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Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2)

Page 16

by Vic Broquard

  “Fine. I’ll get back to you soon. Fifty thousand per set, with a set meaning hide, bones, teeth and claws. One large bag’s worth, shrunk of course,” Honani replied. The two shook hands and Honani Shadow Walked back to Isi. Business had really begun to pick up for this adventurer and bastard son of late Baron Hinto Yamitiwa.

  It’s easy to hide on the vast plains of Isi, but only if you are Duska or a mage. The inhabited continent was extremely oblong, well over six thousand miles long, but only two thousand high. Rolling grasslands with timbered evergreen forests in the northern portion and deciduous forests elsewhere formed the topography of Isi. Great herds of hoofed animals roamed freely as did most of the human inhabitants. The only one permanent city on Isi lay at Hovani Wahkan or Holy Site, the fortress and Circle of Ascension, home of Baron Chua and Baroness Alameda Yamitiwa. Hovani Wahkan was located squarely in the middle of the continent, as if someone had surveyed for this precise spot. All its grey stone had been imported from Adapazan and Rehor. He was now forty-four, inheriting the top leadership and ancient Circle from his father, Hinto.

  However, within the last twenty years, two more, but smaller fortresses at the west and eastern edges of the continent had been constructed to house the two new Circles for his younger brothers. Baron Hania and Baroness Chumani lived in the Wahkan Misu, or Holy River, located at the western edge of the continent where the largest river emptied into the ocean. Baron Keme and Baroness Juci lived in the new eastern fortress of Wahkan Niyol or Holy Wind. Here, strong easterly winds blew nearly constantly in from the ocean.

  Most of these nomadic people lived in semi-permanent settlements of domed huts made from saplings and animal hides. A village might house a tribe of a few hundred at most. These nature-attuned people were hunters and gatherers for the most part. The barons traded furs and hides off-world for the few essentials they needed, mostly metal tools and weapons.

  Culturally, the ruling baron was expected to spread his Holy Seed throughout the land, spreading his vitality throughout his people. Hence, there were many of these “holy children” born out of wedlock, but each one was brought to the Circle of Ascension on their fourteenth birthday and given the Ceremony of Ascension making them Duskas. While these young men and women would never inherit the throne and being more able than the normal inhabitant, they were supposed to spread their vitality and strength to their tribes, thereby ensuring the tribe’s long term survival.

  Of course, some of these bastard Duskas didn’t see it this way. Honani was one of these; he wanted more than a life of hunting herd animals. Over the years, he’d formed up a band of like-minded Duskas, and they called themselves Namids or Star Dancers, for they loved to travel the sixteen planets of the Federation. Honani was thirty-three and his soul mate was Awinita, a year older. Askook and his mate Donoma were thirty. Cheveyo and his mate Kachina were twenty-nine. Together, these six had traveled extensively throughout the sixteen planets, particularly the backwaters of the civilizations there.

  More importantly, both Cheveyo and Kachina had a knack for “divination,” though Kachina was far better at it. That is, they often sensed where something of value may lay hidden from prying eyes. Frequently, the Namids would retrieve that special thing. Some might call them grave robbers, but their reply would be simply, “What use is a magical sword to a dead and buried man?” Others might call them spirit wanderers, always in search of more interesting places to visit. Others might call them a pack of thieves. Opportunists might be more accurate. Honani seized this golden opportunity to vastly increase their wealth and ultimate survival in abundance. Never had they seen the kind of funds they’d already received for the blood of the dragons.

  Of course, they had been very clever in obtaining that blood. Because of their wide travels, they were very familiar with haunts of many dragons off-world as well as their own. They had been patient and took key opportunities to strike when parents of smaller dragons left to hunt for their small offspring. While none of them wanted to attack a full grown dragon, they thought nothing of attacking the smaller, young ones. The needed dragon blood had thus been easy for them to acquire. The huge funds they’d received fueled Honani’s further inquiries of Milan. Kachina had said that perhaps they could rob the graves of known dead dragons, who always buried their fallen with ceremony and honor.

