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The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy (Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn)

Page 34

by Cecilia London

  “I don’t want to go through it unless you’re by my side.”

  She scooted into his arms. “That’s where I’ll always be. You’ll have an equal partner who’s willing to tell you when you’re on the right track or when you’re wrong. And believe me, you’re wrong a lot.”

  Jack looked a little offended. “I’m not wrong that often. You’re just saying that because you don’t agree with my economic policies.”

  She wasn’t going to argue with him about tax cuts just yet. Maybe after the wedding. “Pennsylvania needs you more as governor than Congress needs either one of us. You need to do this, and you need to do it now.”

  “A statewide campaign will be hard. I don’t know if it’s worth it.”

  “For God’s sake, Jack. Just run. Don’t overthink it. I’m not.” Caroline straightened up, trying to look as dignified as possible. A difficult task, since she was wearing an old Villanova t-shirt and a pair of beat up Notre Dame women’s basketball shorts. “I want to be First Lady of Pennsylvania,” she declared. “Which means I want you to be Governor McIntyre. I think I could be good at literacy campaigns and benign blog postings.”

  “What if you get bored?”

  “I shall dedicate myself to a life of contemplation and reflection. Or I may engage in a passionate affair with the state’s highest elected official in the hope that he’ll appoint me to a judicial vacancy.”

  “I’m sure there’s no conflict there.”

  “We can figure that out later.”

  Jack trailed his fingers down Caroline’s neck, leaning toward her ear. “What about filling the role of good natured concubine?”

  He nipped her earlobe and she shuddered. She’d missed his touch. “I guess I could be that too.” Caroline pushed away from Jack and sighed dramatically, looking down at the small box he was still holding in his hand. The brilliant diamond ring sparkled in the dim light from the fireplace. She grabbed at the box and gave him a cheeky grin. “After all,” she said. “Jewelry doesn’t earn itself.”

  Jack pulled it out of her reach. He started laughing and didn’t stop for a while. “You’re off the wall, sweetheart. You know that? You’re gonna charm the pants off the electorate.” He paused. “Are the girls really okay with this?”

  “They are,” Caroline said. “I might have had to promise a summer camp upgrade, but they’re actually quite excited about the entire thing. They love you and they’re ready to move on from the difficulties we’ve had over the past year and a half. They think this sounds like a grand adventure.”

  “No ponies?”

  “No ponies. Yet. Maybe a dog.”

  “I guess Greg isn’t going to be surprised if I broach this topic with him?”

  Her cheeks reddened. Despite all her efforts, the blush still creeped up at inopportune times. Particularly when she felt a little sneaky. “I might have told him to start planning because I was sure I’d be able to talk you into it.”

  Jack kissed her lightly on the lips. “You’re a tricky one.”

  “Oh, there is one more thing.”

  “If this involves me having to buy a pony for you too, I’m going to be very upset.”

  “My birthday is next month.”

  “That’s covered. What else?”

  Caroline grinned. “It’s not a pony. Or even a dog. I want to get married soon.”

  “How soon?”

  “October or November?”

  “That’s soon.”

  Yes, but they had to start worrying about public perception. “I thought it would be better if we weren’t totally disrespecting our faith while you were campaigning, not for too long. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. I want us to get married in the next couple of months. In the church if possible.”

  “That’s a quick turnaround time.”

  “You don’t want to get married that quickly?”

  “I’d marry you tomorrow if you’d let me. But we may want to take time to plan something.”

  She tried not to sound too sheepish. “I talked to the priest at Chrissy’s parish. He’s nice.”

  Jack frowned at her. “How many people have you been talking to lately? I feel like all your talk about rest and recovery has been a ruse.”

  “I might have exaggerated a little,” she admitted. “Although I still have a way to go. But he can pull a couple of strings to fit us in. This is really important to me.”

  “Does this mean you’re officially accepting my proposal?”

  Caroline beamed. “I am. Katie’s going to have a hell of a time drafting a press release. I’m never going to hear the end of it from her. Or Jen.”

  “I’m sure my staffers are going to say the same thing.” Jack slipped the engagement ring onto her finger. “I love you.” He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. She pulled him closer to him with her good hand until he was on top of her.

  “Is your arm okay?” he asked in between kisses.

  Caroline adjusted herself so her cast was resting against the back of the couch. “It’s fine. Don’t stop.”

  She giggled as he began nuzzling her neck, putting his hand under her t-shirt to fondle her breasts over her bra. Very high school. Jack started to pull down her shorts and she realized they didn’t have much room to work with. She wasn’t particularly nimble under the best of circumstances, and her cast was a serious impediment to full-on couch sex.

  “How do you feel about going to celebrate this occasion upstairs?” he asked.

  “Are you okay with maneuvering around my gimpiness?”

  Jack smiled. “Haven’t you been paying attention the last few minutes? I’m a very enterprising man. I can do even more in a giant bed.”

  She grinned. “I can’t wait to find out.”

  They walked hand in hand toward the stairs, until Jack tugged at her hand and switched direction.

