Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection

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Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection Page 7

by Tracy Lorraine

“So, you’re going to let me read it soon, then?”


  “That scene I read over your shoulder the other day was hot. There’s no way I’m not reading this.” My cheeks heat—I wasn’t aware he’d read any of this one.

  “Are the boys ready?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “I hope so because they’ve only got one shot at this.”

  I sit and watch the entire game with my heart in my throat. My nails dig into the plastic beneath me as the time ticks down. The two teams are tied. Everyone around me shouts and screams as the panic starts to really kick in.

  Then we get the ball and it’s like everything slows down as it makes its way down the field.

  The noise that erupts when they take the win in the final seconds of the game is something I’ve never experienced before. The ground shakes beneath my feet. All the boys rush at Seth, and for a second he’s content with their excitement. But it only lasts so long because he’s soon searching me out in the mass of people who are shouting and cheering around me.

  The moment our eyes connect, all the noise and people surrounding me vanish. It’s just him and me.

  Shaking off the boys, he starts walking towards me. I don’t register my legs moving, but I soon realize I’m heading towards him, too. The moment he gets to me, he grabs my hands and drops to one knee.

  Unlike all the other times I’ve thought he was about to do this, I don’t panic or rush to tell him to stop being so stupid.

  This time, I bite down on my bottom lip and wait for what he has to say.

  “Many years ago, when I was celebrating a win, there was only one thing I wanted. More. More wins, more opportunities, more success than my brothers. I didn’t care who I trampled in the process. All I could think about was my dream. Everything’s different now. When I look into my future, there’s only one thing I see. You. I’ve no idea how I was lucky enough to be matched with you, or how I deserved for you to forgive me, let alone love me. My success on the field means nothing to me now, not unless you’re by my side to celebrate with me. “Will you be my end game, Rose? Will you marry me?” He pulls a box from his pocket and reveals the most stunning solitaire engagement ring..

  My chin trembles as I fight to get the word out I’m so desperate to say. “Yes. YES!”

  He’s up off his knee and before I’ve had a chance to register what’s happening, he’s kissing me. I forget we’ve got one hell of an audience and I allow myself to be swept away by him.

  When he pulls back, the cheers are almost as loud as they were for the win. Looking over my shoulder, I see that everyone is looking our way. Heat creeps up my neck as embarrassment flows through me. That is, until I feel Seth grab my hand and I turn to watch him slide the ring onto my finger.

  After dropping a kiss to it, he pulls me to him. “You’re going to be my wife,” he whispers in my ear, as if he can’t believe it.

  “I am. It’s good timing, really, because there’s a fifty-fifty chance I’m growing you a little football player of your own.”

  My words take a few seconds to register, but I know the second they do because his whole body goes rigid.

  Pulling back, he stares at me, waiting for me to tell him I’m joking. There’s been talk of kids ever since we got together but neither of us have been in the right place in our lives and careers to really take it seriously. But it seems the decision was taken out of our hands.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “I am.”

  “This is the best fucking day ever!” His eyes glisten with unshed tears as he stares at me. Love and happiness pour from them, making me fall for him all over again.

  Wrapping his arms around me, he spins as the boys come over to join in the celebrations and he’s forced to keep his emotions in check.

  The people I spent most of my teen years trying to avoid surround me, but I can’t imagine a better place to be right now. My high school bully has become the love of my life. There’s a perfect romance novel, right there!


  I feel like this story has been floating around in my head for so long and it feels so good to finally get it out. I’m in love with both Rose and Seth. Rose, for her strength to be able to overcome everything she went through and to be able to put Seth in his place when the time came, and Seth because sigh…he’s just a bit of a sweetheart. I really hope they’ve both found a way into your heart, too.

  Once again, I need to thank my incredible author friends for all their crazy ideas and suggestions, which leads us to each collaboration. Each of you push and challenge me, and I love working with you all.

  Thank you to my amazing betas who read this the moment I sent it to them, and especially to Deanna, my football fanatic, for helping me with the finer details.

  Michelle, once again thank you for editing this for me at the last minute. I couldn’t do this without you.

  And, as always, last but never least, my husband and daughter for being with me every step of the way on this crazy journey.

  This book will release almost three years after my very first, and I could not have imagined what was ahead of me. I have loved every second of it. Thank you for being a part of it.

  Tracy xo

  Spring Break Secret Baby



  “Everything is going to be fine. I have done this before, you know,” Mom says, trying to shoo me out the front door.

  “I know, but—”

  “No buts, Lacey. Go and enjoy yourself.”

  After pulling Jacob into my arms for another bone-crushing hug, I give my mom a teary-eyed smile and turn towards where the girls are waiting for me.

  “Spring break, baby!” Bryony screams in excitement as I start heading her way.

  None of this was my idea, but I can’t deny that my belly’s full of excitement as I load my suitcase in the trunk and join Bryony and Cherry inside the taxi.

  “To spring break,” Bryony says, pulling a bottle of pink champagne and three plastic glasses out from her giant purse. “Sun, sand, and more importantly, sex.”

