham 300–3

  fairy tales 52

  Falstaff plays 223–31, 234

  Fawkes, Guy 310, 312

  Ferraboso family 204, 211, 346

  Field, Richard 36, 155, 174, 210

  Fisher, John 45, 106, 110

  Fitzherbert family 176

  Fletcher, John 347, 354, 364, 368, 369, 372

  Florio, John 134, 300, 359

  Forest of Arden 15, 16–17, 20, 26, 37, 51, 250

  Forman, Simon 202, 210–11, 211–12, 212–14, 267, 275

  Fortescue family of Alveston 31

  Foxe, John 223–4, 285

  Frith, John, vicar of Temple Grafton 37, 38, 91–2

  Frizer, Ingram 163, 164

  Galileo 355

  Gardiner, William 184–5, 186

  Garnet, Henry 81, 148, 310, 313, 314–15

  Geoffrey of Monmouth 298

  Gibbes, George 72

  Gifford, Dr 269, 299

  Gillom, Fulk 86

  Globe Theatre 124, 143, 166, 186, 244

  250, 251, 253, 255, 261, 265, 269, 281, 295, 296, 319, 331, 341, 342

  burns down 368

  Golding, Arthur 53, 65, 66

  Gower, John 65, 332

  Grant family 78, 98, 310–11

  Greek, and grammar schools 53

  Greek Anthology 282

  Greek tragedy 239, 241–3, 307

  Greenaway, William 87

  Greene, John 365

  Greene, Robert 116, 144, 150–1, 152, 153

  Greene, Thomas 232

  Greville, Fulke 265

  Gunpowder Plot 21, 42, 81, 83, 298, 309, 310–12, 316, 320

  plays 312–15, 317

  Guy of Warwick 26, 51, 153, 170

  Hacket, William 146

  Hall, Dr John 65, 324–5, 374, 375, 378

  Hall, Hugh 98, 100

  Hall, Susanna see Shakespeare, Susanna

  Hamlet 30, 63, 84, 168, 238, 241, 242–3, 261–4, 271, 281, 304, 323, 379

  performance in Sierra Leone 329–30

  Harrington, Joan 202

  Harrison, William 33, 132, 339–40

  Harsnett, Samuel 300–3, 304

  Hart family 80

  Hart, Michael 335

  Hart, William 373

  Harvey, William 355

  Hathaway, Anne (wife of WS) 88, 105, 111, 180, 205, 233, 236, 237, 297, 330, 337, 374, 378

  Hathaway, Richard 88

  Haycroft, Henry 91

  Hayward, Sir John 254–5

  Heaney, Seamus 158

  Heath, Geoffrey, vicar of Oldbarrow 37

  Hemmings, John 113–14, 166, 244, 267, 269, 271, 292, 294, 306, 333, 341, 374, 378

  Henry IV 43, 45, 115, 133–4, 168, 187, 194, 222, 223, 225–31, 234, 253, 362

  Henry, Prince (son of James I) 279, 337–9, 352, 363

  Henry V 104, 115, 225, 228, 240, 253, 306

  Henry VI 104, 138, 139, 143, 149–50

  Henry VII, King 19, 338

  Henry VIII 347, 366–8

  Henry VIII, King 26, 29, 33, 47, 125, 227, 289, 290, 342, 367

  and the Protestant Reformation 10–11, 11–12, 21, 27

  Henslowe, Philip 130, 138, 149, 166, 184, 210, 233, 246, 248, 267

  Herbert, George 192–3, 337

  Herbert, Mary 194–5, 217, 280, 322

  Herbert, William, later Earl of Pembroke 191–3, 194, 195–6, 197, 204, 207, 325, 337, 354

