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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 4

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Horse with no manners, not halter broke, strange place, been standin’ for six hours, cool weather, bit of a wind, it was a no brainer,” he stated.

  “I, uh, yeah. Sorry. I guess I wasn’t thinking,” she mumbled, embarrassed that she’d not considered all the factors.

  “Thing is,” he continued, opening the first aid kit and looking for the right bandaging, “that horse has you snookered.”

  “Snookered?” she giggled.

  “Yep,” he grinned, “snookered.”

  Standing up, he walked to a nearby cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Ibuprofen, shook out two tablets, and filled a glass with some water.

  “Here, take these,” he directed.

  She downed the pills and took a deep breath.

  “Really sorry about this,” she declared. “I’m so glad I have my equitation classes first. I just sit and steer.”

  “That’s Dominic, right? He’s a cool customer. I’ll bet nothin’ phases that one,” Chad remarked.

  “He is kind of terrific that way,” she smiled.

  “How is your finger feeling?

  “The ice is helping,” she answered.

  “You need to soak it for another ten minutes, then I’ll wrap it for you. It should be feeling okay pretty quick.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Would you like to freshen up? You’re welcome to use the guest room, take a shower, change. That’s what I’m gonna do, then rustle up some food.”

  “That sounds like heaven,” she smiled.

  “First, though, I’m gonna go check on everyone. You stay put and I’ll be right back.”

  “Thanks so much, Chad. Really appreciate all this.”

  “You’re welcome, Cassie.”

  Deeply sighing, she watched him stride away.

  I can’t believe I’ve hurt myself. I wish I’d listened. Lord, I’d kill for a cigarette.

  Gazing out the large, bay window, she saw Chad march into one of the paddocks and mingle with several horses, all of whom appeared to be thrilled to see him. It was captivating, and she thought she could watch the scene forever. A few minutes passed and he walked away, disappearing from view. Closing her eyes, she felt herself finally beginning to relax.

  “Hey, don’t fall asleep just yet.”

  She opened her eyes to find Chad standing over her with a towel.

  “Put your hand on that, dry it off and I’ll wrap your finger.”

  Carefully lifting it out of the water, she did as he directed, and with deft skill he quickly had her finger expertly taped.

  “Try not to get it wet,” he instructed, pulling a plastic glove with an elastic wrist from the kit. “Wear this, if you’re careful it will help. When are your jumper classes?”

  “Last day of the show,” she replied.

  “Hmmm, might be all right by then. You’ll just have to wait and see. Come on, I’ll show you to the guest room.”

  Walking her down a wide hallway, he opened the door to a blue and white bedroom. Her suitcase had been placed on a large cedar trunk by the window, and her overnight bag was on the bed.

  “Those french doors open to a terrace if you wanna get some fresh air,” he offered. “Make yourself at home.”

  “Chad, this is great.”

  “I’m gonna take a shower, then cook something up for us,” he smiled.

  “Fabulous. Thanks so much.”

  “Just one thing, another rule around here, no smokin’ anywhere on this property,” he said sternly.

  “Not even one?” she whined. “I’m still a bit shaky.”

  “Let me put it like this, you smoke, I spank,” he warned. “Sprained finger or not, that’s a promise, up to you.”


  Chad was undressed and about to step into the shower when his phone told him he had a text. Checking the screen he saw the message was from Marty, his ranch manager, longtime friend and best handler. Captain, one of Chad’s show horses, had suddenly come up lame. Immediately texting back that he was on his way, Chad hurriedly threw his clothes back on and headed out the door.

  In her room Cassie was staring at her pack of cigarettes. She had no doubt Chad meant what he’d said, and it wasn’t that she wanted to purposely disobey him, she just really, really really, wanted to smoke, even if it was just a couple of puffs.

  Opening the french doors she stepped out on to the patio. There was a paddock directly across from her, and she could see a couple of guys were focused on the front leg of a chestnut horse. The paddock wasn’t so close they’d be able to see what she was doing, not if she was careful, and she didn’t have to worry about Chad, he was taking a shower.

