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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 14

by AJ Jarrett

  “Don’t stop,” Kevin said when Kayson didn’t move. “I want this. No.” Kevin shook his head. “I need this. I need you, Kay.”

  Kayson lowered his body to Kevin’s and kissed his lover as he eased the remainder of his cock inside Kevin’s tight heat. It was beyond words. The smooth clenching muscles pulled him in further until there was nothing separating them. His balls pressed up close to Kevin’s ass and he held still, savoring this moment.

  “You’re perfect,” he whispered against Kevin’s lips.

  “Then show me.” Kevin fisted his fingers in Kayson’s hair and pulled him close and kissed him hard and deep.

  Kayson pulled his hips back slowly, letting his thick cock rub over every sensitive nerve ending inside Kevin then he thrust back in. Kevin moaned and shook underneath him. Kayson did it again and again. He felt as Kevin’s long cock pulsed between them, trapped against their stomachs. Kayson sped up his hips. The bed banged against the wall and Kevin panted and begged for more.

  Sweat dripped from his body and a fire burned in his belly. His cock twitched against Kevin’s inner walls. He was so close.

  “Yes, God, yes!” Kevin shouted. “Kayson!”

  Wet hot heat exploded between their bodies as Kevin came. His thick sticky cum sealed their bodies together. The sweet scent did Kayson in. He rocked his hips faster and faster, chasing after his release and it didn’t take long. His cock grew thicker and then let loose a heavy load deep inside Kevin. His liquid essence painted every inch of Kevin’s inner channel. There was so much he could hear the sloshing sound as his cock pumped in and out.

  Kevin went limp beneath him and Kayson relaxed against his mate’s tired body. He smiled as he pressed his lips against Kevin’s neck. This was what happiness was.

  * * * *

  “Well, this is awkward,” Kevin said as he looked over at Kayson and smiled.

  Kayson had to agree. It was early evening on Saturday and they were at Matt’s house. He was in a living room surrounded by Warriors of the Light just staring at him. He recognized a few. There was Matt and Wes, obviously. Ben and his mate Miles were there along with their son Colby. Benedict and his mate Asher along with Hale’s uncle Ares and his mate Aaron. The only ones not looking at Kayson as if they wanted to kill him were Wes and Colby.

  That morning when Kayson woke up from the greatest night of his life he found that he wasn’t dreaming at all. Kevin lay snuggled up next to him. Kayson couldn’t deny how gorgeous his mate was. Kevin was strong and broad and stacked with thick muscles. Kayson loved it. He couldn’t control himself when he was around Kevin. The man did things to him that were unexplainable. Completing the mating ritual only made that need grow stronger.

  They ventured out of the house. Kevin wanted to take Kayson shopping for normal clothes. He detested the black wardrobe that Kayson had grown accustomed to wearing. Kayson actually liked the change in his attire. The white shirt and denim jeans he wore made him feel more alive. Wearing dark clothes for so many years helped him stay hidden and now he wanted to live in the open with his mate.

  Kayson and Kevin had just gotten back to his house when Matt called and said they needed to come over for dinner. He did leave out the part about the guests that were also attending the gathering, hence why he now sat with so many unwelcoming eyes staring at him.

  “I don’t get it.” Asher crossed his legs and leaned forward. He stared Kayson up and down from head to toe. “I can see that his eyes are black and we know he’s a Warrior of the Dark but I don’t feel threatened by him. In fact, he’s kind of hot.”

  “Um, thank you.” Kayson glanced at his mate. He’d taken his sunglasses off when they arrived. Kevin hated it when he covered his eyes. For some odd reason his mate loved his dark pools of nothing. Kevin hated when he spoke that way. Kevin said to him he could see into Kayson’s soul.

  “Grandpa, you need serious help.” Colby sat on the other side of Kayson. He nudged him in the arm. “Sorry about him. That filter we’re all born with doesn’t work on him.”

  “No worries.” Kayson smiled. “My brother is the same way. A thought enters his head and it’s out of his mouth.”

  “This is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever heard or seen.” Ben stood. “You want us to believe that not all Warriors for the Dark are evil?” Kayson glanced at Kevin then nodded. When they arrived, Wes had him explain to the others about him and how he came to be the way he was. “And that you have a choice in what you do and don’t do?”

