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Highway Don't Care (Freebirds)

Page 26

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  Reaching forward, I ran my fingers lightly through her hair. It was so soft. Gabe came up behind me and wrapped me up in his arms.

  “I feel like a failure. She could have killed her.” He said.

  I stretched my arm up and cupped his face with the palm of my hand, patting it consolingly. I let my hand drop and then reached into my pocket for my phone. I had a lot of stuff to tell him, and since I couldn’t speak, this was the next best thing. Sitting down in the chair that was next to the bed, I started explaining about what I thought of Gabe, and how he was a wonderful person.


  You are the most wonderful person in the world. You have a tender heart, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. You care about others. You save people’s lives. Never once have I feared what would happen to me since I met you, I feel safe and loved. You are the type of person that your father would be proud of. It breaks my heart that Cora wasn’t with you for the last year, but she has you now. You will always have her, and she will always have you. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Everything will be okay. I love you.

  Once I had it all typed out, I handed him my phone. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Cora’s hand. He took the phone in his other hand, and started reading. Once he was finished, he let out a breath and hung his head. A few minutes passed like this, until finally he raised his head. His eyes were shimmering with emotion. Taking the phone back, I started a new note. This one was simple.

  I need ice cream.

  I turned the phone around so he could read it, and he busted out with a deep belly laugh.

  Smiling, I rested my head on the back of the chair and let myself drift off to sleep. This had been one hell of a day.



  It’d been two days now. Cora still wasn’t awake. They stopped giving her the meds that kept her from waking up nearly twenty four hours ago. Everyone had been here on and off for the past two days, hoping to lend a supporting hand. There was food brought every time someone entered the door. Blaine visited quite often with Justin since he didn’t move much. Cheyenne dropped in during her clinical shifts. Sam and the rest of the guys came in after work, or during lunch. All were hoping to see Cora open her eyes, but it hadn’t happened yet. They’d removed her intubation tube, now all we were doing was playing the waiting game.

  Ember was laying down next to Cora on the hospital bed, running her fingers through her springy curls. I could tell when she fell asleep. Her passes through Cora’s hair got slower and slower until it stopped completely resting with her palm curling around the apple of her cheek. She was cradling Cora’s head to her chest, and their breathing seemed to be in harmony. Turning my attention to the Ranger’s game, I watched another three innings before I noticed something different.

  Slowly turning my head in Cora and Ember’s direction, cerulean blue eyes met mine. They watched me carefully. My heart started beating a mile a minute. Joy surged through my heart.

  “Hey, sweet girl.” I whispered to her.

  She continued to study me. Reaching out, I took her small hand in mine and rubbed it with my thumb. Her hand with the IV in it had a death grip on Ember’s braid, and she brought it up to her mouth and started sucking on it.

  “Uh oh, big girl. Better stop doing that before she finds out.” I said to her.

  “Too late. She’s already found out, but she doesn’t really care.” Ember said sleepily.

  I flicked up my eyes to find Ember’s on mine. Tears were shimmering in her eyes, threatening to spill over. I gave her a huge smile, and continued to talk to Cora.

  The doctor came in a short time later to give her a thorough exam. He was very optimistic that since she was responding well to us, and interacting, that she would recover fully. He ensured us that if all went well the next day or so, that we should be home by the weekend.

  Sidney was officially charged with child endangerment, and the custody case was thrown out. The judge officially gave me full custody of Cora, and didn’t approve supervised visits with Sidney. He would maintain full custody until the trial was over and her sentence was served.

  Ember’s cell rang on the bedside table.. I knew it was Cheyenne by the ringtone, but I was too confused as to why she would be calling since she was supposed to be taking her nursing boards today.

  “Cheyenne? Did you finish already?” Ember answered on speakerphone.

  “Sure did. Sat in a puddle of amniotic fluid the whole time, but I got that bitch knocked out!” Cheyenne said panting.

  Ember’s startled eyes met mine. “Does Sam know your water broke?”

