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Monroe, Marla - A Home with Them [Men of the Border Lands 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Marla Monroe

  “I did, I do. I love you with all my heart. When I realized I might lose you, I thought my life was over with. There’s nothing without you, baby.”

  “I love you, Wyatt. I never stopped loving you.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, Jess. I never meant to, but I thought what I was feeling was wrong. I thought I was doing the right thing by stepping back for Kent.”

  “It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay now.” She palmed his cheek with her hand and blew a kiss at him.

  Wyatt leaned over and gently brushed her lips with his. “You rest now. I’m going to let Heather know you’re awake, so she can introduce herself and check on you.”

  “I love you.”

  Jessie watched him leave, and a few minutes later, a small woman of about twenty-two walked in carrying a bowl and a glass. She had long red hair pulled back in a braid and the prettiest blue eyes.

  “I’m Heather, your next-door neighbor.” She sat the bowl and glass on the table by the bed. “Let’s check your head.”

  Jessie waited as she fiddled with the bandage on her head and then refastened it.

  “It looks good. You’ll have a scar. I’m sorry, but I’m not a doctor.”

  “That’s okay, I appreciate that you helped me. How long have you lived here?”

  “A little over a year now.” She held the bowl up and spooned a little of the broth into Jessie’s mouth for her.

  “Mmm, that’s good.”

  “It’s deer stew. You’re just getting the broth from it, though. You can’t have anything solid till tomorrow. You’ve been unconscious for three days. We were getting worried.”

  “I don’t think I can eat much. My head really hurts.” Jessie closed her eyes, willing her headache to go away.

  “I’ll get you something for your head then. Hold on.” Heather got up and walked out but returned a few seconds later with something for her to take.

  “Rest now. You’ll feel better when you wake up.”

  “I didn’t realize you were pregnant.” Jessie noticed Heather’s slightly protruding belly.

  “Yes, we’re excited.”


  “Rest now,” Heather said.

  Jessie closed her eyes to rest but didn’t sleep again. She knew the minute that Kent walked into the room. She forced her eyes open and smiled at him. He knelt by the bed and grabbed her hand.

  “Jessie, honey. I thought I had lost you.” He hiccupped. “Don’t ever leave me, baby. I can’t make it without you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Kent.” She squeezed his hand. “I’m fine. I want to go home.”

  “Not until Heather thinks it’s safe enough for you to travel.”

  “It’s only a few miles.”

  “It’s a bumpy ride, though. I’m not putting you through it until Heather thinks you’ll be okay to go. You’re safe here. Brandon and Bolton are good men.”

  “She lives with two men, too?”

  “Yep, and believe it or not, they’re brothers, as well.”

  “It will be nice to have a friend close by,” Jessie confessed.

  “Our lands meet. In fact, it looks like our cow and calf came from their herd.”

  “Oh, no. I love that calf.”

  “We get to keep them.” Kent laughed. “They made it a housewarming gift.”

  “Ask Heather when I can go home. I want to be in my own bed.”

  “I’ll ask, baby. You get some more sleep. Wyatt will be here when you wake up again.”

  “Love you, Kent.”

  “I love you, Jessie.”

  Jessie couldn’t keep her eyes open, but when Heather poked her head back in later to ask if she wanted something to eat, she jumped at the chance to talk.

  “What would you like to talk about?” Heather asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Are Bolton and Brandon both your men? I mean, well, are they your lovers?”

  “Yes, they are. They’re my husbands. Aren’t you with Wyatt and Kent?”

  “Sort of.” She looked away.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Kent and I are lovers, but Wyatt has been trying to stay away because he thinks it’s wrong to love me when his brother does. But I think maybe he’s changed his mind, and I was hoping you were living that way, too. It would go a long way in helping him accept me.”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about Wyatt anymore. He’s been beside himself worried about you. Give it some time, though. You’ve been seriously hurt, and he isn’t going to want to take a chance of hurting you more. In fact, neither of your men are going to want to have sex anytime soon, because they are going to be worried about you.”

