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Quin's Fresh Start

Page 3

by Alyssa Hope

  ‘You like that?’

  He had to think about it, because his own people were hairless. Then he realized he didn’t have to think about it. He nodded. ‘It’s soft, I didn’t expect it to be so soft.’

  ‘Many things turn out to be not as we expect.’ Jonah turned his head and stared into Quin’s eyes. He moved closer, but stopped with his mouth only inches away from Quin’s. He waited, and Quin stared back up at him, and then gave in and moved the final distance to bring their lips together.

  Their mouths met hungrily, and Quin gave himself over to the pleasure of being held in someone’s arms, and having strong lips pressing against his. They fought briefly, two strong warriors, and then Quin submitted and opened his mouth to Jonah’s demand. Jonah’s arms came around Quin and pulled him onto his lap, and Quin moaned in delight.

  He wrapped his arms around Jonah’s neck and pressed down onto his lap, and was pleased to find that Jonah’s body was reacting to him in the best possible way.

  ‘Don’t start anything you don’t want to finish, Blue.’

  ‘I should say that to you. You know my people bond for life.’

  Jonah thrust his hips up, and groaned in pleasure.

  ‘Whatever this is, it isn’t like anything I’ve felt before, Blue. I’ll take forever.’

  Quin had been alone for too long, and his feelings for this big human combined with his need were overwhelming. He stripped his pants off quickly, trying to do that without letting go of Jonah or breaking their kiss. He opened Jonah’s pants enough to let his erection stand free, and cried out softly when he ran his hand through the soft hair at its base, and then up its length.

  ‘My big shaggy one, I think you were meant for me …’

  Jonah teased at Quin’s hole, and murmured in pleasure when he realized that Quin was already slicked up and ready for him.

  ‘Your people do that? Wonderful!’

  ‘Only for our beloveds, my beloved, proof you were meant for me, or I was meant for you.’

  Quin moved to straddle Jonah’s strong hips, and then sank himself down over that thick length that was rising out of the nest of dark hair.

  ‘Gods, so good, gods …’ He lost track of everything with the joy of being filled completely, rocking back and forth, and pushing down.

  Jonah gasped and thrust up into him, but couldn’t seem to get deep enough to satisfy himself.

  ‘Hold on, sweet Blue …’

  He held onto Quin and rolled them both over, and then he was on top and between Quin’s legs, settling in and driving in with all the considerable power of a warrior.

  Quin wrapped his legs around him, holding him tight and crying out in pleasure.

  ‘Gods, yes, oh yes …’

  Jonah pounded in harder and harder, as though it had been forever since he’d had someone to love. He reached between them and took a grasp on Quin’s throbbing shaft, and stroked in time with his own desperate thrusts, and then they both climaxed, Jonah deep with Quin, and Quin shooting a blue froth up between their bellies.

  Jonah gasped and seemed to be looking for something to say, but finally could only collapse on top of Quin, holding onto him.



  Jonah finally rolled off of Quin, and stroked a finger through the sticky release on his belly. He tasted it, and then smiled. ‘Sweet, like you, sweet one.’

  ‘I am a warrior, not a child …’

  ‘And my lover. My beloved warrior, sweet Blue.’

  ‘My beloved.’

  They rested there for a long time, until the hard rock of the cave floor became uncomfortable.

  ‘We’ll do this on a soft bed one day soon, beloved Blue.’

  ‘And see, you have learned to mindtalk without even thinking about it! Can you reach your friend in your mind? Let him know we are coming for him?’

  Jonah tried to concentrate, then shook his head.

  ‘It hurts.’

  ‘You only just learned to mindtalk with me, so maybe that will come too.’

  Quin laughed, for the first time in ages, and rolled Jonah over to kiss him.

  ‘Is he your lover, too? We will have a triad? I can’t wait until dark so we can get moving, and get closer to him.’

  To his surprise Jonah’s body stiffened with anger. ‘I don’t have male lovers, this is different with you. The other is a promise I made.’