  Her voice quivered for a second, but came back stronger after a few panting breaths. “I can’t get a hold of him. My mom isn’t answering either, but she has the girls today, so she might be taking a nap with them. Could you come get me? I’m not sure I can drive.”

  Gabe was on his feet with phone in hand. “I’m gonna send Gabe. He’s on his way to come get you. It’s the college, right?”

  “Yes. Hurry.” She panted.

  “She’s at UT Tyler Longview Campus. She’s probably waiting for you outside. Hurry.” Ember pleaded.


  A quick peck on the lips and he was gone. I looked over at Cora who was playing with her bed remote, and she smiled at me when she caught my eyes on her.

  A nurse entered the room, the one that knew Cheyenne so well, and checked Cora’s fluids, as well as her temperature. I learned over the past two days that her name was Jacie, and she was retiring later on this year after thirty-five years as a nurse.

  “She’s looking great. It’s amazing how well kids bounce back from these kinds of things.” Jacie announced.

  I grabbed her hand to stop her advance to the bathroom to pour out the pitcher of water. “Jacie? Do you think it’ll be okay to take Cora down a flight to see Cheyenne? She’s in labor, and I want to go see her, but I don’t want to leave Cora alone.”

  “Well, let me see what I can do. I’ll speak with her doctor, and we will figure something out. If anything else, I’ll stay in here with her.” She said as she bustled out of the room, taking the water pitcher with her.

  I started the round of phone calls, and was finally able to get a hold of Sam.

  “Yeah?” Sam answered.

  “Sam! Where are you, why aren’t you answering your phone?” I demanded.

  “I was underneath a car, we were trying to get the timing right. Why?” Sam asked.

  “Cheyenne’s water broke during her test. Gabe’s already getting her and bringing her to the hospital. You need to hurry up and get here.”

  Cursing was heard, and a bunch of commotion as he said, “Okay. I’ll be there.”

  “Cheyenne’s in labor?” Blaine said from behind me.

  I whirled around to find her standing with Justin propped up on her shoulder sleeping.

  I laughed out and told her exactly what Cheyenne had just told me. “Yeah. Can you believe that?”

  Blaine was laughing, and we both sat to wait for some news.

  Jacie hurried in with a bright smile on her face. “It’s a go. You can take Cora; just have to leave the IV in just in case. I’ll come down to her and check on her during my next rounds.

  It was going on an hour later when Gabe called me to tell me he was on the Maternity floor. Therefore, we gathered up Cora, Justin, and the IV pole, and made our way down one floor. When we stepped off the elevator, I was rewarded with the sight of Gabe, except he had crazy eyes going on.

  I speed walked up to him. “What’s going on, Gabe? Is Cheyenne okay?”

  “She’s fine. I swear to God, if you make me deliver our baby, I will never forgive you. I can’t handle that stress. First Blaine and now Cheyenne. Why the hell is everyone always making me deliver babies? Sam knows some medical too! He should have been the one to deliver his own kid. Not me!” Gabe gestured wildly.

  From what I could tell, Gabe had to deliver Cheyenne’s baby. I snickered. His eyes blazed whe
n he caught the smile on my face.

  “You saw Cheyenne’s vagina?” I snickered.

  His eyes narrowed, and I decided to shut up while I still could.

  “This is not even the least bit funny, little girl. You’re lucky you have Cora or I’d tickle the shit out of you right now.” Gabe threatened.

  I rolled my eyes at that comment. He was all bark and no bite. He wouldn’t even have rough sex with me anymore. Just because I was eighteen months pregnant didn’t mean I was fragile.

  I couldn’t help it. I’m a glutton for punishment. “Did she poop?”

  “This is not even remotely funny. Would you knock it off?” He growled.

  “I didn’t poop, Ember. You probably will though. Everyone and their brother will probably witness it, too.” Blaine piped in.

  I gave her the stink eye, and returned my attention to my husband. “Did Sam make it?”

