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A Red Hot Christmas Paris

Page 3

by C. J. Fallowfield

  ‘Interesting. So you’re admitting now that the sex is hot,’ Hunter grinned, as he leaned back in his seat and folded his arms across his broad chest. I bit my lower lip as I stared at it, at his powerful boxer’s physique, which meant the material of his white shirt was strained around his taut biceps. Holy hell, what I wouldn’t give to mount this table, launch myself at him, and rip his clothes off right now. ‘I’m feeling a little objectified right now, my mouth and eyes are up here, Coco,’ he added, snapping his fingers loudly as he laughed.

  ‘Sorry, I just … Jesus, I’m so regretting not having hot car sex with you. And yes, at the risk of your ego needing its own passport, and maybe an extra seat, sex with you is always hot. Is it too late to head to the toilet?’ I asked, licking my lips as I looked up and caught his wickedly hungry gaze.

  ‘It is now, but trust me, the minute we get into our suite, I’m going to be taking you up against the wall so hard and fast, you’ll need a glass dildo to cool your insides down after.’

  ‘You dirty, filthy–’

  ‘Coco, Hunter, so sorry we’re late,’ Lulu exclaimed as she breezed in and bent down to kiss my cheek.

  ‘Get a flat?’ I enquired as I gave her a mock disapproving look.

  ‘No, why would you ask that?’

  ‘No reason, just looks like Luc’s been doing a fair bit of pumping, that’s all. Figured he must have found a hole that needed filling.’ I gave her a grin and a wink, and her cheeks flushed even more.

  ‘Ssssshhhh, I was desperate,’ she scolded with a giggle. She turned to give Hunter a kiss on the cheek. ‘Hunter, still putting up with her, I see?’

  ‘The cheek! It’s me who puts up with him,’ I interrupted, flashing him an adoring smile that told him how I felt. Despite the way we liked to wind each other up, I was crazily in love with him, even though he drove me insane on a daily basis. He made my heart melt by giving me one of his dimpled smiles and a sexy wink in return. Jesus, I couldn’t wait until we landed and I got to rip his clothes off. Arguing always got me so hot for him, and him for me.

  ‘Bonsoir,’ came Luc’s smooth, velvety accent. ‘Coco, cherie, you look as beautiful as ever.’

  ‘You old flatterer, you,’ I laughed, returning his double kiss to each cheek.

  ‘Less of the old, please. I don’t want Lulu getting ideas and trading me in for a younger model, thank you very much,’ he grinned.

  ‘I think you’re stuck with her for life now, Luc.’

  ‘Just as I want it,’ he replied, giving her a doting look that clearly expressed his feelings for her. She blushed and quickly took her seat on the opposite side of the aisle while Hunter stood up and gave Luc a quick man embrace.

  ‘I need to make an appointment with you, Luc, to discuss Havershams’ investment portfolio. Our current advisor is retiring and I’d rather transfer the business to someone I trust,’ Hunter advised him.

  ‘Well, why don’t we have a preliminary discussion as soon as we’ve taken off?’ Luc suggested. ‘I have an onboard computer down in the lounge area, and that will give the ladies some time to catch up as well.’

  ‘So,’ Lulu stated, as she moved to sit opposite me once the plane had levelled out and we’d been brought our drinks.

  ‘So,’ I smiled, lifting my glass for us to clink.

  ‘Sex with Hunter still as hot?’ she enquired.

  ‘God, so, so hot,’ I groaned, quickly looking over her shoulder to make sure he was out of earshot. He and Luc were in a deep and serious discussion though.

  ‘Any sign of him thawing and moving in, or taking it to the next level?’

  ‘No,’ I sighed, gulping back some of the crisp, bubbly liquid. ‘He’s still so affected by his past, I’m not sure he’ll ever be ready to offer more than what we already have.’

  ‘Give him time, Coco, I’m sure he’ll get there. I mean, this was the self-confessed man-whore who never dated and you’ve been together for nearly two years.’

  ‘And he still can’t even say the words “I love you,” Lulu,’ I reminded her. ‘Sure, he says “Ti amo,” the Italian for it, but some small part of me longs to hear him say it in English. You probably think I’m stupid, I love you should mean the same in any language, but …’ I sighed and broke her gaze as I looked down the plane at Hunter.

  ‘But what?’ she coaxed, dragging my eyes back to her.

