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Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection

Page 12

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Cherry, I’m—”

  “You’re here…”

  “I told you I needed to see you again.”

  “I know, I just wasn’t expecting you quite so soon.” Pulling at the hem of my sweater, I awkwardly stand in the doorway looking at him. He’s still wearing the black suit from earlier, only the jacket’s been discarded over the back of the couch, the tie is undone and hanging loosely around his neck, and his shirt sleeves are rolled up to reveal muscular arms that are covered in ink.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” My stomach turns over at his admission. “Come and sit down. I brought wine, and your housemate got me some glasses.”

  Hesitantly, I walk over and curl myself into the corner of the couch as he pours me a glass.

  “Yum, that’s gorgeous,” I say after having a sip.

  “These are for you, too.” Reaching down the side of the couch, he pulls out a giant bouquet of flowers.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” Taking them from his outstretched hand, I breathe in their scent.

  “I just wanted to thank you for this morning.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You did more than you know.”

  Narrowing my eyes at him, I hope it’ll encourage him to say more, but he just lifts his own glass to his lips. I watch the muscles in his neck work as he swallows.

  I fist my hand at my side, fighting the sudden need to reach over and place my lips to his skin to find out if it’s as soft as I think it might be.

  His eyes find mine the second he lowers his glass, and they visibly darken as our stare holds. The tension between us crackles and my mouth goes dry.

  “How was today?”

  “It was…beautiful. Exactly what she deserved.” Silence falls around us, but it’s not uncomfortable. I watch as he sips his wine, reliving his day. “She’d been ill for a long time. The last year or so had been so hard on her. As weird as it might sound, I’m glad she’s now found some peace.”

  “I understand that. My dad battled cancer for years.”

  “I’m sorry. Shit, I didn’t intend to come here and be depressing.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I needed to know more about you.” Placing his almost empty glass on the coffee table, he slides a little closer, making my heart start to race. “So, your housemate said you’re a nurse.”

  “Yep, pediatric nurse.”

  Leaning even closer so I feel his breath on my face, he whispers, “I bet you’re incredible.”

  I mumble some kind of agreement as his eyes flick down to my lips. My mouth waters to find out how he tastes.

  “God, I’ve been imagining this since you opened the door this morning.

  “Do it,” I whisper. Then I panic at my forwardness. I’m usually the shy one hiding at the back. I’ve never once in my life dared a man to kiss me.

  Closing the distance between us, his hand lands on my waist, then his lips press gently against mine.

  It’s nice. Comforting. That is, until his fingers grip a little tighter and his tongue brushes against my lips. Then it turns hot, dirty, and makes me want to beg for more.

  He shifts me so I have no choice but to lie back on the couch. His giant body presses me down into the cushion and I fight back a moan that wants to rumble up my throat. His sheer size makes me feel dainty, and the way he looks at me makes me feel sexy in a way I’ve never experienced before.

  His tongue explores every inch of my mouth as I do the same. My hands run over his wide shoulders and down his back. His fingers slip up inside my sweater and I shiver as they tickle up towards my bare breasts.

  My back arches as his warm palm covers my sensitive skin, and the moan I’ve been holding back rips from my throat.

  Warren kisses along my jaw before he starts sucking on the sensitive skin of my neck. I pant and moan as he drives me crazy beneath him.

  I’m totally lost to him, so the sound of another voice in the room almost doesn’t register.

  “Whoa, shit. Sorry. Please continue.”

  Dragging my eyes open, I find Vaughan looking down at us with a shit-eating grin on her face.

  Taking a couple of seconds to compose myself, I sit back up while Warren does the same.

  “Date went well, then?” I call once she’s turned to leave.

  “Asshole stood me up. Looks like it’s just me and Bob tonight.”

  “I’m sorry, V.”

  “Nah, his loss. Now…as you were. I’ll hide in my room.”

  As the sound of her footsteps up the stairs fades, I feel Warren’s stare burning into me.

  Turning towards him, my face is hot with a mixture embarrassment at being caught and desire running through my veins.


  Throwing my leg over his waist, I place my hands on his shoulders and lower my head to his, ready to resume what we’ve started.

  For once in my life, I push all rational thought to the back of my mind and I allow myself to take what my body’s telling me it needs.


  Our tongues tangle once again and I lower myself onto his lap. A gasp passes my lips when I feel his hardness against me.

  His hands slide up my back as I lift mine to start working on his buttons, but my movement falters when he slides his hands back around and squeezes both my breasts. My head falls back and I grind down on him, seeking more of the pleasure he can give me.

  Tingles erupt from my core as my release begins to get closer. That is, until something starts vibrating between us, and not in a good way.


  Dragging my eyelids open, I stare down at him. His blue eyes are dark, his lips swollen, and his chest heaving under his half-opened shirt. It gives me a little taste of what his body’s like beneath it, and my fingers twitch to continue.

  Lifting us both, he manages to slide his phone from his pocket. A quick glance at the screen and I know he can’t ignore it.


