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Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2)

Page 7

by Vic Broquard

  Emil answered this one, “We dragons are highly magical creatures. Look, we can move through space from known planet to planet, much like you Duskas can. As a result, we all have some innate resistance to magical spells cast against us. None more so than we golds. The greens have the least such innate resistance to magic spells, and they have also the weakest spells of all dragon-kind. Seldom does a green ever achieve even mage level. The whites, browns, blues, and greys are about twice as resistant as the greens, while the blacks and reds are almost triple as resistant as the greens. We, of course, are more than five times as resistant as the lowly greens.” He was rather proud of that fact.

  Zdenka asked quietly, “Emil, what about the level of the magic spell caster? Do we Archmages have a better chance of impacting a dragon with our spells?”

  Emil grinned, “Touché. Yes. If the spell is cast by an Archmages, then in all likelihood, our power would nullify the magical resistance of the dragon. So yes, only an Archmage has any real chance of impacting a dragon with a spell for certain, but a mere mage, not at all likely, though there is always some chance that it might.”

  Chan looked at Emil and then at Zoran, who sensed that she wanted to say something about all this. Zoran nodded slightly towards her and she made up her mind. “Say, that’s pretty much what we Dragon Slayers have found. Normal blades do virtually nothing, so we had to always use enchanted ones, which we stole from our brothers, the barons. We did use a few spells, mostly to confuse the dragon. I think Emil is quite right, sometimes a spell actually does harm the dragon, but not often. Still, it confused the greens enough. We had our men attacking it from behind and its sides, while Wen and I executed a frontal assault. We depended on our Duska skills to keep us out of the way of its slime path. Obviously, I goofed up that last time. Normally, it takes five of us hacking away at a green’s body to finally kill it.”

  Emil nodded, adding solemnly, “And greens are the easiest to kill. Reds and blacks will be far more formidable opponents. I will say this, do not try to use fire-based spells against a red or acid-based spells against a black or electrical-based spells against a brown.”

  Chan grasped what he was implying at once. “Right, whatever their breath weapon is, they must be immune to similar things. Whites are likely immune to cold-based spells, right?”

  Emil grinned, “Quick study. You are right. We golds are immune to fire and electrical based effects as well.”

  Chan grinned back, “Don’t worry, Emil. We have no intentions of ever harming a Golden Dragon — just the slimy, evil greens who have infested our Jing.”

  “This is all well and good,” Jarka interrupted, “but what are we going to do about all the spies among us? That’s what I’d like to know.”

  “Okay, okay, I can take a hint,” Zoran teased her. “Can I leave that up to you, Mage Jarka?” Chan could not believe that Baron Zoran was leaving something of this importance up to a mere mage who was not even Duska!

  “You may,” she replied dryly. “However, Zoran, do we want to safeguard the valuable shipments or do we want to lay a trap and capture some of these raiding dragons? Obviously, that I need to know,” Jarka replied.

  “I say trap the dragons!” Karel burst out angrily.

  Zoran rubbed his face. This, he obviously had to decide. His son spoke up, “Dad, I don’t like the idea that there are spies among us.”

  “Hey, I agree with Tomas. That’s scary. What if the spies are within our fortress and castle?” asked Baron Jan, rather worriedly. Chan was now convinced that Jan was not a major player, but more of a figurehead for Adapazan.

  “Difficult choices, gang,” Zoran mused aloud. “On the one hand, I’d like nothing better than to root out all of the off-world spies.”

  “Hey, they might not be off-world spies,” Jarka interrupted him, mid-thought, something Chan would never dare to do.

  “True, they could well be our own people,” Zoran amended himself. “I’d like to capture some of these dragons and see if we can find out where they came from and perhaps why they were here.”

  “Dad, it is probably Politics at works again,” Nadia suggested. “I would not put it past those barons on Rehor or Gerde to be behind all this. Is there any way that we really could find out such information if we could capture a red or black dragon? If not, then we ought to protect our gem shipments and root out the spies.”

