Book Read Free

The Jack Brenin Collection

Page 86

by Catherine Cooper

  ‘In recognition of my past services, the Queen of Annwn has done me the great honour of making me a Royal Envoy to the three worlds. I have been entrusted with a proclamation, which must be read before Samhain, throughout the lands.’

  Camelin yawned loudly.

  ‘We’ll be delighted to hear your proclamation,’ said Nora.

  The Dorysk untied the small ribbon from around the scroll. Once it was loose, the tight coil of paper sprung open. Much to Jack’s amazement it began to grow wider and considerably longer.

  ‘It’s going to take forever to read all that,’ grumbled Camelin.

  The Dorysk paid no attention and waited for Nora to pick up the scroll. She unwound it and held it out for him to read. He bowed low before beginning.

  By the power vested in me as Royal Envoy to

  Coragwenelan, Queen of Annwn,

  I, Theodore Sniffler, Dorysk of Glasruhen,

  do hereby proclaim, on behalf of the Queen,

  and the Blessed Council,

  that the torc of kingship has been found.

  The coronation of

  The rightful King of our realm

  can now take place in the throne room of the

  Glass Palace at Samhain.

  From sunset on that day,

  every portal into Annwn will be open.

  The inhabitants of Earth and Elidon

  are hereby invited to attend the coronation.

  Camelin sighed loudly and was about to speak when the three Dragonettes flew into the room. Each of them wore tabards that were secured with sashes around their bodies, and which also bore the Queen’s insignia. They each circled around the Dorysk’s head three times before pulling long slender trumpets from out of their tabards, which they proceeded to blow.

  ‘Da da da da-da da daaa.’

  The sound of the royal fanfare was deafening. When they stopped, both Jack and Nora clapped loudly. Camelin glared at the Dragonettes.

  ‘Oh, for the love of the forest! That was a bit over the top, wasn’t it? It’s not as if we didn’t know all that already.’

  ‘It was a surprise for Jack,’ said Nora.

  Camelin humphed.

  ‘Some surprise.’

  ‘It was wonderful,’ Jack told the Dorysk and Dragonettes, who seemed to be waiting expectantly for him to speak.

  ‘Oh! Thank you, thank you,’ cried the Dorysk.

  He bowed so low that the tip of his bushy black tail touched the table. The Dragonettes also bowed before putting their trumpets back inside their tabards.

  ‘You’d better be on your way,’ said Nora, ‘you’ve got a lot of places to visit before the end of the week.’

  After exchanging farewells, the Dorysk scurried off the table.

  Once the Dorysk and Dragonettes had gone, Nora brought her Book of Shadows over to the table. She opened it at the first page before speaking.

  ‘We have a problem.’

  ‘Is the torc safe?’ asked Jack. ‘Raggs thought Peabody was carrying something when he followed him yesterday.’

  ‘He was,’ said Camelin.

  Jack felt a cold shiver run down his spine, but Nora leant over and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.

  ‘Don’t worry, it wasn’t the torc, I can assure you that’s perfectly safe.’

  ‘No, it was my dustbin. That sneaky, snidey, double-crossing, thieving, good-for-nothing Bogie, must have gone up to my loft and taken it.’

  ‘Are you sure it isn’t buried under something?’ asked Jack.

  ‘I’ve tidied up; it’s gone, and nothing else is missing.’

  Jack felt relieved that the torc was safe but he wondered why Peabody would want the dustbin. There were far more valuable things in the house he could have taken.

  Nora tapped her book.

  ‘I’m afraid we have a much bigger problem than a missing dustbin. I’ve been helping Gwillam and the Druids search the Palace Library in Annwn, in the hope of finding something that might help us understand why Velindur stole the Book of Sorrows. Unfortunately, we’ve not found anything. Gwillam thinks Velindur must have learned something vital and then destroyed the book or scroll he found it in. It seems the only explanation.’

  Jack gasped. He couldn’t believe anyone would destroy something from a library.

  ‘Do you really think he would do that?’

  Nora sighed deeply.

