Book Read Free

Cinderella Complex

Page 22

by Rebekah L. Purdy

Jack turned on the ignition. He clenched the steering wheel.

  “This is just perfect. Maggie, do you know who that was?” Jack bellowed.


  “You just shook hands with the GMG, Grand Master Grimm. He could’ve killed you.”

  I gasped. So. Not. Happening. The Grimm King was here. My body trembled, a heavy sick feeling built in my gut. He’d been so close to me. He’d touched my skin.

  Grandma shivered. “He’s the one who came through the portal. It’s his taint I felt the other night. He never showed his face to me before now.”

  “But I thought you said you faced Grimms when you were Godmother.”

  “I did. But not him. He never showed himself to me.”

  Realization sunk in. “We’ve got to go back inside and tell Dad.” Druce was the Grimm King and Thorna his sister. Dad was in danger.

  “Screw him,” Jack said.

  Grandma nodded her agreement.

  “Thorna’s done something to him, I just know it,” I said.

  Okay. That was it. Before they could stop me, I leapt from the car and raced to the house.

  “Maggie, wait!” Jack caught up to me and clutched my arm. “Are you insane?”

  “We need to get him out of there. Don’t you see? She’s brainwashed him! It explains the changes we’ve seen in him.”

  Jack didn’t look totally convinced, but after a moment he conceded. “Fine. But we need to get in and out.”

  When we reached the door to the house, Thorna stood in the doorway, her lips curved into a sneer. “You’ve met my brother,” she purred, eyes glowing amber.

  “Let me in. I need to speak to my dad.” I pushed forward. My flesh prickled as she blocked the way.

  “He’s no concern of yours. In fact, he’s almost fulfilled his purpose.”

  Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and tugged me back. “Maggie, let’s go.”

  Thorna raised her palms to the sky. Smoky green orbs like pulsating apples materialized in her hands. Crap.

  We raced across the yard, barely making it to the car before one of the orbs struck the ground and exploded. Pieces of earth splattered against the side of the car. The scent of rotten fruit made me gag.

  Jack jammed his foot on the gas. The car peeled away and I slunk against the seat. My heart thudded out of control.

  “What’s Druce want from Maggie, Grandma?”

  “To destroy her. She’s young, virtually untrained. If he can stop the Fairy Godmother from completing her tasks, then darkness can rule over the light.”

  “How do we stop him?”

  “By getting Kat her happily-ever-after,” I said. “And forcing him back to his realm.”

  “It can’t be that simple.” Jack whirred into our driveway on two wheels.

  “It isn’t.” Grandma turned to gaze at me. “Getting the happy ending is a short-term solution. Ultimately, he must be destroyed.”

  I rubbed my neck. “How?”

  “That’s something you need to figure out. If I had the knowledge, I would’ve taken care of things a long time ago. Most Fairy Godmother and Grimm lore has been lost over the centuries. Stories passed down from generation to generation, forgotten. Hundreds of scribes and scripts from the Great Library burned during the last Dark War. You will have to hunt down information. For now, we need to focus on sending him back to Fairy.”

  Easier said than done, seeing as how Kat wasn’t even speaking to me.

  Mom waited for us in the kitchen, her hands on her hips. “Do you want to explain what happened at your dad’s? He just called and said you set off a stink bomb in their front yard.”

  I snorted. “Hardly. More like Thorna is the Grimm King’s sister. She attacked us.”

  Her face paled. “It all makes sense now. He’s trying to get custody of you.”

  “What?” Jack and I said in unison.

  “If I refuse to send you to see him, he’ll set a hearing with the judge. And what court is going to believe me when I tell them my daughter is a Godmother and I can’t let your dad see you because he’s cohabitating with the enemy? I’ll be thrown into the loony bin.”

  “They’ve planned this all along.” My mouth went dry.

  Mom rubbed her temples. “Okay, let’s not worry for now. Let’s wait until it happens. I’m a lawyer. I’ll find a way out of it.”

