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Roman: A Triple Threat Novel

Page 9

by Josephine Jade

  She smiled, a grin so full of womanly wickedness Roman became instantly hard. She reached for the belt of his pants. “Well then, let me put my lips somewhere else so that we’re sure to wipe away any memories of that.”

  She dropped to her knees in front of him and eased him out of his pants. The sight of her hot red lips on his cock, blue eyes smiling up at him, would be with him until his dying day. He was careful not to mess up her hair as he pressed forward, easing his dick in and out of her mouth multiple times.

  He wasn’t going to last long.

  After one more thrust in her hot mouth he pulled her up from her knees. “I want to be inside your pussy when I come. No barrier this time. You’re going to have my cum leaking out of you for the rest of the night.” He knew she was on the pill so there wasn’t any risk and right now he couldn’t stand a barrier, even latex, between them.

  She was his.

  He turned her around and leaned her over the giant laundry basket in the corner, easing her dress up to her waist. He pushed her black lace panties down to her knees, and she caught it with her foot and pushed them the rest of the way down.

  “This pussy is mine.” He thrust two fingers into her with no warning and heard her breath hiss out. She was wet but tight. He moved his fingers in and out of her roughly. “No one’s but mine. Always mine.”

  He lined his cock up with her pussy and thrust all the way in with just one stroke. He loved the way she ground her ass up against him, her back arched, a high wail falling from her lips. He kept one hand on the base of his cock and one on her shoulder, jerking her down and hard against him.

  He pulled all the way out then slammed back home, her cries becoming louder. He didn’t care who heard.

  She was his.

  “This pussy is mine.” He thrust hard again. “Always. Say it, Sarah. Who do you belong to?”

  “You, Roman. Always, you.” Her words came out roughly as he thrust hard again and again.

  He reached around her and flicked his thumb over her swollen clit and she fell forward, almost buckling with pleasure. He felt her pussy tighten around his cock. Milking him as her orgasm crashed over her. He called out her name as he came deep inside her.

  It took them both long moments to recover. He kept his arm around her waist, supporting her weight. He helped her find the underwear that had been kicked to the side and straighten her dress then righted all of his own clothes.

  The beast of rage had been sated, but not thoroughly enough.

  “You stay right by my side for the rest of the night. Obviously the men here aren’t idiots. I was planning on having my driver take you home from here, but not now. You’re coming to my house. I’ll need to fuck you at least three or four more times tonight to make sure you know who you belong to.”

  The smile she gave him didn’t hold quite as much red lipstick, but it was still just as sexy.

  Back at his house, Roman tied her up again in the pulley system that he’d used the night he’d first plugged her. She was completely exposed to him, legs spread wide and up towards her shoulders in perhaps the most wanton position she could imagine. Her arms were chained to her waist as the bondage system spread her legs and kept her hips all the way off the bed.

  This time he fucked her in the ass with his cock. The look of utter concentration on his face, taking so much care not to hurt her when she was so completely vulnerable to him and at his mercy, threw her heart the rest of the way over the cliff.

  She said nothing, but she was in love with him.

  Afterward, her face flushed and hair matted to her sweaty forehead, he cleaned them both up, then got back in bed beside her, tucking an arm around her. She waited for him to give her one of his signs that it was time for her to leave.

  Instead, he started snoring a few minutes later. She waited another moment before sliding from the bed. She only made it a couple of inches before his arms tightened around her, and he clamped her against his sleeping form.

  He mumbled something into her hair. She couldn’t really make out what he said, but it sounded like, “Stay.”

  Since she wanted to, she allowed herself to accept that translation of his sleep-garbled word and curled against him. She soon followed him into a deep sleep, her body wrapped around his in the dark, fit together like they were made for one another.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She woke alone the next morning, but knew Roman had been with her through the night. She kept waiting for her dismissal but it never came.