  ‘I think he’s capable of anything. He’s obviously stolen one of Annwn’s most precious books. No one else would have done such a thing. I’m going to have to visit Falconrock, it’s the only place left that might hold the information we seek.’

  Nora picked up her wand.

  ‘I’ll write now and let Cloda know I’m on my way.’

  When Nora finished writing, she closed her Book of Shadows and returned it to the bookshelf.

  Jack sighed.

  ‘Doesn’t Mortarn know anything? He’s the gatekeeper. Surely he knows something about the Book of Sorrows?’

  ‘He was only able to confirm what we already knew. The Book has never been opened. Each Druid transfers the sorrows they’ve endured during their lifetime into the safekeeping of the Book, before entering the Caves of Eternal Rest. Only a soul free of troubles can sleep in peace.’

  ‘Is there anything Camelin and I can do to help?’ asked Jack.

  ‘You need to stay here in case anyone brings news about Peabody. Timmery was out last night with the Night Guard and the Flying Squad are searching now. If any word comes through I want you to send a message to Cloda. I’m travelling light and I won’t be taking my Book of Shadows with me. I don’t want you two leaving the safety of the house, not until we find out what’s going on. Now, I must fly.’ Jack watched as she raised both arms in the air and began to spiral downwards until a large falcon appeared.

  ‘I’ll be as quick as I can.’

  Jack opened the door for Nora. He watched until she was lost from sight. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of Velindur.

  ‘I hope they find my dustbin,’ grumbled Camelin.

  ‘What was in it?’ asked Jack.

  ‘Only empty sweet wrappers.’

  ‘You could magic yourself a new dustbin.’

  ‘It wouldn’t be the same.’

  ‘After Hallowe’en you can have my cauldron.’

  ‘Thanks, but I’d like my dustbin back.’

  Jack thought he’d better change the subject.

  ‘Do you know what’s going to happen at my coronation?’

  ‘Not really, except the coronation starts at sunrise. I only know that because I heard Nora discussing it with the Dorysk, before he got all high and mighty. You’ll find out more from your Book of Shadows. All that kind of stuff would have been recorded in the Book of Law centuries ago. I’m just looking forward to the feast afterwards. Do you think they’ll let me have a party in Annwn when it’s my birthday?’

  ‘I don’t see why not. When I’m King, I’m sure I’d be able to arrange it.’

  ‘Do you really mean that?’

  ‘Of course I do. Without your help we wouldn’t be having a coronation. I’m sure you’ll be able to have your favourite storyteller too.’

  Camelin began his shuffle dance. Jack stood up and joined in too. They were laughing so loudly Jack didn’t see Motley until he joined Camelin on the table. Jack stopped abruptly when he saw the worried look on Motley’s face. Camelin was in mid-turn when he stopped too.

  ‘You have some news?’ asked Jack.

  Motley nodded and stood to attention.

  ‘Nothing good, nothing good, I’m afraid. There’s deep unrest throughout Newton Gill and not one of the Fair Folk to be found. Midge, Lester and Morris have all brought back tales from the crawlers and scurriers of the forest floor. They tell of airborne creatures disappearing without trace. Nothing definite but the Fairies are nowhere to be found.’

  As Motley spoke, Jack had a mounting feeling of unease. A nagging thought crept into his mind. Did the unrest in the for
est have anything to do with Velindur? He hoped not. He went over to his bag and pulled out his wand and Book of Shadows. He opened it on the first page and was about to write to Cloda at Falconrock when Elan entered the kitchen. It was an unexpected surprise, but a very welcome one.

  ‘Any news?’ Elan asked Motley.

  Jack listened again as Motley repeated his report.

  ‘I was just going to send a message to Cloda when you came in,’ he told Elan when Motley had finished.

  ‘Nora knew I was on my way so I think we’ll wait until she gets back. We’ve got a bigger problem than we first thought. I’ve been in Glasruhen Forest and none of the Dryads have seen any of the Fairies for a while now. Jennet wasn’t able to give me any information either. She suggested we ask a Bogie.’

  ‘He’s missing too,’ mumbled Camelin.

  ‘I know,’ replied Elan, ‘let’s hope Nora finds something at Falconrock.’