  An ominous cloud hung over my head. The darkness was here, and I had no idea how to stop it.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Kat plopped down next to me in the lunchroom. “You were right about Connor. I’m sorry I freaked out on you the other day.”

  “So you invited him to your house?”

  She smiled. “Yeah. And I told him about my mom.”


  “And he’s okay with everything. We hung out at my place last night. He even met Dad.”

  I laughed. “How’d that go?”

  Kat blushed, playing with the salad on her tray. “Dad and he talked. Man to man.”

  “No, he didn’t!”

  “Yes, he did. Connor has officially been warned against engaging in premarital sex with me, hurting me, and bringing me home late.”

  “I would’ve died.”

  “Trust me, I wanted to.”

  I grabbed my turkey sandwich and took a bite, then washed it down with a swig of bottled water. Kat looked so happy. Her smile, the excitement in her eyes. I had a few days left to make her dreams come true. But with the Grand Master Grimm doing anything and everything to sabotage the happily-ever-after, I wondered if it was possible.

  I gazed at her. “Promise me you’ll be more careful this week.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “The Grimm King is in our world.”

  The color drained from Kat’s face. She dropped her fork into the salad bowl and stared at me. “Are you serious?”

  “I had a run-in with him the other night. If it hadn’t been for Jack and Grandma, I’m not sure I would’ve gotten out of there.” I shivered at the memory. The way his magic ensnared me, got inside my head. I kept the part having to do with Dad and Thorna quiet. No need to dredge up more catastrophes.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Make your happy ending a reality.”

  “Hey, mind if I join you?” Taylor stood near the table, holding her tray.

  Kat grabbed her things. “Go ahead, I’m leaving anyway. See you next hour.”

  Taylor slid into the seat Kat vacated. She twisted a strand of hair around her finger, then lifted her eyes. “I’m sorry for everything. It’s just, you’ve spent a lot of time with Kat lately. I thought you’d replaced me.”

  “I meant it when I said no one can replace you. Kat’s fun, but she’s not you. She hasn’t been there for me through impossible crushes and my parents’ divorce.” My throat thickened. “You’re my best friend. And always will be.” I leaned my head against her shoulder. “Kat needed me. The same way that you need me.”

  “If you say she’s okay then I guess I can give her a shot. But if Kat thinks she’s going to crash all our future slumber parties, she’s got another thing coming.” Taylor stole one of my chips and shoved it in her mouth. “What I’m saying is, I miss my best friend and I’m cool if you want to hang out with her. As long as I can come, too.”

  “Of course you can. Who else is going to supply the half-naked werewolf movies?”

  Taylor grinned. “Smart-alec.”

  “It’s good to have you back.”

  She hugged me, crushing me against her. “So, you and Seth?”

  Heat spread across my face. “Did he tell you?”

  She snorted. “He didn’t have to. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.”

  “That obvious?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  I covered my face with my hands and groaned. “He asked me to Homecoming.”

  “Yeah, he told me. If you want, maybe you, me, and Katrina can get ready together.”

  My hands fell away fr
om my face. “Are you serious?”

  She nodded. “If she’s gonna be hanging out with you, I’m gonna have to get used to it.”

  “I knew there was a reason you were my best friend.”

  She socked me in the arm. “Funny.”

  For the first time in a long time, everything felt perfect. My friends weren’t mad at me. I was on the verge of completing my first assignment. And I had a date to Homecoming.

  The lunch bell sounded. I grabbed my stuff and tossed it in the trash, then headed to fifth period.

  When I got to class, Kat glanced up at me. “Everything okay with you and Taylor?”

  “Yes. She actually wants the three of us to get ready together before Homecoming.”

  Kat’s eyebrows shifted upward. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “I think it’s a great idea.”

  The announcement speaker crackled to life. “Students, we are honored to announce this year’s Homecoming Court. Remember, we will announce the winner at the dance this Saturday. All nominees are from the junior and senior classes. And the boys are: Connor Prince, Damon Javier, Kent Lear, Jackson Winters, and Jake Pelletier. The girls are: Hanna Foster, Mikah Pell, Katrina Melville, Sarah Harver, and Maggie Winters.”