  Quin quit laughing and stared at him. ‘It’s alright, my friend. Whatever you want to call it. And whatever you want to call what’s between us.’

  Obviously the big human had some work to do, and some thinking about what relationships were about. Was he ashamed of his other lover, and would he be ashamed of Quin?

  Chapter 5.

  Kaji sent them down more weapons and other supplies, as well as tablets with maps.

  ‘This is convenient,’ Jonah pointed out. ‘Can they just send us a small space ship so we can fly around and get it done quickly?’

  ‘I wish. No, there is a weight and mass limit to what can be transported. There is a limit, too, as to how many beings can be transported at once, eight or nine adults, I think. Less if they are big like you. And we can’t just use a shuttle craft, without knowing where we can land. It has to be solid where they land or they can’t take off again.’

  Jonah laughed at him. ‘Reality is a nasty thing, isn’t it? I guess we walk, then.’

  They sorted out the weapons and supplies into two packs, and were on the trail quickly. Jonah led the way, taking them down the mountain away from the town.

  ‘Are there other towns?’

  ‘A few, but that’s the largest one, I think.’ Jonah said. ‘They call that one the capital, and pride themselves on making all the laws. Most of the people live out in the country, and provide for themselves.’

  ‘How did you come to be here?’

  Jonah looked slightly embarrassed. ‘I came here to get someone, but ended up crash-landing and getting injured, and then I was caught, and was stuck here.’

  ‘And the one you came to get?’

  ‘He’s dead now.’

  Quin wondered how far he could push this.

  ‘So he was another earth human?’


  Jonah picked up the pace, and Quin gave up asking questions. Jonah would tell him when he wanted to, or not, as he pleased. When daylight approached they found a safe place to camp, and took turns keeping watch.

  Several times during the day Quin was woken up by Jonah trying to reach out mentally to someone, but he didn’t hear any response. Once or twice it almost felt like the big man was close to making a connection, but then it was gone again. Whoever Jonah was reaching out to was new to this, and maybe couldn’t even do it at all. That was alright, they’d find him. If nothing else they were getting a clear idea of the direction they had to go in.

  As dusk settled in, Jonah lay down beside Quin and took him into his arms.

  ‘I’m sorry. It’s just … I’m just …’

  ‘Shush, my big hairy one. It’s alright. I understand, at least a little. It’s all fine.’

  He pulled Jonah’s head down to his and kissed him deeply, and then nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his warm musky smell.

  ‘You even smell good, you know that? Nurse on me, please? It will help our bond, and make me feel good as well.’

  He felt Jonah hesitate, but he pulled his tunic aside anyway and offered his breast. Jonah bent down and licked cautiously at the dark blue nipple, and then latched on and sucked gently as it puckered under his touch.

  ‘Gods, that’s sweet, like almond milk …’

  ‘I don’t know what almond milk is, my love, but I hope it’s good!’

  ‘Yes, oh yes. Very good.’ Jonah moved from one side to the other, and Quin arched up under him, rejoicing in the sensations.

  Jonah pulled off, reluctantly, and murmured against his throat, ‘Would you nurse on me? I have never felt that …’

  ‘Oh yes, swe
et one.’ Jonah opened his shirt and Quin ran his hands lovingly over the hairy chest he found there, as soft as the hair on his beloved’s face. He toyed with the nipples until they puckered, and then lowered his head to drink in the sweetness.

  Jonah cried out in pleasure and pressed Quin closer to his chest, moaning in delight.

  ‘Gods, so good! It feels like you are actually drawing from me, sweet Blue.’

  ‘Oh, I am, and it’s sweet, beloved. So sweet. And it builds the bond, too, can’t you feel it?’

  He ran his hand down between Jonah’s legs and over the throbbing erection he found there.

  ‘This is what happens when there’s nursing within a bond, sweet one.’

  He rubbed his own erection against Jonah’s thigh, and moaned as Jonah pushed back. His own hunger grew, and he slid down Jonah’s strong body and ran his hand over the human’s erection, then pulled it free of his pants.