  “Kachina, your idea was brilliant! Milan went for it big time! Fifty grand per large bag! Gang, let’s get this show on the road,” Honani reported to his small band.

  “I’ll stay behind and watch all our kids,” Awinta offered. “Not much danger in digging up bones.” All laughed, no there was not, just easy money.

  Chapter 9 The Fall High Council

  During the first week of September, Zoran, Verushka, and Karel became involved with Zdenka and her training of her magic students. Why? Zdenka had three students who were at long last tackling the top power spells that any mage could possibly cast! Yes, if these three could somehow learn to reliably cast just one of these power spells, they would join the elite of the elite of mages, achieving Archmage status. She even pulled in Emil and Renata to help on the power spells that they could cast, the conjuring of a storm of fiery meteors.

  Zoran’s sisters, Rayna and Lida, both begged Zdenka to train their children. Lida had had a month’s worth of training under Zdenka some twenty years ago and had learned more from her in that time than in years under her father’s Archmage. Obviously, Zdenka could not refuse, but insisted that their children would have to pass her usual acceptance test. Curiously, Lida’s two boys failed the test, but her daughter passed. Zelenka was accepted and began her training at fourteen, just after she was given the Ceremony of Ascension. This long brown haired teen had spent four long years studying under Zdenka and was now struggling mightily with these top power spells. Zdenka had watched the slow changes in Zelenka over these years.

  At first, the young teen was only interested in fancy court dresses and finery, desiring to become a beautiful baroness like her mother, regal and knowledgeable. Bit by bit, Zelenka changed, becoming more and more interested in magic and what she could do with it. She was a creator type of person and took easily to the many spells that created something or some temporary creature. Now she was tackling the power spells and, as any mage did, she was having a very tough, discouraging time of it.

  Rayna’s son also failed the admittance test, but her two daughters passed. Her youngest, Zora, now fifteen, had only been studying with Zdenka for eighteen months, but was a mage in her own right, able to Teleport at will. Of course, as a Duska, she really didn’t need this spell particularly. Zora was still growing and had a gangly frame and a gap between her two front teeth. Overly concerned with her appearance, she took to alteration spells, especially those that she could use on herself. No one could predict what color her hair would become on any given day.

  On the other hand, Chesna, now sixteen, had been studying for over two and a half years under Zdenka’s careful guidance. This young teen did not have her mother’s good looks, but had an inquiring mind, full of curiosity. She’d become fast friends with the slightly older Zelenka, who had sort of adopted her as her little sister. After all, they were cousins. Zelenka constantly fed Chesna tips and pointers, even spending long hours with her when needed. As a result, Chesna had caught up to Zelenka, and now the two were working together, valiantly trying to learn these top power spells.

  The third student was Ivana Jakuba, twenty-two years old with long black hair, greenish eyes, and a totally disarming smile. A Byn blacksmith’s daughter, she knew that she could not follow in her father’s footsteps. She did not want to take in laundry like her mother. She had tried sewing but simply was not good at it. For a time, she tried being a barmaid, but soon loathed how men constantly mistreated her. She was no man’s thing, she often declared. Finally, she tried her hand at being a maid for the inn. When Zdenka held her spring picking five years ago, she watched all of the young hopefuls trying to get chosen. On the spur of the mome
nt, she had decided to try it. After all, the worst that could happen is that she’d walk away smiling like so many others had. To her amazement, Zdenka chose her to learn the ways of magic!

  A year later, Zelenka came and Ivana was extremely impressed with this person of royalty! Fancy clothes also appealed to Ivana. The two became good friends, especially with Ivana helping Zelenka with the beginning spells that she already knew how to cast. Later, Chesna joined them and thereafter, the three were always studying together, nearly inseparable. “Come on, you two, we just have to master one of these power spells!” she declared to Zelenka and Chesna, who were both quite frustrated at the extreme difficulty of these spells.

