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Dragons, Power, Courts, And War (Book 2)

Page 52

by Vic Broquard

  “How does this affect you? Simple. As Verushka has already told you, we have observed that the longer a woman carries these foul beasts, the more that their bodies now inherently have magical energies permanently within them. Those that go full term have shown incredible ability to learn magic at nearly triple the rate of ordinary students, perhaps more! It is our shared belief, that if you chose to go full term, you will have the very best chance to also become not only a Duska as is your birthright, but also an Archmage. We cannot guarantee that you will actually achieve that. It all depends on you and how well you take to magic, how well you practice it, how well you learn it, and so on. What we are asking you to consider here is to give yourself the best possible chance to become the very best that you can be, Adrianna. That’s all.”

  “Incredible. I never knew any of this. So I can’t get this ceremony until the beast is out of me?” she asked, considering his words carefully.

  Jarmila answered this one, “It would be exceedingly difficult and possibly life threatening for you to undergo the ceremony while carrying the dragon within you.”

  “I’m going to lose my arms either way, right?” she asked timidly.

  Verushka answered her. “More than likely. Although we will do our best to find a solution in time, I am doubtful such can ever be found. I honestly do not hold out much hope that a cure will be found in time, but Jarka will do her very best to try. The dragons were too good at what they did to you.”

  “If I get rid of the dragon today and then get the ceremony and start in on learning all these things, does that mean I have to also lose my arms or can I wait until later,” she asked, still clinging to the slightest hope for her arms.

  “Yes, you can wait until keeping them becomes life threatening to you,” Zoran answered.

  “I have to consider mom too, in all this. You see, it is just her and me. She has the inn and without me, how’s she going to manage? She probably is wondering what happened to me. The sooner that I can get back to life and help her run the inn, the better. Two whole months is a long time to add on top of everything else. I don’t know a darn thing about magic and Archmages or even Duskas, for that matter. I just know that I want to get back to helping mom run our inn as soon as I can. Sitting around for two months doing nothing seems foolish to me. I could be done and back to her sooner if we get started today.”

  Damn, we forgot all about their relatives! Zoran thought. These ninety-six all have relatives who are alive and wondering what happened to them! Now we’ve got to handle them too. He mentally sent these thoughts to Verushka and Nadia, not wanting to alarm the others. Verushka rolled her eyes as she got his message, Nadia frowned. Everyone had been so busy that they had not even thought of this aspect.

  Verushka then said, “Okay, Adrianna, we will abide by your decision. If you will go with Jarka and Izabela, they will get you the potion. Assuming that you are recovered enough, High Priestess Jarmila will give you your birthright ceremony tomorrow. After that, we will meet again and work out a daily learning schedule with you. Thank you for weighing all the options and making your choice.” Adrianna looked both relieved and hopeful. Smiling, she rose and followed the two women out of the room.

  “Well, honestly, Zoran, we’ve been way too busy with these women to realize that they have families to consider in all this,” Verushka justified.

  “Dad, how can we keep up our subterfuge with the dragons if we let these ninety-six women’s families know what’s happened to them?” asked Nadia.

  “Let me worry about that detail. You handle the women.” Both women smiled, more than willing to let him deal with this hot potato. “I’ll start in on that after the ceremony. I need to make sure that Adrianna is okay and is safely on her path.”

  That evening, Adrianna, closely monitored by Jarka and Izabela, complained, “Oh, I’ve got these awful cramps and I can’t even rub my belly!” Jarka quickly began massaging her. An hour ago, Izabela gave her the special potion. It was the worst tasting thing that Adrianna had ever tasted or so she claimed. Now it was working. The dragon fetus was being rejected from her body.

  “This is normal, Adrianna. In a little while, you will start bleeding and then it will be all over,” Izabela explained softly. It had worked this way many times in the past for her. No one expected what would happen next, however.