  “Yes,” Kayson answered. “Now, like I told Wes and Matt, there are some that there is no hope for but others are just out there living their lives. Dark Warriors aren’t that much different from humans or even you Warriors for the Light. Everyone has a choice.”

  “But I’ve fought against your kind.” Miles looked at Kayson but he didn’t see any hatred from the smaller man. Only curiosity. “I’ve seen that evil first hand. They wanted to kill us, no questions asked.”

  “Like I said, there are some out there with no chance for salvation. The majority of Dark Warriors live in the darkness because it’s easier and the longer you do terrible things the harder you become on the inside and you stop caring.” Kayson didn’t know any other way to explain it. Some people were good, some were bad. Such was life.

  “You’ve been a Warrior of the Dark for over two hundred years,” Benedict said. “Why haven’t you turned all the way evil?”

  “I wouldn’t say I’m good or evil. I’m just me.” Kevin grabbed his hand and Kayson entwined their fingers. “I was born into the darkness. My parents were Warriors long before my brother and I came along.”

  “That’s right, you have a twin.” Asher’s smile was pure evil.

  “Can you please stop it?” Colby rolled his eyes. “Kayson, that night when we rescued Kevin from you and Hale you weren’t trying to hurt us, you just wanted to keep Kevin?” Colby spoke in a friendly tone.

  “Yes.” Kayson nodded. “I knew then that he was destined to be mine but he was just a child.”

  “Teenager.” Kevin coughed into his hand and squeezed Kayson’s hand.

  “Yes, sorry. A teenager.” Kayson lifted Kevin’s hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  “It’s weird, right?” Matt looked around at everyone in the room. “He’s like this normal person yet not.”

  “According to you he’s not normal but to me he is.” Kevin defended him. Kevin turned to look at him. “He’s perfect.”

  “I don’t understand how you could want to be with someone who didn’t lift a finger to save your parents.” Aaron jumped to his feet. “He’s evil, Kevin. The mating bond is clouding your judgement.” Aaron spun around to look at Ares. “Can you fix this? Make the bond disappear before they do something stupid.”

  “It’s too late, my love.” Ares smiled at Kayson and he wasn’t sure what he felt. Ares was the brother to Athena. He’d heard how powerful the man was but sitting right here now? He looked like a regular man. Ares had kind eyes and an alluring smile. Kayson didn’t feel threatened.

  “What do you mean, it’s too late?” Matt sat up straighter.

  Ares raised his eyebrows and gave him a pointed look. But before Kayson could say anything Kevin was blurting out, “We completed the mating ritual last night.” Kevin looked at Kayson and nodded. “We’re in this together and there is no separating us.”

  “Don’t worry, young one.” Ares winked at Kevin. “I do not possess that type of power. A bond is a bond and there is no escaping it.”

  “Don’t we know it.” Miles sighed, staring at his son.

  “I have to say in Kayson’s defense that I believe him.” Wes glanced over at Kayson. “Hale is one crazy bastard and had Kayson intervened that night he would have killed Kevin. I for one wouldn’t prefer that outcome. Kayson did what he had to, to keep Kevin safe. I think if Kevin and Matt’s folks were alive they’d thank Kayson for saving Kevin.”

  “He also could have done unimaginable things to a young teen such as Ke
vin but he didn’t.” Asher waved a finger between Kevin and Kayson. “He let Kevin go.”

  “I had to let him go.” Kayson let go of Kevin’s hand and wrapped his arm around him, pulling him closer. “Growing up in that environment is not meant for someone so young and innocent. Had I kept you, I’d have run away with you. I would never let him hurt you. I love you.”

  Kevin lunged forward and pressed his lips to Kayson’s. He loved that Kevin was getting comfortable about him and showing affection. Kevin still hadn’t said those three little words back to him but Kayson was a patient man. When the time was right Kevin would say it back to him.

  “My mind is officially blown.” Ben plopped down beside Miles. “How can this be? No offence, Kayson, but I’m a lot older than you. I’ve seen the emptiness in several if not thousands of Dark Warriors’ eyes. What you are saying is hard to accept but I can see with my own two eyes that you’re not a danger to Kevin. To any of us.”

