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Space Sharks: Deep Space Terror

Page 11

by Nick Pond

  Chris ran into the room, “Zipper! We’re outside the Spacetonia!! And also a survivor isolated on a small space ship!”

  “Oh thank god! About time! Well let’s speak to the survivor, and go from there!” Zipper requested, “I’m getting into a suit! In fact! Everyone in suits! INCLUDING YOU SHARON!”

  Everyone followed Zippers request, including Sharon even if she was reluctant to take advice from her ex. Once suited, Zipper and Chris proceeded to go to the hatch so they could go outside...

  Hanksii was jumping with joy that two space ship’s had just miraculously parked up next to him. Is one of them being towed? Hanksii’s then thought next. It wasn’t long before he was witnessing two orange figures in space suits come out through a hatch, and then Hanksii’s built in radio crackled, as Zipper sent signals to his frequency.

  “I need you to jump!”

  “Fuck off!” Hanksii shouted.

  “There aren’t any gravitational forces here! You need to jump, you’re not going anywhere! And we’ll slowly winch you here with our vacuum pump!”

  Hanksii then decided, well I haven’t got anything better to do, I suppose... So he then leaped as far to the space ship as he could. He felt his heart pumping manically, and his adrenaline rushed through him, as he got the sensation that he was falling. He didn’t dare open his eyes to see the drop. But finally he did, and he just saw he was surrounded by nothingness. I am falling! The bastard lied to me! His radio clicked.

  “Stop pissing yourself! You’re not going anywhere! I know it feels weird, it’s because your body thinks its falling, but its not, so you might experience an extreme anxiety attack! But don’t worry I got ya!” Zipper explained.

  Hanksii was beyond panic, as he expected to die any second! He was going to have a panic attack!

  “Oh my god!” Chris’s voice shouted, as they all spotted the 80 ft shark coming right towards Hanksii.

  “Just suck him in!! Put it on turbo! Put it on turbo!” Chris shouted.

  The suction machine whirred manically, as Jake hit a button on it, and soon Hanksii was flying in. The Space Shark was not far off though, as she caught up with great speed.

  “This is crazy! She’s coming straight for us you dick!” Chris shouted.

  They heard a plummet as Hanksii’s body flew into the space ship. Everyone rushed over to him to start first aid, as he isn’t likely to be in a good state. To start with the whole of his space visor was covered in vomit. But all of a sudden, the giant mouth and jaws and head of the Space Shark barged through the wall of their space ship, as the whole craft just exploded into pieces, and everyone flew everywhere in their different directions. Instantly the Space Shark’s mouth snapped violently as she tried to catch whatever she could within that second. It’s all about timing with the Space Shark, she had to catch her victim in that split second, or they had this annoying habit of running away. Debris was everywhere, and everyone was flailing hopelessly as they tried to sort their bearings out. Zipper managed to hold on to Zara, as he clutched her like no tomorrow as they felt the sensations as if they were launching. But in reality they haven’t traveled that far. From a galactic perspective they haven’t gone anywhere.

  “Everyone regroup at the front ship! As best you can!” Zipper shouted to his radio.

  The Space Shark swam round violently, as her back tail smashed another part of the space ship, which exploded. Everyone was climbing up the tow line to the other ship.

  “This is no good! She’s just going to follow us and smash that ship up! Then we’re stranded!” Chris shouted.

  Chris and Jake were near the bottom of the snagged tow line where the space ship was once hooked. They struggled but were picking up pace as they climbed up. Jake temporarily looked down, and then regretted it, when he saw the devil itself coming right towards him. Her mouth was already open ready to engulf him. Jake froze in terror and feebly tugged Chris from below.

  “What is it?!” Chris snapped.

  “It was nice knowing you...” Jake replied.

  The Space Shark fully engulfed the two men, as they fell into a pitch black tunnel in one, as they were suddenly wrapped around her throat lining. Both screaming manically, their misery is wrapped up to an end, by being met with the light of eternal happiness. Next up on the tow line was Sharon, who noticed what happened and was screaming frantically.


  “SHARON! JUST CALM DOWN!” Zipper shouted over the radio.

  The shark was continuing to ascend towards them, and Sharon knew this was the end. But then her fear turned to a what the hell? She noticed the Space Shark being under attack from a swarm of dark shapes. Dark shapes with heads the shape of hammers. The Space Shark opened her huge mouth in defiance, but could tell the pain was getting too much for her. She made no hesitation in successfully capturing one of the Space Hammerheads in her mouth, as she mutilated with her teeth in a few seconds.

  “Look!” Zara screamed, she pointed at a Space Hammerhead coming towards them, “Are they dangerous?”

  Zipper had no time to think, when he was nudged by the Hammerhead. She was being gentle, as she nudged Zipper again; with her behavior offering gentleness. She allowed for both Zipper and Zara to climb on.

  “Hanksii, take Sharon up to the other ship! We’re gonna finish this!” Zipper shouted.

  “Wait!” Hanksii shouted, “I’ve got an idea... I know how to set the nuke off! I can do it... The mission is suicidal, but I’ve got nothing to live for... I’m going to lead the Space Shark to the Spacetonia, and get the bomb to go off!”