  “Holy crap! Who nominated me?” I looked at Katrina.


  “Why’d you do that?” I whispered. “This is part of your happy ending.”

  She shrugged. “Because you deserved it, and I wanted you to be on court with me.”

  Surprise seemed to be the understatement of the decade. Please let things work out.


  The football stadium lights blazed like heavenly fires as the crowds hollered from the stands. Mr. Helter helped us girls onto the Homecoming float, which looked like a castle. A brown, wooden spire stood tall among the fake moat and drawbridge. The green, paper Mache dragon head sputtered with fog-machine smoke.

  Kat patted a seat next to her among the fake flowers and tissue-paper grass. Although I couldn’t see them, I knew Taylor and Seth were sitting in the student section of the bleachers.

  Jack, seated next to me on the float, nudged my arm. “Keep your eyes open.”

  Nausea rolled in my stomach. My skin prickled as I glanced at the sky, and deeper, into the shadows. Connor climbed onto the float, still wearing his football uniform but without his helmet.

  “Hey.” He waved at us, then stood on Kat’s other side.

  Mr. Helter counted us. “Is everyone on the float now?”

  “We’re all here.”

  Mr. Helter waved to the driver and the float slowly moved down the track. From the announcer’s stand, romantic music played over the loudspeakers. Jack grabbed my hand and we began to dance, as did the other nominees.

  I laughed. “Don’t you think it’s weird to choose to dance with your sister?”

  Jack’s lip twitched. “I need to stay close to you tonight.”

  He spun me around, his gaze focused over my shoulders, looking at the bleachers and field.

  My body stiffened. Dark magic sizzled in the air. “Jack. They’re here.”

  He went still. “Where?”

  “I don’t know. They’re using power.”

  Then I saw it, glowing and swirling above the float. The tower above Katrina began to wobble. Reinforced wood.


  Connor jumped to his feet and shoved her out of the way. The float tipped over, sending us to the pavement. My knee struck the track. I howled as pain seared through me. One by one, the stadium lights flashed out, plunging us into darkness. Screams erupted from the stands.

  “Connor!” I hollered over the crowd. “Get Katrina out of here!”

  “Maggie!” Jack cried out. “Where are you?”

  Glow-in-the-dark light sticks flashed on in the crowd. The soft light illuminated the track. Thank God the band had decided on doing their lights-out performance tonight. This meant everyone in the crowd, including the band, had been given glow-in-the-dark necklaces, sticks, and flashlights to wave around during the half-time show.

  I pushed to my feet. Connor walked Katrina to the bathroom.

  “Wand.” It appeared in my hand, lighting up like a flashlight. We needed to get out of there. Now.

  An opposing football player bumped into me.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  His mouth tilted into a sneer and he gripped my shoulder. A Grimm. In one swift motion, he tossed me against the bleachers. Thwap! The side of my head bounced off the aluminum. Strange flashes danced before my eyes. I fell to my knees as dizziness swept over me.

  Hands dragged me to my feet. “You’re finished.”

  Jack raced toward us, but a Grimm burst from the gloom, knocking him aside. Fingers squeezed my throat, cutting off my air. I thrashed. I kicked out my legs and caught him in the groin. The Grimm released me with a moan. I turned to run, but he snagged my dress and yanked me backward.

  But then someone attacked my pursuer, bashing him against the stands. Seth stood there, seething. “This is the last warning—stay the heck away from her.” With one punch to the face, the Grimm crumpled to the ground. Slowly, it dissolved into shadowy wisps and disappeared.

  “Wha—what just happened?”

  Seth dropped to his knees beside me, tracing his fingers along my face. “Are you okay?”

  Tears splashed down my cheeks. I’d almost died. If Seth hadn’t shown when he did. “I’m fine.”

  He helped me up, tugged me close to his side. “They will not touch you again.”

  I swallowed, hard. “How do you know of them?”

  He stopped walking, turned to face me. “I’ve seen them come after you. I don’t know what they are. But I’m not letting them touch you. You’re mine. No one will ever hurt you.”