  ‘Where do you think the Fairies are?’ asked Jack.

  ‘I think they’ve been taken, but where, by whom and why, I just don’t know.’

  ‘I could try to summon my crystal. If I ask it where the Fairies are, it might be able to show us.’

  Jack held out his hand and closed his eyes. He concentrated hard, visualised the crystal and called to it with his thoughts. It wasn’t long before he felt something materialise on his outstretched palm. He looked deep into the facets of the crystal and formulated his question. It began to spin slowly and as it rose into the air it filled the kitchen with a bright light. When it stopped spinning, they all looked at it intently.

  ‘There’s Netty,’ croaked Camelin. ‘Look!’

  ‘I can see Rhoda!’ exclaimed Elan.

  Jack too could see one of the Fairies. It was Twink. She was imprisoned in a jam jar with both of her hands pressed against the glass.

  ‘Twink’s trapped,’ said Jack.

  ‘So is Rhoda,’ replied Elan.

  Both Jack and Elan looked at Camelin.

  ‘Netty too, she’s in a glass jar.’

  There was a bright flash of light that made Jack blink. He lost his concentration; when he could see again, the crystal had gone.

  ‘Fairynapped,’ said Camelin, ‘and you were worried about the Bogie. This is a lot more serious. Who’s taken them?’

  ‘Is Velindur behind this?’ asked Jack.

  ‘I fear so,’ replied Elan, ‘but I don’t know why he would do such a thing.’

  ‘Where do you think they are?’

  ‘From what Motley said, they’ve probably been snatched from the other side and are being held captive in Elidon.’

  ‘Is it because they can see into the Land of Shadows?’

  ‘I would imagine so. If Velindur is planning to do something with the Book of Sorrows he won’t want anyone to know. The Fairies might have seen something.’

  ‘You don’t think he’d harm them, do you?’

  ‘I don’t know what he’s capable of doing, but I know that a Fairy trapped inside a glass jar is powerless. I think you might be right, Jack, they must have seen or heard something.’

  ‘Is there anything we can do?’

  A small cough made them turn towards Motley.

  ‘May I make a suggestion?’

  ‘Of course you can,’ said Elan.

  ‘We need to evacuate Newton Gill Forest, that’s where all this napping seems to be happening, nothing’s safe in there at the moment. Don’t want any more disappearances, do we now? Evacuation’s the only answer.’

  Camelin groaned.

  ‘I’m not flying anything out of there if they’re going to make me itch like they did last time.’

  Elan ignored him. She seemed lost in thought. Jack didn’t like to interrupt her but it seemed like an age until she spoke again.

  ‘I agree with Motley, we need to evacuate the forest. Once everyone’s safe we’ll try to rescue the others from Elidon.’

  ‘How can we evacuate a whole forest? There must be hundreds of small creatures living in the trees and undergrowth.’

  ‘There are,’ agreed Motley, ‘but they need to be brought out.’

  ‘And just where do you think they could go?’ asked Camelin.

  ‘To a place of safety,’ said Elan. ‘I think I know just where that might be, but I’m going to need your help.’

  ‘Just tell us what to do,’ said Jack.

  Camelin started mumbling to himself. Elan waited until he’d finished before continuing.

  ‘We can’t do anything until Nora gets back. We’re going to have to create a safe haven using a particular kind of magic but all four of us will need to work together.’

  ‘Four of us?’ asked Camelin.

  Elan nodded.

  ‘Yes, all four of us, Nora and I can’t do this on our own. It’s a special kind of magic, the kind that surrounds Ewell House, but we’ll need to protect a larger area and we won’t be able to do it without help from both you and Jack.’

  Camelin strutted and swaggered from side to side. He strode around Motley three times with his chest thrust out. Jack smiled; there was something reassuring about Camelin’s predictability. Elan smiled too before turning to Motley.

  ‘Can you go and gather the Night Guard together? And bring Raggs too. Camelin can go and round up the leaders of the Flying Squad and take a message to Timmery. We’ll have a meeting here as soon as we’re all together.’

  Camelin didn’t even grumble as he and Motley left the kitchen.