  ‘To me, it feels like saying it in Italian is a bit of a cop-out, like he’s not sure he fully means it. Hearing him say it in his own language would just add that extra validity and credibility to his words. I feel like I’d truly believe it then. I love him so much, Lulu, but it’s like he’s holding a piece of himself back. Like he still thinks I’m somehow going to let him down and break his heart. We spend most nights together, and he always calls me when he’s away without me, but when I suggested we move in together, he almost broke out into a cold sweat.’ I knocked back the rest of my champagne, feeling an ache in my heart and a sting in my eyes. ‘Is it too much to want all of him?’ I whispered.

  ‘Oh, Coco. You only have to see him with you to know that he loves you, fiercely. He’s just wary because of his past. Give him time, I’m sure the rest will come.’

  ‘I’m not getting any younger, Lulu. You know how long I’ve wanted a baby, and with my condition …’ I trailed off and swallowed a painful lump in my throat. I had polycystic ovary syndrome and had already been warned I’d find it difficult to conceive. With each year that passed, my chances of having a child decreased dramatically. It had been bad enough being auntie to Tristan, watching the bond he had with Lulu and seeing him growing up. But with little Lottie in the mix, it had set off a deep yearning that even my relationship with Hunter couldn’t satisfy. ‘If he can’t even face living with me, what chance do we have of him agreeing for me to have his child?’

  ‘Have you discussed this with him again recently?’ Lulu asked, reaching over to grasp my hand as I set down my empty champagne glass.

  ‘No.’ I shook my head and blinked back a few tears that were trying to escape. ‘He didn’t handle it well the last time I brought it up, despite his assurances that it wasn’t off the table when we agreed to give this relationship a go.’

  ‘I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you, but try and give him a little more time. He’s made huge strides already by getting as serious with you as he has. He was let down so badly, scars like that don’t heal overnight, Coco. Keep giving him the love and support you already do and I’m sure he’ll get there.’

  ‘What if they never heal, Lulu?’ I asked quietly, feeling sick at the thought of it. ‘How am I supposed to choose between the man I’m in love with and a baby I haven’t met, and may not even be able to have?’

  ‘That’s a question for another day, Coco. You’re not there yet, don’t get ahead of yourself. Just keep taking this one day at a time until you’ve reached your limit. That’s when you’ll have to face it, not now. Let it go and just enjoy some quality time with him. You’ve only been away together once, not counting your business trips.’ She gave me a reassuring smile and squeezed my hand. I sighed and nodded. She was right. This relationship with Hunter was still relatively new, and most people, other than Luc and Lulu, didn’t rush into marriage and babies within months of meeting each other. I had to stop comparing my relationship with hers. They were unique, the holy grail of perfection when it came to a couple.

  ‘I’m sorry, maudlin Coco is now exiting the plane with her parachute strapped to her back. Fun Coco is going to remain for the rest of the trip,’ I smiled.

  ‘Excellent! Well, let’s start by forgetting another glass of champagne and ordering a whole bottle,’ she beamed, leaning back to press the service button.

  ‘Now you’re talking!’ I did a happy jig in my seat and we both burst out laughing.

  The Paris Domville


  ‘WHAT’S GOING ON IN that head of yours?’ I whispered in Coco’s ear, as I pulled her back against my chest, one h
and splayed on her stomach as we took the lift to the Signature Suite. Luc had suggested we go up without them while he caught up with the manager of the hotel, Patrice, who he knew well.

  ‘Nothing, why?’ she replied, twisting her head to hold my gaze. Jesus, every time I locked eyes with her stunning green ones, I felt something inside me tighten. Like she was a vine wrapping herself around my essential organs, clinging on so tightly I knew she was becoming a part of me. It both exhilarated and terrified me at the same time. I’d given her more of myself than I had anyone since … I quickly closed my eyes and shook my head, not wanting to go back there again. It was done. Coco wasn’t her and I hated seeing the disappointment in her eyes every time she tried to move us forwards and I stalled. It wasn’t her, it was never her, it was me. Throw me in a boxing ring with the toughest fighter and I felt no fear. Acknowledge what I felt for Coco? Fuck, my heart had just started cantering, beating so fast it was about to explode out of my chest.