  “You sound like you’re talking from experience.” Jessie tried to rearrange herself in the bed.

  “I was attacked by a wolf and got really sick. I basically had to demand my rights before they would touch me that way.” She held out her arm to show Jessie the bite marks up and down her arm.

  “You were lucky! That had to have hurt so badly.” Jessie couldn’t imagine living through something like that.

  “It wasn’t fun, but then I’m sure your head hasn’t felt too good, either.”

  “I really appreciate everything you have done for me and my men, but when can I go home? I want my own bed.” Jessie tried not to sound ungrateful.

  “I figured you were going to ask that. If you can hold down solid food tomorrow, you can go home tomorrow night.”

  “Thank you. I really do appreciate everything.”

  “Hey, I understand. I wouldn’t want to be away from my husbands, either. You’ll get well and work out your differences, and everything will be fine. Just give them a little time to get over nearly losing you.”

  “Maybe when I’m better, we can visit some, and you can tell me what I need to know about living through the winter. I’m new to all of this, and I’m afraid I’m not thinking about everything we need.”

  “I’m no expert, I can assure you of that, but I’ll tell you everything that we did and we’ll get you winter-ready.”

  “I think we’re going to be good friends, Heather,” Jessie said with a smile.

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “How do you feel, baby?” Wyatt asked as he settled her into the bed.

  “I’m fine, Wyatt. I’m so glad to be home.” Jessie smoothed her hands over the covers.

  Kent walked in with a glass of tea and some medicine for her to take. He sat the glass on the bedside table and handed her the pills.

  “Heather said you had to take this when you got home.” Kent handed her the glass of tea once she’d put the pills in her mouth.

  “Kent, I’m going to run and check on the animals and be right back.” Wyatt kissed Jessie on the lips and ran out the door.

  Kent caught her looking toward the door and chuckled. “He’ll be back soon. You saw him run.”

  “I’m almost afraid to believe, Kent.” Jessie searched her lover’s eyes for any sign that he was jealous.

  “Believe it. He’s made it clear to me that he plans on being your husband as well.”

  “How do you feel about that? I mean, we were fine with it to begin with, but then he stepped back, and we were just us for a while.” Jessie was so scared it would all blow up in her face.

  “I’m perfectly happy about it. It’s what I’ve wanted all along. I love him, he’s my brother. I wouldn’t want another man near you, but Wyatt will always be a part of us.” Kent bent over and kissed her.

  “Did I miss anything?” Wyatt bounded back in the room out of breath.

  “Did you really run all the way out there and back?” Jessie asked.

  “Yes. I didn’t want to miss a minute of being with you.”

  “Oh, Wyatt. I love you so much.” Heather reached up to grab his hand.

  “I love you. I’m going to go take a shower so I can get in bed and hold you.” Wyatt bent over and kissed her before heading to the

  “We’ve created a monster,” Kent said with a smile.

  “I think he’s sort of cute.” Jessie sighed and relaxed against the pillows. “Where is Dog?”

  “He’s in the barn with the cows. We let him in to see you at Heather’s house a few times, and he’s been okay since we brought you home. We’ll let him in to see you tomorrow. We owe him because he tracked you for us. We would never have made it to Brandon and Bolton’s if Dog hadn’t led us there.”

  Kent began undressing. He stripped down to nothing and climbed into bed, pulling her toward him.

  “Am I hurting your head?” he asked.

  “No, I’m fine. It feels good to be in your arms.”

  Kent rubbed his hands up and down her arms. It felt so good to be home. She had been so afraid when the man had grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. She’d frozen. It had been as if all her nightmares had come to life again. When the horse had thrown them, she’d tried to get away, but he’d hit her, and she passed out when she hit her head. She didn’t think she would have been able to live without Wyatt and Kent. They were her life.

  “Is there room for me?” Wyatt asked from the other side of the bed.