  “No way! You crazy idiot! Just do as I say!”

  “No I mean it Zipper! You can’t stop me! This is my time! Captain’s orders are to go down with the ship... I’ll be court marshaled anyway for abandoning ship... It’s the right thing for me... I don’t expect you to understand... But please,” Hanksii pleaded.

  “Zipper... I know what the man is saying... Listen to him, and the nuke will completely obliterate that Shark!”

  “But what about the nuke itself? That’s going to pollute and mess up our solar system,”

  “No it won’t! Its not credible science... Previous generations have been letting nukes off in space for centuries... The areas where they supposedly go off... There’s no trace... The vacuum sufficiently cleans up radiation, or discharges it away to balance... Just trust me,” Zara explained.

  “I don’t like this!” Zipper sighed.

  “Good man! Good man!” Hanksii shouted, “Now pass me that shark will you?”

  Zipper and Zara climbed off, and the Hammerhead swam over to Hanksii, as if he knew what the plan was – but probably wasn’t aware she had nominated herself for making a sacrifice. Hanksii climbed onto her.

  “I don’t know about this...” Zipper said.

  “It’s OK,” Zara assured holding him back.

  “You guys need to get out of here!! Right now! The blast is gonna be a big one! You’ll need a huge clearance from here!” Hanksii shouted.

  “He’s right! Everyone up! We’ve got to get out of here!” Zipper shouted.

  Zipper, Zara, and Sharon then proceeded to climb up and get into the space craft. Met with the two astronauts on board, they then get inside and get seated.

  “God! I hate these things,” Zipper said, as he took off his helmet.

  The astronaut pilot turned to them, and asked, “Are we ready?”

  “We better hurry! And fast!” Zipper spat out.

  Hanksii clutched the dorsal fin of the Hammerhead like there was no tomorrow, as he was dragged through the vacuum on this gigantic wild animal (In comparison to his size anyway). He glanced behind and watched the only remaining space ship flicker out flames in ready to launch at great speed, and it dawned on him what he was actually doing. That would’ve been the last time he conversed with a human being alive. Trying to stay focused; he then looked on ahead and saw the huge majestic Space Shark gliding towards them. But much to his ho
rror he realized the Hammerhead was swimming straight for the enemy shark instead of towards the Spacetonia. In a fit of rage Hanksii screamed at the top of his lungs at the Hammerhead.

  “That way! That way!” He ordered.

  The ship now hosting Zipper and his fellow survivors can be seen flying away into the distance. Hanksii held on tight, as the Hammerhead made a lunge towards the Space Shark, and then in sharp motion of her body she slammed her head against the enemy shark’s side. The Space Shark almost rolled from the force, but then she twisted her head as she tried to make a grab for the Hammerhead – but she was too quick, as the Hammerhead bolted away from her.

  “Right! Now can we go to the Spacetonia, please?” Hanksii shouted.

  The Hammerhead then made a turn, until she was positioned.


  The Hammerhead then proceeded for another straight on attack to the Space Shark. In full motion with another charge, Hanksii found himself right up against the Shark when she smashed her on the side again. This time the Space Shark snapped multiply at them in frenzy, and then she began to give chase.

  “To the ship! To the ship!” Hanksii continued screaming.

  A sense of relief came over Hanksii, when he found himself facing the Spacetonia. But the shark behind is getting closer; and she is outpacing the Hammerhead.


  In a terrified state, Hanksii lost his grip on the dorsal fin, and found himself suddenly frozen in mid-space. The Space Shark was getting close, and her mouth was opening once again. He turned to his side for another view at the Andromeda Galaxy. If he’s going to die, he wanted to make sure he was looking at something pretty. Suddenly he unconsciously felt the Shark now right up against him and eating him alive. A massive painful tug came across his leg, and in reactionary habit he looked to seeing clouds of blood, and a massive set of teeth snapping towards him. Suddenly there was a hesitation, as he looked up and saw the Hammerhead return battering the shark again with her head. In his last final breath, Hanskii grabbed the dorsal offered by the Hammerhead, and she once again charged towards the Spacetonia. I’m dying... There’s not much time... The Hammerhead was flying through the vacuum, as it wasn’t long before she swiftly charged through the port-hole with the Space Shark chasing behind her. Although she was unable to fit through; the wall of the ship tore away as she charged through. The Hammerhead continued to fly through the ships corridors, making sharp turns and swiftly swaying side by side as to avoid hitting any obstacles, whilst Hanskii was putting all of his last life’s efforts to just hold on. His vision begins to blur, and he starts feeling drowsy; as he feels himself lose the sense of reality. It wasn’t long before the Space Shark bit through the casing of the nuclear bomb; and sending the whole million miles radius just growing into a bright orange mushroom cloud.

  “When we get home, I’m suing your ass!” Sharon screamed at Zipper, “How could you do this to me? Look at me!!”

  The Space Ship was violently shaking.

  “Whoa! What’s going on?!” The pilot screamed.