  Thoroughly confused and increasingly horny, Caroline stated the obvious. “Um, that’s the only way up to the bedroom.”

  Jack pressed his finger to her lips. “Quiet. Follow me. Close your eyes.”

  “I don’t know if I should trust you.”

  “I just had an inspiration. Roll with it.”

  There were a million places he could be taking her, but none of them got her to the promised land. They hadn’t had sex in well over a month and she wasn’t inclined to wait much longer. “Okay.”

  He guided Caroline down the hallway. It didn’t take her long to figure out where they were going. If she was right, she could hold out a bit.

  “I only have one good arm,” she pointed out.

  “Doesn’t matter. As long as it’s wrapped around my neck I don’t care.”

  She heard the soft flick of a switch as a door creaked open.

  “I think you know where we are,” Jack murmured.

  She opened her eyes. The ballroom was a cavernous space with French doors leading out to a terrace overlooking the backyard. There was a small stage in the corner, and tasteful fixtures lined the walls. The room was large. Large enough for – the light went off in her head – a modest wedding reception. One less thing to worry about. Jack led her over to a table near the stage, where a bottle of champagne sat chilling next to an iPod speaker dock.

  “Well played, sir,” she said. “You had me going for a minute.”

  Jack uncorked the champagne. “I like to think I’m moderately unpredictable. Shall we?” He poured a glass, holding it toward her.

  She accepted it cheerfully. “We shall.”

  He raised his own glass. “Thank you for saying yes.”

  For a man who had been with more women than she could count, he really was a softie sometimes. “Thank you for asking me,” she whispered.

  She hadn’t had alcohol in a while and drained her glass in two short gulps. Jack quickly refilled it. “Thirsty?”

  Caroline took another sip. “A little. Are you trying to get me drunk?” She doubted it would take much.

  “I figured it might help you loose
n up on the dance floor.”

  “We can’t exactly swing from the chandeliers tonight.”

  He laughed. “I know. But you’ve had a hard month. I thought you deserved a break.”

  She frowned at her cast and sling. “I wish this was off of me.”

  “We can get around it.” Jack took the now empty glass out of her hand. “How about we start our little celebration?”

  She stared down at her clothes. “Are you sure I’m dressed appropriately?”

  He trailed a finger down the center of her chest. “You can take your clothes off if you want. This ballroom can be locked from the inside.”

  “Oh, you don’t get that until later,” she said. “You’re just going to have to enjoy me in all my ratty glory.”

  Jack pressed play on the iPod then pulled her toward him. “You’re beautiful to me no matter what you’re wearing.”

  Caroline put her arm around him and leaned in. “I love you,” she whispered, and smiled as the piano intro and Tony Bennett’s voice echoed across the room. “You’re not all that unpredictable, Jack.”

  He moved in for a kiss. “Remember the first time we danced to this song?”

  She laughed against his lips before pressing her cheek to his. “I’ll never forget.”

  “I thought I blew it that night,” he said. “When I kissed you. But you looked so lovely, and you were holding on to me so tightly, I just thought-”

  “I’m glad you did. I don’t know how long it would have taken me to accept how I felt about you otherwise.”

  “Are you saying I was right about something?”


  Jack stopped moving. “Can I go write that down?”

  Caroline squeezed him tighter with her good arm. “Hush.”

  He brought his mouth to her ear. “If you’d told me in January that I’d be here in this ballroom with you, my fiancée, right now this very minute, I would have never believed you.”

  She laughed softly. “Why not? You’re the one who had your eye on me from the beginning.”

  “I never thought I’d be able to pull it off.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d give me the chance.” He cleared his throat. “I don’t want you to worry about anything ever again. I want you to be happy. Joyful. I want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  He was very carefully avoiding eye contact with her. She kissed his cheek. “You already have.”

  They stopped dancing. Jack stared down at the floor. His eyes were damp. He’d been much more emotional than usual lately.


  “Shh.” He pulled her closer to him. “Let me enjoy this. Let me enjoy you.”

  Caroline wasn’t about to argue about that. She’d let him enjoy her multiple times tonight, if that’s what he wanted. She didn’t say a word as they started to sway to the music again.

  * * * * *

  Jack set the half empty bottle of champagne and both wine flutes down on the nightstand, then made a point of going over to the door and turning the lock before sliding off his shoes.

  Caroline grinned at him. “Does this mean you’re staying in here with me tonight?”

  He pulled down her shorts. “Are you going to kick me out afterward? I really don’t want to do a walk of shame in my own house.”

  “No,” she said, adjusting her position so he could unhook her sling. “I’ve wanted you in here for the last month. And you don’t waste any time, do you?”

  The kiss Jack gave her was soft, but the erection pressing against her thigh was anything but. “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  She rubbed her leg against his groin, just for fun. “Going without sex for this long must have been awful for you.”

  “You have no idea. I didn’t even jack off.”

  She gave him a skeptical look. “Really?”

  He averted his eyes. “Okay, maybe once or twice.”

  Caroline would pursue that topic later, after she removed all his clothes. If he was going to do that, she wanted him in the room with her while it was taking place. She tried to unbutton his shirt but soon gave up. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not sure how well I can do this with only one hand.”