  Decision made, she walked quickly inside, grabbed a cigarette and her lighter, and returning to the patio, she stood with her back to the paddock and lit up.

  Chad had left through the front door and was hurriedly walking out to check on his horse. To reach the paddock in question, he had to pass by the long side of the house, and as he did his eye caught a flutter of movement. Without breaking stride he turned his head and saw it was Cassie, but she wasn’t looking out at the landscape, she was facing the wall of the house. Frowning, he paused and stared, then shook his head. In spite of his very clear warning she was sneaking a cigarette. He found himself as amused as he was angry.

  You’re as stubborn as a mule with an attitude, he thought, and continued on to check out his horse.

  A few minutes later Cassie dropped the butt in the dirt, ground it out with her foot, and picking it up, carried it to the bathroom to flush down the toilet. Feeling very pleased with herself she stripped off and climbed into the shower.

  In the paddock Chad had lifted the horse’s foot and discovered the shoe had been tweaked and was pressing on the soft part of the horse’s heel.

  “Get the spreaders and push the shoe away, but call Hanley and get him over here. That needs to come off and replaced.”

  “Will do, boss,” Marty replied. “Whew, that’s a relief. Didn’t get a chance to ask, how was Bailey. Did the show go well?”

  “Bailey was Bailey. Fantastic.”

  “Did you do the, shoot him dead, trick.”

  “I did, and he even flopped his tongue out for me,” Chad laughed.

  Though he didn’t tour constantly as he had in previous years, he agreed to the odd appearance for worthwhile causes. There was a barn that catered to handicapped and special needs children a few miles from the Davidson estate, and Chad had done a special appearance for them to raise money. He’d been on his way back to the ranch when Max had called.

  Horse Haven Ranch was Chad’s home.

  Chad Douglas was famous in western circles. His clothes carried the label, Douglas Duds, and his ranch was not just where he lived, but where he taught others the secrets of his horse training. He wasn’t going to appear at the horse show as a competitor like Cassie, but as a guest exhibitor.

  “Oh, man, I love it when he does the tongue thing,” Marty laughed.

  “It’s pretty cool,” Chad agreed.

  “Those are some nice horses you came back with,” Marty observed. “When you called and said you were drivin’ someone’s van up for them, I didn’t realize it would be the smaller version of our six horse.”

  “About that,” Chad remarked, “I need you and the boys to keep a distance for a couple of hours. I need some private time with the young lady who owns those horses.”

  “Hey, I hear ya,” Marty grinned.

  “Now Marty, don’t go jumpin’ to any conclusions,” Chad said firmly. “I don’t even know if her horses are stayin’ here or if I’ll be loadin’ them back up and drivin’ them over to Riverton Stables.”

  “That’d be a shame,” Marty observed. “They’d be better off here.”

  “That’s for sure,” Chad replied, then paused a moment. “Did Hannah clear out her things?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Have you settled on what you wanna do?”

  “Nope, still thinkin’.”<
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  “Whatever you decide, Marty, you know I’ll back you.”

  “Thanks, Boss,” he frowned. “It’s not an easy one.”

  “No, it’s not. Why don’t you stop by for a drink tonight, we’ll talk about it.”

  “That’d be good,” Marty nodded. “Appreciate it.”

  “Wow, look at that mare,” Chad commented, looking past his handler to the paddock just beyond.

  Shelby was kicking up her heels and frolicking at the fence line with her stablemate.

  “Damn, that horse is athletic,” Marty declared.

  “She’s a jumper,” Chad said. “Do me a favor, before you guys make yourself scarce, pull my other two-horse into the round pen for me.”

  “Sure. Doin’ a loadin’ lesson?”

  “Yep. That big van was bought because that athletic little horse wouldn’t go in anything but, and she gave me an attitude even goin’ in that.”

  “You’re kiddin’ me?”

  “That’s exactly what I said when I was told,” Chad remarked. “Time that little lady learned some manners.”

  “Sounds like it. I’ll make sure the trailer’s there.”

  As Chad turned and walked away, he had to smile.

