Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection

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Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection Page 8

by Tracy Lorraine

  “What’s the plan for the rest of the day, ladies?”

  Bryony excitedly tells me about their plans for the night while I fight my need to ask about Lacey. It’s obvious she hasn’t said anything about me, and I don’t feel like it’s my place to tell her friends that we know each other. I guess I should just be thankful they’re not old school friends because I can’t imagine they’d be talking to me quite so happily now if they knew what happened.

  I’ve fought with my guilt for years over not going back for her. To start with, staying away was for her own safety, but as the years passed and the danger disappeared, I guess I was just too scared. I knew she had to hate me for leaving her the way I did.

  How could she not? I hated myself.

  I didn’t have a choice but to leave that day, but there have been many, many days since where I should have been brave enough to find her. I have no one else to blame for that—that’s all on me.

  I don’t expect her to forgive me, but I’d at the very least like a chance to explain all the things I kept hidden back then. I need to tell her what happened that day.

  I spend the rest of the afternoon keeping an eye out for her, but she doesn’t rejoin her friends. I hate that even after all these years I have the power to ruin her holiday—or do I? If she’s not able to come back and face me, maybe it means I’m still inside her head…just like she is mine.



  It took a lot of convincing, but once I’m inside the club with a drink in my hand I must admit that I do feel better being away from the hotel.

  “I feel old,” Cherry complains, looking around at all the college kids enjoying their spring break.

  “Age is only a number,” Bryony says for what must be the tenth time already tonight. “Drink that and then let’s dance.”

  We do as we’re told. In minutes, we’re following Bryony through the masses of sweaty, gyrating bodies and stepping onto the dance floor.

  Justin Bieber’s voice booms through the speakers as everyone’s hips grind to the sexy beat. My body can’t resist and joins in. Shutting my mind off, I allow the music to flow through me. Bryony grabs my hand and the three of us dance together for the longest time.

  My skin’s covered in a sheen of sweat, but I have the widest smile on my face as I let go and enjoy this rare time just being myself. Then, a shiver runs down my spine.

  Looking around, I try to figure out why it feels like I’m being watched. When I find no one looking my way, I turn my attention back to the girls. That is, until the previous shiver turns into full-on tingles and Bryony smiles at someone over my shoulder.

  My stomach drops. I don’t need to turn around to know who it is. She spent the whole time we were getting ready talking about Wes, the hot-as-fuck lifeguard she’s got her sights set on. I barely managed to hold my stomach in check as she talked about what she’d like to do to him.

  I should have just admitted that I knew him, but I’m aware of just how many questions would have followed. I know I’m going to have to deal with this, I just don’t want to. Not yet, anyway.

  “You came,” Bryony squeals, practically wrapping her body around his. My fingers twitch as a strong wave of jealousy flows through me. I have to fight to stop myself from reaching out and pulling her from him.

  He’s not yours anymore, I remind myself as Wes ignores her and stares directly at me.

  After a second or two, he gently removes himself from Bryony’s grip.

  “What? Aren’t you allowed to fraternize with the tourists?”

  “Not when they’re your ex’s friend.” Stepping up to me, he reaches for my hand while Bryony’s mouth drops open.

  “Wait, you two know each other?”

  “This is Wes,” I admit, just loud enough so she can hear me over the pounding music.

  “This is your Wes?” My cheeks heat because the man standing in front of me hasn’t been mine for a very long time. A smile twitches at his lips as he also waits for my answer.

  “Once upon a time, yeah.”

  “Shit. Does he know—”

  I narrow my eyes at Bryony in warning. Thankfully she’s still sober enough to get the hint.

  “I need the bathroom. Are you coming?” she asks. But it’s clear from her clipped tone that it’s not really a request.

  I’m about to step away when his fingers wrap around my wrist. Looking back, I watch as his eyes run the length of me. My body heats under his gaze, and old feelings that I thought I’d forgotten come rushing back to me.