  Jonah gasped and then cried out when Quin closed his mouth around that hard length and sucked hungrily. Quin gave himself over to the pleasure of the sweet taste of the first drops on the tip, and the softness of the sac at the base. It felt like velvet under his hand, and he rejoiced in playing gently with it, and then feeling it tighten up under his touch.

  He probed back further, and was surprised to find a tight puckered hole that didn’t seem to be lubricating itself for him. Jonah arched up under him, and he decided to leave that discussion for later. For now it was enough that there was touch and taste, and feeling his beloved’s breath get faster, and hands gripping his head, and then Jonah crying out his name as his seed shot down Quin’s throat.

  ‘Beloved, sweet beloved.’

  ‘Gods, so good, sweet one.’

  Jonah collapsed on the ground trying to catch his breath again, and then rolled over, trapping Quin under him. He peeled Quin’s pants down, freeing his strong blue erection, and Jonah moaned in pleasure when he saw it.

  ‘My Blue, so beautiful.’

  He kissed his way down Quin’s rounded stomach, and teased around the hairless base of his length. He ran his tongue up that length, and murmured happily when he tasted the sweet liquid drops at the tip.

  ‘We’re so alike in many ways, aren’t we?’

  Quin writhed under him, and Jonah laughed and then took the whole length into his mouth, pulling it in then drawing off, working around the rim of the head with his tongue, and then repeating the action over and over until Quin was sure he’d go crazy with joy.

  One of Jonah’s big hands worked back between Quin’s legs, fondling his dark sac and sinking a finger and then two into the hole that was already slicking up ready for him. All Quin could do was buck up under him and cry out, and then climax into his big lover’s mouth.

  ‘Gods.’ It was all he could say, when he could finally get a word out. Jonah rested his head against Quin’s soft blue stomach, and didn’t say anything, just kissed it gently.

  Chapter 6.

  They walked through the night, moving carefully over rough terrain. Quin trusted Jonah to know where he was going, but as dawn approached again he stopped him.

  ‘We aren’t going in a straight line, we are curving. Is the one we’re looking for on the move?’

  ‘No, they … damn. They’ve been taken.’ And Jonah set off at a fast jog, apparently trying to intercept the one they were looking for.

  Quin followed silently, wondering what was happening but not wanting to break the big man’s concentration. They came out on a wide road, and Jonah stopped and listened both ways, then relaxed.

  ‘We’re in time. Coming towards us. We’re going to have to blow out a tire, I think – they’ll have prisoners in the back of the truck and we don’t want to hurt them.’

  Quin tried to sort that out, but decided to just trust Jonah. They moved up the road to a wide flat spot, and lay in wait. Sure enough, it wasn’t long before a truck rumbled into sight.

  Quin opened his mind up, and then had to shut it down again as he was overwhelmed by the feelings of pain and misery emanating from the back of the truck.

  ‘We’re going to rescue all of them, aren’t we, Jonah? So much pain ...’

  ‘Yes, if we can. Will your commander allow it?’


  ‘Yes, Quin?’

  ‘Large number of incoming, to the transport bay, I think. I have no idea how many, they are in the back of a closed truck. Can you get a reading?’

  ‘Somewhere between twelve and fourteen, I think, but all small. We can get them all at once, but not with you and Jonah at the same time.’

  ‘No problem. Have a team ready in the bay, please, including Medical. We’re going to stop the truck, and then you can get a lock on them and transport.’

  ‘Will do.’

  Jonah just stared at him.


  Jonah shook his head to clear it, and then raised the rifle he was holding and shot out the front tire of the truck. He was good, Quin thought with respect. The truck swerved wildly and then lurched to a halt. The two men in the cab jumped out and stared at the flat tire, and then stood back in astonishment when they realized that the back of the truck had suddenly gone quiet and their living cargo had apparently disappeared.