  He lost control of the ship; as it was suddenly carried off in the aftershock wave of the nuclear blast. The ship rotated, chucking everyone around who tried their best to hold on to something to keep them steady.

  “Aaaaaarrrggghhh!” They all screamed.

  Building up speed, the ship was getting faster, when on the horizon the asteroid of Playa De Sontos appeared. It wasn’t long before the ship was caught in the asteroid’s magnetic field as it started to pull the ship in, bringing it closer and closer to its gravitational point. Similar to a dingy going down a wet tubing slide, they were hurled around its orbit, as they eventually meet the outside of its atmosphere.

  “WE ARE GOING TO CRASH LAND!!” Zipper screamed.

  Keagan, and the scared rebels have just made it outside Playa De Sontos, in hope of being able to escape all the burning buildings and carnage. Mittens still seemed close when her loud roar would echo across the street now and then, followed by a few screams.

  “We are doomed! We are doomed!” Keagan whinged.

  “You’re meant to be saving us! Where is our morale for Christ sake?” The rebel shouted at him, then picked up some stones and threw it at a stunned Keagan.

  The Space Rex suddenly burst through the building behind them, as the whole tall gray structure fell down onto the floor, and glass shattering everywhere. Keagan managed to stumble back on his feet, but he couldn't see the rebels amongst the clouds of dust and rubble – so he ran as fast as he could! Mittens screamed into the air, as she then clocked Keagan and instantly charged towards him. Within a few footsteps, her gaping huge mouth was hanging down close to him from above.

  “Shoo! Shoo!” He shouted, and feebly threw a stone at the dinosaur.

  The Space Rex gave a wild snarl, allowing flames to emerge from her nostrils, and her head braced back as if she's going to pounce. Keagan screamed in full terror then covered his eyes; when suddenly he heard the loudest explosion, and he was knocked a fair distance away. Very hurt and in a lot of pain, he again stands up on top of the rubble, and can see a smashed air craft on fire right where the dinosaur was standing.

  “Oh my god! Oh my god! YEEESS!!” Keagan shouted excitedly, as he punched the air.

  After a few moments of watching the fire, and taking in what happened, he spots five figures in the air coming down on parachutes. They are falling gently and elegantly, keeping Keagan waiting and waving on the ground, whilst also jumping and shouting.

  It wasn't long before the survivors of the devastated nation, were rounded up and taken for aid in thousands of refugee camps made up over the desert, still waiting out for the last of the city to burn out. A statesman-like space craft hovers above them, and makes a landing, as a red carpet is rolled out for the visitors coming out. It was the ruler, the opposition, and some of the other government ministers. Before the ruler could get his word out on his presidential stage, an angry looking Zipper appears beside him.

  “You, sir, are a traitor to this glorious nation! It's up to you, you can be banished forever! Or... You can learn to conform to my ways! This rock, instead of functioning as a capitalist city, will be instead set up as a defense and research base for galactic animals! The sharks, yes, two sharks, a male came along for some love in the club are now destroyed! And it’s an eye opener for what else we need to protect ourselves from out there! For the whole of our solar system, we will function as a giant lab, researching and discovering all the wanders of the space species! And all the residents will work to help achieve this, and can still live here as a community! For example we will need volunteers for our military and defense units to protect us and everyone!” Zipper announced.

  The crowds surrounding them erupted into an ecstatic cheer! The thought of living more communal, and less to aggressive capitalism, appealed to the majority and were with Zipper, mostly from all the hardships they had to undertake. The ruler then attempted to speak into the microphone.


  Suddenly he was booed.

  “Go away! Your shit!” One protesting voice shouted.

  A load of eggs were hurled at him. Zara appeared next to Zipper and pulled him aside.

  “And can I still be your assistant?” She asked calmly with pleading eyes.

  “Well... I'll have to look over your resume!”

  “You jerk!”

  “I've been waiting to do something for quite a while...” Zipper said when he suddenly brandishes an engagement ring.

  Zara is stunned; her heart racing and her eyes looked as if they popped out her head. She never thought in a million years Zipper would marry again, since his last marriage was just a complete disaster.

  “YES! YES! YES!”

  Sharon wanders between them.

  “Anything I missed?” She asks, and then Keagan appeared on the other end of her arm.

  “So where was this guy hidden?” She shrieks excitedly.

�No way!” Zipper and Zara shouted.

  “She's a nice chick this one, Zara! You two met?” Keagan asked.

  “Don't worry,” Zara brushed off, who simply couldn't be bothered to explain.

  “Sharon, quick word,” Zipper said.

  They both went off to one side, “Look, I'm sorry if I've been a jerk in all this, OK... I just want the divorce agreed, and you can have half of everything... I've realized now what’s more important, and I don't want the energy fighting anymore...”

  “Neither do I, I haven't been innocent in this either, but thank you Zipper, and I'll lay off your new gal too, she's OK!”

  Fireworks suddenly went off, as everyone celebrated amongst all the rubble and city debris.

  “It will be a fresh start for everyone!” One man shouted who was naked.


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