  With the constant help of Zoran, Verushka, Karel, Emil, and of course, Zdenka, this first week in September proved the most fruitful week ever for Zdenka’s students. Ivana made the first breakthrough, Stopping Time, much to the hilarity of all present. She’d tied Zoran’s shoe laces together, put Zdenka’s hair ribbon onto Karel, and put Verushka’s staff in Emil’s hands. Everyone roared with laughter at the antics when time resumed and Zoran fell flat on his face. After that breakthrough, the three began to make real progress.

  Seven long days later, and Zelenka was able to cast both the Sphere of Ultimate Protection and the incredibly valuable Foresight Spell. Chesna was able to Change One’s Shape — she preferred that of a white wolf, Cancel Magic like Zoran could, and Foresight. Meanwhile, Ivana could cast Crushing Fist like Zdenka, conjure a Swarm of Meteors like Emil, and Stop Time like Zdenka could.

  Proudly, Zdenka announced her new three Archmages to all of her students and all of those in the fortress as well. Also in attendance were their beaming families, Shadow Walking from both Gladno and Valtr for this special celebration. “I give you Archmage Zelenka Matous, Archmage Chesna Pavel, and Archmage Ivana Jakuba!” Zdenka proclaimed, “Let the party begin.” All of their parents were in attendance, though the blacksmith and his wife felt uncomfortable and out of place. Still even this could not dampen the pride that Ivana’s father felt that evening.

  Both Leo and Lida as well as Stefan and Rayna had come, wearing their finest dress outfits, in honor of their daughters’ remarkable achievement. All four thanked Zdenka repeatedly, promising her anything that she ever desired for having trained their daughters so incredibly well.

  Later that evening, Zoran made Ivana an offer that she could not refuse: he gave her an Archmage Tower of her own. Okay, it would take several years to be constructed just to the east of his outer fortress wall, but this was a royal incentive, and Ivana did not hesitate to join his staff.

  The next day, Zdenka also told the three that they would need to come to the next High Council meeting to be formally presented to the Federation. Immediately, the three began to worry about what to wear, particularly Ivana who had no idea about fancy courts and the acceptable dresses worn there. Zelenka and Chesna gaily handled that for her during the week before the meeting, even going so far as to purchase the expensive apparel and accessories for her. Both knew that Ivana currently had virtually no funds of her own. “That will change soon, Ivana. You are an Archmage now and Zoran had better pay you well,” Zelenka teased her.

  Two days before the Fall High Council, Baroness Archmage Zdenka called all of the women who would be going together for a women’s-only meeting. “Okay, most of us know well the dress code that the many baronesses will be wearing during these council days on Alta. Ivana has no idea of what to expect, though Chesna and Zelenka have been coaching her. However, ladies, there is a very real possibility that we may be attacked by a horde of dragons during this council. After all, the Federation’s rulers and most of the mages will be present under one roof, making us a prime target. If an attack does come, tight corsets, enormous ball gowns, and the impossible extreme heels will make we women particularly vulnerable. Such will hinder us if we are attacked, to say nothing of hindering our men.”

  “What has Baroness Anita Cencion said? Has she contacted you about this?” Mage Jarka interjected. She hoped that Zdenka had some news from their host baroness. She was ambivalent. While she dearly loved these opportunities to dress up in her extremely fancy and expensive dresses, she also knew that Zdenka was spot on, such would be debilitating if an attack came.

  “Yes, I am afraid that she too is worried. We’ve discussed this at length last night. This is the traditional time of year for us women to don our finest. If we do not do so, we would be viewed as having given in to this dragon threat. Yet, if the attack does come, we will be in trouble if we are all dolled up as usual. One can argue this both ways. Stay dolled up and show the world that dragons cannot impact us and risk possible death or go dressed for a battle which might not come. If we dress for a battle, others will see that we are taking this potential threat very seriously. If we do that, she and I both agree that can adversely affect the moral of the average person. Hence, she and I reached a compromise. Today, she is relaying our decision to all of the other baronesses,” Zdenka calmly continued.