  “Times are changing, my friend,” Ares said. “If we’ve learned anything it is that as years pass people evolve and maybe this is one of the outcomes. Take Julian, for example. He too had the black eyes but he hadn’t lost his soul. He was able to fight the darkness. Who’s to say that there aren’t more out there like Kayson? We live in a different world now. We should be prepared for anything.”

  “Yeah, I’m hungry.” Matt stood up. “Let’s discuss this more over dinner.”

  Kayson stood and waited with Kevin until there was an opening to head to the kitchen. Kevin had a hold of his left hand and started to tug him toward the other room when a soft warm hand on his right wrist stopped him.

  “Kayson, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” Colby asked.

  Kayson glanced at Kevin and saw the understanding in his eyes. He nodded and left the room. Kayson knew what Colby wanted. It was the last topic he wanted to discuss. Hale.

  “You want to know about Hale?” Kayson asked.

  “Yes.” Colby gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I just want to know how he’s doing?” Kayson quickly looked away. “Stupid question, right?” Colby chuckled nervously.

  “Colby, I don’t want to hurt your feelings and nor do I want to lie to you but…” Kayson didn’t want to tell Colby all the horrible things Hale had done. Colby was an innocent in all this. He didn’t deserve to carry this burden on his shoulders.

  “Just tell me there’s hope, please.” Colby’s big blue eyes began to fill with tears.

  “Like I said, I don’t want to tell you any untruths. I’m not sure what the future holds but I do know hope is a good thing to have. As long as you believe then there is hope and for Hale’s sake don’t give up on him. Without the love of a good strong mate all will be lost.” Kayson spoke the truth. Hale was his friend. He remembered the times before the darkness consumed Hale. Kayson wanted his friend back and would do what he had to in order to help these men.

  Kayson couldn’t change who he was or what he’d done over the years but he wanted to change. Salvation was for all to stride toward and Kayson was on the path to a brighter life with the man he loved.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “God,” Kayson groaned. “You look so fucking hot bouncing on my cock like that.”

  Kevin moaned and arched his back. Kayson’s warm palms rubbed and groped at his hard nipples. Kevin leaned forward, wrapping his fingers around the headboard for leverage and rose up on his knees and slammed back down. Over and over again Kevin did this. He canted his hips, searching for that spot deep within him that made him soar whenever Kayson’s long thick cock brushed against it.

  “Fuck yes!” Kevin shouted as Kayson’s cock slid over his prostate. Stars burst behind his clenched eyelids. His muscles ached from sheer exhaustion and his body was covered in sweat. He loved making love with Kayson. His man could go for hours, holding off his own release until Kevin found his.

  “So sexy.” Kayson moved his hands down to Kevin’s hips, holding him as he raised up to thrust inside of Kevin’s stretched hole. “Going to make you come so hard you see god.” Kayson let go of Kevin’s hip with his right and moved it to grab on to his pulsing cock.

  “Shit, yeah.” Kevin whimpered as Kayson squeezed his fist around his member. His body tingled and his orgasm was within reach. He just needed a little more.

  “Come for me, Kev,” Kayson said in a low tone as he pounded into Kevin. His fist moved lightning fast over Kevin’s shaft and he was a goner.

  Kevin came, shouting Kayson’s name. His head tilted back, eyes stared at nothing as ripples of electricity skidded over his body.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” Kayson flipped Kevin over onto his back. “My turn.” Kayson grinned, his black eyes glowing in the early morning light.

  Kayson fucked into Kevin’s limp body, taking what he needed. Kevin watched his lover as he worked him over. Kevin loved watching the emotion that played across Kayson’s face. His mate was the most handsome man he’d ever met and he was so generous with everything he did. Kevin was quickly falling more and more in love with this vampire with each passing day.

  “Mine,” Kayson roared.

  Kevin felt as the hot cum shot from Kayson’s flared cock head, filling him full. Kayson dipped down, kissed Kevin then licked down his jaw toward his neck. Kevin’s breath hitched at the soft wet sensation. He tilted his head further to the side, giving his mate, his vampire, what he needed.