  “But — but how could we possibly capture a fifty foot beast, whose breath could kill all of us?” asked a nervous Baron Jan.

  “Aye, we could chain its mouth shut!” Karel said hostilely. “Damn, then it couldn’t answer our questions. Cancel that thought.” He’d realized his mistake at once, but it was too late to take it back.

  Emil spoke up. “If you promise not to kill them, we golds can capture the reds and get that information from them.”

  “Thank you, Emil. I was rather hoping that you would make such an offer. I give you my word that we will not kill them, if they are captured,” Zoran stated with a huge sigh of relief. “Jarka, you and Chika work out one special transfer of gems that we will use for bait. Handle all of the other transfers on a top secret, need to know basis. It’s high time that we mages earn our keep around here. We’ll teleport the gems from place to place from now on — that is, after we capture some dragons.”

  “You got it! Come on, Chika, we have plans to make,” Jarka grinned. Her days of boredom were now over at last.

  Seeing the meeting breaking up, Chan volunteered, “Baron Zoran, we’d like to help you capturing the dragons. We’re quite experienced, after all.”

  Jarka flashed Zoran a cutting glance. He squared to her and answered, “Chan, Wen, I will gladly accept your help with the dragon problem, but only after Dana pronounces you both are ready for such a fight. As an experienced field leader, you know what the liabilities of having fighters with you who are not yet ready for such an undertaking. I would feel horrible if anything happened to you before we had done our best to get the both of you as fully trained as we possibly can. I give you my word that just as soon as Dana gives me his okay, I’ll let you both in on the action. I have a nagging hunch this is not over, but only the barest scratch of a beginning.”

  Chan’s face fell at first, but Zoran’s words were true. As she was now, one armed, she would be a liability to have on such a dangerous mission, Duska senses or no Duska senses. Fortunately for her, Wen replied. “Thanks, Baron. We appreciate all that you are doing for us. You can count on us when Dana thinks we are ready.” Zoran nodded and followed the others out of the room, leaving Chan, Wen, and Dana alone in the huge hall.

  “Well, that went well, don’t you think?” Dana asked the two.

  “What do you mean?” Wen asked not grasping his intent.

  “Zoran is quite the guy. He got Emil to handle the interrogation of any captured dragons and to help in their capture. Clever, eh?” Dana replied.

  “Well, yes, I rather had the feeling that dragons would stick up for each other,” Chan commented seriously.

  “They do, so this is why Zoran is the best. Anyway, ladies, we have time for one practice session before the dance.”

  “What dance?” asked Chan. Thus far, she’d seen nothing here that remotely resembled courtly life at her parent’s fortress in the past or those of her brothers in the present.

  “Sorry. My ladies, will you give me the honor of coming to our dance this evening right after supper? Unfortunately, I will be playing part of the time, but I can get away with a dance or two with you both,” Dana answered her.

  “But we have no fancy dresses to wear,” Wen stated the obvious, recalling how her mother had dressed for their dances and all of the pretty ball gowns that she and Chan had worn when they were growing up.

  “You wear what you have on now. Everyone else does. Around here, dances are for fun and relaxation. I’m told that they are nothing like the formal dances that our leaders attend at the off-world High Council meetings. Please, you must come,” Dana insisted. Bo
th agreed, finding more and more adjustments had to be made and not just by themselves. Zoran was also adjusting to the changing situations as well.

  Chapter 4 Meetings

  Dana picked up the two Jing women around seven, leading them into the huge ballroom, where already nearly everyone had begun to gather. “Who are all these people?” asked Chan. She and Wen saw well over a hundred men, women, and children already in the huge hall with more still arriving.

  “Yes, who are they? There must be a hundred here already. How big is this dance?” asked Wen. Both were surprised. Back home when they were in their early teens, their parents often held dances for the nobles, but always these were a formal affair, and the two had to wear fancy gowns.

