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Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection

Page 16

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Of course. We’re just catching up, reminiscing about old times. Right, Bry?”

  Clearing my throat, I pray to God I don’t look as guilty as I feel. “Right.”

  “Okay, well, everyone’s headed to their rooms for an early night and I wondered if you wanted a pint?” Mac asks, looking at Freddie.

  “I should go. I’ve got stuff to…” I trail off, not really having a solid excuse. I just need to get away from Freddie and Mac’s assessing eyes as my brother glances between the two of us.



  I can’t drag my eyes from her as she walks away from us. But not before she bends down to collect the rose she dropped when I kissed her. Biting down on my bottom lip, I remember the electricity that sparked in my body when my lips touched hers.

  It is exactly the same as I remember. Our incredible connection is still there after all these years. Mac’s stare is burning into the side of my head, but I can’t find it in myself to care as her ass sways seductively before she disappears inside the building.

  “Everything okay?” he asks curiously.

  “Uh…yeah,” I stutter after clearing my throat.

  “Is there anything you need to tell me?”

  “What? No. Shall we go and get that pint you mentioned?”

  He stares at me with narrowed eyes for a few more seconds before nodding and heading back the way he came. Blowing out a breath, I try to get my head together before falling into step behind him. Now would probably be the perfect time to tell him how I feel about his sister. But knowing it’s his big day tomorrow, the words don’t pass my lips.

  “To you and your soon-to-be-bride,” I say, lifting my glass to his.

  “Shit. I can’t believe I’m getting fucking married tomorrow, dude.”

  “Tell me about it. You make me feel inadequate.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? You’re doing good, right? I thought you said dumping Jenna was the right thing to do?”

  “That was definitely the right thing to do. No, it’s not her. It’s…it’s nothing. Ignore me. We should be getting you ready for a lifetime of happiness.”

  Mac doesn’t look too pleased about me swerving his question, but he really doesn’t need to hear my issues right now. “God, I hope Tessa returns to normal after tomorrow.”

  “I’m sure you can fuck some sense into her on your honeymoon.”

  “I should fucking hope so. I haven’t dropped that much cash on two weeks on a Caribbean island for nothing.”

  “If you’re really unlucky, she’ll move straight on to planning kids.” His face pales and I can’t help but chuckle.

  “One thing at a time, yeah?”

  “I’m just saying,” I say with a shrug. “She’s probably already got it planned.”

  “Fucking hell.”

  “You want kids, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess. One day. I’d rather not start tomorrow night, though.”

  “I don’t know, it might be the perfect night.”

  Mac stares at me like I’ve grown a second head.


  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  Shrugging, I take a sip of my beer. “Why not? You’re about to nail down the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. It’s only natural.”

  “Huh.” It’s my turn to narrow my eyes at him in question. “Are you sure everything’s okay? You’re never usually this pro marriage and kids.”

  “Just growing up, I guess.” The truth is, being here at his wedding, with Bryony in touching distance, I can’t stop thinking about the future. I want this. I want to promise my life to her and think about our future together as a couple. I just hope I’m not too late. If our short time on the veranda is anything to go by, I’m thinking I might have a shot. But only time will tell.

  “I should probably head up. If tomorrow’s as chaotic as I’m expecting, I’m going to need some sleep,” Mac says, finishing up his second pint.

  “I’ll finish this and I’ll follow.”

  I’ve no desire to head up to my room alone with the knowledge of who else is in this hotel.

  Slamming my empty glass down, I march towards reception, an idea forming in my head.

  “Hi.” I smile sweetly at the woman behind the desk. Her eyes light up and not-so-discreetly drop to check me out. Perfect. “I’m the best man for the Ford/Winters wedding tomorrow and I’ve got an issue that needs sorting ASAP. Any chance I could get the room number for Bryony, the wedding planner…Janet,” I purr, leaning forwards on my elbow.

  Incredibly, it works because she also leans towards me slightly, her tongue sneaking out to lick her bottom lip. “I…I really shouldn’t give out resident’s room numbers.”

  “We’ve been friends since we were kids. It won’t be an issue, I can assure you.”

  “Umm…okay, but you didn’t hear it from me.” Her eyes flick around the reception, making sure no one’s listening. “Ms. Ford is in room 605.”

  “Thank you, Janet. This is our little secret.” I wink and her cheeks flame red. I’m still chuckling to myself as the elevator doors close behind me.



  Resting back in the chair, I blow out a breath as I scan through my inbox looking for anything that needs my attention right now. I’m desperate to find something that might distract me from my memories of what happened outside earlier.

  My lips are still tingling from his. Lifting my fingers, I press them to my lips as I relive it once again. I haven’t been kissed like that in a very, very long time.

  I’m just about to open an email from Olivia, my colleague, when a short, sharp knock sounds out around the room.

  Assuming it’s probably Tessa freaking out about some tiny insignificant detail about tomorrow, I plod over barefoot and lower the handle without looking in the peephole. It’s something I regret the second I reveal the person standing the other side.