  “To sun, sand, and…sea,” Cherry says with a laugh, clinking her glass against mine while Bryony’s face twists.

  “I know you two haven’t done this before, but it’s tradition to hook up with at least one guy during spring break.”

  “Yeah, it’s also tradition to do it before you’re twenty-eight,” I admit with a wince.

  “Age is only a number. Come on, get excited.”

  “Trust me, I am. But I intend on having a relaxing week with plenty of sun and cocktails…not cocks.”

  Rolling her eyes at Cherry and me, Bryony swallows what’s left of her champagne and pulls her phone from her pocket. The idea of a traditional spring break isn’t really our idea of fun. Cherry and I are more on the introvert end of the scale, so the prospect of getting in the middle of a load of drunk and horny spring breakers doesn’t appeal to us at all. But the moment Bryony found out we’d never experienced it before and started talking about having a few days in Florida, I couldn’t help but agree. I didn’t get to experience all the fun I was meant to have at college, or as a young adult, due to being a mom. I don’t feel like I missed out because having Jacob was the best thing that ever happened to me, but I can’t deny that the idea of having no responsibilities and just enjoying myself is appealing.

  By the time we pull up outside St. Louis International, the champagne is racing through my veins and having the effect I think Bryony was hoping for because I am so ready for this. Not only is this my very first girly holiday, but it’s my first one ever as an adult without Jacob. I hate leaving him behind, but I know it’s going to do me a world of good.

  “This place is incredible,” Cherry says excitedly, staring out the window as our hotel complex comes into view.

  “I told you we were doing spring break in style. Not my fault you two didn’t believe me,” Bryony sulks. But when I look over, her eyes are sparkling with excitement.<
br />
  Before I’ve had time to blink, we’ve got our room key and we’re heading up the elevator towards our home for the next few days. Originally we planned to stay all week, but Cherry couldn’t get the time off, so sadly we had to cut the trip a little short.

  “Holy crap, look at the view,” I say, dropping my suitcase and rushing towards the window. “How did you manage to get a room like this at short notice?” Our balcony looks over one of the hotels pools but also the sandy white beach beyond.

  It’s paradise.

  “I’ve planned a wedding or two here and I know the general manager quite well.” The wink Bryony gives me a clue as to just how well that might be.

  “Of course. Well, we appreciate it, even if you are a hussy.”

  “No problem. Not being able to find the one has to come with some perks, right?”

  Cherry and I both laugh at her as we start unpacking and familiarizing ourselves with our surroundings.

  “So, what’s the plan then, ladies?”

  After a quick discussion, we set about getting ourselves ready for a night with a few cocktails in one of the hotel bars. I know Bryony’s itching to go crazy, but I’m glad she’s humoring us and allowing us a quiet night. After working every day of the week up to this trip, trying to organize Jacob and my mom and then the journey, I’m just about ready to crash…and it’s only early evening.

  Dressed in one of my new holiday outfits, I follow the others down to the bar, ready to get this holiday started.

  When I wake the next morning, it’s with the sun streaming in through the light curtains. It only takes a second to remember where I am and for excitement to race through me. Sitting up, I stretch and look over at my roommates. Bryony’s still fast asleep, but Cherry’s awake and reading her Kindle. Her body clock is shot to pieces with all the crazy shifts she does as a nurse.

  “Morning,” I whisper. “Are you ready to do nothing?”

  “So ready!”

  Once we start moving about, it’s not long before Bryony starts groaning about being woken up. The second she sees both of us ready and raring to go in our bikinis though, she soon perks up a little.

  With a stomach full of pancakes, bacon, and syrup, we head out towards one of the hotel pools to start work on our suntans.

  “God, this has been a long time coming,” I moan, laying back and allowing the sun to warm my skin.

  “I can’t believe you haven’t done this before.”

  “Don’t get a lot of chance when you’re raising a kid, Bry.”

  “I’d hate to have to give this up.”

  “It’s totally worth the sacrifice. I wouldn’t change my life for anything.” She raises an eyebrow as she looks over at me, and I can’t help but defend myself. “I don’t need a man. I’m perfectly happy how I am.”

  “I didn’t say anything about need. Just look around you. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t like just a little bit of some of these.”

  Keeping my sunglasses firmly in place, I sweep my eyes around the pool. Yeah, there are quite a few dad bods, but I can’t deny that there are also some that I wouldn’t mind having a closer inspection of. “I’m happy just looking.”

  “If you say so. I, on the other hand, think I might go and make a friend…or two.”

  After reapplying her sun lotion, she stands and elegantly sways as she heads towards the bar. Multiple sets of eyes follow her every movement. I can’t help but laugh—they’ve got no idea what they’re about to get themselves into.

  “How did we end up here?” Cherry asks, clearly having similar thoughts.

  “I’m not sure. It feels damn good, though.”

  Cherry and I have been friends for years, but I didn’t meet Bryony until fairly recently. We’re not the most obvious of friends, being each other’s complete opposite, but when my colleague, Rose, introduced us after she started working with me at the bookshop, we just kind of hit it off.