  A glance at the clock revealed it was still early, and she slid out of bed and looked around for something to wear. Someone, presumably Roman, had hung the red dress on a hook near the bathroom door, but the idea of climbing into the formal gown again this early was unappealing. She padded to his closet and chose a white button-down shirt. It fell past mid-thigh on her much smaller frame so she didn’t worry about putting on anything else.

  She could smell coffee brewing, and made her way directly to the kitchen. She swung open the door, her eyebrows creeping toward her hairline when she saw Roman looking for something in the refrigerator, already wearing a suit jacket and pants. Did he ever take a day off? It was Saturday, and it seemed ridiculous to her to be up and dressed for a full day of mobster-ing at seven-thirty in the morning.

  A naughty idea occurred to her, and she wondered if she could subvert his plan to work today, at least for a few hours. They’d had a good time together last night, out of bed, interacting. Maybe she could talk him into enjoying some free time.

  She tiptoed up behind him and put her arms around his waist. She nuzzled her face against his back, and then frowned slightly. He was wearing a different cologne today or something, and its scent seemed wrong to her. She started to pull back even as he turned around, shoving her less than gently away from him.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  She jerked back, trying to hide her hurt. She’d made a horrible mistake. She convinced herself that he’d asked her to stay last night, but obviously he hadn’t. She’d just allowed herself to hear what she wanted to hear.

  Because right now her presence was definitely making him angry. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t just touch someone without permission.”

  The back door opened suddenly, and a second Roman stepped inside, his face red and sweaty from exertion, and his soaked T-shirt and jogging shorts making it obvious he had been out for a run.

  Sarah looked back and forth trying to figure out what was going on.

  He took one look at the two of them and scowled, turning his gaze on one of his brothers. “What did you do to Sarah, Dominic?”

  A wave of relief swept through Sarah. Dominic, not Roman. The cold reception made a lot more sense, and she found a genuine smile for Dominic. “Sorry. I thought you were Roman.”

  Roman’s brow arched, and he turned to look at her with interest. “Maybe I should be asking what you did to Dominic?”

  “I hugged him. You know, the ultimate evil.”

  Leaning back against the counter, Dominic looked her over thoroughly. “So you’re Hastings’ sister? I sort of see why Roman made the decision he did then. To let you fuck off some of that debt.”

  Her cheeks burned. Dominic wasn’t saying anything less than the truth, but after the last couple of days and the shifts that had happened in she and Roman’s relationship, hearing the words spoken so crudely burned.

  “Dom.” Roman grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. “Enough.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Was I being disrespectful to the fuck toy?” Dominic crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t you have a few too many clothes on, sweetheart? Or do they only come off when you’re bent over Roman’s desk for everyone to see?”

  Sarah didn’t know what to say or if she should say anything at all. This wasn’t one of Roman’s men, part of his staff, this was his brother. And he was obviously a hard man. Roman was hard too, brutal even, but Dominic seemed to have an innate savagery that frightened her on a c
ore level.

  Roman turned to her, touching her gently on the arm. She knew she was placing way too much significance on the small gesture, but she clung to it like a lifeline just the same.

  “Have some coffee,” he said. “And there’s breakfast stuff around if you want to make something. Dominic and I are going to talk for a few.”

  Sarah just nodded. What could she say anyway? She was in love with him and she was his fuck toy.

  Roman led Dominic into his office, trying to wipe the look on Sarah’s face from his mind.

  “You can’t be surprised to find a woman here with me when you show up before eight on a Saturday morning, Dom.”

  Dominic took the chair across from Roman’s desk and tilted his head. “Doesn’t look like there’s a whole lot of debt paying going on with your little toy any more.”

  Roman thought of Sarah strung up on his bed last night. How perfect her ass had felt around his cock. “She’s paid plenty. And… things have changed between she and I. I didn’t mean for them to, but they did.”

  Dominic let out a sigh. “She’s adorable. I’ll give you that. Guys have noticed how you’re different with her. Displaying her and teasing them with that sexy body of hers, but also protective. Even respectful.”