  He smiled wide. “Yeah. He made it just as the head came out. He almost passed out, too. He saw all the blood, and would have taken a nosedive if he hadn’t of sat down. It was great; I’ll be able to remind him of it for years.”

  “Suck my dick, Maldonado.” Sam said from behind us.

  We all burst out laughing at Sam’s pale complexion, and jittering hands. He really was a big ol’ softie. I walked up to him, and gave him a huge hug. Well as good of a hug, one could give with a toddler asleep in her arms.

  “Let’s go see her, I’m dying here.” I said.

  We walked to Cheyenne’s room where the party had started. Everyone was there. Even an uncomfortable Jack sitting in the very corner. Cheyenne was sitting up crossed legged in bed, laughing at the girls as they sat with James; he had the baby in his arms, and was showing Pru and Piper their new baby sister.

  “You just had to have my husband see your vag, didn’t you?” I announced loudly.

  Cheyenne’s laughter filled the room. “It was an accident, I swear.”

  After transferring a sleeping Cora to Gabe’s arms, I stole the baby from James, smiling widely when she scrunched her nose at the jostling. “What’s her name, oh holy name hider?”

  “Phoebe Elise Mackenzie. She was seven pounds twelve ounces.” Sam said proudly.

  Looking down at Phoebe, I couldn’t help but long for my own baby in my arms. This would do for now though.

  Chapter 17

  Why do people say, "Grow some balls"? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.

  -Betty White


  “Thank you, thank you.” Cheyenne chanted over and over.

  “Take a chill pill already. Go do your last clinical. It’ll all be okay. We’ll call you if we need anything. Now go.”

  We’d all banded together this last two weeks, and today was Cheyenne’s last ever clinical. She’d passed her nursing boards with excellence, and I was dropping her off at the hospital now so she could finish her last clinical so she’d graduate on time.

  Blaine had baby Phoebe. Gabe had Cora, and I had the twins. I was going to make a grocery run if Cheyenne would get the fuck out of my car.

  “Love you, Em.” She said before making her way into the hospital.

  Pulling out, I merged with traffic, and saw a motorcycle pull out behind me. The motorcycle caught my eye because it was so mean looking it had these crazy wheels on it that looked like they’d cut someone in half if they got too close. A shiver went through me, but I pushed it down and concentrated on driving.

  Pulling into the Sam’s parking lot, I parked next to a buggie return, and got both babies seated in the buggy. This was going to be my last shopping experience before the baby came, so I was ready to do some serious overhauling. Coupons didn’t work at Sam’s, but their prices were so good that I didn’t need the coupons to feel that I got a good deal.

  I passed two cars before the motorcycle registered. It was following behind me, and at first, I didn’t pay it any mind. That is until it stopped in front of me at an angle, cutting off my advancement. The same bike pulled out behind me at the hospital.

  The man was older. He had a long beard that had six rubber bands holding it in place at a point. His hair was long and slicked back tied in a leather thong at the base of his neck.

  He was wearing a black leather vest with the word Bold in thick white letters above his heart. There wasn’t a shirt on underneath the vest, so you could see a lot of dark tanned skin. He was actually quite attractive, especially someone older like he was.

  Pru and Piper startled at the sudden sound of a motorcycle, but quickly got over it since they were so used to being around them. Pulling them both out of their seats, I hugged them close to my chest and regarded the man.

  “Can I help you?” I asked with as much authority as I could muster, given the situation.

  “Those are my grandbabies. I just wanted to get a good look at them.” The man growled.

  I backed up until my back hit the car behind me. From what I was told, this man wasn’t a good man. He’d been a horrible father to Sam his entire life, and here I was with his grandkids and no way to protect them.

  “I don’t know if you are who you say you are. I also have no right to let you see them. If you’re interested in having a relationship with them, you need to go through Sam.” I said with a quivery voice.

