Book Read Free

The Jack Brenin Collection

Page 36

by Catherine Cooper

  Camelin replied: ‘I don’t feel right as a boy, it’s not much fun. I think I’d rather go home with Nora and Jack than stay here, if you don’t mind. We’d be able to come back and visit you, wouldn’t we?’

  ‘Of course you can visit, and Jack too. Maybe Nora can finish off your training. You’ll need to be able to read and write now you’ve got your own wand.’

  ‘But I can read and write.’

  Gwillam looked at Nora.

  ‘It wasn’t me, I didn’t teach him; Jack did.’

  ‘Look,’ said Camelin as he picked up a stick and scratched his name in the earth.

  Jack could see Gwillam was impressed. Camelin didn’t say he’d only just learnt and needed a lot more practice.

  ‘Nora’s given me a Book of Shadows, you’ll be able to write to me,’ said Gwillam.

  Jack smiled. Gwillam would find out for himself just how bad Camelin’s spelling was.

  ‘Maybe you could write to us too,’ said Winver as she flashed her bright blue eyes at Camelin. ‘We know how to write.’

  Camelin swallowed hard but didn’t answer.

  ‘I can’t wait to see you as a raven,’ continued Winver. ‘I bet you’re very handsome, don’t you Hesta?’

  ‘Not as handsome as Jack.’

  Now it was Jack’s turn to feel embarrassed. He was relieved when Elan appeared in the doorway with Timmery and Charkle hovering above her head.

  ‘Oh Jack,’ cried Timmery. ‘We’ve heard all about the trial. You were both so brave.’

  ‘Yes, we were,’ agreed Camelin.

  ‘Are you alright?’ asked Elan.

  ‘We are,’ replied Jack.

  Everyone waited expectantly for the Queen to appear. A noise from inside the room made them turn around. An old woman, about Nora’s age appeared, followed by a younger one.

  ‘Can I present to you my mother, Cora, and my grandmother Gwen,’ said Elan.

  Gwillam bowed.

  ‘Your Majesty,’ he said, ‘I think it’s time to reveal your secret to your most loyal subjects.’

  Elan, Gwen and Cora bowed their heads together. They joined hands and held them high in the air. A breeze wafted around them, which slowly increased until a small whirlwind engulfed them and they began to spin. The brightest colours Jack had ever seen sparked in all directions. When the spinning stopped the Queen stepped out of the bright light. Jack and Camelin looked astonished.

  ‘But…’ gulped Camelin.

  ‘You’re the Queen, all three of you, Cora, Gwen and Elan,’ exclaimed Jack. ‘You said I could see you as you really were in Annwn. And to think, I thought you were a hummingbird!’

  ‘No one except Nora and Gwillam have ever known,’ explained Coragwenelan. ‘When Elan got trapped on Earth we were no longer able to appear as the Queen. We needed to be together to transform. We didn’t realise until it was too late and by then we’d lost most of our power. If you hadn’t opened Glasruhen Gate, Annwn would never again have had a Queen; it would have been left to the mercy of Velindur.’

  ‘There’s not much mercy in that man,’ interrupted Camelin then went red when he remembered who he was talking to and added: ‘Your Majesty.’

  They all laughed.

  ‘If you don’t mind we’re going to separate, we feel better as three people. It’s been so long since we’ve been Coragwenelan that it still feels strange being together.’

  ‘I know what you mean,’ grumbled Camelin. ‘I wish I could turn back into a raven. I’m not sure I like being a boy.’

  ‘Do you truly wish to be a raven again?’ Coragwenelan asked. ‘We can grant your wish. You have done so much for Annwn it’s the least we can do for you.’

  ‘Oh please! Make me a raven again.’

  Coragwenelan took her wand from her silver girdle and twirled it around. She sent colours spinning around Camelin’s body until he was lost from sight. As the colours subsided a dark shape could be seen.

  ‘You did it,’ he croaked and hopped around. ‘You did it, I’m myself again. When can we eat? I’m starving!’

  Jack saw Winver nudge Hesta. Camelin was too busy eyeing up the food to notice.

  ‘See, I said he’d be handsome.’

  Coragwenelan raised both hands in the air and began to spin around again. Through the explosion of coloured light Jack could see three separate figures forming until Cora, Gwen and Elan stood before them. Jack’s stomach growled and Camelin’s replied.

