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Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2)

Page 10

by Vic Broquard

  “Any ideas where we can find this spy called Adonis?” he asked the key question. None had. A half hour later, everyone headed back home, except Zoran. “Mind if I stay a bit longer and lend you a hand with burying him, Aldrick? I didn’t want him dead either. Killing others is not the answer.”

  Aldrick looked at Zoran a moment and then nodded his head. The four dug a deep pit and buried the Red Dragon. Aldrick said a few words and then they all left, Zoran bringing the wagon to Sholov with him where he left it before returning to Brn.

  Jarka stayed there with Baron Tomas, giving him some ideas on how to go about finding this spy Adonis. “After all, he had to be around here to have heard your announcement of the valuable gem shipment. Want me to lend you a hand?” she gave him a wry grin. The two set to work trying to figure out how they could find the man amid all of the men in and around Sholov Province. This was a needle in a haystack problem for sure.

  Meanwhile safe in his workshop on the top floor of the fortress at Brn, Archmage Karel focused on the images he was receiving from his enchanted gooey ball still stuck to the side of the Red Dragon. The dragon was just outside some castle, but he couldn’t quite tell where it was. Several men were talking with the beast; it looked argumentative, and Karel cursed that he had not thought of enchanting the ball to also allow him to hear what was being said. “Now that would have been useful,” he growled to his walls. “Where is this place anyway?”

  The red took flight and Karel suddenly got a bit dizzy from all of the seemingly wild, random motion of the images being sent into his mind. At last they stabilized a bit and he saw rugged mountains in the distance. Much later, the dragon swooped down to a giant cave and joined up with another red. Once more they were talking and Karel cursed his lack of foresight again. Then the red took flight again, nearly causing Karel to fall to the floor from the confusing motions in his mind. Another giant cave appeared which had an idyllic lake or pond just below it. The dragon swooped down and dove underwater, which nearly caused Karel to vomit. Then the images ceased. He concluded the gooey ball had been washed off during the plunge into the lake’s waters. Well, at least it had worked. Now he could go to Zoran and allow him to review the images that he’d seen. Perhaps his baron could place the world. If he had to guess, Karel supposed that it was Rehor.

  Ambrogino barely made his escape. It had been a trap. The Gold Dragons were there waiting for them. Before, he had often cautioned Adalberto that the humans were not to be trusted. True, thus far they had stolen a rather large amount of gems, but this time all had gone very wrong. Obviously, the humans were not to be trusted. After barely escaping the throng of golds, he’d moved back to Rehor and then back to check on his companion, Adalberto. Arriving very high in the sky, he saw the golds burying the red’s body and knew that they had killed him. Now Ambrogino was fighting mad!

  “I tell you it was a vicious trap! No gems. Even the people were fake. Golds were there disguised as humans. They knew that we were coming; they were waiting for us. It was a vicious trap! Now how do you suppose that they knew that, eh baron? Well, I’ll tell you. You wanted us dead, right? Well, the hell with you!”

  “But Ambrogino, we want nothing of the kind!” Baron Strom protested. “I had no idea this was a trap. If I did, I sure would not have sent you two there! You have to believe me. Somehow they found out about the raid. Are you sure one of your friends didn’t tip them off?” he tried to switch the responsibility of the disastrous failure onto the reds themselves.

  Ambrogino stared at the ugly baron. He thought, what does he think I am, an idiot? “You haven’t heard the last of this. Adalberto is dead; someone has to pay dearly for that!” With that, he lunged upwards, taking flight, leaving the baron fuming. He thought, This is the last straw. I’m going to spread the word. These humans are not to be trusted. Hell, we might as well rob them too.

  On his way back to his cave, he decided to stop off at Adalberto’s cave and let his friend’s mate, Alfonsina, know that Adalberto would not be returning. He entertained the notion that now he might court her. Perhaps she would think better of him. Arriving at their cave, he landed just as the alert dragon stepped out. “Greeting Ambrogino. Where’s Adalberto? Bring back lots of pretty gems did you?”

  “I am the bearer of really sad news, Alfonsina. We were betrayed by these nasty humans. It was a trap. There were no gems, only a dozen Gold Dragons waiting for us. They got Adalberto. Killed him. At least they buried his body. We’ve been had by the baron and his men! I am so sorry for you, my pretty lady.” He puffed up to his full height, hoping to impress her a little.

