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The Cowboy's Rules

Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

  Cassie was beside herself. The spanking had sparked her sex to life, but the vibrator lightly buzzing against her was sending an energy through her pussy she’d never encountered. As he’d promised, it was just enough to titillate, though not enough to bring her to a climax, but as the minutes ticked by, and her excitement continued to build, she began to believe that if she relaxed and let it take over, it just might get her there.

  The blindfold was helping. Blocking out her sight was allowing her to concentrate, and sending her thoughts between her legs, she focused on the scintillating sensations.

  Watching closely, Chad saw her exquisite surrender. Her breathing had grown deep and even, and the muscles in her back and legs had relaxed. It had taken a while, and his cock was at its bursting point, but it was worth the wait. The blonde, blue-eyed beauty, about whom he come to care so deeply, was responding just as he had hoped.

  Dropping his hand against her deliciously crimson seat, he rubbed and caressed and lightly pinched, drawing deep, hungry groans, but when he moved his fingers to search out her depths, the groans became utterances of pleasure.

  “How’s my girl?” he whispered, his fingers slowly pressing home.

  “I’m so close,” she breathed. “So very close.”

  “Are you gonna be a very good girl from now on?”

  “Definitely, I will, I swear,” she vowed.

  “Do you deserve to come?” he asked.

  She hesitated, then stammered,

  “If you th-think so.”

  “That was the right answer,” he replied, and sighing happily he reached down and unwrapped the Velcro, then switched the vibrator on high speed, holding it against her clit.

  “Oooh, thank you,” she wailed.

  He watched, his cock ready and waiting, as her back arched and her thighs tensed, and when her mews of ardor abruptly stopped, he knew she was about to explode. Seconds later, her high pitched squeal signaled her climax, and rubbing himself furiously he exploded across her bottom, his deep, rasping groans of pleasure, the bass to her soprano.

  Listening to her waning whimpers of bliss, he closed his eyes and felt his own, warm, satisfying tingles, then reluctantly stumbled into the bathroom to fetch a warm wash cloth.

  He could not recall a time when his heart had felt so full, and his being so buoyant. Cassie had allowed herself to venture into the unknown; she had put her trust in him and he could feel her slowly surrendering. Returning to the bed, he gently wiped her clean, then quickly untied her binds, removed her blindfold, and stretching out, cradled her closely against his chest.

  “You are so beautiful, Cassie,” he murmured, kissing her forehead.

  “That was incredible,” she sighed. “I feel so close to you. Is it okay to say that?”

  “Of course it is,” he replied, hugging her tightly.

  “I have to admit though, I’m not sure why you would call that punishment,” she giggled.

  “I didn’t have to let you climax,” he replied. “I was merciful.”

  “Ooooh, that would have been terrible,” she agreed.

  “Cassie, I’ve been thinking about something,” he said softly.

  “What’s that?” she asked, kissing the smattering of wiry chest hairs that were tickling her nose.

  “Is there any reason you can’t stay a few more days? I haven’t had a chance to work with you and Shelby,” he continued, wondering why he needed to add the excuse.

  “No, no reason at all,” she replied quickly. “I would love that,” I never, ever want to leave you, or this place.

  “I’m glad,” he sighed, I never, ever, want you to leave me, or my ranch.


  “Place looks real good,” Marty announced, lumbering into his house.

  He had finished for the day, and walking into his living room he had found Hannah polishing the furniture. His place had never looked neater or cleaner, and the aroma of something truly delectable was tickling his nostrils.

  “Thank you. I’m glad you’re pleased,” she smiled. “I made us a Shepherd’s Pie for dinner.”

  “What’s a Shepherd’s Pie?” he asked, wanting to sweep her up, carry her straight into the bedroom, and devour her body before devouring anything else.

  “It’s a traditional English dish. Meat and vegetables covered with mashed potatoes.”

  “Sounds good. I’m gonna go shower.”