  ‘You looked so sad earlier, on the plane, when you were talking to Lulu. Is it me? Am I fucking this up that badly?’ I felt the furrow in my forehead deepen as she spun around to face me, putting her palms on my chest.

  ‘You’ve already given me so much more than I ever thought you would, Hunter,’ she confirmed, lifting her chin so she could graze my lips with hers softly.

  ‘But?’ I prodded.

  ‘I just … I shouldn’t compare, I know I shouldn’t, but I look at Lulu and Luc, where they are in terms of their relationship, how at ease they are with each other, how sure they are that they’ve found their soul mate. They rarely even argue, and you and I … we can barely go an hour without bickering and …’ She broke off and dropped her chin to her chest as she gently shook her head.

  ‘We’re not them, Coco. We’ll never be them and I’d never want to be. I’d be bored to fucking tears to be sailing on smooth waters all of the time. I need that adrenaline rush, that challenge. Why do you think I never made it past a few fucks with other women? It was too easy, I got nothing from it but temporary sexual gratification. With you?’ It was my turn to stall. I blew out a breath as she lifted those gorgeous watery eyes of hers to meet mine, anticipation hanging heavy in the air between us. ‘You wind me up, you infuriate me, and you bring out the angry, possessive side of me. You constantly make my world tilt on its axis. I never know whether to expect furious, pissed-off Coco or the tender, loving, and warm-hearted Coco that lies under that prickly exterior you like to portray.’

  ‘Is that a good thing?’ she asked quietly.

  ‘It is for me. The fact that you challenge me, that you don’t make it easy for me, may rile me up, but it also gets the blood pumping through my veins, keeps me on my toes and makes me want you even more. Makes me hot and hard for you. Makes me need you, like oxygen. I miss you and that smart mouth of yours when you’re not around. I’m sorry I’m not what you want me to be, but you’re everything I want you to be, so don’t ever change, ok?’

  ‘Hunter!’ she admonished, with a fierce and fiery glare in her eyes that I knew only too well. One that always spoke straight to my cock, and as if by magic, it began to stir in my jeans, signalling its interest. ‘You are everything I want you to be, and I’d be bored if we didn’t rub each other the wrong way sometimes, too. That’s part of our attraction to each other. I think we need that in a partner, someone who keeps us guessing and fires us up. I just hate that a tiny portion of you is always waiting for the moment that I’m going to break your heart, so you keep part of it from me. I want you to believe in me, in us, enough to give me all of it, and I just don’t know what more I can do to convince you how much I lo …’ She cut herself off from saying the words I still found too painful to hear. ‘Ti amo, Hunter,’ she added softly, reaching up to cup my face, her eyes shining with sincerity and hope. ‘Ti amo.’

  I slammed her back against the wall of the lift, making her gasp in surprise as I simultaneously lifted her up onto my hips and crashed my mouth down onto hers. I needed her, I needed to be inside her, to have that fleeting moment of certainty that we were perfect for each other when we’d both climaxed and were lying in each other’s arms, to remind me that she could be the one to heal me. To remind me that I wanted to be healed. By her. That moment was the most contentment I’d ever known in my life, but that feeling was like water trickling through my fingers. The harder I tried to retain it, the more frustrated I got that I couldn’t. She was right, I was holding back a small portion of myself and she deserved more, she deserved everything, and I hated myself for being unable to knock down that final piece of wall I’d built around my heart. I just needed more time. Each moment I spent with her caused some of that brick to turn to dust, eroding my defences away. I just needed it to happen faster, before she gave up on me and walked away.

  ‘Hunter,’ she gasped as we came up for air, our lips bruised and breathing ragged.

  ‘I need you, Coco, now,’ I growled.

  ‘I need you too, Hunter. It’s been too long,’ she moaned, crushing her hot lips back on mine. Her fingers tugged at the hair on the nape of my neck as I stumbled out of the lift into the foyer, my fingers digging into that curvaceous, leather-clad arse of hers. Fuck, I needed to be inside her desperately.

  I somehow skirted around the table of fresh, fragrant orchids and lilies on the hall table and made it into the vast lounge. Ignoring the view of the Eiffel Tower through the panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows, I made it up the corridor that led to the six equally sized master suites, picking the furthest one away, just in case their soundproofing wasn’t quite up to scratch. I didn’t want to hear Luc and Lulu in the throes of passion, just as I was sure they wouldn’t want to hear us.