  “Plenty of room. Climb in,” Jessie said, holding out her hand to him.

  Wyatt climbed into the bed totally naked and snuggled up to her on the opposite side of Kent. Jessie rolled over and snuggled her ass up to Kent’s cock and wrapped her arm around Wyatt’s chest. She kissed him and rested her head on his shoulder. This is what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Sleep between her men.

  * * * *

  Jessie was about ready to scream by the time the men let her out of bed to go outside and walk around. Four days at Heather’s and then three days in bed at the house had just about driven her crazy. She needed to get some fresh air and finally convinced them to let her. They set up a chair and table with tea so she could watch them work in the garden and around the house.

  She had yet to get them to make love to her. She planned to change that tonight. If she didn’t make the first move, they might never touch her that way again. She wasn’t having any of that.

  Wyatt returned to check on her every few minutes. Kent was by almost as regularly. She didn’t know how they got any work done. Dog lay at her feet, occasionally licking her as if to assure that she was there. Three men to watch over her. What woman wouldn’t be in heaven?

  “Look at these peas,” Wyatt said, handing her a few string beans. “Are they ready, or do they need a few more days?”

  “Give them another day or two to fill out. The tomatoes over there look ripe. Be sure and get them. I’ll make spaghetti with some of the noodles that we have.”

  “You don’t need to be on your feet that long, Jessie. We’ll cook,” Wyatt insisted.

  “I’m tired of sitting around. If I don’t do something, I’m going to go bonkers and drive you crazy.”

  “We’ll see when you go inside how you feel then.”

  Jessie growled at him. He just laughed and headed over to the tomatoes with the bucket. She watched him choose the ripe ones and gently place them in the bucket. She had taught him well. He found out he didn’t like bruised tomatoes.

  Kent walked up and crouched next to her. He absently rubbed Dog’s head and leaned in and kissed her. She smiled and grabbed his ears and pulled him in for a proper kiss. He opened his mouth in surprise, and she slipped her tongue inside to slide along his. When he moaned and placed a hand on her cheek, she knew she had him. He’d be much more susceptible to her advances tonight.

  They pulled apart reluctantly when Wyatt walked up and cleared his throat.

  “Don’t you think it’s a little soon for that?”

  “Nope,” they both said together.

  Jessie reached out and grabbed his hardened cock through his jeans before he realized what she was about to do. He groaned but didn’t immediately pull back as she scraped her nails up and down the length of him.

  “Fuck, baby. I’m going to come in my jeans if you don’t stop.”

  “I can’t have that. I want that cock inside of me tonight.

  “I don’t know,” Kent began.

  “Don’t you dare try and say I’m not well enough. If you don’t take care of me, I’ll take care of myself.” Jessie gave them her best pissed-off expression. She could tell it was working.

  “Maybe if we’re really careful,” Wyatt said.

  “We can try and see how she does,” Kent agreed.

  She had them by the balls and knew it. She’d seal the deal when she took a nice, long bath and soaked, wishing for her favorite bath salts. She just had to ask one of the men to heat up a couple of buckets of water for her.

  In the end, they heated up three and had a nice warm bath set up for her when she went inside. The salts added a fresh scent in the air. She stepped into the delightfully sudsy water and lowered herself into the tub. It felt like heaven.

  “That too warm, baby?” Kent asked, hovering by her.

  “Nope, it’s just right. Now go on and leave me alone to enjoy my bath.”

  Kent and Wyatt backed out of the bathroom reluctantly. She smiled and sank below the water until just her head poked up. She wanted to be soft and smell good for them. She’d shave her legs and wash her hair. She hadn’t washed it since she’d hit her head, and it had dried blood in it. Kent had taken the stitches out that morning, so she could get it wet now if she were careful.

  After completing her bath ritual, she got out of the tub and dried off. She rubbed her hair as dry as she could get it and then ran the comb through it. She applied lotion and slipped into a little nothing of a gown.