  One of the two caught on, and turned towards the edge of the road with a wide smile on his face.

  “Is that you, our blue friend?”

  Quin stared at him. He was fairly sure this wasn’t one of the ones from the town, yet …

  He stepped out, although Jonah tried to stop him. “Do I know you?”

  “No, but I’ve heard of you! This is wonderful! After you made your friends disappear from the prison in town the fools thought it was magic, and the rest of us realized that you had technology far beyond ours. Now the authorities have sent us to round up everyone outside of their narrow-minded little laws, because they want to make examples of them, and none of us want that to see that happen, but they know where our families live. We were hoping to see you! When these ones disappear as well we’ll be in an excellent position to take over this poor excuse of a government. We were going to try and get these ones to the Verian Embassy and blame you, but this is so much better!”

  He looked behind him on the road.

  “There is a second truck coming, and if we are changing a tire they will stop. The one on the passenger side is with us, the driver is a sadistic asshole.”

  Quin motioned Jonah back. “Thank you, my friend. I think we’ll be able to send your group some help once the government changes. You understand, we cannot get involved in local politics, but if you ask for help once you are in power … You can go to that embassy for support, can’t you?”

  His new friend smiled and nodded, and Quin moved back into the trees with Jonah, who looked at him curiously.

  He shrugged. ‘Things are changing here. Maybe for the better.’

  ‘Kaji? Second truck load coming, if you could get the ones in the back when they stop, and then us.’

  The second truck screeched to a halt behind the first one, and both men in the cab jumped out. The driver may have been mean, but he wasn’t stupid. He took one look in the back of the first truck and then stepped back and raised his gun to fire through the canvas covering of the back of his truck, obviously thinking to kill people before they could escape. Both Quin and Jonah fired, and the man fell to the ground before he could get a shot off.

  The noises from the back of the second truck halted abruptly, and then they heard from Kaji.

  ‘Quin, we’ve got them all, now you, on your mark. Soon, please.’

  “Good luck, my friends!”

  ‘Alright, Kaji, two of us, my mark, now.’

  They arrived in the transport bay into the middle of chaos. People were crying and holding onto each other, or simply sitting on the floor with their heads down and their arms around their knees. Children were running around screaming and attacking Kaji’s team and the medical staff, and two oddly striped young men had managed to get a knif
e from somewhere and were backed into a corner threatening everyone who came near them.

  Quin and Jonah stared around in disbelief, and then Jonah’s face lit up.


  Two children who had been sheltering behind a fair-skinned woman broke loose from her and ran to him, and he met the woman in the middle of the floor for a long close hug. Quin stared in disbelief, and felt his heart being ripped apart once again. This was who they had been looking for? Jonah’s love? His children?

  ‘Quin! Do something about this chaos! Who are all these people?’

  Quin looked around, trying to figure out who might be in charge, and then realized that it was probably him. He let out a long sharp whistle, and in the sudden silence that followed, tried to restore order.

  “I am Quin. You are all safe now. You are on the ship Crusader, you have been rescued from that vile planet, and you are all safe now. Alright?”

  There was hesitant nodding from most of the people there.

  “Do any of you have family or friends still on the planet who are at imminent risk?”

  There was silence.

  “So there is no-one else that we have to go back down and get as well? Because we will.”

  One woman found her voice. “They did a sweep, got everyone they could find who had broken the laws. Although they had killed a lot before now, we were told. Most of us, our families disowned us long ago, including our partners, the rest of us have been in hiding, but obviously not well enough. The authorities were going to make an example of us, kill us all …” She choked and went silent, holding a small child close to her.

  Quin looked at one of the children who had been attacking Kaji’s team and was now watching him with suspicion. How could a child be a criminal, and what had he done to deserve the wounds he carried?

  “What was your crime, little one?”

  “I ain’t little. My parents were different colors, me and these others.” He gestured vaguely towards a group of other children. “A nice lady had took us all in and hid us, but then she died, and we got found, and I tried to stop them from taking the rest …”


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