  He smiled at her. “I can think of plenty of things you can do with just one hand.”

  “Well, yeah,” she said. “But I might not be able to move around so much beyond that.” She flapped her left arm, feeling like a graceless bird. “This shoulder to hand contraption sucks.”

  “Cheer up, sweetheart. You’re about to have engagement night sex.”

  “Is that why we’re up here?”

  Jack stripped off his shirt, then went to work on his pants. “Isn’t this supposed to be some big romantic moment? Or are you going to be continually sour now that you’ve got a ring on your finger?”

  It was hard not to stare as his glorious cock popped free of his boxers. “I’m going to be a total nag,” she whispered.

  He removed her t-shirt and bra. “Doubtful.”

  She sighed as Jack kissed her neck. “I’m much less of a nag when I’m getting laid on a regular basis.”

  “I’ll see what I can do about that.” He traced his fingers across her shoulders, barely touching her. Sometimes he’d do that, acting like he was afraid she’d break if he pressed any harder. Caroline could feel his mouth inching closer to her ear and knew he wanted to play.

  “Are you going to be a good girl and let me have my way with you?” he asked. “I’ve been very patient with you. Not all boyfriends would wait this long.”

  They’d been doing that more often, after he’d tied her to his bed during that hot weekend in July. Role playing, engaging in rougher sex, getting a little kinky. Caroline loved it and hoped their relationship would continue to evolve. She wanted to find out how far Jack was willing to go. He indulged her every fantasy and she was just as excited about his.

  She laid down on the bed, pressing her knees together. She could play the virgin. “I don’t know. Good girls aren’t supposed to put out.”

  Jack sat down next to her, starting to caress her thighs. “All the girls are doing it, baby. Don’t you want to fit in? Don’t you want the boys to like you?” He attempted to slide his hand between her knees, which were still locked shut.

  “I don’t want the boys to think I’m easy,” Caroline said softly.

  “They won’t,” he said. “It’ll feel good. You’ll see. I’ll make you feel so damn good.”

  She closed her eyes. How long could she play the game before she broke down and begged him to fuck her brains out? “I want you to respect me in the morning.”

  Jack kissed his way up her body. “I will always respect you, Caroline.”

  She wasn’t the only one having trouble with the game. He was just as horny as she was, maybe more so. “You’re breaking character,” she said.

  He laughed. “I thought it might weaken your resolve. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”

  “My resolve is pretty weak already,” Caroline said.

  Jack laughed again as she spread her legs apart. “That’s what I like to see.” He started teasing her with his fingers. “Do you like that?”

  Had he meant that as a rhetorical question? Because he was very obviously pleased by her reaction. “Yes,” she whispered.

  He kissed her deeply. “I love you, Caroline. You’ll never know how much.” He slid a finger inside her, then two.

  “I can take an educated guess,” she gasped.

  “I’m going to take advantage of you in so many ways tonight,” Jack said against her lips. “And you’re going to enjoy every minute.”

  “Be gentle.” She widened her eyes as he worked up to four fingers. Jesus, he wasn’t playing around. “I’ve never been this far before.”

  He lifted his head up. “You’re going back into character?”

  Since he was getting damn close to putting his entire hand inside her, her previous statement hadn’t exactly
been a lie. Caroline smiled at him when he slowly withdrew the fingers and started teasing her again. “I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea. And that request is also coming from a woman who’s in a slightly vulnerable physical position right now.”

  “You’ve got a deadly weapon disguised as a cast and I’ve got a serious case of blue balls that needs to be dealt with immediately. Who’s really at a disadvantage here?”

  Feeling aggressive, Caroline yanked him down by the scruff of his neck and kissed him. “Maybe we both are.”

  “I will always be gentle with you,” he said. “Unless you request otherwise.”

  “I just might,” she said. “Maybe even tonight.”

  “Good girls deserve only the best,” Jack murmured. He started kissing his way down her body, reaching the apex of her thighs. “Especially the ones who agree to marry me.”

  She sank back into the pillow. “Contain yourself, darling. The girls might still be awake.”

  He pulled his head up. “I like when you call me that. You haven’t done it in a while.”

  Caroline frowned at him. “I said it with the understanding that you were going to get me off with that tongue trick you have.”

  “I can use my tongue.” He slid a finger inside her. “Or I can use my hand. I know which option you prefer.”

  Jack loved it when her breath was hot and heavy in his ear as she begged him for more. More friction, more fingers, more everything. And he was always happy to oblige.

  “You have big hands,” she whispered.

  He pressed two fingers inside her. “You like them.”

  “I-” She moaned softly. “Please don’t stop.”

  He started stroking her clit with his thumb. “I’m never going to stop. You like it too damn much.”

  Caroline writhed against him, whispering his name against her lips when he weaved his fingers through her hair and tugged. She wrapped one arm around his shoulders and he leaned in for a deep kiss to muffle her cries as he finally pushed her over the edge. He pulled away slowly, sweeping her hair out of her face.


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