  The reality of the situation hits me and I climb from his lap. His face twists in confusion as he looks between his phone and me.

  “You need to get that.”

  Nodding, he swipes the screen and puts it to his ear. Wanting to give him some privacy, I walk to the kitchen for a glass of water.

  “He’s okay, though? Yeah, okay. I’m coming now. About twenty minutes.”

  My heart drops listening to his one-sided conversation. I shouldn’t have allowed this to happen. He’s grieving and should be supporting his family right now, not dry humping a stranger on her couch.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Marching over, he cups my cheek and forces me to look up into his eyes.

  “We shouldn’t have done that. You need to—”

  “Don’t do this. Don’t question this.” Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulls me flush against his body. “That was only the beginning.”

  All my breath rushes out of me as I see the sincerity in his eyes. “Oh.”

  “Are you free tomorrow night?”


  “I’ll pick you up at six. Wear something comfortable.” Lowering his lips to mine, he leaves me wanting more with another all-consuming kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Cherry Blossom.”

  Heat explodes within me, but I can’t help rolling my eyes at his cheesy nickname.


  “Do I look okay?” I ask Vaughan the following night. I haven’t had a date in…a long time. I’ve no idea what to expect. He told me to dress comfortably, but I still want to attempt to look a little sexy.

  “You look gorgeous. I love the hair,” she says, reaching out and pulling at a curl. Today is the first of two days off before I start a week of nights, so I thought I’d make the most of it. “Please tell me you had all your hair attended to.” She flicks a look down to the juncture of my thighs and my cheeks flame red. “Oh, you so did. Good girl.” She squeals when she sees my embarrassment. “So, what’s the plan, then?”

  “I’ve n
o idea.”

  “You’re going to bang him though, right?”

  “I don’t know, V. He just said goodbye to his sister. I’m not sure now’s the healthiest time to embark on a new relationship.”

  “Nah, when you know, you know. Embrace it.”

  “I barely know him. I’ve no idea if I know.”

  “I can see it in your eyes. He’s the one.”

  Narrowing my eyes at her assumptions, I go to respond but get cut off when the doorbell rings throughout the house. Blowing out a nervous breath, I look to Vaughan.

  “You totally got this. Don’t even sweat it.”

  I wish I felt just a tiny bit of her confidence as I make my way down the stairs.

  “Wow, you look beautiful.” Warren’s eyes run over every inch of me, making my insides heat from his stare alone. I’m not sure how much I believe about what Vaughan just said to me, but I do know one thing—this man affects me more than any other man I’ve ever met. And just that thought alone is scary as hell.

  “You don’t look too bad yourself.” My eyes drop from the sunglasses propped on the top of his head and take in the black t-shirt that’s practically painted on his wide shoulders and sculpted chest. My mouth waters and my fingers twitch to remind myself of how he feels under the fabric. His hips and thighs are tightly wrapped in a dark pair of jeans with rips at the knees. His clothes, along with the tattoos up both arms, make him look like a bad boy that women should steer well clear of. I already know differently though. Warren is so much more than how he looks. He might be trying to put on a brave face after his sister’s funeral yesterday, but I see the pain in his eyes that most others would miss.

  “Whoa, looking good tonight,” Vaughan sings from halfway down the stairs when she gets a look at Warren.

  “Hands off, V,” I warn. “Have a good night.” I grab my purse and jacket and close the front door behind me. “What?”

  Warren has a weird look in his eye and a smirk on his lips as he stares down at me. “That was hot.”

  “Uh…what was?”

  “You, warning your roommate off me.”

  “Oh, that. She’s a bit of a nightmare with men.”

  “I don’t care what she’s like. I’m not interested in her.” Gripping my chin with his thumb and finger, he tips my head back so he can capture my lips. “I only want you,” he says when he pulls back.

  “Good. Because I’m not sharing.” His eyes widen and he smiles again, chuckling to himself. Threading his fingers with mine, he pulls me towards his truck and helps me in.

  “Where are we going?” I ask once he’s joined me.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  The conversation is easy between us as we drive to our destination. Warren tells me about his job as a doorman in town and I chat about the hospital. It feels good to get to know him a little more after everything that happened yesterday.

  “We’re going ice skating?” I ask when we pull up outside the rink.

  “Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, definitely, apart from the fact I haven’t put on a pair of ice skates since I was about fourteen. But I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  Warren grabs my hand the second I’m out of his truck and he guides me towards the entrance and pays for our hour on the ice. Once we’ve got our skates, we sit down on one of the benches and get ready.

  The moment I stand up, I already feel like I’m about to fall flat on my ass.

  “Whoa, I’ve got you.” Warren’s hands land on my waist and he walks behind me as I try to find my balance.

  Things don’t get much better once we’re on the ice. Warren tries to tell me that he isn’t very good either, but from the moment his blades hit the rink it’s obvious he knows what he’s doing while I wobble around like fucking Bambi.

  “You go. I’ll just stay here,” I say, clinging to the side for dear life.