  “Oh, these are all of the workers and their families who help maintain the fortress here and Zdenka’s tower. Rumor has it that Zoran and Zdenka loved all the dances they attended off-world when he first became a baron, and they wanted to do that here. We don’t abide by many formalities around here. This gives everyone who works for Zoran and Zdenka a chance to relax and enjoy themselves and their families. Come on. I’ll introduce you to a few friends of mine, but then I got to go play the harpsichord for a while. When I finish my set, then I can dance with you both for the next set,” Dana explained.

  “You play music too? Amazing,” Wen acknowledged him, very surprised to discover that their master swordsman was also a musician.

  “Sure, don’t you two play something?” he asked rather surprised with their reaction. Both shook their heads and he shrugged his shoulders.

  Zoran gave the musicians a wave, starting the dance. Nothing formal at all, Chan saw. The music was quaint to their ears, dance tunes of Adapazan played on a variety of instruments, crumhorns, shawms, drums, and harpsichord. Later, a set of viols replaced Dana and several others, who now had their opportunity to dance as well.

  When the two finally entered their bedroom that night, both were very impressed with life here on this planet. It was so different from Jing. “It is so homey, so laid back and relaxed here, Wen.”

  “Yes, incredible. I am beginning to really like it here, sis.”

  Chika and Jarka sat in Baron Tomas’ private room waiting for the others to arrive. Baron Tomas and Baroness Archmage Verushka finally entered; she was a bit flushed and both women guessed what the two had been doing this early morning. Chika had Shadow Walked Jarka and herself here to the new Fortress-Circle of Mikolas, Sholov Province. Zoran had rebuilt the fortress which his father had destroyed and already many of those who had fled the province had returned to rebuild their lives. Zoran had his three Circles evenly spaced across the continent. He had named the fortress after the warlord who had discovered Bandar Zar’s hidden room and the priceless documents that allowed Brother Jiri to build new Circles of Ascension. Mikolas had died trying to preserve those documents and had donated all of his funds to help finance the construction of the first new Circle in centuries, Zoran’s Circle in Brn Province. It was only fitting, Zoran often explained his reasoning.

  “Sorry we are a bit late,” Tomas admitted sheepishly.

  The two older women grinned. They were double these two’s age and knew well why. Jarka could not resist a tease, though. “We were once your age too. I hope you didn’t hurry her.” Verushka flushed and lowered her eyes.

  Chika took control. “Okay, we’ve worked out a way to lure the dragons to a gem shipment. We’re going to use your province as the location, Tomas. We want you to announce that you are expecting a big shipment of gem stones from your northern mine. They will be leaving on the 25th of June and are expected to arrive here at Fortress Mikolas on the 27th. You will need to see that the miners there see a large amount of gems being loaded onto the wagon. But do a clever switch. We want most of the sacks to hold merely quartz crystals instead. Keep the real gems safe.”

  “So I am to be the bait. Okay, what else do I need to do?” Tomas asked.

  Jarka took up the plan from here. “Have two men on the wagon as usual, driver and guard. Send along eight more guards for the shipment. Once they get about two miles from the mine, the road is no longer in sight from anyone at the mine. That’s where you’ll be waiting. You and Verushka are to teleport the ten men safely into your fortress and hide them where they cannot be seen by others. It’s just for those few days. After you teleport them away, Emil, Renata, and eight other golds will take their places and continue on down the road. They will take it from there.”

  “So they will try to capture the raiding dragons themselves? Well, that ought to be safer than us getting involved,” Verushka commented, greatly relieved.

  “Yes, Emil wants to make sure that we humans don’t get involved in killing dragons. I can see his point,” Chika replied.

  “Honestly, I don’t see how we could possibly kill dragons!” Jarka added.

  “If we don’t get some answers soon, mom,” Baroness Archmage Verushka responded to her mother’s comment, “we are going to have to find ways to do just that. It may well fall to we Archmages to deal with them, as Emil hinted. Still, killing a dragon is going to be one tough action.”

  “Hey, daughter of mine, you be darn careful!” Jarka cautioned. “You’re my only daughter and an Archmage and baroness too!”