  I wasn’t sure I’d ever get my fill of Coco. Fucking her every day we were together wasn’t enough, let alone after almost three days without. No one had ever left me feeling this weak and needy for them, and I hated that I was so reliant on her, that her temperament affected mine so badly. When she was upset, it physically hurt me. When she was happy, so was I. I’d made up my mind that no one was ever going to dictate how I felt again, but she was doing it without even trying. She had me by the balls and she still didn’t know it. She was the strongest one out of the two of us, she wasn’t afraid to give me all of herself. She deserved better than a wounded man like me, but I was too selfish to let her go. It would kill me to see her moving on with someone else. Hell, it fucking ripped me apart just to see another man even looking at her. She was mine. I was an idiot to have taken so long to accept that fact.

  ‘Fuck me here, up against the wall,’ she moaned in my ear, as we burst through the door into our suite.

  ‘No,’ I replied, kicking it shut behind me and carrying her over to the super king-size bed, gently laying her down on it. ‘I don’t want to fuck.’

  ‘What?!’ she exclaimed, a look of shock and annoyance settling on her face as I hovered over her, bent at the waist, both palms flat on the mattress either side of her shoulders.

  ‘I said I don’t want to fuck. I didn’t say I wouldn’t have my cock inside you in the next minute.’

  ‘You want to …’ she blinked slowly, looking confused as I put my weight on one hand and lifted the other to trace her pouting lips with my finger. ‘Make love?’ she whispered, her eyes growing moist with emotion.

  ‘Are you going to take the piss out of me if I say yes?’ I asked, raising a suspicious eyebrow at her. I couldn’t remember the last time we’d taken things slow, savouring each other gently instead of ripping each other’s clothes off and going at it wherever the mood struck us.

  ‘No.’ She shook her head and a small, proud smile graced her lips. ‘I’m stealing that last piece of heart bit by bit, aren’t I?’

  I swallowed hard and nodded. ‘Yes, you are.’

  ‘Make love to me then, big boy,’ she grinned, reaching her hands up above her head and elongating her sexy body, like a cat stretching in the sun. I chuckled and shook my head as I straightened up and undid th
e buttons on my waistcoat.

  ‘What about you being too classy to let Lulu and Luc see you freshly fucked? We’re eating with them in a few hours.’

  ‘Sod it, just make sure it’s obvious we rocked each other’s worlds. Just because everything else with them is perfect, they don’t get to have a monopoly on great sex as well.’

  ‘Thank God,’ I chuckled. ‘Now get those clothes off. I might want to take the sex part of it slow, but the sooner I can sink my cock in that soaking wet, tight little cunt of yours, the better.’

  ‘Filthy boy,’ she scowled, making me laugh again. She hated that word, but a part of me just knew that my crudeness turned her on more than she cared to admit.

  By the time I’d shed my clothes, she was naked as well, her eyes on stalks as she drank in my toned physique and erect cock, which was throbbing painfully. My chest puffed with pride to know that my body turned her on so much. I worked out every day and trained hard in the boxing ring to keep myself in shape. The look on her face was reward enough for all of that hard work, let alone a knockout when I was competing.

  ‘I hate that I just can’t get enough of you,’ she moaned, then she shimmied up the bed to make herself comfortable as I started prowling up it towards her. ‘Damn you for being so gorgeous.’

  ‘Right back at you, baby,’ I grunted, finding it hard to tear my eyes off those large nipples of hers. I’d never had sex with anyone who wasn’t a size eight or less before. I’d been so damn shallow, that or I was resisting the risk of falling for the type of girl that really drew my attention, but somehow I couldn’t get an erection anymore without Coco’s curves in mind. Her full and heavy breasts felt just right in my hands, the way those nipples filled my mouth perfectly, not to mention the way the cheeks of her arse wobbled as I fucked her from behind. I could never go back, she’d changed me in so many little ways without even trying. I wanted her to keep changing me, until I was the type of man who could give her everything she needed. I reached the apex of her thighs and planted a kiss on the soft baby-like skin of her mons, deeply breathing in the scent of her arousal as I groaned. Damn, that was so hot. No woman had ever got as wet as she did for me, without me even trying. She let out a long, deep moan as I forced myself to move upwards, trailing my tongue over the gentle swell of her stomach to circle her navel, then moved up between her breasts.


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