  “Ladies, we wear our usual fancy court dresses, but keep the corseting to a minimum. Wear comfortable, low heels or even flats or boots. After all, our heels can rarely be seen beneath our billowing ball gowns anyway. That way, she and I feel that we will be able to react to any dragon attack and not be at a significant disadvantage. Also, each of us is to carry a magically enchanted dagger on our person at all times, just in case we are attacked. Baroness Anita insists that we have them as a last resort. In short, we dress up as usual, but be ready to fight and stand on our own if the dragon attack does materialize. Of course, we will keep our Premonition Spells activated at all times while we are there. Hopefully that will give us advanced warning and time to more fully prepare.”

  Jarka grinned. “I like it, devious! We give the appearance that all is well, exuding confidence, yet we will be prepared for the worst. I love it!” Zdenka smiled; she knew that Mage Jarka would have such a reaction.

  After a bit more discussion, Zdenka ended by saying, “Finally, those of you who do not have a magically enchanted dagger are to go see Mage Dana immediately. He’ll get you one best suited to you. Now let’s get busy, ladies. We have a lot of packing to do. Thank goodness for Shrink spells!” Everyone laughed. Nothing was truer for the women at these two times of the year.

  Zoran didn’t want to leave Adapazan wholly unguarded during their absence. He spent part of the day visiting one of Archmages that Zdenka had trained some fifteen years ago. Archmage Jakob Hamil was in the service of the warlord of Tratky, the northernmost province. “I need to ask a very big favor of you, Archmage Jakob. We are off to the Fall High Council in two days’ time. We’ll be gone for four days at most. Because Baron Alvaro suspects that the dragons might take this opportunity to attack his fortress, we are bringing along as many Archmages as possible. However, I don’t want to leave Adapazan defenseless. Who knows, the dragons might take this opportunity to attack us again.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Archmage Jakob asked solemnly. He already had suspected that Baron Zoran would be coming for his services. News of the dragon attacks had reached him here in the far north.

  “Come to Brn and watch over the Fortress. If any trouble comes, Message me immediately and we’ll all Shadow Walk back instantly. If you will do this for me, I will owe you a big favor, Archmage.”

  Jakob smiled broadly. He was relieved to hear that his baron did not want him to go to Alta with him. He hated Shadow Walking. “I accept. I’ll come tomorrow morning and you can show me what’s what. I’ll need a Duska to actually Message you, though. This is the least that I can do for Baroness Archmage Zdenka. After all, if it were not for her, I would never have become an Archmage. I owe her far more than I can ever repay. You can count on me, Baron.” The two shook hands and he Shadow Walked back to his fortress, greatly relieved.

  He and Zdenka had spoken of the real possibility that the dragons might attack while they were all gone. She had countered his notion that they would not
be attacking while they were gone. Her fear was that they might attack because the blacks would most likely be seeking revenge for their having killed and wounded so many blacks during that last attack. Hence, he felt better knowing that an Archmage would be on duty just in case.

  “There dear, everything is all packed. One bag,” Zdenka announced the morning they were to depart. She’d gotten up extra early to dress. From experience, she and Jarka knew precisely how long it took for them to get into their fancy outfits.

  “You look lovely, my dear,” Zoran replied, giving her a loving kiss. “What would I ever do without you?” Zdenka didn’t reply but had an image of Zoran making a complete mess of his apparel.

  In a nearby room, poor Ivana was dumbfounded at all of the individual pieces that had to be donned in just the proper order, but Chesna and Zelenka hovered over her, assisting her as well as each other. “Look Ivana, none of us can get into one of these outfits on our own. They are way too restrictive; another set of hands really is required.” She attempted to put Ivana’s worried mind at easy.

  “Are you sure?” Ivana asked timidly.

  “Absolutely. Jarka and Zdenka are dressing each other as we speak,” Chesna explained. At last properly attired, the three women picked up their single bags which contained a whole wardrobe shrunk way down in size and headed to the Great Hall. Just as the three exited, they saw Jarka and Zdenka leaving the baroness’ quarters, with Zoran trailing behind them. Ivana relaxed, apparently Chesna was right. Jarka had helped Zdenka into her sky blue gown.

  “Wow, you ladies look absolutely stunning,” Zoran admired the trio. Ivana blushed.

  “More stunning than little old me?” Jarka jabbed back playfully.


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