  “Nope, we’re doing this together.” He spins me so I’m once again in front of him. With his hands on my waist, he pushes me around. After a couple of laps with him trying his best not to laugh at me, my confidence starts to grow and I begin moving my legs.

  With his encouragement, I think I manage a lap and a half on my own before I end up on my ass.

  “Shall we call it a day?” Pulling me to my feet, I rub at my sore butt and wet jeans.

  “Yeah, before I break something.”

  I manage to just about stay on my feet as he drags me over to the exit.

  “Ahh…thank you,” I say gratefully when he pulls each of my boots off. Sitting back on his haunches, he looks at me thoughtfully. “I’m not sure if I said it yesterday, but thank you. Meeting you yesterday, it was…everything I didn’t know I needed.”

  Heat blooms in my belly at the sincerity in his words. Yesterday must have been all kinds of awful as he said goodbye to his sister, and the fact I was able to make it a little more bearable fills me with happiness.

  “I think I can say the same thing. And what an epic love story to tell our grandkids—we met over some funeral flowers. That’s not one you hear every day.” I suck in a breath when the words I just said register in my brain. Fuck, I just mentioned grandkids on our first date. But, to my surprise, when I look up, Warren’s just smiling at me.

  “Ready to eat?” he asks, thankfully ignoring my previous comment. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve scared a guy off early on in a possible relationship, but I kind of have hopes that this one might last a little longer.

  “I was going to book a restaurant, but when I saw how nice the weather was going to be I changed my mind. We’re going to my place. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, of course not. Why would I mind?”

  “I was just a little worried you’d think I was expecting—”

  “Warren,” I say, turning to him. He looks sexy as hell driving his truck. His muscular arm tenses as he holds the steering wheel, his knuckles whiten, showing his anxiety. He briefly glances at me and I can see his concern. “Stop overthinking this.”

  He nods but doesn’t say anymore about it as we head out of town.

  “Wow, this place is gorgeous.”

  “It was my grandparents’.”

  He brings the truck to a stop and then helps me down. We walk up to the huge front balcony hand in hand. I bite down on my bottom lip to stop me from expressing how much I’d enjoy sitting here in the sun reading. I already feel like this thing between us could be moving a little fast, so imagining that I live in his house is probably going a little too far on a first date.

  “Whoa.” My chin drops when he opens the ornate wooden front door that reveals the most stunning entrance hall and stairwell.

  “I’ve renovated it since they both passed, but it still feels like the homey house I remember from when I was a kid.”

  “I bet this would make the most incredible family home. All this space for kids to play.” I allow my imagination to wander as he walks me through to the kitchen. I swear I can see myself cooking at the island while a couple of kids run around laughing and playing.

  His stare burns into me as I look around.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing. It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “This place suits you.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but all words leave my head. Surely he’s not having similar thoughts to me. I watch as he places his phone on the counter and walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a couple of trays. “Come on, we’re eating outside.”

  I follow him out to a huge, perfectly kept backyard. I expect him to stop at the table and chairs, but to my surprise he continues walking towards the end of the garden. I see why when the trees part and thousands of fairy lights twinkle in the distance.

  “Warren,” I breathe, taken aback by the romantic scene in front of me. There are blankets and pillows laid out on the ground in front of a tepee that’s lit up. Warren places the trays down on the blankets and makes quick work of firing up the grill.

I stand stock still, taking it all in. Turning back to look at me, he must mistake the awe on my face as disapproval.

  “We can still go to a restaurant if this isn’t your kind of thing.”

  Stepping up to him, I wrap my arms around his waist and look up at him. “This is definitely my kind of thing. It’s perfect.”

  Bending down, his lips brush against mine as his arms wrap around me, pulling me tightly against him.

  I’m pretty sure it’s the most romantic moment of my life, surrounded by the twinkling of the lights and the bird song in the distance.

  “Is this real?” I ask when he pulls back.

  Chuckling, he takes my cheeks in his hands. “It’s real,” he whispers, kissing me again.


  After pouring us both a glass of wine, Warren encourages me to sit back and relax while he begins grilling the steaks. The scent of the grill mixes with the smells of early spring in the air. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more relaxed and content in my life.

  “So, is it normal for a grown man, who I assume lives alone, to have a tepee in his garden?” I ask with a laugh.

  “Not that I’m aware of. I created this for my nieces so they had somewhere to hang out when they come and visit.”

  “It’s incredible. Are they your sister’s kids?” I ask because even though I’m sure it’s the last thing he wants to talk about, there’s the little nagging in my head that all of this is just a distraction for him and that when he goes back to real life, I’m going to be forgotten.

  “No, I’ve got an older brother, too. Leanne and Simon didn’t have kids, even though they both desperately wanted them. Leanne had known pretty much all her life that she wouldn’t live until she was an old woman, and she knew it wasn’t fair to bring kids into the world when she’d have to leave them.”

  “That’s sensible, I guess, but so incredibly sad.”

  “You could definitely describe her as sensible. She never did anything crazy or spontaneous. She’d even planned her funeral.”


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