  His arms enfolded me. I rested my head against his chest. His heart beat erratically. Bum-dum-dum-de-dum-dum. I inhaled deeply. The scent of cologne tickled my nose.

  Jack soon joined us. A bruise ran along the side of his face, his lip swollen. “Thank you for saving her.”

  Seth kissed my forehead. “Get her home, Jack. And keep an eye on her.”

  Jack didn’t question him. He wrapped his arm around me and led me toward the parking lot. I wondered where Seth went. And where was Taylor? I glanced around, but couldn’t see her amongst the sea of faces.

  “We need to make sure Katrina’s okay,” I said as we neared the girls’ bathroom.

  He pointed. “She’s right there.” She stood in Connor’s arms, crying.

  “Kat.” I broke away from my brother and darted to her side.

  She hugged me. “Maggie. You had me worried.”

  “I’m fine, see?” I held my arms up to show her. “You need to go home.”

  “I’ll take her,” Connor offered.

  “Don’t worry,” Jack murmured in my ear. “We’ll follow them.”

  “We’ll see you guys tomorrow, then,” I said.

  We watched them climb into Connor’s car, then we zipped into the air to track them home.

  Once we ensured her safety, we flew to our own house.

  Tonight was the last warning. Tomorrow, I knew, the Grimms would stop at nothing to prevent the happy ending.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Kat twisted my hair and pinned the curls into place. I barely recognized myself. The pile of curls atop my head looked like an ethereal crown. The silver dress shimmered and clung to my curves.

  “Thank you. I love the hair and make-up.” I hugged Kat first, then Taylor.

  “Seth won’t be able to keep his hands to himself tonight.”

  Jack poked his head inside. “He better if he knows what’s good for him.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t even start that big brother crap.”

  “Can I talk to you for a second?”

  Taylor glared at him. “We’re trying to get ready here.” She was using a flatiron to straighten her hair.

  “I’ll be back.” I padde
d barefoot across the hardwood floor and stepped into the hallway.

  Jack tugged me into his room. To my surprise, I saw Marcus and the other knight standing there. “They’ve come through the portal to help protect you tonight. They’ll pose as our limo drivers.”

  “Do they actually know how to drive?”

  Marcus grinned. “This isn’t my first trip into your world, Godmother.”

  “Right. So, where exactly are you getting the limo from?”

  “Mom paid for it.” Jack folded the collar of his dress shirt down, then grabbed a yellow tie to clip on.

  “Seriously? A clip on tie? What are you, two?”

  He flipped me off. “It was the only yellow one I could find.”

  “So, what are you and Riley doing?”

  “We’re hooking up at the dance. When she said she’d still go with me, it was as friends.”

  “Well, Taylor’s date is picking her up here, and Seth said there’s no way he’s riding with the tool , aka Connor, so he’s meeting me there. We only need to worry about Connor seeing anything.”

  “Can’t you do a spell or something to make him sleep?”

  I glowered. “No. He must be awake.”

  “Then make sure he doesn’t look out the windows.”

  My pulse quickened. “I hope this works.”

  “Don’t worry, Godmother,” the cloaked knight said. “We’ll keep you safe.”

  But I wasn’t worried for me. My friends’ lives were at stake. The Grimms needed to stop the happily-ever-after, which meant taking out Katrina or Connor would suffice just as well as killing me. My stomach churned. What if I failed?

  My hands trembled as I wiped them on my dress. With a deep breath, I headed back to my room.

  Taylor and Kat stood side by side, letting me see the finished products. Taylor wore a short, red, lacy dress with a black bow at her waist. Kat, on the other hand, wore a long, emerald-green strapless dress.

  I grabbed my silver clutch and shawl. “Wow, you guys look great.”

  The doorbell rang. Taylor gave herself one last once-over in the mirror. “My date’s here. I’ll see you two at the dance.”

  Once she left, I caught Kat’s arm. “Whatever you do tonight, stick close to Connor. Jack and I have back-up, and we’ll be keeping an eye out for Grimms.”


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