  The day is everything I hoped it would be. We soak up the sun, swim, eat, drink, and I even manage to get a little nap in. It’s pure bliss. If the next few days are like this, then I’ll be one happy girl.

  “Holy shit, guys. We’re at the wrong pool. You should see the fucking lifeguard at the other one,” Bryony exclaims when she reappears.

  “What are you doing?” Looking over the top of my glasses, I watch as she starts collecting our stuff and shoving it into our bags.

  “We’re moving.”

  “We’re fine here.”

  “Trust me, you’ll be better at the other pool. He is F. I. N. E!”

  “Bry, we’re not here for guys. This is perfect.”

  Standing with her hands on her hips and a determined look on her face, she waits. She glances over at Cherry. A moment later, Cherry relents, blowing out a long breath before getting up and gathering her towel. “Some fresh eye candy is never a bad thing, I guess.”

  “Seriously?” I mutter, following suit.

  “I’ve already reserved us some chairs,” Bryony calls as she leads us to our new location. “Aww, looks like he’s gone.”

  Getting settled in our new places, I take in our surroundings. They aren’t all that different from the ones before.

  “Drinks?” I ask, pulling my wallet from my purse.

  “Yes! Anything with an umbrella sticking out of it, please,” Bryony requests. Cherry nods in agreement.

  I’m too busy watching a couple of kids trying to jump onto an inflatable dolphin in the pool to notice I’m walking directly into a guy.

  “Shit, sorry,” I say quietly. I go to side-step him, but we collide.


  I stop breathing. Everything around me vanishes as his voice washes over me. Surely it’s not…

  I drag my eyes up from his red shorts, over the lines and planes of his torso. Sucking in a breath, I take in his stubbled chin until I get to a very familiar pair of dark green eyes.


  “Holy shit. Lacey.” He releases a long breath, staring at me. The beginning of a smile twitches at his lips as his eyes take in every inch of my face. It’s like he’s noting every single difference from the last time he saw me.

  Ten years ago.

  We stare at each other as if the world isn’t continuing around us. My heart races to the point I start to feel a little faint. I always hoped there was a chance of seeing him again, but as the years have gone and I’ve gotten on with my life, I’ve mostly forgotten him.

  Or at least that’s what I try to tell myself.

  His lips part like he’s going to say something when a piercing scream fills the air around us. There’s some commotion at the other side of the pool that makes Wes look over. When he glances back at me, I can see the internal battle going on behind his eyes.

  “You need to go.” It’s the first and last thing I say to the boy—or man now, I guess—who changed my life when I was only eighteen years old.

  Once his back is turned, I feel like I can breathe again. But that doesn’t mean my heart’s not still racing and my hands aren’t trembling with the adrenaline that’s racing through me.

  “Lace, what’s wrong?” Cherry asks the second I get back to the loungers with two cocktails in my hands.

  “I’m…uh…not feeling great. Too much sun, I think. I’m just going to go back to the room and lie down for a bit.”

  “Do you want company?”

  “No, no. You stay and enjoy yourself. I’ll probably just fall asleep.” It’s a total lie and I think Cherry knows it from the narrowing of her eyes, but I don’t hang around long enough for her to question me.

  “We’ll be here if you need us,” Bryony shouts as I turn to walk away.

  I’m grateful for their support, but I really just need to be alone right now. I need to come up with a plan.


  I try to focus on the child who’s just slipped over by the pool, but the only thing filling my head is Lacey. I haven’t seen her since the morning I dropped her off at her house after prom.
We’d been best friends for almost two years and dating for about six months. We’d both agreed to wait to take things between us to the next level until prom night. We wanted it to be special.

  And it was. It was phenomenal. Somehow, we’d both managed to convince our parents we were going to after-parties and then crashing at friends’ houses. In reality, we avoided all the parties, and once prom was over we got a taxi straight to the hotel I’d booked us for the night.

  A smile twitches on my lips as memories of that night fill my mind. We were both clueless virgins. We’d experimented a little beforehand, but we’d always stopped before things got too far. There was a lot of fumbling and awkwardness. I wouldn’t change it for the world, though. I popped my cherry with my best friend, my first love. What I didn’t expect was what happened the next day, or that those memories of the previous night were all I was going to have left.

  After telling the little boy’s parents to keep a close eye on him in case of a concussion, I set about finding Lacey.

  I’ve tried to picture what she might look like now. We were just kids the last time I saw her. I imagined how her curves might have filled out, how her hair might have darkened, and how her eyes might look even wiser.

  It turns out I was right on two of those things because her new curves were spectacular and her eyes held so much within them. The second I looked into them I felt like I was eighteen once again, staring into the eyes of my soulmate. What was exactly the same, though, was her blonde hair. It’s still the stunning color it always was, just a little shorter than I remember.

  I spotted her heading towards two other women after she got drinks, but as I look around the pool now I see no sign of her. But I do see her two friends still on their loungers. One of them I recognize as a woman who was trying to chat me up earlier.

  Using that to my advantage, I make my way over to her.

  “Bryony, was it?” I ask, sitting down by her feet.

  Her eyes light up and a salacious smile spreads across her lips. “You remembered.”


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