  Verushka grinned and gave her mother a hug. She then asked, “You know, I ought to be there with the golds when they capture the raiding dragons. As your Archmage, Tomas, I might be able to assist Emil and Renata in extracting the information we need.” Jarka cringed, for this was exactly what she was hoping Verushka wouldn’t be doing! Verushka added, “Besides, I am Duska too, thanks to Zoran.”

  At once, both Jarka’s mind and hers went back to that day when she turned fourteen and Zoran had come to her offering her a gift most precious, the Ceremony of Ascension that would attune her physical body and mind, turning her into a Duska. Such was only done to those whose parent or parents were themselves Duska. She was an outsider and yet she and later her two younger brothers were given this priceless gift. She recalled Zoran explaining that he learned from the original Baron of Adapazan’s journals that their first baron had discovered that anyone could become a Duska, but he had not told others of his discovery. Now she too could Shadow Walk, had lightning fast responses, had an innate sense when danger was near at hand, and much more. Couple that with having reached Archmage status, she was incredibly powerful, nearly rivaling Baron Zoran. In fact, only Zoran and Verushka and Nadia in all the Federation of Planets combined Duska with Archmage status.

  Her top power spells were decidedly different from Zoran’s and Zdenka’s, though she shared one in common with her teacher, the ability to have foresight of future events. Rather, Verushka’s talents and skills lay in more defensive power spells. If needed, she could imprison a dragon by speaking the power command word. She could erect a Defensive Sphere through which few could ever pass and remain alive. Already, she had given her husband a gem on which she had cast one of her power spells which would transport him to her room if he was ever in dire straits. However, both she and Zdenka had a good chance to be able to charm a dragon and then get them to obey their wishes. It was this ability that had caused Verushka to suggest that she tag along with the Golden Dragons.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, love, you are probably right. I should speak to Emil about it,” Tomas replied. Lines of worry creased his forehead; yet he always respected her, even when they were children running about Zoran’s fortress.

  Now Jarka was worried, but Chika defused the momentary silence. “Come on, Jarka, we need to work on all the other plans. From now on, all other shipments will be done clandestinely.” Jarka breathed a sigh of relief. She just could not find the words to say to her daughter and was content to rely on the dual facts that Verushka was an Archmage and Duska, though she had no real subjective knowledge of either, save what she had seen in her last score of years.

  “See you all later. I’ve got to go fabricate all of the fake quartz crystals to send along
on the shipment,” Verushka added. The meeting broke up and two Shadow Walked back to Brn, while the Archmage opened a Mystical Door and disappeared, leaving Baron Tomas alone. He had the physical details to handle now. He sighed and hoped this would all work out somehow.

  Emil and his father, Aldrick, flew in great circles, high above Sholov Province, surveying the thin white road that led from the mines in the far north down to the new fortress. “They won’t try anything too close to the fortress,” Aldrick commented. “I think all dragons respect the powers of the barons.”

  “True, while a baron might be able to harm a dragon, it’s unlikely. Rather, they have their strongest defenses and mages there. How about there?” Emil pointed a huge claw to an isolated stretch of the new road. Here, it twisted and turned, coming down from the higher elevations of the many northern mines. Riding on a wagon, the driver would be unable to see very far ahead of his position. Both dragons agreed that this area would be ideal for an interception. Now they swooped down and landed, morphing back into a human form, intent upon studying the location up close.

  Aldrick commented, “Well, son, I knew that this would eventually happen. Humans and dragons simply do not get along well, on the whole.”

  “Well, we do, golds, that is,” Emil pointed out.

  “True, but we are the exceptions and only because of our higher intellect than the other dragon species, son. We value the Archmages of the humans,” his father pointed out the obvious.

  Emil smiled, “Yes, even though Renata and I made the Archmage level, our command of potential spells is vastly more limited than any of the human Archmages that we’ve met. Humans have some value.”

  “Yes, but I’m afraid that many of the other dragon species don’t see it that way,” his father pointed out. “Slave miners for gold and gems would be the fate of humans if the reds and blacks had their way. I knew that sooner or later there would be problems between our two species, son. I just hope that we can defuse this one quickly.”


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