  Roman shrugged. He showed her off because it turned her on. Turned him on. The time he’d made her stand naked in the corner during a meeting she’d been so wet it had literally trickled down her thighs.

  Jesus, he loved teaching her about the dark, perverted things that aroused her. Loved pushing her right up to her boundaries, then one step over them. Love seeing her flush with shame and drip with desire at the same time.

  But Dominic was right, Roman did respect Sarah. Cared about her. Like he’d told her at her house, this was no longer about her brother’s debt. This was now about them.

  “She’s mine, Dom.”

  The words were simple, direct, but Roman didn’t know how his brother would react. Lukas would be happy, crack a joke, ask if he could watch her stand in the corner some time. Dominic was much different. He’d been burned by a woman so badly Roman wasn’t sure he’d ever fully open himself fully to someone else. It made him an excellent underboss, but distrusting as hell of everyone who wasn’t family.

  Dominic just shook his head with a wry grin. “I suspected as much when I caught a glimpse of this in the society section this morning.” He handed Roman his phone, the screen opened to a link from last night’s gala. It was a picture of him with his arm around Sarah, the two of them staring into each other’s eyes with obvious affection and passion. Smiling.

  It had been taken after the storeroom incident because part of her lipstick was missing. At least missing from her lips. He knew exactly where it had been on his body.

  “Your behavior this morning just confirmed it,” Dominic continued. “If I’d walked in on her blowing you or bent over the kitchen table being whipped with your belt then I would’ve just chuckled and gone on my way.”

  But Roman had protected her, shielded her from Dom’s words. And he wasn’t going to apologize for it.

  “She’s mine,” he said again.

  Dominic nodded. “Then get her moved into our protection. Word about you two has already been getting around. Last night’s outing just confirmed it. Someone trying to come at you might go through her.”

  Roman nodded. He hadn’t even thought of that, even with the man that accosted her the night before. The idea of having her here on a full time basis didn’t send a panic through him. The opposite in fact.

  She would be here whenever he wanted her, day or night, especially since school was out for the summer. He wouldn’t have to worry about Sarah being tired. Or the drive home at night. She was interested in planting flowers in the greenhouse out back and she could do that. And she’d been dying to watch Mrs. Rossi cook and learn from her.

  Her living here made sense in every way.

  “Roman, I have to ask. What about Robbie Hastings? That’s still unsettled.”

  “We’ll find him and then figure it out. But we can’t kill him, Dom.”

  “Fine.” Dominic nodded. “And you’re absolutely positive she’s not tricking you? Not keeping Robbie’s location secret or meeting with him? In other words, they’re not working together to trick you, right?”

  “No. I’ve had a man on her. Have access to her phone. There’s been no calls from Hastings.”

  Dominic didn’t look like fully believed him, but he didn’t say anything further. “I also stopped by to remind you Benas Vydūnas requests a meeting.”

  Roman scowled. “No. There’s no reason to have a meeting.” Audra Vydūnas had been the one in cahoots with Robbie. Had probably been the one who had masterminded the whole robbery from the beginning. They’d had problems with her before.

  This time she hadn’t gone unpunished. Audra Vydūnas had lost a finger for her betrayal. Roman considered her fortunate. If she’d been a male or from a less prominent family she would’ve died for her betrayal, not lost a pinky. And now she was trying to stir up trouble by goading her cousin Benas into retaliation.

  Dominic shrugged, looking unconcerned. “I agree, but meeting with them might prevent a turf war.”

  “If she hadn’t been a woman, I would have killed her when I caught her with the shipment. And we both know any turf war would be short-lived. They don’t have my manpower. I won’t lower myself to meet with them. I know her cousin is going to demand some kind of compensation for the loss of her finger, and we all know the dirty thief is lucky that’s all she got.”

  Dominic stood. “I’ll relay your regrets.”