  Kayson’s bite was gentle and deep. Kevin loved the feeling of ownership being bitten by Kayson gave him. It was him giving his lover what he needed to survive. Kevin might be the one getting fucked by Kayson’s massive cock but Kevin had an equal amount of control if not more. Kayson looked to him for everything and Kevin loved that. They were partners in this relationship.

  “Fuck, I’m exhausted.” Kayson collapsed on top of Kevin. He pressed kisses to Kevin’s neck.

  “Then it’s a good thing you don’t have to go to work.” Kevin reached down to pat Kayson on his sweaty ass. “Now get off me. Some of us have to go to work.”

  It had been three days since the impromptu gathering at his brother’s house. The other warriors were still a little leery of Kayson but Kevin didn’t care. He knew what kind of man Kayson was and he wouldn’t turn his back on him. Kayson acknowledged all the bad shit he’d done and wanted to change. Love made people do crazy things.

  “Do you have to go?” Kayson whined.

  Kevin turned to look over his shoulder as he sat up. Kayson’s bottom lip was jutted out in a severe pout. Kevin liked seeing Kayson like this. In moments like this they were just like every other couple in the world.

  “Yes, I do.” Kevin leaned down to kiss Kayson’s lips. “You should go out and explore the town a little bit. Get familiar with where things are.”

  Kevin looked away and quickly got up off the bed. They hadn’t discussed where they went from here. It was a topic neither of them broached because it would lead to Kayson having to agree to leave Hale. Hale was going down a very destructive path and Kevin didn’t want to see Kayson taken down with him. He respected that Kayson wanted to be there for Hale but ultimately Kayson would have to make a choice.

  Kevin knew they were going to be together no matter what but he hoped that Kayson would want to live here in Shreveport where Kevin had set down roots. He liked it here and wasn’t ready to leave just yet.

  “Kevin,” Kayson said his name but Kevin didn’t turn around. He stared into his closet as if his clothes were the most amazing thing he’d ever seen. “My love, look at me.” Kayson’s gentle hands turned Kevin around. “Are you hinting at something?”

  Kevin rolled his lips inward and stared at the section of Kayson’s chest where his pectorals met. Deep down he knew that wherever he was Kayson would follow but it was another to have to ask the person he was rapidly falling in love with to give up everything he’d ever known.

  “I want you to move in with me,” Kevin said as he stared into Kayson’s eyes. “I want you to leave Hale and start a new life
with me here. I don’t want you working for that evil unstable bastard anymore.”

  “I know,” Kayson said. His voice was soft and low and sadness dripped off each word. “In order to be with you I have to leave Hale but…” Kayson took a deep breath. Kevin held his breath, afraid of what Kayson might say next. “I can’t save him. He’s losing his grip on reality and I can’t stand by and watch anymore. Not when I have so much to live for.” Kayson raised his hands to rest his palms against Kevin’s cheeks. “If you’re asking me to move in then the answer is yes.”

  “Yeah?” Kevin released the breath he’d been holding in.

  “Of course.” Kayson moved his hands, causing Kevin’s head to move from side to side. “Don’t be a…what was that word I saw in the book I was reading?” Kayson pursed his lips as he thought of whatever it was he was going to say. “Asshat, that’s it. Don’t be an asshat.”

  “What the hell were you reading?” Kayson opened his mouth but Kevin rushed forward and kissed him to silence whatever the hell it was he was about to say. Kayson read a lot and he was a fast reader, too. He preferred actual books versus reading on his tablet. Kevin joked that Kayson should get a job in a book store or a library. His love of all things books would make being around them all day heaven on earth for his vampire. “I’m glad you’re here, Kay. Thank you for choosing me.”

  “I’ll always chose you, Kevin.” Kayson kissed him gently one more time. “Always.”

  “Good.” Kevin stepped away from Kayson and headed toward the bathroom. He needed to shower and get going. His and Kayson’s little tryst was going to make him late again. Thank the good lord his brother-in-law was his boss.

  “Hey, Kev.” Kevin turned to see Kayson standing with his shoulders slouched forward. “I’ll need to see him one more time. To tell him I’m leaving.”

  “What!” Kevin shouted.


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