  As he expected, she began crying over her loss, but thanked him for telling her. “We will get revenge, Alfonsina, I promise you that we will.” After consoling her a bit, she wanted to be left alone and he headed to his cave. Time enough for courting her later, he thought.

  As he neared it, he thought, “God, I ought to wash off all traces of that human filth and the touch of the golds!” He dove deep into the cool waters of his private pond. Chilled and invigorated, he rose out of the pond, water dripping off of his now clean hide. He walked stately into his own cave, thinking about how best to get revenge. “You can’t trust these humans; that’s abundantly clear now. I will spread the word.”

  “Great idea, Karel!” Zoran complimented his Archmage friend, after reviewing the images that Karel had shown him from the one Red Dragon that had escaped the trap. “Yes, that is Baron Strom and some of his mages talking to that red. It is outside his fortress, I think, but I can’t be sure. It fits with what Baroness Archmage Verushka got out of the one that was electrocuted. The baron has been behind all of the raids here on Adapazan. Caught him red-handed, so to speak.” Both men chuckled at his pun.

  “Glad to be of service. I must return to my lab now. Let me know if you need more of those gooey balls. Next time, I will see if I cannot get sound with it as well. Would have been more useful to also know what they were saying. Any idea on who their spy is — this Adonis?”

  “None at all. Jarka and Tomas will see if they can find him,” Zoran suggested. Karel nodded, turned on his heels, and headed back to his workshop and lab. Now he had the ingredients that he had longed to have for a decade: blood and flesh from a Red Dragon. His mind reeled over all of the possibilities that this offered him. Oh, the enchantments he could now make!

  Around midnight, Archmage Nadia walked the austere halls and spotted her dad pacing as well. “Dad, you still up? Can’t sleep?” He looked up, from deep in thought. “You know these dragons are not your fault. You brought only the Gold Dragons who have been good friends with us all. The other barons brought the evil beasts to the Federation.”

  “I know, but I did and it bothers me still. You can’t sleep either dear?” Zoran asked.

  “No, I keep thinking about what Verushka found out today — that Strom Clav was behind the reds raiding us. Dad, I can’t help but think that this runs deeper than just this. It’s just not Adapazan that Strom is angry with — he hates all our allies as well. If I were him, I would be sending the reds to raid Valtr, Gladno, and the others as well.”

  Zoran finally smiled. “Yes, that’s what has been bothering me all night. That would be the predictable thing for Strom to do. Five other worlds could well be being raided just as we have been, but what proof do we have?”

  “Ah, that’s what’s bothering you isn’t it? No tangible proof of Strom’s involvement. Dad, you can at least talk with the other allied barons and see if they can find patterns like Jarka has here.”

  “But I’ve never told other barons my hunches or suspicions, dear. I always present them with proof. Without proof, it is just my word, my hunch, my suspicions. I am being a gossip, a warmonger, if I do that. I refuse to play politics.”

  “Dad, we know, but I had a thought. What if you and Jarka visited our allies and have her present her findings. Perhaps she can help them amass similar data on their worlds. You would then be one step closer to the truth, even i
f you cannot prove who is behind such raids,” his daughter suggested.

  “I know that you are right. I’ve been procrastinating, hoping none of this was so. Okay, I’ll get on it tomorrow. I guess we both better get some sleep. Dusan is probably wondering where you are,” Zoran teased her a bit.

  “Oh, I am known to walk the halls at night, dad. You know that. Come on; let’s walk you back to mom.”

  The first of July, Zoran and Jarka prepared to visit their allied planet’s barons. “Okay, should I wear court dresses and heels and you, your suit?” she asked, hoping she’d get another chance to dress up. Jarka always attended the High Council meetings where finery abounded, as each baroness did her best to outshine her peers. Besides, she was one of his best and most astute advisors.

  “This is a business meeting, Jarka. However, you are right; politics are going to enter again. We dress up. I guess I best go change. My leathers won’t do at all.” A half hour later, he strapped a short sword around his waist and looked at his appearance in his mirror. “I’m getting a bit old. Putting on a little weight I see. Well, that’s the way it is.” Jarka was not yet ready and he walked over to his wife’s tower. Baroness Archmage Zdenka was busy instructing her dozen magic students, but took time to straighten his tie and give him a loving kiss. Soon, Zoran was pacing the halls, waiting on Jarka. Not like the frantic, hectic old days anymore, he mused.