  Hesketh, Sir Thomas 85, 86

  Heywood, Thomas 115, 335

  Hilliard, Nicholas 269

  Hoghton, Alexander 85, 86

  Hoghton, Thomas 86

  Holinshed, Raphael 18, 66, 143

  Holland, Philemon 272

  Homer 248

  Iliad 241

  Hooper, Humphrey 72

  Hudson, Henry 354

  humanism 66–8

  Hunsdon, Lord 167, 179, 183, 211, 212, 214, 215, 224

  Hunsdon, Lord (son) 188, 224, 225

  Hunt, Simon 57, 58, 63–4, 65, 66, 301

  India 330, 379

  Ireland, war in 252–4

  The Isle of Dogs 176, 201

  Jackson, John 365

  Jaggard, William 189

  James I, King 165, 277, 278, 279, 280, 295, 355

  Basililon dron 279

  ceremonies for entry into London 282–6

  and the Gunpowder Plot 311–12, 3

  and King Lear 298

  and religion 279, 288

  and the Somerset House peace conference (1604) 287

  and witchcraft 313

  Jews 132, 162, 215, 217–18, 220–2

  Johnson, Robert 215, 346–7, 364

  Johnson, Samuel 309

  Jones, Inigo 288, 338, 359

  Jonson, Ben 53, 115, 126, 130, 160, 166, 175, 176, 201, 215, 219, 246, 248, 258, 359

  The Alchemist 210, 347

  collection of works 378

  Cynthia’s Repels 251

  and drinking 289, 370

  Every Man in His Humour 239, 240

  Every Man Out of His Humour 249, 251

  on the Globe Theatre 245

  and masques 338, 360

  and Pericles 334

  Poetaster 259–60, 341

  Sejanus 281

  and Shakespeare 239–41, 243, 261, 263, 287, 288, 292, 309, 319, 347–8, 378

  and Shakespeare’s sonnets 192, 335

  Volpone 347

  and the War of the Poets 249–52, 254, 259–60, 262

  Jonson, Joan 268

  Joseph of Arimathea 79

  Julius Caesar 172, 238, 241, 242, 247–8, 306

  Katherine of Aragon 10, 11, 366, 367–8

  Keats, John 318

  Kemp, Will 166, 167, 245–6, 306

  King John 115, 169, 173, 176, 180

  King Lear 109, 115, 176, 296, 298–9, 302–3, 304–9, 312, 320, 322, 323, 330, 339, 346, 350, 362

  rewriting of 343–5

  Kings Men 166, 167, 278–9, 280–1, 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 295–7, 308, 322, 329, 331, 366