  Zdenka had just finished working out the next day’s lessons for her top level students, when her Premonition spell activated. Startled, she jumped up and opened a Mystical Door to the infirmary room where Adrianna was now sitting on the edge of the bed, complaining of cramps. Jarka and Izabela looked up in surprise as Zdenka’s Door appeared. All most at once, so did Verushka’s and Nadia’s. The three Archmages stepped into the room, saw each other and nodded. Evidently, all three had just had the same vision.

  “Jarka, Izabela, please leave this room immediately and shut the door behind you,” Zdenka ordered sternly. Something was up, Jarka knew at once, but she hastily obeyed, though she kept looking back over her shoulder to see if anything was happening until Izabela shut the door. Both put their ears to the door. Curiosity got the better of the two.

  “How do we handle this one?” Verushka asked rapidly, slightly scared. Nadia looked very pale and said nothing.

  “Roman Candles through the ceiling,” Zdenka replied. Already she had raced through all her spells in search of an answer. She found none, but did recall reading about something similar in one old, dusty volume. “Prepare to absorb and shoot it out through the ceiling.”

  “Oh! It’s really hurting now! Something’s wrong. I can’t move my arms. Oh god!” Adrianna began to panic.

  “Put your hands on her body. Whatever we do, we must not let go,” Zdenka said rapid fire.

  “What’s happening to me? Am I dying?” Adrianna wailed, becoming terrified again. She felt the three women’s hands upon her shoulders, forming a sort of human pyramid around her. Without warning, it began.

  Enormous quantities of magical energy suddenly surged up and out of Adrianna’s body. She lit up like a giant bonfire. The three Archmages absorbed the energy and released it upwards towards the ceiling, like some gigantic Roman Candle, shooting fire and flames skyward. All four women’s hair rose up into the air. Each strand of their hair fought to get as far from each other strand as possible. For a moment, Zdenka felt like her own body might explode.

  A minute later, the energy flow vanished, as suddenly as it had come. Lying on the floor was the remains of the dragon fetus. The four women looked at each other’s hair and they started to laugh. Soon all four were roaring, their hair looked absolutely wild, in a dire need of brushing. At least it had fallen back down. “What happened? I feel a whole lot better. The pain is gone, but I still can’t feel my arms,” Adrianna asked, very confused.

  “When the dragon fetus was ejected from your body, it caused a massive release of magical energies, which likely would have killed you, had we not absorbed it and released it harmlessly into the air,” Zdenka explained.

  “Mom, look, she’s got the same energy levels now as those who have just given birth!” exclaimed Nadia. All three examined Adrianna carefully, verifying that was indeed the case.

  “Well, this is an interesting discovery. It seems that you have the same huge energy potential within you as our seventeen women have,” Zdenka explained. “Perhaps you will be learning magic at an accelerated rate as well. I wonder if this is unique to you as Duska born or if it will happen to the other women as well?”

  Jarka knocked on the door and asked what was happening. The three now let them return and explained what had happened. “You should have seen our hair!” Adrianna cheerfully described how wild it had been. After making sure that there were no ill effects and making her drink a healing potion just to be on the safe side, the three left her in the care of the two potion makers. They had to discuss this new phenomenon immediately.

  After much discussion, the three agreed that they needed to repeat this with one o
f the other women. By the next morning, everyone had heard about the Roman Candle Phenomenon as everyone was now calling it. Zdenka again got the ninety-five women together and explained what had happened. She ended by asking, “We would like to have one volunteer who wishes to end her pregnancy now and take a gamble on this, realizing that you might be jeopardizing the speed with which you will later be able to learn magic. If it fails, you could go slower in your studies, probably like one of our normal students. If it works, we have a solution for all of you.”

  Zusa volunteered. Two hours later, she too went off like a Roman candle. Magical energies shot through the ceiling — this time witnessed by Zoran’s whole group. When it finished, Zusa was carefully examined, and they discovered that her body now also held the same level of magical energies as the original seventeen had. Embolden by this incredible discovery, though clueless about the reason for this phenomenon, the Archmages decided to go ahead and treat all of the remaining pregnant women. If nothing else, they would not have to deal with ninety plus births and the women could get started on their magic training significantly sooner.