  Mage Jarka finally appeared wearing her fancy red ball gown, whose hoops reached twelve feet across at the floor. She wore slightly lower heels since she decided that she might not always be able to lean on Zoran for balance and support in the now standard extreme heels that most baronesses wore to the gala affairs. Still, she was armed to the teeth with concealed weapons and had all her documents nicely shrunk into a small pouch stuffed in one of the dress’ many concealed pockets. She checked her appearance once more and left her quarters, where Zoran was slowly pacing the long hall. “All set here. Shall we be off?” she said ignoring the fact that he probably had been waiting for some time for her. He didn’t have to get into such an outfit, she justified.

  “Yes, first stop is Valtr and Baron Stefan and my sister, Baroness Rayna.” He took her hand and they took one step forward, as he pulled her into the Shadows with himself. Grey-black nothingness assaulted Jarka’s senses. How many times had she been on a Shadow Walk now? She’d lost count, but it was always the same eerie feeling — one of total and complete lostness, a void beyond all voids. As usual, she wondered how Zoran could possibly find his way with no visible landmarks to guide him. Still, she was eternally grateful that Zoran had performed the Ceremony of Ascension on her three children, turning them into powerful Duskas who could Shadow Walk as well as he. That gift was priceless and ensured that she’d give her life to protect and serve Zoran, no matter what.

  Soon the brownish planet of Valtr appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the grey-black void. Quickly the rolling hills with their waving sea of grasslands and rocky outcropping grew larger. She saw the familiar fortress of Baron Stefan appearing, and a moment later Zoran stepped them both out of the Shadows onto the magnificent Circle of Ascension, where Stefan and Rayna were waiting for them.

  As expected, Rayna wore a huge brown ball gown, Jarka noted, now convinced that they had made the proper choice of attire. From her slow movements over to hug her brother, she also knew that she was wearing the fashionable extreme heels. For a moment, she regretted not wearing hers, but soon realized she had been right. She could not lean on Zoran all of the time.

  “Little brother! So good to see you again. You are gaining a bit of weight I see,” Baroness Rayna exclaimed as she hugged him tightly. She wore a bright yellow dress, which accentuated her blue eyes and rich brown hair. Stefan wore a fine silk suit much like Zoran’s. He too was putting on a bit of weight, but Jarka was wise enough not to comment upon it.

  “Well met again, Baron Zoran, Mage Jarka! So what is all this mystery around your visit? Rayna and I have been trying to figure it out since you Messaged us,” Stefan greeted him and shook Jarka’s hand ceremoniously.

  “You know that I dislike spreading rumors which may or may not be factual, Stefan, but this time, I have to at least alert you. Is there somewhere we four can talk in private?”

  “Yes. Do you want my brothers, Baron Zdenk and Daron to attend or Zusa and Kamila as well?” he asked. He thought that Zoran might wish his half-sisters to also hear what he had to say.

  “Darn, you are probably right. Let’s get us all together, Stefan. I’m afraid what Jarka and I have to say is not good news at all.”

  While Stefan escorted Rayna on his arm, moving very slowly so she could keep her balance in her extreme heels, he Messaged the other four. By the time that he reached his private meeting chambers, Baron Zdenk and Baroness Zusa Vavrin Pavel were already there waiting him, as well as Baron Daron and Baroness Kamila Lota Pavel. Both women also wore fancy ball gowns and the accompanying extreme heels, Jarka duly noted. Still, the three women could cling to their husbands for support, while she dare not encumber Zoran.

  “Hi big brother,” Zusa exclaimed, moving slowly to give him a welcoming hug. Kamila was right behind her. After the perfunctory greetings finished, Stefan bade everyone sit, much to the relief of the three baronesses, whose feet and knees always took a beating when wearing their seven inch heels.

  “Okay, I do not want to alarm anyone unduly. However, on Adapazan, we have a new situation that has been developing for the past six months, maybe far longer,” Zoran began formally. “Some of our gem shipments from the mines to our cities have been raided by off-world dragons, reds and blacks mainly. I will allow Mage Jarka to make her presentation, since she was the one who discovered this mess.”