  “What do you want?” I snap, frustrated with myself for not checking so I could ignore him. I’m pretty sure that’s what I would have done if I knew, I tell myself, even though I know it’s a lie.

  “Well, I was hoping for a slightly more friendly welcome.” My eyes drop from his and focus on his full lips, remembering once again how well they fit with mine. His words don’t register; I’m too lost in my own fantasies. Dropping lower, I take in his white shirt, undone just enough to show a little chest hair, and his sleeves rolled up to the elbows to reveal strong forearms. My mouth waters and my thighs clench.

  “If you let me in, I can do whatever it is you’re imagining right now.”

  My eyes fly back up to his and I fight to make sense of his words.

  “Let me in, beautiful. Let me give you what you need.”

  In a moment of sheer madness, I pull the door wider and step aside. The second he’s in the room, it’s like all the air’s been sucked out. My chest heaves as I watch him glance around before turning his emerald eyes on me.

  Sucking in a breath, I swallow down my sudden nerves. “Freddie…I…”

  I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence because my back hits the wall, his fingers are in my hair, and his lips land on mine.

  A deep moan rumbles up my throat and my fingers find his shirt. I tug and he willingly steps forward and presses his body against mine. I feel tiny against his tall muscular frame, and I love it.

  Our kiss lacks any kind of finesse, our tongues dueling, our teeth clashing, and our lips being bitten seductively. It’s like he’s trying to pour ten years of missing out into this one single kiss.

  Running his hands down my body, he rubs his thumbs over my nipples and I suck in a sharp breath as lust shoots straight between my legs. His hands skim up my thighs, pushing my dress up around my waist before he lifts one leg and wraps it around his waist. The angle means his hardness presses into me at just the right angle, and a plea for more falls from my lips.

  “Anything you want, baby. Anything.”
  His lips drop to my neck as he stands back a little to allow his hand to slip between us. Pushing my panties aside, he groans when he finds me wet and ready for him.

  “Jesus, Bry.” His breath against the sensitive skin of my neck sends shivers down my spine. They’re soon forgotten when he finds my clit and starts circling.

  “Fuck, Freddie,” I moan when he presses two fingers inside me.

  Every part of my body is focused on what he’s doing to me, on the pleasure that’s about to crash through my body so I only vaguely hear the knocking on my door.

  “Bryony? Are you in there?”

  “Fuck.” I pry my eyes open to find Freddie staring back at me. His eyes are dark and hungry, and the sight has more heat heading for my center.

  “Bryony? I need you.”

  “Yeah. I’m here.”


  Freddie’s eyes widen in surprise. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “My job.” Regretfully, I grab his forearm, pulling his fingers from me.

  “You’re really stopping this right now?” The smile that twitches his lips is far from amused as he stands with his cock pressing against the fabric of his pants, desperate for release.

  “I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be here, anyway.” Now that I’ve stopped him, reality is starting to seep back in.

  “You weren’t saying that a few seconds ago.”

  “It was a mistake.” He rears back like I’ve just slapped him. “Hide. I need to deal with this?”

  “Hide?” he asks incredulously.

  “Just fucking do it.”

  He disappears into my adjoining bathroom as I pull my dress down my thighs and smooth my hair the best I can.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I go for casual, but I instantly know I haven’t pulled it off.

  “Uh, are you okay?” Her eyes run over my face. My cheeks heat as I wonder what kind of mess I must look.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I pant, panicking. “I just walked up the stairs?” My voice rises, making it come out like a question.

  Her eyes widen. “Something wrong with the lift?”

  “No. I…uh, I’m just trying to drop a few pounds so the stairs seemed like a good idea.”

  “We’re on the sixth floor.”

  “I know. It was hard work. Did you need something?”

  “Amber was bringing my something borrowed and she’s not coming, and now you’re my maid of honor…” There’s a noise from inside my room. Tessa hears it and she suddenly looks over my shoulder.

  “Can you give me a couple of minutes to get out of this dress and I’ll meet you in your room? We’ll sort everything out, I promise.”

  “Um…yeah, okay.”

  “I won’t be long.”

  I close the door on her before she’s even attempted to move, but I don’t need her asking any more questions. I already know she’s suspicious. Even I wouldn’t have believed my lie.



  “You need to leave,” Bryony says the second I step out of the bathroom after she shuts the hotel room door.

  “You’re not serious.” My cock’s still rock hard, and I’m desperate to bury myself inside her once again, to remind us both just how earth-shattering we can be.

  “Sorry, Tessa needs me.” She shrugs. I can’t help feeling it’s the perfect excuse to avoid dealing with whatever is going on with us.

  “You need to stop running.”

  “Running? Me? I’m sorry, but I wasn’t the one who hopped across the state line and suddenly decided there would no longer be an us. I was prepared to do whatever it took to make us work, Freddie. You were the one who got scared and ran.”

  “Yes, okay, ten years ago I was scared. I was terrified, actually. I loved you so much, but I knew Mac would never accept it and I was afraid of you putting your life on hold for me.”

  “You were my life. All I wanted was you.”

  “You still do. Admit it, Bry. Nothing’s changed.”