  “You’d better be coming back this time.” Our stare holds until Bryony grabs my other hand and pulls me away from him.

  I should hate him. He left me when I needed him the most. But I don’t. What I feel is the exact opposite.

  The pull I feel towards him is even stronger than I remember it being all those years ago.

  I look back over my shoulder just before I’m pulled around the corner and I immediately find him looking back at me. The longing I feel is reflected in his eyes.

  “Well, that sure explains this afternoon,” Bryony says, turning her curious eyes on me once the three of us are huddled in a stall.

  “I can’t believe this is fucking happening,” I admit, running my hands through my hair and falling back against the wall behind me. “I bumped in to him on the way to get your drinks this afternoon.”

  “And you didn’t think to mention it? Jesus, I was talking about blowing him while we were getting ready!”

  “I didn’t know what to say.”

  “Something like ‘Hey, you remember the guy who knocked me up and then fucked off? Yeah, well, he’s the lifeguard you want to bang’ would have been a start.”

  “You’re so insensitive,” Cherry snaps. “Are you okay?” she asks, stepping in front of me.

  “I’ve got no idea.” Dropping my head back against the wall, I try to figure out what I want to say. “I thought I’d hate him,” I admit quietly.

  “But you don’t?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I just…God, this is so fucked up. I’ve had his kid and he has no fucking clue. How am I supposed to tell him?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea. But I do know that us hiding in here isn’t helping anyone. What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you want to go back to the hotel?”

  Deciding that I need to pull up my panties and get on with my holiday, I shake my head. “No. Let’s go and enjoy ourselves. We’re only young once, right, Bry?”

  “Thank fuck for that. I need a drink.”

  After making use of the bathroom, the three of us head back out. The second we come to a stop at the bar, I feel him beside me. His heat burns my side, tingles zeroing in on my center.

  “Let me,” he says when Cherry goes to pay for our drinks. He leans over to hand the barman some cash. His t-shirt lifts and the sight of his toned, tanned skin does nothing but make the tingling within me stronger.

  I shouldn’t want him this badly, but it seems my body’s forgotten everything he put it through in favor of remembering the pleasure he brought.

  “Come on, let’s dance.”

  With his fingers entwined with mine, he pulls me towards the middle of the dance floor. Looking back over my shoulder, I try to find the girls, but the crowds of people have swallowed us already.

  He brings us to a stop and pulls me close to him. He stares down at me with his dark green eyes and it’s like it is prom night all over again.

  Lifting my arms, he places them around his neck before his hands slide down my body until they’re resting on my hips. He pulls me up against him and we begin moving to the music. Our eye contact holds, a myriad of emotions in his depths. Regret and sadness, but also a sliver of hope flashes in front of me, mirroring exactly what I’m feeling. Although, I’ve also got dread sitting heavily in my stomach.

  The connection we once had might still be there, but I’ve got a secret that’s going to change his life. Not
knowing how he’s going to take the news has my lips staying firmly shut. Just being with him again feels so incredibly good, so right. I don’t want to ruin it yet.

  My heart thunders steadily in my chest as my stomach tumbles with anticipation. Having his hands on me after all these years feels so good, but now that I’ve got that, I’m desperate for more.

  His tongue runs across his bottom lip, the distance between us closing slightly. His eyes drop to my mouth and then back up. I can read exactly what he wants to do, but I can also see his hesitation. Deciding to make the decision for him, I reach up and press my lips to his.

  His hands slide from my hips, upward, and tangle in my hair. Tilting my head, he deepens the kiss. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and dances with mine.

  My temperature soars and my pulse pounds in every part of my body. His touch makes me come alive in a way I remember all too well. We were just kids the last time we were together, but that didn’t mean a burning passion and a need for each other wasn’t there. We just didn’t really know how to achieve the releases our bodies so desperately craved after withholding for so long.