  She peeked out of the door and saw the men lounging on the bed totally naked. They’d obviously showered in the other bathroom. They only had cold water to bathe in, but now their cocks stood at attention. She opened the door and walked into the bedroom toward her men.

  * * * *

  Wyatt stared at the vision walking toward them. She was so damn beautiful. He couldn’t believe he’d waited all this time to be with her. She was heaven right there on earth and in their home.

  “Come here, baby.” Kent patted the bed between him and his brother. “Climb right on up here.”

  Wyatt wasn’t sure what to say. All of a sudden he felt tongue-tied.

  Jessie climbed sensually in the bed, moving like a cat. She ran her hand up his leg and around his aching cock but didn’t touch it. Instead, she raked her nails across his nipples, sending shivers down his spine.

  “I want you guys, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  “I don’t think we can say no, baby,” Kent confessed. He held his arms out to her.

  Jessie turned over and lay on her back, putting her hands on both of their cocks, and squeezed them. They each issued a drop of pre-cum. She smoothed it over their dicks and rubbed them up and down.

  Wyatt groaned and reached for her hand to still her. “I’m going to come, and I’m not ready to yet.”

  “I want someone to suck my nipples and someone to suck my pussy.” Jessie continued to play with them.

  “I call pussy,” Kent said.

  “I’ve got those pretty tits covered.” Wyatt rolled over and began unlacing her nightgown.

  It took him a few seconds to finally get it off of her. Below, Kent was removing her thong with his teeth.

  Wyatt licked each nipple, enjoying how they instantly pebbled for him. He loved her nipples and how hard they got for him. He molded her breasts, then latched on to one of her nipples and sucked. God, he couldn’t get enough of them. He forced all of her breast he could get into his mouth and then backed off to treat the other one to the same attention. When he let go this time, he began to pinch and twist them, knowing she liked it by the little whimpers she was making and the fact that she thrust them closer to his hands.

  Below, he noticed Kent giving her long, slow licks before plunging his tongue deep inside of her. She bucked beneath them when
he dipped a finger within her hot cunt. Wyatt grinned. His brother would find her hot spot and have her moaning and whimpering louder before long.

  He nipped at her tit then nibbled all around her nipple with his teeth. When he licked over them, she grabbed his face and buried his mouth on them.

  “Suck them hard, Wyatt. I’m going to come. I want you both eating me when I do.” She was breathless as she made her demands, then threw back her head to scream.

  Wyatt latched on to one and sucked it hard and deep into his mouth while twisting and pinching the other one. When she gasped and screamed again, he knew she was coming. He redoubled his effort, wanting it to be good for her.

  As she finally gave out, he stopped and licked both nipples with long, slow swipes of his tongue. Then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He felt Kent climb up on the other side of her and spoon her from behind.

  “We’re not finished, boys. I want you to fuck me, and I want one of you in my mouth. I just need a breather.”

  “Baby, you’re not rested enough for that. We just wanted to please you and take the edge off of you first.”

  Wyatt crawled to the end of the bed after a few minutes and stretched her sweet pussy with two fingers. He wanted to make sure she would be ready for him. Then he lined his aching dick up with her dripping cunt and plunged in.

  She screamed out, “Yes!”

  “Baby, open up that pretty mouth. I want my cock between your lips.” Kent held his cock poised by her face.

  When she opened her mouth it wasn’t to take him in, but to lick him. She ran her tongue up and down his dick as Wyatt watched. His cock grew even harder, if that was possible, at the sight of their woman pleasuring his brother.

  Her pussy was heaven itself, all hot and tight and wet. He pulled out, then pushed back in. Over and over he tunneled in and out of her hot depths. He wanted to pound into her but wasn’t going to use her like that. She wasn’t even over her head injury. Instead, he set a steady rhythm that teased him and made it even better. He reached between them and began to lightly play with her clit. She moaned around Kent’s dick, causing his brother to throw back his head and let out a hiss.


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