  and Blackfriars Theatre 341, 342–3

  and collaboration 318–20

  Knell, William 112–13, 115, 126

  Knowle 18

  Kyd, Thomas 128, 144, 162, 262

  Spanish Tragedy 123, 128, 234, 262

  Lambarde, William 256–7

  Lambert, Edmund 72, 233

  Langley, Francis 184, 186–7

  Langrake, James 69

  Lanier, Emilia 194, 210–18, 267, 337, 346

  Latin, and grammar schools 53, 55

  Lee, Ann 184

  Leicester’s Men 112, 113, 115

  Leo the African 272, 273, 275

  Leveson, William 244, 354

  Lewkenor, Lewis 218, 272

  Linby, William 269, 280

  Line, Anne and Roger 257–8, 259

  Livy 272

  Locke, Robert 46

  Lodge, Thomas 161

  London 119, 120–51

  Bishopsgate 131–6

  black people in 272–5

  brothels 186, 228

  carriers’ inns 132, 270–1

  excavations 245

  flooding 72

  frozen Thames (1607) 331

  Great Fire (1666) 131, 181, 266

  Lord Mayor’s pageant (1605) 297

  Mermaid Inn 342, 359, 365

  plague (1603) 279–81

  Royal College of Arms 19, 181, 287

  Shakespeare’s house at Blackfriars 365–6

  Shoreditch 123–8, 139, 243–4

  Silver Street neighbourhood 266–71, 279, 281, 299

  Southwark and Paris Garden 185–7

  Stratford’s trade with 15–16, 24, 44

  theatre inns 124, 132–4

  theatres 123, 124–5

  see also individual theatres, e.g. Globe Theatre

  The London Prodigal 319

  Lonley, William 76

  Lotte’s Labour’s Lost 165, 234, 295, 343

  Love’s Martyr 268–9

  Loxley, John 42

  Lucy, Sir Thomas of Charlecote 106, 107–8, 118

  as anti-Catholic enforcer 71, 85

  and the Northern Rebellion 46, 47

  and the Somerville plot 96, 98, 101, 102, 103

  Luther, Martin 11, 67, 263, 340

  Macbeth 160, 296, 299, 313–15, 317, 318, 322, 323, 330, 343

  Malone, Edmond 80, 81

  Mandela, Nelson 358

  Manningham, John 175

  Marlowe, Christopher 108, 126, 128–30, 138, 143, 146, 150, 166, 238, 272

  arrest and murder 162–4

  Dr Faustus 234

  Edward II 145, 163

  The Jew of Malta 220, 221

  The Massacre at Paris 163

  as a secret agent 146–7

  Tamburlaine 123, 128, 129–30, 162, 271

  Marston, John 238, 248, 249–50, 258, 312

  Antonio’s Revenge 262

  Histriomastix 250

  Jack Drum’s Entertainment 251

  The Malcontent 248

  What You Will 259

  Martin, Richard 359

  Mary I, Queen 11–12, 25, 29, 30, 91, 315, 335, 355, 366, 380

  Mary Queen of Scots 46, 47, 98, 102, 108, 109

  Measure for Measure 281, 293, 313, 323, 330, 372, 376

  The Merchant of Venice 214, 218, 220–2, 223, 295, 308

  Meres, Francis 247

  The Merry Devil of Edmonton 319

  The Merry Wives of Windsor 53, 55, 188, 224, 225, 293, 295

  Middleton, Thomas 238, 249, 318–19

  Revenger’s Tragedy 296, 319

  A Midsummer Night’s Dream 52, 96, 169–71, 234, 281, 288, 323, 362, 369

  Molin, Nicolo 280, 281, 283

  Montaigne, Michel 64, 66, 300, 359, 360

  More, Sir Thomas 53

  Utopia 135, 376

  Moroccan ambassador in England (Abdul Guahid) 275

  Morris, Matthew 365

  Mountjoy, Christopher and Mary 210, 266–9, 334

  Mucedorus 234

  Munday, Anthony 84, 175, 229

  musical collaboration 346–7

  Mussem, John 42

  Nashe, Thomas 71, 144, 149–50, 153, 183, 186, 212

  Negro, Lucy 273

  Northern Rebellion (1569) 47–8, 58, 226–7

  Oestres’ Furies (Rose theatre play) 241–2

  Oldcastle, Sir John 223–4, 229, 230–1

  Olivier, Sir Laurence 141

  Othello 205, 220, 266, 271–2, 276, 303, 321–2, 323, 330

  Ovid 53, 63–6, 67, 155–6, 164, 174, 260, 294, 325, 350, 360

  Metamorphoses 50, 64–6

  Oxford University 57

  Packwood 18, 21, 38, 42

  Palmer, Dr 269, 270, 299

  Park Hall 26, 79, 82, 96–7

  Pavy, Salathiel 249

  Peele, George 140, 150, 252

  Pembroke’s Men 139, 154, 166

  Percy, Charles, Earl of Northumberland 47

  Percy, Sir Charles 226

  Pericles 67, 319, 320, 332–3, 334, 339, 340, 347, 367

  Perkes, Clement 43

  Persons, Robert 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 103, 147, 341