  The songs blur into each other and any sense of time disappears as his kiss continues and his hands roam over every inch he can get a hold of.

  With his toned body pressed tightly against mine, my fingers twitch to discover more. Slipping them under the hem of his t-shirt, I soon find what I want—his hot, taut skin beneath my fingertips. A moan rumbles through him and he rips his lips from mine. The stubble on his cheeks brushes against me, and his breath on my ear has a shiver running down my spine.

  “We need to get out of here before I do something I’ll regret.” His hips thrust against me and his solid length presses into my stomach.

  All reasons as to why I shouldn’t be doing this vanish as he pulls back and looks into my eyes. His green depths hold the same excitement I remember from my childhood, only there are hints that he’s wiser, more experienced now.

  “Okay,” I breathe.

  In seconds, he has us out of the club and he’s flagging down a taxi. “Get in,” he instructs with his warm, large hand resting on the small of my back.

  After telling the driver where to go, his hand lands on my neck and I’m pulled into him to resume our kiss.

  “No sex in my cab.” I hear the driver complain, but all my attention is focused on the man next to me.

  Continuing with my exploration from inside the club, I slip my hand under his shirt again and run my fingers over the ridges of his abs.

  “Fucking hell, Lacey,” he moans against my lips.

  My entire body’s aching with need by the time the car pulls up in front of our hotel. Grabbing my hand, I’m pulled from the car and marched into the reception.

  “I need a room. The best you’ve got,” he barks at the girl behind the desk.

  “Evening, Wes,” she says teasingly. His hand tightens in mine and his teeth grind, making me smile. “Here you go. Room 104. If you take the el—”

  “I know where it is. Thanks,” he calls back as we head in the direction she suggested.

  Wes hits the button for the right floor. The second we’re inside, I’m pinned up against the wall. Holding both of my hands above my head in one of his, his lips find mine. It’s wet and dirty and I can’t get enough of him.

  With his other hand squeezing my breast through the fabric of my dress, I pull from his grasp and start working on his belt.

  I’ve just popped the button and am about to slide my hand inside his boxers when the elevator dings, announcing our arrival.

  Stepping back, he grabs both of my hands and looks into my eyes. His are dark and hold a promise that has my core clenching.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wished for this.”

  My mouth opens to respond but I don’t get the chance because I’m swept up into his arms and he practically runs down the corridor to find our room.

  Crashing through the door, I’m vaguely aware of it slamming shut behind us before Wes lowers me to the floor and then reaches behind him and pulls his shirt from his body. Stepping back up to me, his fingers wrap around the straps over my shoulders and my dress is peeled away. My nipples pebble as the fabric teases over them. My back arches. Not missing an opportunity, Wes drops down a little and sucks one into his mouth.

  I moan loudly as my fingers thread into his hair and hold him in place.

  “So fucking sweet,” he mutters, pushing my dress from my hips and allowing me to step out of it. He stops, staying still for two seconds, and it’s long enough to make me panic.

  I know my body’s different since having Jacob, but I was lucky not to get any noticeable stretchmarks. It doesn’t stop me from thinking he might be able to tell, though.

  “Jesus. You’re even more incredible than I remember.” Pressing himself against me, his hands land on my thighs and I’m lifted. My legs wrap around his waist, my shoes still on my feet, and he sits us down on the edge of the bed.

  His hands skim up my back as his lips come down on mine. As we kiss, I grind down on him, my release edging ever nearer.

  “Don’t you dare get yourself off. Not until I’m inside you.” The thought alone has heat flooding my core.

  Sitting back slightly, I allow him the space he needs to slip his already undone jeans and boxers down his thighs. My mouth waters when his cock springs free. I swear it’s bigger than I remember.

  Feeling like I’m wasting precious time, I pull my panties to the side and slide down on him.