  Two little ladies to be exact, and they’re both gonna have an education. Shelby will take five minutes, Sassy Cassie, though, anyone’s guess.

  Cassie’s long hot shower left her feeling clean, refreshed and relaxed, and staring at her butt’s reflection in the bathroom mirror, she could see faint marks, a reminder of Chad’s hot hand. The memory of his strong, forceful, no-nonsense manner sent a warm tingling through her loins, and the sensual dream, though hours old, was still a vivid memory.

  Dropping the towel from around her waist, she made her way to the bed and laid down, closing her eyes. Sending her fingers between her legs she relived the dream, seeing herself naked on a soft blanket in a dreamy field, Chad’s lips traveling across her body, sparking her nipples with his tiny bites, his mouth fervently pressing against hers.

  The intense heat she’d felt when Chad had walked her back to the van, her bottom stinging from being over his knee, washed through her sex, and she could feel herself growing ever closer to an orgasm. The image from her dream floated forth, “not yet, not until you’re truly repentant,” and the imagined words sent a new wave of lust through her body. Impatiently she massaged as hard as she could, chasing her release.

  You smoke, I spank!

  His parting threat exploded in her head, chasing away the gentle, sensuous vision, and she gasped and writhed as her climax splashed through her, spasm after spasm making it difficult for her stifle her cries of pleasure.

  Oh, my God, that was great…soooo great…she whispered, rolling on to her side, hugging a loose pillow.

  Surrendering to the delicious tingles, she rested until they passed, then stretching and sitting up, she hurried to dress. Not only was she hungry, she didn’t want to keep Chad waiting.

  Opening her suitcase she found her favorite black knee-length skirt, and pulling on a baby pink sweater and pink ballet shoes, she quickly smudged on some makeup, brushed her hair, then headed to the kitchen.

  Chad had broiled some chicken breasts basted in his homemade barbecue sauce. A large copper urn housed his various kitchen utensils, and selecting a solid wooden spoon, he left it out on the butcher block island where he’d tended her finger a short time before, but it wasn’t for his cooking; it was going to teach the fractious young woman he meant what he said.

  “Hi,” she smiled. “That smell is amazing. What is it?”

  “That’s my barbecue sauce, and I’ve slathered it over some chicken.”

  “Sounds yummy,” she grinned. “This is so nice of you.”

  Chad smiled back at her, and had he not known her to be the recalcitrant, spoiled young woman she was, he would have thought her an absolute angel. Her long blond hair shimmered, her eyes sparkled, and her full, moist lips seemed to be begging to be kissed.

  “I’ve got some sweet potato fries in the oven keepin’ hot,” he declared. “It’s a great combo.”

  “Sounds like it,” she agreed. “This kitchen is so spacious, but it’s really homey. Do we eat in here?”

  “There’s a breakfast nook around the corner there.”

  Turning around she saw an opening, and moving a few steps forward to look around, she discovered a cozy booth set against a window, already set up for the two of them.

  “That is totally charming,” she remarked. “I love this house. Where’s Mickey?”

  “Sleepin’ in his bed in my room. He was exhausted from the long trip.”

  “I’m sure. I feel a bit that way myself,” she remarked.

  “Before we eat, just wonderin’…is there anything you’d like to tell me?”

  “Like what?” she frowned.

  “They say confession is good for the soul, and a judge and jury are likely to be a bit more lenient if the guilty party admits their wrongdoin’ and shows remorse.”

  He couldn’t possibly know. How could he? He was in the shower, and those cowboys weren’t paying any attention to me. Besides, they were too far away to notice anything.

  Throughout her life, Cassie had perfected the art of lying. She could affect innocence regardless of the evidence stacked against her, and while her father occasionally doubted her word, her mother bought her stories every time.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she declared, her eyes wide, feigning bewilderment.

  Turning down the oven and putting the stove’s flame on a low heat, he walked towards her, his arms crossed.

  Damn you’re cute, she thought as he neared.