  ‘I’m glad you’re here,’ said Jack.

  ‘Nora’s message said she thought I was needed. We’re all very worried about Velindur, but until we know what he’s planning there’s very little we can do. He vowed he’d have his revenge and it looks like he might have a powerful weapon. The Book of Sorrows contains all the sorrows and sufferings endured by generations of Druids. Let’s hope Nora finds the information we need at Falconrock.’


  It wasn’t long before Camelin returned. He landed on the table, shook his feathers and gave his report.

  ‘The starlings are on their way, but Timmery wasn’t home.’

  They sat in silence as they waited for Nora to return, each lost in their own thoughts. When the door opened, Jack and Elan leapt to their feet. Jack could see that Nora looked worried. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from bombarding her with questions.

  ‘I’ll make a pot of tea,’ said Elan, as she went over to the range.

  Nora smiled weakly and sat down at the head of the table.

  ‘It’s not good news, I’m afraid.’

  ‘We’ve got bad news too,’ Jack told her and described what his crystal had shown them. ‘Do you think this is Velindur’s doing?’

  ‘I fear it is, Jack, and from what I’ve found out at Falconrock I think Velindur must have been planning his revenge for a long time.’

  ‘How? He couldn’t have known he was going to be expelled from Annwn until it happened.’

  ‘The events at your trial may have changed the timing of his plan and sent him to a new location, but I think this is something he’s been working towards for years. His target was originally the whole of mankind, only now, since we deprived him of what he thinks he’s entitled to, he wants to have his revenge upon us too. He never forgave the men who brought trouble into Annwn. He ordered the portals to be sealed to ensure it would never happen again. Velindur believes that all men are full of greed and envy, but as time has gone by he’s turned into the very creature he despised. I think it was probably when he appointed himself King that he began to plot his revenge. He needed a weapon to show all three worlds how powerful he’d become and he probably wanted to take revenge on the ancestors of the men who’d caused so many problems in Annwn. The first place he would probably have looked would have been the Palace Library. As ruler, he’d have had access to all the books in there. At your trial you saw for yourself how well versed he was in the law. Gwillam firmly believes he found something in one of the books and believ
ed he could use that knowledge to further his own ends. Being expelled from Annwn was not part of his plan but we think stealing the Book of Sorrows was. If he’d found a way to take the Book from the Caves of Eternal Rest, before he was forced to leave Annwn, I’m sure he would have put his plan into action sooner. We think he was desperate for the rest of the Druids to enter the caves, not only to get rid of them but also to provide him with the opportunity to take the Book.’

  Nora paused while Elan poured the tea.

  ‘But he couldn’t have got the Book without the help of the Spriggans and he didn’t have that until after he’d left Annwn,’ said Jack.

  ‘He obviously knew about the fifth gateway,’ explained Elan. ‘When I searched the library, I found an ancient book of old maps. One of them clearly shows all the portals into Annwn. If anyone had found that portal, they would have found themselves trapped inside the caves. They could not have entered Annwn because only the gatekeeper has the power to activate the crystal that melts the ice sheet. Neither could they have returned to Earth, for, as you found out, a dwindling door protected that gateway. I’m not sure how many men knew about that entrance, or ever tried to find it, but there was nothing Velindur could have done to close it. Unbeknownst to all of us, a Dragonair had been guarding it for centuries.’

  ‘Do you think Velindur knew about Ember before he left Annwn?’

  Nora looked thoughtful.

  ‘He’d have heard the Legend of Howling Hill told by many a storyteller but I doubt he’d have believed it. He did, however, know where the fifth gateway could be found and, once on Earth, it wouldn’t have been hard for him to locate Silver Hill. He couldn’t have entered the Caves himself and would have needed help to steal the Book. He found a willing Bogie to do his bidding. The Book must have been stolen from right under the noses of the sleeping Druids when the Spriggans took the crystals.’

  ‘I doubt he expected to encounter any problems. It must have been a shock to find an angry Dragonair guarding the entrance.’

  ‘But Ember was guarding the Spriggans treasure, not the gateway,’ said Jack.

  Camelin let out a loud humph.


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