  “Yes, it has. I’m not a stupid kid who thinks she’s in love anymore.”

  I can’t lie, the fact she tries to convince me what we had back then wasn’t love hurts, but I can see the truth in her eyes. It was love back then and it’s still there, she just needs to be strong enough to allow herself to feel it again.

  “No? So, the reason you’ve got the flower I gave you earlier in a glass of water by your bedside means nothing, then?” I ask, flitting my eyes to the rose.

  “I…uh, it’s just pretty, that’s all. Are we done?”

  “Fine. You keep lying to yourself. But this isn’t over, Bryony. Far from it.” Stepping up to her, I take her chin in my hand and force her to look at me. “I’m not leaving this hotel until you’re mine.” I drop a quick kiss to her lips and head for the door.

  “I guess you’re moving in, then,” she calls after me.

  I chuckle as I pull the door open. “We’ll see. I’ll see you at the altar. Goodnight, Bryony.”

  I walk back to my room with a smile on my face. She can continue fighting me all she wants. She should have learned years ago that I don’t give up until I get what I want. It’s about time she remembered that.

  I go straight for the bathroom and turn the shower on. I already know I’m not going to be falling asleep anytime soon. The effect Bryony has on my body is still racing through my veins.

  Stripping out of my clothes, I step under the hot stream of water and set about releasing the tension she’s caused. Wrapping my hand around my solid length, it takes embarrassingly few strokes before I’m shooting my load into the shower tray. I moan her name, the memories of how she ignites my body at the forefront of my mind.

  My shower last night did little to relieve my desire, because when I wake the next morning it’s with the image of her riding my hand in my head and my cock weeping for her.

  Today’s the big day, and I don’t just mean my best friend’s wedding. Today’s the day I’m going to win her back, prove to her she’s all I’ve ever wanted. Besides, I’m best man and she’s now Tessa’s maid of honor. It’s tradition that we end up together. And I’d hate to ruin a tradition.



  Walking into Tessa’s room the next morning, excitement flutters in my stomach. I might not want one of my own, but that doesn’t mean I don’t live for other people’s wedding days. I love seeing the love in their eyes and the smiles on their faces as everything we’ve meticulously planned for months, sometimes years, comes together perfectly.

  The continental breakfast has already been delivered and Tessa, our moms, and her two bridesmaids are sitting at the table eating croissants and sipping on mimosas.

  “Good morning,” I sing, walking over to join them. “How are you all feeling?” They might be my family, but my wedding planner persona is firmly in place. I’m pretty sure it’s the only way I’m going to get through today unscathed.

  “Nervous,” Tessa says, turning to look at me. She didn’t really need to say it because her pale face and wide eyes tell me all I need to know.

  “Once the hairdresser and make-up artist arrive and things start moving, you’ll feel much better.”

  “Really?” she asks, hope shining from her terrified eyes. Almost every bride is the same. No matter how well planned today is, no matter how calm they think they’ll be, more often than not they look exactly like Tessa does right now.

  “Yes. Just try to enjoy the morning. It’ll be over before you know it.”

  Nodding, she turns back to her drink and downs what’s left in the glass.

  “You look beautiful, honey,” Mom says, taking in my dress. I usually try to look anything but one of the wedding party, but seeing as I’d already refused point blank to be one of Tessa’s bridesmaids, I didn’t really feel like I could also refuse when she expressed her interest in me at least color coordinating. I swiped a fabric swatch from her dressmaker and took it shopping. I was going to make sure it was something that was as different as possible f
rom what the bridesmaids were wearing.

  I eventually found a gorgeous black fitted dress with a floral print in the exact burgundy color Tessa had selected as her theme. It’s got a high neck, no sleeves, and sits just above my knees. It’s the exact kind of thing I would wear when working. Team it with my black court shoes and I could almost be at anyone’s wedding.


  “Thank you. Are you excited?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.” She’s buzzing with excitement and I can’t help my laugh at her. “What?”

  “Nothing, nothing.” Shaking my head, I look down at my clipboard to remind myself of the timings for the day, even though I know them like the back of my hand.

  “Are you sure you don’t want this?” Mom nods over to where Tessa’s standing and admiring her dress.

  “What? A custom, made-to-fit-my-body like a glove, designer dress? Yeah, I’d love one. Would be a bit much to go to the store in, though.”

  “Bryony,” she warns and my smile falters. “That’s not what I mean and you know it. All you did as a kid was talk about your wedding day. Are you sure you really don’t want your own?”

  “Yes. I’m very sure.”

  Her eyes soften and the sympathy on her face has my fists clenching. I don’t need anyone’s sympathy because of a decision I’ve willingly made.

  “Who was it, Bry? Who broke your heart so badly?”

  My chin drops. She’s never once made me think she was aware that my sudden one-eighty on the wedding thing was because of a man—a boy, really.

  “It wasn’t—” My words get cut off when there’s a knock at the hotel room door. Looking over Mom’s shoulder, my chest constricts like I’ve just been hit with a baseball bat when I find Freddie standing in the doorway. Glancing around the room, his eyes find mine and widen as he takes me in.


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