  The various mages and Archmages teamed up in trios and began treating all the remaining ninety-four women. It took them two days, but by suppertime the next day, no pregnant women remained in the infirmary, much to the relief of everyone. Further, all of the women were feeling very much alive and attuned to magic, eager to begin learning! Izabela got quite a workout preparing so many potions in a big hurry. Also, to be safe, Jarka made each woman drink one of her healing potions as well. Hastily, she worked to brew another large quantity of them. Never in her life had they gone through so many healing potions in a single year.

  The following day, the Archmages met to discuss just how they could possibly train so many women. Already Zdenka was training twenty-eight of these women in addition to her dozen regular students. Verushka had twenty-three. Nadia had thirty, but hers all had their arms. Now they had to deal with an additional ninety-six more whose arms were likely going to be lost. Sixteen were matchstick arms already and another sixteen were only a few weeks behind them. Nadia had not taught magic before and Zdenka did not want to overload her. Verushka had taught a few, but not many. Likewise, Zdenka wanted to keep her load low, especially since they were all armless and required special handling. Zdenka had room for one additional student in her tower, all available bedrooms were now occupied and then some. She gave the last room to Adrianna, who now needed special treatment. What to do with ninety-five more?

  Zoran came to their rescue. He turned the nearly unused fourth floor of his Manor House over to the ninety-five women. Zdenka had no real choice but to have Zoran request Archmage Kate Zimir of Veklov Province and Archmage Marjeta of Vraz Province to come to Brn and assist in the training of these women. While Zoran promised to help as well, she knew that he needed to be free to handle everything else in the world. Hence, she asked Archmage Marek to begin teaching some. Additionally, Lida and Rayna decided to also stay on and help. Further, Zdenka had to ask Mage Jarka to lend a hand. The three mages would be able to help train some on the Adept useful spells as well as many of the lowest level “real” spells as well, though the Archmages kept their eyes on them to make sure all went well.

  Teaching magic was totally new to Jarka, but Lida and Rayna had already been helping with this and now were given even more responsibility. Essentially, the three Archmages were given thirty-two students each along with one of the mages. Their first action was to use their spells to duplicate enough materials for the women to use. That took them a couple of days to accomplish. On the 10th of August, the ninety-six began their studies of magic in earnest.

  The day after Adrianna recovered, High Priestess Jarmila performed the long overdue Ceremony of Ascension on Adrianna. Dressed in her fancy white robes with shimmering bands, one for each of the forty-eight Circles of Ascension, Priestess Jarmila began her special chant. Zoran stood by his Sky Blue Circle and observed, ready to assist if something went awry.

  Adrianna, quite nervous, stood beside her wearing a new white cotton dress, her arms hanging lifeless at her sides. Jarka had brushed out her hair and declared that she was going to be the prettiest Duska ever, which pleased Adrianna, though she didn’t really believe that because of her arms. At the correct time, Jarmila took Adrianna’s hand even though she could not feel the priestess’ hand, and they slowly began walking around the Circle, stepping on the forty-eight colored threads. Suddenly, Zoran was connected to his Circle and was a silent observer of the actual Ceremony of Ascension. This phenomenon was not new to him. He’d discovered that always happened, way back when he had insisted Akira and Chika get their birthright Ceremony of Ascension here.

  Priestess Jarmila instantly realized that he was present but did not otherwise react. As expected, Adrianna got dizzy, disoriented, and nauseated. Still, the two continued to walk the Circle. At last, the two entered the Shadows disappearing from the Circle of Ascension.

  Jarmila led Adrianna to all of the sixteen planets in the Federation of Planets, one by one, following the ancient rites. After the trip was done, she repeated it, only this time, Adrianna began to understand. Her special gland now fully activated. Gone was her dizziness, her nausea. The third trip around, Adrianna thought, Well this isn’t so bad now, is it?