  As she watched his tall, wide frame stride away, she sighed happily. She no longer cared that she’d been grounded, truly enjoying her new role as lover, housekeeper and cook. The mucking out of the stalls, however, was another matter, and she missed Maverick desperately. Moving into the kitchen she checked on the pie, started a fresh pot of coffee, and knowing Marty was quick in the shower, began to set the table for dinner. As she predicted it was only a matter of a few minutes before he was ambling back into the kitchen.

  “I’ve been doin’ a lot of thinkin’ about you, young lady,” he declared.

  “You have?” she asked, a flutter of apprehension setting to life her sleeping butterflies.

  “Yep,” he replied dramatically, sitting at the table. “I’ve come to a decision.”

  Oh, good grief. Now what? she thought, and nervously pulling out a chair, she sat down.

  “The thing is,” he began, clearing his throat, “I don’t want you doin’ the early mornin’ stall cleainin’. I wanna wake up next to you, and I don’t want you havin’ to rush out. I wanna enjoy breakfast together before I start my day.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she beamed.

  “But you still have to do the stalls late afternoon,” he said firmly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she nodded. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. Ask away.”

  “Tomorrow Cassie is riding in the Jumpers Classic. It’s something we were both looking forward to and I really want to be there, not just for me, but to support her. Is there any way we could go? Just for that one class and then come right back. Please? It’s only happens once a year.”

  Her eyes were wide and pleading, and Marty nodded his head, realizing he couldn’t say no.

  “Okay, we’ll go together. I’d kinda like to see it too.”

  “That’s fantastic. Thank you.”

  “And I think Maverick’s been missin’ you. It’s not fair to him that you can’t take care of him.”

  “Thank you, Marty, oh, my gosh, thank you so much,” she exclaimed, and jumped up from the table to hug him.

  “Hang on a minute,” he said, raising his hand. “ Sit down, I haven’t finished.”

  “Sorry, I’m just so relieved,” she replied, dropping back into her chair. “I’ve been worried about him, and I miss him like crazy.”

  “You’re still gonna keep house here, and cook the meals for the rest of the month, but thinkin’ about how you lied, how you planted that weed here, your spankin’ for that has to count,” he announced, his voice somber.

  “Y-yes, I know it does,” she replied quietly.

  “So…I’m gonna give you six strokes of the cane.”

  “Ooohh. That sounds scary,” she whispered.

  “It’ll sting real good, but honestly, Hannah, it’s deserved. I don’t care how hurt you were, or angry, or whatever, that was just plumb bad,” he declared.

  “I know,” she softly admitted.

  “I don’t own a cane but I’ve borrowed one, and it’s sittin’ right out front on the porch. After dinner you’re gonna go fetch it, and I’m gonna whip your butt, and that’ll be an end to it.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered.

  “You can think about that all through our meal, and by the time you’re bent across that sofa, you’ll be wantin’ to get it over with.”

  “I want to get it over with right now!” she exclaimed.

  “Is that so?” he asked, studying her.

  “Um, yes, now that I really think about it, I do.”

  “You’ll be eatin’ standin’ up,” he warned. “You s

  She dropped her eyes to the table, trying to decide, then lifting them slowly she nodded her head.

  “I am.”

  “Do you need to turn off the oven?”

  “No, Sir. It’s just keeping the dish warm.”

  “Then go fetch the case on the porch.”

  “Yes, Sir,’ she answered meekly.

  Feeling weak and slightly tremulous, she walked out on the patio and saw the long, narrow case leaning against the wall. Picking it up, she carried it back inside and handed it to him.

  “Take off your jeans and bend over the back of the sofa,” he ordered, placing the case on the kitchen table.

  Nervously she pulled off her boots and socks, then slid down her jeans, and moving to the couch, walked behind it and bent over the high padded back.

  “I’m gonna tie your ankles together, and your wrists. It’s for the best,” he said soberly, and pulling off his belt, wrapped it around her ankles, buckling it tightly, and grabbing one of her long socks laying on the floor, looped it around her wrists, tying it off in a strong knot.