  ‘I think we ought to eat before Camelin collapses again,’ laughed Elan.

  ‘Camelin’s had his wish, what would you like Jack?’ asked Elan when they’d all finished eating. ‘It should be something you’d like for yourself, you deserve it.’

  Jack didn’t have to think, he knew exactly what he wanted.

  ‘I’d like to see the Mother Oak when you go to collect the acorns.’

  ‘We can grant that easily. We’ll meet you back at Gwillam’s house later and then go to the Mother Oak together.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Now Camelin can fly again, why don’t you go and explore Annwn?’ said Nora.

  ‘Great,’ said Camelin through a beak full of food. ‘D’you know this is the best apple pie I’ve ever tasted.’

  ‘That’s a compliment, he’s tasted quite a few,’ laughed Elan.

  ‘Can we come too?’ asked Hesta.

  ‘Sorry, boys only,’ replied Camelin.

  ‘Ooh, wonderful, that means we can go Charkle,’ said Timmery.

  Camelin scowled.

  ‘Of course you can come,’ Jack told the two hummingbirds. ‘We’d be pleased to have you on our boy’s outing.’

  Hesta and Winver looked disappointed.

  ‘We’ll see you at the Festival celebrations later on then. Maybe we could go round the fair together?’ suggested Winver.

  Nora smiled.

  ‘That would be lovely, wouldn’t it boys?’

  They nodded, but without any enthusiasm.

  ‘Come on, what are we waiting for?’ said Camelin. ‘We’ve got things to do, places to go, and lots to see. Ready?’

  As they flew out of the garden Jack’s heart felt ready to explode. He was so happy. They were free and off exploring together.

  ‘Where to first?’ Jack shouted.

  ‘How about the mountains? They’re amazing, you can see right through into the Caves of Eternal Rest where the Druids are sleeping,’ said Timmery.

  ‘To the mountains,’ Camelin croaked as he did a triple loop-the-loop before going into a barrel roll.

  ‘Now you?’

  ‘I’m not ready to do that yet,’ replied Jack.

  Charkle flew rapidly towards Camelin then at the last minute he reversed his wings and flew backwards.

  ‘Show off,’ grumbled Camelin as they flew off in the direction of the mountains.

  As the mountains loomed above them the air temperature dropped. They’d left the fields and the forest and the warmth of the sun behind. Now, in the shade of the tall snow-capped peaks, it felt very cool.

  ‘Over here,’ shouted Charkle. ‘The entrance is this way.’

  As Jack swooped down towards the cliff face he could see a ledge. A path wound around the mountain to a natural arch in the rock. Something that looked like a piece of glass covered the mouth of the cave. Timmery hovered in front of it.

  ‘Come and look, you can see right through it.’

  Jack peered in. What he thought was glass turned out to be a sheet of ice.

  ‘Oh Camelin, look at this,’ he cried.

  Camelin flew over and landed on the ledge. He cocked his head and peered in.

  ‘Wow! Are they jewels?’

  ‘No, they’re crystals,’ replied Charkle. ‘We found out a lot about this cave. No one can break in. The ice is magic, the Druids put it there when they sealed themselves in. They decided on this cave because it’s full of natural crystals which give out their own light.’

  ‘Everyone knows where the cave is, but because it’s sealed fro
m the inside no one can get in,’ added Timmery. ‘See that enormous diamond? If it’s turned three times, the ice will melt and then they could come out.’

  Jack looked at the diamond. It gleamed even though there wasn’t any sunlight. The whole cave sparkled.

  ‘Do you think they’ll want to come out now Velindur’s gone?’ asked Jack.

  ‘How’re they going to know what’s happened if they’re asleep?’ replied Camelin.

  ‘Maybe Gwillam knows how to wake them up,’ suggested Timmery. ‘I’m sure they’d want to know the Queen’s returned.’

  They stayed for a while longer and marvelled at the cave. For as far as they could see, stone niches had been cut into the walls. Inside each one lay a Druid with a wand by his side and a staff across his sleeping body.

  ‘I’m getting cold,’ said Charkle.

  ‘Me too,’ agreed Camelin.

  ‘Time to go,’ announced Timmery. ‘Back to the village, follow me.’