  When they stepped back out of the Shadows, Adrianna was all smiles. Per Zoran’s request, Jarmila then, while still holding on to her, had Adrianna repeat the process, pulling the priestess to all of the planets. Finally, she and Adrianna practiced stepping into and out of the Shadows many times until Adrianna felt completely at ease with the Shadows. Gone was her lifelong fear of the Shadows. More importantly, she understood what the Shadows were and her relationship to it.

  When the two finally stepped back into his Circle, Zoran said proudly, “Welcome Duska Adrianna Whitehall. Welcome to the Circle of Ascension of the Free Peoples of Adapazan.” Adrianna beamed with pride and self-confidence.

  “I have much to learn — I can see that! Whoever my father was, it was criminal of him to not have seen that I got this ceremony! All these years, I have been so terrified of this that I did not understand but yet saw so clearly.”

  “Yes, it certainly was, Adrianna. You are right. We have to hone your Duska skills and senses, as well as get you trained in magic use. Part of the Duska training involves diving out of the way of certain death. You know, when someone attacks you. However, all that is going to a problem with your arms. If you dive to the floor, you are likely to break them in many places by landing on them. They are going to be nothing but a huge hindrance to you from now on, unless by chance we can undo what the dragons did to you.”

  “I sense that you are right. I desperately do not want to lose them. I’ve been clinging to the tiniest hope that they will find a way. Now, I see things differently. I need to learn much and fast. I feel so different, so, so powerful. Perhaps I can get by somehow without them. The seventeen sure are doing fine and I hate to hold up this training for two months. If I get them removed now, can we begin my training really soon, Baron Zoran?” she asked.

  “Yes, just as soon as Jarka pronounces you healed, likely a day at most. I am going to personally see to your Duska training. Zdenka will handle your magic training,” he replied.

  “How can I ever thank you for what you have done and are doing for me?” she asked. He smiled. Her responsibility level had already risen far above what it had been only yesterday. Becoming a Duska had a tendency to do just that.

  “Become the best that you can; then help others. I’d like you to consider staying here on Adapazan with us when you are done. I am going to visit your mother later today and let her know that you are safe and that we are giving you the training that was your birthright.” She thanked him repeatedly and the three chatted a while longer. In the end, he convinced her to get started on her magic training and give Jarka a little time to find a cure. Duska training could wait a little, besides, Zoran had quite a lot to do fairly
soon. He needed a bit more time as well.

  That afternoon, armed with directions from Adrianna and insisting that he go alone, Zoran stepped out of the Shadows and onto the main street of Westfarthington, Terra. Quaint stone buildings lined the street of this small farming town. The inn was easy to spot; there was only one. It was small and he readily saw that Adrianna was right — they were just barely able to make ends meet. He estimated that they could take in ten boarders, but the main pub area could hold perhaps fifty. Upon entering, he saw a forty year old woman sweeping the floor. She had long raven hair, just like Adrianna, and blue eyes that missed little. Even in middle age, she was quite attractive and Zoran guessed that had drawn the baron to her some twenty years ago.

  “Pub doesn’t open until five. Rooms are available now, if you need one,” she spoke politely, but in a no nonsense manner.

  “Are you the owner of this inn?”

  “Yes, stranger, I am. Beth Whitehall. Why?”

  “You have a daughter, Adrianna, who has recently gone missing during one night?”

  She nearly dropped her broom. Her face flushed. “Yes! Adrianna. How did you know that? What do you know about it? Did you kidnap her? Out with it or I am calling the sheriff!” Her face grew more and more flushed; her near constant worry was no longer suppressed.

  “Please sit down. I have a long story to tell you. Yes, Adrianna is now safe and is doing extremely well. Please, Beth, sit down.” He slid a chair out and sat down himself. Mechanically, she duplicated his action, sitting across from him.

  “Adrianna was abducted by dragons, but we’ve rescued her and ninety-five others and she is now doing well. Might I ask you why you’ve never told her who her father was? He was a baron, right?”


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