  “Guess I should’ve brought some rope, but that’ll work,” he remarked.

  Striding back to the table, he undid the clasps of the case and lifted the lid. He’d seen the cane when Chad first bought it, and had thought it an instrument of true beauty. Fashioned after the old-fashioned English birch rod, it was long and tapering, the light colored wood smooth and polished. Lifting it from the container, he ran his fingers over the smooth finish, felt its light weight in his hand, and knew without a doubt it contained a serious zing.

  “Now then, Hannah,” he said gravely. “It pains me to do this, but you must be severely dealt with. You understand that?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she quivered.

  “You’ll count them out, and after each stroke you’ll say, Thank you, Sir. Do you know why you need to say that?” he asked.

  “Kind of, because I should be grateful for the discipline?”

  “Because you should be grateful that I care enough to punish you,” he explained, his voice unexpectedly tender. “If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t bother.”

  “Oh, yes, I understand. I didn’t quite get that,” she replied.

  “No, you didn’t, but you do now, right?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “Ooooh, yes, Sir.”

  Placing the cane in the center of her backside, he slid it back and forth, then raising it back, swished it down, instantly creating a bright red stripe. Hannah threw back her head, a loud squeal escaping her lips.

  “Count,” he reminded her.

  “O-one,” she stammered. “Th-thank you, S-sir.”

  Laying the cane an inch below the angry red line, he tapped twice, before whisking it down for the second stroke.

  “Ooowww,” she cried, wriggling back and forth and bending her knees. “T-two! Thank you, Sir.”

  Repeating the steps, sliding the cane then landing it a third time, Hannah wailed and wriggled, before loudly exclaiming,

  “Th-three! Thank you, Sir!”

  “We’re halfway done, take a deep breath,” he said soothingly, and ran his hand over the scarlet weals crossing her bottom. “Let me know when you’re ready for the next three.”

  This is so painful. I know I deserve it, it was terrible what I did, but damn this really, really hurts.

  Taking several deep breaths, she shook her head and squirmed a few times before laying still.

  “Okay, I’m ready, Sir.”

  Tapping the rod below the third strike, he lashed it against her skin.

  “Aaaarrghh! Four! Thank you, Sir.”

  The fifth followed quickly, but for the sixth he paused, taking an extra moment to be sure of his aim. The area was low on her bottom, and perilously close to her pink pussy, peeping between her thighs.

  “This last one will sting more, Hannah, your skin is more sensitive right here.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’m ready,” she gasped, wanting it to be over.

  Placing the rod just above her lips, close to the fifth strike, he whipped it down, his aim precise, the end of the strong, appropriate punishment delivered with an extra amount of zing.

  “Six! Thank you, Sir.” she wailed, then writhed furiously, bending her knees and gyrating her hips back and forth.

  Wanting her to reflect on the punishment and come to grips with the venomous heat searing through her bottom, he stepped away, carrying the cane back to its velvet bed, and sighing heavily, laid it down and latched the case shut. Ambling to the refrigerator he pulled out a cold bottle of water, and returning to his punished girl, moved the chilled plastic across her weals.

  “This will be sore for a while,” he remarked, “but it’s done now. All is forgiven, it’s over.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she sniffled. “Thank you.” He helped her stand, quickly untied the sock binding her wrists, and offered her the chilled drink.

  “Oh, thank you, I’m really thirsty,” she groaned, and after taking two long swallows, leaned against his chest.

  “You lay down now,” he urged, and removing the belt from her ankles, gently helped her around the couch to stretch out on her stomach. “I’m just gonna get some coffee.”

  Hannah closed her eyes, surrendering to the pulsing heat. It was worse than she thought it would be, and yet, in some strange way, not as bad. The contrary nature of the discipline was lost on her, but the effect was not. She had paid dearly for her sins, but in committing the crime she had found the man she believed would be the love of her life. A man who demanded respect, and returned it with loving strength. A man who was comfortable in his own skin. A man who had just risked losing her, by making sure she would see the error in her ways.