  ‘There you are,’ said Nora as they flew into Gwillam’s house.

  They all started talking at once as they tried to tell Nora about the amazing things they’d seen, until she put her hand up for them to stop.

  ‘I thought you wanted to go to the Mother Oak. If you carry on like this we’ll not get there and back before the fair ends, you did say you wanted to go round the stalls before the Festival, didn’t you?’

  They all agreed.

  ‘We’re ready. We’ve just been waiting for you to arrive.’

  Jack looked round to see Gwillam and Elan standing in the doorway. Elan was holding a leather pouch.

  ‘For the acorns,’ she explained.

  ‘How many do we need?’ asked Jack.

  ‘As many as the Mother Oak decides we can have,’ said Nora. ‘We need to explain the situation and she will give us what we require to put things right on Earth.’

  ‘Shall we go?’ asked Gwillam.

  Nora turned to Timmery and Charkle.

  ‘Would you two mind staying here? We have the little matter of a rather angry wasp who might need guarding. We wouldn’t want the jar to get into the wrong hands.’

  The two little birds hovered in front of the jar Gwillam had placed on the table.

  ‘It will be our honour to guard the house while you’re gone,’ replied Timmery. ‘We’ll make sure no one touches the jar.’

  ‘They’ll get a warm welcome if they try,’ laughed Charkle as he blew a column of fire towards the hearth.

  Jack and Camelin raced and chased, swooped and dived, as they made their way northwards.

  ‘Look!’ croaked Camelin. ‘We’re nearly there.’

  ‘She’s enormous,’ said Jack. ‘Even bigger than Arrana. What are all those bushy bits growing in her branches?’

  ‘Mistletoe!’ croaked Camelin. ‘Thank goodness Hesta and Winver aren’t here, we wouldn’t have stood a chance. Girls can kiss you if you stand under the tiniest bit of mistletoe.’

  ‘Don’t you go sitting in her branches,’ called Nora as Camelin swooped past her. ‘Wait patiently we’ll be there in a minute.’

  Jack and Camelin landed in front of the great oak. Her trunk was nearly as wide as Gwillam’s house and her branches spread almost to the floor. Jack’s neck ached as he craned to see the top. Unlike Arrana, the Mother Oak stood alone. A carpet of blue and white flowers surrounded her but no other tree was within sight.

  ‘She’s more beautiful than I remembered,’ whispered Nora.

  As Elan and Gwillam joined them, there was a rustling from behind the Mother Oak and two Dryads peeked out from behind the trunk. As they came forward, their long silver hair flowed in the breeze and their silken gossamer dresses shimmered in the afternoon sun.

  ‘Fernella and Fernilla!’ cried Elan. ‘It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.’

  The two Dryads curtsied.

  ‘We have waited patiently for your return, we always knew one day you would come. We heard the Cauldron had been remade,’ said Fernella.

  ‘Our Mother Oak is ready to entrust her children to you,’ added Fernilla.

  Jack hadn’t realised the Mother Oak would think of her acorns as children, it would mean Arrana was her child too. Nora stepped closer and Gwillam raised his staff. He banged it three times on the earth before Nora spoke.

  ‘Sylvana, Mother of all Hamadryads, Guardian of the Oaks and Bearer of the Sacred Mistletoe, we have a request to make of you.’

  There was a rustling and shaking of branches, the trunk began to ripple and sway until it disappeared and a beautiful old woman stood towering above them. Her silver hair cascaded down to her ankles. She smiled.

  ‘Eleanor, Seanchai, Keeper of Secrets and Ancient Rituals, Guardian of the Sacred Grove, you have returned. You have opened Glasruhen Gate at last. How are my daughters?’

  ‘The news isn’t good Sylvana. We spent many years searching for the cauldron plates in vain. We were only able to find that which was lost when Jack Brenin, agreed to help us.’

  Jack bowed low at the mention of his name.

  Camelin coughed.

  ‘He was greatly helped by Camelin, acolyte to Gwillam, High Druid and now Leader of the Blessed Council in Annwn.’

  Camelin hopped over to Jack and bowed too.

  ‘How many of my daughters are left?’ Sylvana asked Nora.

  ‘Only Arrana. And she is fading fast.’

  Sylvana closed her eyes and held her breath before letting out a great sigh.