  Philip II, King of Spain 47, 367

  Philips, Augustine 166, 210, 244, 255–6, 278

  Pilgrimage of Grace (1536) 47, 226

  Pius V, Pope 48

  Platter, Thomas 124–5, 247

  Pliny 272

  Plutarch 272, 294, 323, 326

  Lives 66, 317, 324

  Pocahontas, Native American princess 14

  poetry of Emilia Lanier 216–17, 337

  The Rape of Lucrece 28, 165, 166, 191, 279

  Southwell on the role of poets 159–61, 165

  see also sonnets; Venus and Adonis

  Poley, Robin 108, 163–4, 201

  Popham, Lord Chief Justice 255

  Pormort, Thomas 177, 178

  Porter, Henry 246, 247

  Protestant Reformation 10–13, 20, 21, 27, 29, 302, 328


  and fairy tales 52

  and grammar schools 57–8

  martyrs under Bloody Mary 12, 29

  and the Queen’s Men 114–15

  The Puritan 319

  Puritans 39, 58–9, 67, 89, 162, 202, 235, 249–50, 293, 320–2

  Queen’s Men 112–18, 127, 128, 134, 138, 140, 142, 143, 150–1, 166, 169, 223, 262, 282, 308

>   Quincey, Thomas de 369

  Quiney, Adrian 47

  Quiney, Richard 55–6, 236, 265

  Quiney, Thomas 236, 372–3, 378

  racism, and Othello 213, 276

  Raleigh, Walter 212

  Ralph Roister Doister (Protestant school play) 60

  The Rape of Lucrece 28, 165, 166, 191, 279

  Renaissance culture, and Prince Henry 337–9

  Reynolds, Thomas 71

  Reynolds, William 157, 374

  rhetoric, and grammar schools 55

  Rice, John 276

  Richard II 43, 168–9, 234, 254–7, 308, 330

  Richard III 115, 135, 138, 139, 150, 234

  Richard III, King 19, 135, 338

  Richardson, John 90, 92

  Roberts, James 300

  Robinson, John 365

  Rogers, Henry 97, 103

  Roman plays 60–1

  Romeo and Juliet 37, 169, 170, 179, 194, 234, 262, 323, 362

  Rose Theatre 124, 138, 149, 166, 184, 186, 241–2, 243, 244, 246, 248

  Rowe, Nicholas 73, 74

  Rowington 18, 21, 22, 30, 78, 101, 265

  Russell, Thomas 354, 360

  Rutland, Earl of 325

  Sadler, Hamnet and Judith 39, 105, 316–17, 375

  Sadler, John 73

  Salausbury, John 258

  Sandells, Fulk 90, 92

  Sandon, Henry 269, 280

  Savage, Thomas 86, 244, 269

  Sea Adventure (ship) 354, 359–60

  Seneca 60–1, 141, 172

  Seymour, Jane 11

  Shakespeare, Anne (sister of WS) 40, 72, 82

  Shakespeare, Edmund (brother of WS) 40, 331–2

  Shakespeare, Elizabeth (granddaughter of WS) 137, 333, 372

  Shakespeare, Gilbert (brother of WS) 40, 331, 363

  Shakespeare, Hamnet (son of WS) 179–81, 183, 200, 377

  Shakespeare, Henry (Uncle Harry) 16, 22, 187–8

  Shakespeare, Joan (aunt of WS) 16

  Shakespeare, Joan (sister of WS) 40, 80, 331, 335, 373

  Shakespeare, John (father of WS) 11, 18

  birth 22

  as brogger and moneylender 41–3, 69, 70

  and the Burbage family 118–19

  and Catholicism 29, 39, 71, 75–6, 148, 150

  children 31–2, 40, 111

  coat of arms 19, 69, 181–3

  death 264

  financial troubles 72–3, 233

  and the guild chapel 9, 10, 12, 14

  marriage 25–6, 28–9

  rise of 23–5

  secret testimony of 80–4, 103, 264

  and Stratford town council 25, 31, 35, 40, 58, 71, 109

  and travelling players 59

  Shakespeare, Judith (daughter of WS) 236, 370, 372–3

  Shakespeare in Love (film) 141

  Shakespeare, Mary see Arden, Mary (mother of WS)

  Shakespeare, Richard (brother of WS) 40, 331, 364

  Shakespeare, Richard (grandfather of WS) 21, 22

  Shakespeare, Susanna (daughter of WS) 39, 83, 95, 137, 236, 316, 324, 325, 365, 372

  Shakespeare, Thomas and Alicia 19

  Shakespeare, William birth and baptism 32

  Blackfriars house purchase 365–6

  books used by 63–8


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