  He smiled a tight smile, and then started his bike back up. “I know, darlin’, I just wanted to get a message to him. He’ll know what it is; you don’t have to tell it to him or anything. You can tell him I’m going to be calling in my marker soon, though.”

  Then he was gone the same way as he came.

  My arms were trembling, and I could barely move. I turned around abruptly, leaving the buggy where it was, and hoofed it back to the car as fast as I could. I left them both in the front seat, and locked the doors before I called Sam and Gabe.

  Deciding the landline at Free was the best option; I dialed the number and waited. It rang twice before Sam answered.


  “Sam. I, um, well; I think I just met your dad.”

  Silence greeted me at the end of the line.

  “Where are you?” He rumbled.

  “Sam’s parking lot. I’m in my car with the doors locked. Do you want me to drive home?” I asked.

  “No, stay where you are. I’ll come on my bike and escort you home.” He said and then hung up.

  It wasn’t ten minutes later when Sam’s bike pulled up behind me. I’d already strapped the girl’s in, and waited to see if he wanted to talk. He didn’t. He let me know this by gesturing with his hand in a shooing motion.

  The trip back to Free was uneventful. No strange motorcycles. No traffic. I didn’t even catch a light. I pulled into Free, and drove around to the back to park, since I noticed the girls were asleep, and it was time for their nap anyway.

  Sam got one girl, and I got the other so we could put them to bed. He gave both a kiss before shutting their door, and grabbing my hand to drag me back outside.

  “How do you know it was my dad?” He asked finally.

  “He said he was here to see his granddaughters. Said he wanted to give you a message, but wouldn’t tell me what it was. Also said he’d be calling in his marker soon.”

  His face got stony and cold, but once he registered how uncomfortable I was, he cursed and grabbed me into a tight hug.

  “I don’t like that he was able to find me so easily. I owe him one, and he wants me to know he hasn’t forgotten.”

  “Okay. Well, if you don’t mind. Could you go get Gabe for me? I need him. Like now.” I said just before my water gushed down my legs full force, drenching my legs and Sam’s in the same instant.

  He looked from my eyes, to his feet, and then let me go slowly. Once he made sure I was steady on my feet, he took off at a run towards the back door into the garage. It was obvious he was uncomfortable, and I’m sure it didn’t help matters that I practically had my body fluids drench his bottom half.
br />   Thank God I wasn’t at the supermarket. How embarrassing would that have been? Imagine being in the Freezer isle and that happening. Clean up on aisle ten!

  I walked into our house, and exchanged my wet pants for a loose pair of knit shorts. Then I started to gather my crap that I’ve been procrastinating on packing. Being only thirty-five and a half weeks, I didn’t think I’d need to pack this early. Luckily, the baby’s bag was packed ever since the baby shower I had two weeks ago.

  I threw my toothbrush and toothpaste into my bag just as Gabe came barreling through the door. His hair looked somewhat wild, and Cora was attached to his hip. She was giggling profusely, and I couldn’t help but smile with her.

  I studied him for a moment longer. “Relax, Gabe. I’m not even feeling contractions yet. I’m not going to have this baby on you. Have you called Max to come get Cora yet?”

  He took a deep breath, and then let Cora down to her feet to play. “Not yet. I just got your message. Sam had to take a detour to puke before coming to tell me that my wife’s water broke. What a pussy.”

  “I did break my water on his legs.” I said nonchalantly.

  At that, he burst out laughing. Tears leaked out of his eyes, and I couldn’t help but join in. This was excessively funny. Sam was so unflappable. There were times that he remained calm when no one else was able to. It took a lot of work to get him to smile at a joke.

  “Do I have time to go take a picture really quick?” He quipped.

  “He has to come back anyway. The girls are asleep at his house, and it’s not possible for me to watch them anymore. If you hurry you can get him coming back.”

  He took off to get the best blackmail photo of the century, and I dropped down on my haunches and blew a raspberry on the side of Cora’s neck. She giggled and threw her head back laughing. It was hard to believe that she would be a big sister in a few hours.


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