  Once again, Jarka conjured her giant display and graphs. She took her time and covered all of the details thoroughly, ending with their recent attempt to trap the raiders, resulting in the death of a Red Dragon. She outlined in detail what they had learned from the red before he tried to kill Baroness Archmage Verushka Vladislov, Jarka’s eldest child.

  “Oh my god! So these infernal raids that we’ve been having here on Valtr are not just random events as part of doing business with the dragons!” Stefan exclaimed.

  “I take it you have been having raids here too?” Jarka asked.

  “Yes, oh my yes. Nothing huge mind you. Until now, we thought they were merely dragons from other planets doing a bit of random thievery,” Baron Zdenk inserted.

  Zoran spoke up, “Please, please barons, don’t jump to conclusions! We have no data that suggests that your raids were other than what you’ve said, random acts. I would suggest that you have your people put together charts similar to those that Jarka has made for me. Then, inspect the results and see if there is a pattern similar to ours. Perhaps you too can lay a trap and capture one or more of the raiders and weasel out of it if anyone has sent the dragons here to Valtr. Keep us posted. Perhaps we allies can get together and share findings at the Fall High Council meeting.”

  Stefan agreed wholeheartedly and the eight chatted for another half hour, before Zoran wanted to leave to visit Gladno and share this data with them. As they said their farewells, Rayna commented to Jarka, “Excellent work, Mage Jarka. Your daughter has become one of the most powerful women in the entire Federation, Baroness and Archmage, like Zoran. You must be incredibly proud of her.”

  “You bet I am. I have Zoran to thank for that. We can chat more at the council. Got to run; Zoran is a bit impatient today,” she exaggerated, joining hands with him, as he prepared to Shadow Walk once more.

  Once more into the void, Jarka thought as her body was pulled into the Shadows. Soon the green, heavily forested world of Gladno appeared, none too soon for her stomach which was beginning to revolt. They arrived at Baron Leo’s Circle of Ascension, located in the basement level of his huge fortress complex. She wondered why Zoran was choosing to arrive in the Circles, but did not have time to ask, for Baron Leo Matous and Baroness Lida were waitin
g to greet them.

  “Welcome little brother,” Lida teased him. She wore a billowing blue ball gown, matching the color of her eyes, with a brown waist band that matched her hair. Leo wore a suit much like Zoran’s, but he still looked a bit youthful, Zoran noted. After exchanging courtly pleasantries, Zoran asked that Leo’s other two barons and baronesses join them for a private meeting. Again, while Leo escorted the very slow moving Lida down the long corridors and up the many stairs to his private meeting room, he notified the others, and they teleported straight to the room and were waiting on them to get there. Zoran wondered why Leo had not just opened a Mystical Door to his room, but soon realized that he hadn’t so that Lida and he could chat. He hadn’t seen her since the Spring High Council meeting.

  Baron Viktor Pavel, Jr. had married Leo’s sister Baroness Katrina. Leo’s older brother, Baron Aldons and his wife Baroness Valkrie were there as well. All three baronesses wore similar gowns and heels. The barons wore suits similar to Zoran’s, Jarka duly noted. Leo’s sister Dusana had married Terra’s Baron John Witherspoon, she recalled. Her memory was still quite eidetic.

  After casting anti-scrying spells as usual, Zoran got down to the business at hand. After his introduction, he turned the meeting over to Jarka, who gave an identical presentation, ending with the results that her daughter had gotten from the Red Dragon.

  “Oh good grief! This is really becoming a very nasty business indeed!” Leo exclaimed. He quickly pointed out that here on Gladno, they had been plagued with raids from reds, blacks, browns, and even whites! Once more, Zoran urged them to make a complete analysis of the many raids and graph them as Jarka had done. Leo promised to have full data available at the Fall High Council meeting.

  From there, the two went to the farming planet Cosma. Cosma and Terra provided the vast majority of farming exports to the other planets. Here Baron Arcangelo Mondo had taken over for his father, Aldo, several years ago. Baroness Gabriella wore a pink gown that was at least sixteen feet at the floor, Jarka observed. His brother Baron Bernardo and his wife Berta Valtr Mondo soon joined them, as well as Baron Vincens Gervaise and Baroness Florianna, their sister. Their younger sister, Arianne, had married Baron William Weatherspoon of Terra. Yes, there was a lot of cross-cousin marriages within the ruling families of the Federation of Planets.


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