  ‘This is not the news I had hoped to hear. You must take enough acorns to repopulate the forests with Hamadryads once more. It makes my heart glad to know that with your help my daughters will once again live on Earth.’

  Nora bowed before answering Sylvana.

  ‘Once Arrana has transferred her knowledge into the acorns, all the forests will once more have the protection they need. There need never be hollow trees on Earth again.’

  Sylvana looked at each of them in turn.

  ‘Is that Elan I see with you?’

  Elan stepped closer.

  ‘This is a happy day for Annwn. The Queen has returned, now Annwn will be restored to the peaceful and happy land it used to be. You will all come and visit us often, won’t you?’

  They all agreed. This was one of the happiest days of Jack’s life too.

  ‘Now, Eleanor, if you will step forward I will give you my acorns. Take good care of them, tend them well and be a friend to them all.’

  Sylvana cupped her hands and blew gently over her palms, when she lowered her hands towards Nora they were full of large acorns. They were the same shape and size as Nora’s golden acorn, but instead of being gold they were a deep forest green.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Nora as she took each one from Sylvana’s cupped hands and placed it carefully into the leather pouch Elan held open. ‘It has been a long journey for us all, but now we truly can restore what was lost. The forests will live again.’

  ‘Will you come again soon, Gwillam?’ Sylvana asked.

  ‘I will,’ he promised. ‘Nora has brought me a Book of Shadows so she’ll be able to write to me and I can tell you the news from Earth.’

  ‘I shall look forward to that. Fernella and Fernilla keep me well informed about Annwn, but news from my children on Earth will be most welcome.’

  Sylvana seemed satisfied that her task was complete. She smiled and once more began to shimmer and shake. It wasn’t long before she’d completely disappeared and only the gnarled trunk stood before them. The two Dryads curtsied then hurried behind Sylvana’s trunk. Nora sighed and Gwillam patted her on the shoulder.

  ‘We’d better see about getting you all ready for home.’

  ‘But you said we could go round the fair and see the Festival,’ complained Camelin.

  ‘And so you shall. Your journey home begins after the Festival ends. Shall we make our way to the fair?’

  ‘Oh yes please!’ said Jack and Camelin together.


they drew near the fair the noise grew louder. Jack was worried in case people were going to shout at them again. Instead, the moment the men on stilts saw them they pointed and the crowd cheered as they flew overhead.

  ‘Now that’s a better welcome,’ said Camelin.

  ‘Where do you want to go first?’ asked Jack.

  ‘The storyteller,’ replied two piping voices from behind.

  ‘I thought you were guarding a jar for Gwillam and Nora,’ grumbled Camelin.

  ‘We were,’ said Charkle. ‘But they said we should come over to the fair and have some fun too.’

  ‘You seem to have had lots of fun already,’ grumbled Camelin.

  ‘Oh we have, we have,’ agreed Timmery.

  ‘Well we’re going this way and the storytelling looks like it’s over there.’

  Timmery and Charkle flitted off towards a group of people crowded around a tall, cloaked figure holding a story staff.

  ‘Come on Jack, follow me. You’ve got to taste those sausages.’

  ‘But we still don’t have any money.’

  ‘Let’s try the shuffle dance, we can both do it. We’ll ask to be paid in sausages.’

  ‘OK, I suppose we could try.’

  They flew over to the barbecue and landed on a branch overhanging the grill.

  ‘Just smell that,’ said Camelin as he breathed deeply.

  ‘They do smell good,’ agreed Jack.

  ‘It’s performance time, ready?’


  Camelin led and Jack followed. They shuffled up and down the branch rocking from side to side then bobbing up and down. A crowd began to gather but instead of shouting they cheered and clapped. Camelin did a one-footed twirl then nodded his head to an invisible beat whilst shuffling sideways.

  ‘Come on down,’ the man behind the barbecue called. ‘I presume you’d like some sausages?’

  ‘Oh yes please!’ replied Jack. ‘But we still don’t have any money.’

  ‘They’re free to you two. From what I hear you deserve a lot more, it’s the least I can do, now I know who you are.’

  The crowd cheered again. Jack could hear other stallholders shouting for them to come and sample their food, when they’d finished at the barbecue. Camelin looked extremely happy.


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