  “How are you, honey?”

  His voice, low and deep, washed over her like a soft, cozy, comforting blanket.

  “Fine,” she whimpered. “Very sore, but fine.”

  “I hope I’ll never have to cane your butt again,” he said somberly.

  “You won’t,” she promised.

  “Drugs are a no-no,” he declared, “and so is deception. I will use it again if I have to.”

  “I get it. I’ve learned my lesson. You’ll never have to worry about drugs or me lying like I did, not ever.”

  “That’s good to hear,” he smiled.

  “That Shepherd’s Pie smells so good,” she sighed. “Can we eat?”

  “Sure. I’ll dish it out and bring it over. We can eat on this nice, soft, couch.”

  “You don’t mind if I’m on my side do you?”

  “Not at all. I think that’s probably how you’ll be spendin’ the next little while.”

  “I think you’re right,” she agreed, and I don’t know why, but it’s kind of turning me on.


  Cassie sighed happily. Chad had woken her in the early morning and made glorious, sweet love to her, lightly slapping the inside of her thighs before sliding between them and thrusting slowly, teasing and tantalizing her hot, hungry, wet pussy, then holding her down, stroked her to a deep, powerful climax. Laying in his arms, listening to the birds tweet their greeting to the new day, she snuggled closer, not able to get enough of him.

  “I can’t wait for this afternoon. I’m going to show everyone how it’s done.”

  “You’re makin’ me nervous,” Chad remarked, squeezing her.

  “You’re kidding me?” she declared. “After giving me a heart attack with your performance, you’re worried about me hopping over a few jumps?”

  He grunted his response, then propped himself up on one elbow, smiling down at her.

  “You’re a determined young lady and I admire that, but I won’t rest easy until you’re outta that ring safely. I know you’re good, but you’re also a bit of a risk taker, and sometimes…”

  “I’ll be fine. Shelby is incredible. Wait until you see her.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt about that,” he nodded. “Just watchin’ her
prance about in the field told me that.”

  “It’ll be so much fun. I can’t wait.”

  Laying back, Chad tried unsuccessfully to quiet his trepidation. There had been times in his past when he’d had a similar sense of foreboding, and to his dismay he’d always been proven right, but he didn’t know if his concern was precognitive, or an unfounded fear because he had come to care for Cassie so much.

  “I can’t lay here another second,” she abruptly announced. “The class is at noon and I know I have plenty of time, but I need to get up.”

  “Then get up,” Chad chuckled.

  “I will, and what a glorious way to start the day,” she laughed, kissing him, and jumping from the bed she headed to the guest room.

  “You can shower in here,” he called after her.

  “I’m good,” she called back.

  Stretching and yawning, Chad sat up, deciding he was going to cook up a hearty breakfast and spend the morning with her. He’d originally planned to deliver her and Shelby to the show, then return to the ranch to make sure everything was ready for Mandy’s arrival, returning in time to watch the class. The uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach told him he’d be much happier if he stayed by Cassie’s side. Feeling better for his decision, he rose from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  A short time later, as he dropped dollops of pancake batter into the frying pan, Cassie buzzed around, making the coffee and setting the table. Her antsy behavior reminded him of Shelby when the mare had first arrived; wired and excited, unable to sit still.

  “You’re makin’ me nervous,” he frowned. “Take a deep breath, you’re gonna get Shelby riled up if you’re actin’ that way when you’re ridin’ her.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m always like this before a big jumper class.”

  “Come over here and get some of these pancakes. Maybe that will settle you a bit.”

  “They smell delicious. I can’t remember the last time I had pancakes,” she grinned, and grabbing a plate, stood at his side as he flipped them out of the pan.

  But the breakfast didn’t help, and she was just as fidgety as they headed down to the barn to pull Shelby from her stall. As Cassie hastily removed her horse’s blanket, and slipped the halter over her head to lead her out, Chad could see that Cassie’s mood was already transmitting itself to the mare.


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