  Dressed in jeans and a charcoal grey, fuzzy sweatshirt, his dark hair still damp from the shower drying into soft waves that framed his face, he looked immensely handsome and huggable, and his eyes, no longer shielded from her gaze by the dark sunglasses, were a warm, though penetrating brown.

  “Sassy Cassie, you are not a very good liar,” he declared, shaking his head.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she protested, but felt the involuntary flush crossing her face. I’m a great liar, the best ever. Shit, I wish I wasn’t turning red, dammit.

  “One more chance,” he sighed. “Come clean and I might be tempted to give you a break.”

  Chad was amazed at her resolve. It almost astounded him. He could hear the cogs in her head spinning, trying to figure out how he could possibly know she’d smoked a cigarette. She’d concluded that he couldn’t, and was, therefore, going to hold with her not guilty plea. Denial, denial, denial.

  But there was a huge flaw in her plan. He did know.

  “I swear-” she began.

  “Please don’t swear,” he interrupted. “If you swear that you don’t know what I’m talkin’ about, I’ll really have to roast your butt. Sayin’ and swearin’… there’s a world of difference.”

  She gulped, the dawn of realization flooding her senses; however he’d found out didn’t matter, he had.

  “Do you remember what I told you when I left the guest room?”

  Afraid to speak the words, she nodded her head.

  “What was it I said?” he pressed.

  “Um, you know,” she mumbled.

  “Yep, I do, but I’m askin’ you to tell me,” he pushed, his voice growing sterner.

  “If I smoke, you spank,” she whispered, feeling a dust devil twirl in her stomach.

  “So, you did hear me?”


  “All right then, you’d best come with me,” he exclaimed, and taking her hand, he grabbed the hefty wooden spoon and pulled her towards the living room.

  “W-w-wait,” she cried.

  “Nope. I’m real disappointed in you, Miss Sassy Cassie. I thought you had more sense, and more respect for me.”

  “I doooo,” she wailed, as he settled himself on the arm of a large, brown, fabric sofa.

  “Clearly you don’t! I saw you sneakin’
a cigarette on the patio thinkin’ you couldn’t be seen. Well, you could be, and you were, by me.”

  “But, but -”

  “If you wanna stay and eat, you take the spankin’. Up to you.”

  Shit, shit, shit. Why do I want this so badly? Why do I want him?

  “I’ll stay,” she nodded quietly.

  “Over my leg,” he ordered.

  Gritting her teeth, she pitched herself forward, sending the top of her body on to the couch, leaving her bottom high in the air, her feet barely touching the ground.

  “But you were in the shower!” she heard herself exclaim, an unexpected defiance rising up.

  “No, missy, I wasn’t. I was walkin’ out to the paddock to check on a horse.”

  “Shit!” she yelled.

  “Damn, girl, you need to learn a thing or two,” he declared, and threw her skirt up over her waist.

  “NOOOO!” she wailed, trying to put her hand behind her to pull it back down.

  “You stop that yellin’. No-one’s gonna hear, and it’s just tickin’ me off.”

  “Okay, okay,” she exclaimed.

  “You smoke, I spank. You made the choice, and I also told you if you gave me another reason to whip your butt, I was gonna bare your backside.

  “Noooo! Please, Chad, no.”

  “Yep,” he responded, and quickly yanked down her black lace knickers.

  “Why did you do that?” she whimpered.

  “I said I would, and I always keep my promises, but more than that, you’ve got this comin’. Now, repeat after me,” he began. “I will.”

  “I will,” she stammered, then wailed as he landed the spoon twice, on her right cheek.

  “Now say, not smoke.”

  “Not smoke,” she cried, and again two swats followed, smacking directly on top of the first.

  “On this property,” he declared.

  “On this property,” she repeated, gasping through her words.

  The next three smacks were slow and hard, and she kicked out her feet, howling piteously.

  “You know the lines, I will not smoke on this property. Say them just as you said them before, for the benefit of your left cheek here.”

  “Oh, Chad, please, no more,” she begged.

  “One more outburst and I’ll really whip your ass. Just do as you’re told and get this over with. Got it?”


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