  He grunts as I continue to lower myself until I’ve taken all of him. It hurts after so long, but fuck if it doesn’t feel incredible at the same time. My eyes shut and my head rolls back as I take a second to prepare for what’s to come.

  When I look forward again, I find him staring at me with an intensity that has nerves fluttering in my belly.


  “I fucking missed you, Lace.”

  “You shouldn’t have left then.” I regret the words the second they fall from my lips. His expression darkens, but when I roll my hips, all is forgotten—for now, anyway.

  “Jesus. Fuck.” He groans, dropping his head against my neck and sucking on the sensitive skin there as I continue to move.

  He allows me a couple of minutes before his need to take over must become too strong. His hands land on my hips and I’m flipped onto my back.

  Pulling out of me, he makes quick work of removing our remaining clothing. When he comes back to me, he’s gloriously naked and I feast on his ripped body.

  Crawling onto the bed, he takes his cock in his hand and guides himself towards me. Widening my legs, I wait for the incredible feeling of him filling me to wash through me once again. When he does press inside me, I’m not disappointed.

  I suck in a sharp breath when he hits me deeper than I’ve ever felt, before he pulls back and slams into me again.

  “Fuck, Lacey,” he groans, and I watch as every single one of his muscles pulls tight.

  His thumb presses down on my clit as he leans forward and sucks a nipple into his mouth, setting my entire body on fire. My muscles tense as my release creeps ever closer, but I’m desperate to hold on as long as possible.

  “Stop fighting it,” Wes demands, and with another thrust of his hips I fall over the edge. “Holy shit! Wes!”

  I scream his name as wave after wave of pleasure washes through me. I’m aware that he’s still moving inside me, and just as the pleasure from my orgasm subsides, I hear him groan out my name as he releases within me.


  I stand, leaned against the bathroom door, watching her sleep. Her naked body is just about covered by the white sheet, a twisted mess after our mostly sleepless night.

  Her blonde hair’s resting messily behind her on the pillow and her lips are red and swollen from my kiss.

  My cock twitches with the need to get back into bed with her. After ten years apart, one night with her isn’t enough. I’m pretty sure the rest of my life won�
�t be enough to get her out of my system.

  I thought I’d fucked up any chance I might have had with her if we were ever to see each other again. I could have only dreamed of last night. Even standing here now, I still can’t quite believe it happened.

  Dread sits heavy in my stomach as I think about her regretting spending the night with me. I know she wasn’t drunk enough last night to not know what she was doing, but it doesn’t mean she’s going to wake up wishing it didn’t happen.

  “I know you’re staring. I can feel it.” Her voice is rough with sleep, her eyelids flickering open until I get a look at the bright blue hiding beneath. “If you were planning on sneaking out, you’re doing a really bad job.”

  “I wasn’t sneaking anywhere. I’ve just got to work. The last thing I want to do is walk away from you right now.”

  She opens her mouth to say something, but she changes her mind at the last minute. My fears about how she feels about this hit me once again.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, even though most of my brain is screaming at me not to.

  “It’s…we need to talk, Wes.” I see her cast her eyes away, and I feel cold.

  Walking over and placing my hand on her cheek, I gently pull her back so she has no choice but to look at me.

  “I just need to know one thing.” Fear fills her eyes and it doesn’t help to relax me at all. “You’re single, right? Last night, we didn’t…” I trail off, not wanting to taint last night with possible betrayal.

  “No, no…I’m single. I wouldn’t…fuck.” She drops her head into her hands and my heart sinks. She is regretting this.

  “Lacey. Talk to me. Please,” I beg. I need to know this isn’t it.

  “We will. Just…not right now. You’ve got work and I need to get back to the girls. Tonight?” she asks, tentative.

  “Yeah. I mean, no. Shit. I can’t tonight.” Her face drops with disappointment and I feel a little better knowing she actually does want to see me. Looking down at my watch, I realize I really need to get moving. “I’ll see you later though, yeah? I’m at the pool all afternoon.”


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