  Roman snorted as they began to walk back towards the kitchen together. “Yeah, you do that. Thanks for handling it.”

  Sarah was standing at the stovetop cooking what looked like was supposed to be omelets. Except it really looked more like an egg factory had exploded. She threw him a distressed look over her shoulder.

  “I guess you’re definitely not keeping her here for cooking purposes.” Dominic chuckled as he saw the mess.

  Roman slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her back against him. “No, other reasons that have nothing to do with food.”

  “I won’t stay any longer. I’ll leave you to your… meal.” Dominic smiled, then to Roman’s surprise, walked over and leaned in towards Sarah kissing her on the cheek. “I’m sure he’ll eat it.”

  Dominic then turned to Roman. “I’ll keep you apprised on the Vydūnas situation. I wouldn’t have been as merciful as you, little brother. One pinky is not a lot to lose for stealing a hundred thousand dollars.”

  Dominic gave his goodbyes as he walked out the door.

  “I feel like I don’t understand any of the last two minutes,” Sarah muttered, still scraping at her egg concoction on the stove. “Vydūnas was the name of the woman who was working with my brother, right?”

  “Yes, Audra Vydūnas. She’s already been caught and paid the price.”

  She swallowed thickly. “And that price was a pinky?”

  “She’s lucky. For anyone else it would’ve been more. My world has different rules than the one you’re used to, Sarah. It’s harsh and brutal, but it’s also fiercely protective and loyal of its own.”

  “Is that what will happen to Robbie when you find him? Will you cut off one of his fingers?”

  Roman shook his head. “No. If Robbie turns himself in to us, he won’t come to permanent harm. That’s all I can promise you.”

  He might end up with a couple of broken fingers, and he definitely would be getting a sound beating before he apologized profusely to his sister, but all his digits would be intact.

  Roman spun her around. “Do you know where he is, Sarah?”

  She shook her head. “No. He hasn’t contacted me.”

  “You’ll let me know the instant he does, right?” He grabbed her chin between his finger and thumb so he was able to look into those blue eyes. “Immediately. Promise.”

  “I will, I p
romise. As long as you won’t kill him.”

  He kissed her. “I won’t. You have my word.”

  She believed him. He could tell by the way she relaxed against him. “Why did Dominic kiss me on the cheek? After what he said before you went into the office…”

  “I explained that the situation had changed. That you’re not just my toy any more.” She melted further against him. “He accepted that. So I think the kiss was his way of apologizing. Of showing that he respects you.”

  Of welcoming her to the family.

  But that was too much to say. He wasn’t ready yet. Neither was she.


  “How about if I go shower then come back and teach you how to make an omelet properly?”

  She grimaced. “Yeah, I think I’m a much better fuck toy than I am a cook.”

  “Good, because after breakfast I plan to redden your bare ass with my hand then sit back in the chair and have you straddle me and ride my cock. If I’ve got to do all the cooking, you’ve got to do some work.”

  He felt her lips press up against his throat. “Sounds like the perfect deal to me.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  A month passed in the blink of an eye. A hot, sensual, fucked-well-in-every-possible-way eye.

  Sarah hadn’t slept in her own apartment since the night of the gala. She hadn’t actually talked about moving in with Roman, it just somehow happened. More and more of her stuff kept arriving at his house, as he would send a man to get something every time she needed it, until she had no need to go there at all. Since it wasn’t in the best part of town for a woman living alone, which she had been since Robbie ran out, Sarah wasn’t sad to spend her time at Roman’s.

  It was where she wanted to be anyway.

  She loved it here. She got to watch Mrs. Rossi cook and even try a few things herself. She was able to plant any and everything that would grow in the Louisiana heat in the extended garden and greenhouse out back.

  Roman gave her money for shopping, but she never used it. Taking it would’ve been weird, given everything between them. Once she refused, Roman had just circumvented her by ordering clothes and shoes and handbags and having them delivered to the house.


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