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The Peasant

Page 14

by Scott Michael Decker

  A boy in such situations usually spent until his purse was empty, drank until his brains had pickled, fornicated until his sack was dry, and died before he was forty. Not Snarling Jaguar. Instead, he studied every subject his father forced upon his brother, practiced with every weapon in the castle and attended every council his father held.

  As Scratching Jaguar grew older, Leaping Jaguar's distaste for administration became plain. As Commanding General of the Southern Armed Forces, Leaping Jaguar was nearly invincible, bettering his younger brother only in warfare. In a petty skirmish with the Western Empire, however, five years after the Caven Hills revolt, Leaping Jaguar walked off the battlefield and left his army without a leader. As the Western Forces were about to rout them, Snarling Jaguar appeared in their midst and led them to victory.

  When he heard what happened, Scratching Jaguar disinherited his eldest son, ordering the Heir Sword to reject its wielder through the Imperial Sword circuits. Usually such a disinheriting killed the Heir, but Leaping Jaguar survived it. Scratching Jaguar ordered him brought to the castle in chains to face charges of treason. Bandits ambushed the escort and Leaping Jaguar fled. The Emperor declared him an outlaw, invested Snarling Jaguar as his Heir, and sent him to capture his brother. He never did. Somehow, Leaping Jaguar always eluded him.

  When Scratching Jaguar died, Snarling Jaguar became Emperor in the most peaceful transfer of power in recent memory. Life in the Southern Empire continued uninterrupted. The few dissenters only whined that Snarling Jaguar didn't pursue his older brother with more vigor.

  During the reign of the third Emperor Jaguar, the Southern Empire prospered. Snarling Jaguar fought only four small wars with his neighbors. Three he fought with the East, little more than skirmishes, none of which he provoked and all of which he lost. Southerners were happy with his reign and deemed it just, wise and sound. Snarling Jaguar promulgated few laws, repealed many more, and sought the opinions of those who dissented. Taxes were fair, his bureaucracy small. Building nothing lavish, he preferred canals, roads and other infrastructure over grand but useless monuments to himself. In a thousand ways, Snarling Jaguar was an exemplary Emperor.

  Unable to find fault with what Snarling Jaguar had done, Guarding Bear frowned. His character's as important as his history! Having once bargained with him over an exchange of prisoners, Guarding Bear searched his memory for a smudge on the dark Emperor's spotless character. Nothing came to mind.

  Blast! Guarding Bear thought, seeking the weakness, knowing it there. Think carefully now, he told himself. Snarling Jaguar's bureaucracy is small because he likes to manage it all himself. That's why he took the tiger cub north instead of delegating the task to someone else. He's admirably patient and thorough. Fluent in all the languages, Snarling Jaguar speaks even the dead tongue of the north. He'll probably speak for himself today, while I'll be Flying Arrow's voice. Since he places the interests of his people and Empire above his own, he'd abdicate if he thought another could rule better than he. He likes to win his battles, as we all do. Even so, he loses them well, submitting when he knows he can't win. He's fair and impartial and I'm getting a headache trying to find the chink in his armor.

  Seeing that Flying Arrow was about to begin, Guarding Bear sighed. “Lord Oak,” he whispered, “what's the Emperor Jaguar's weak point?”

  Aged Oak answered quickly. “He's too nice, Lord Bear.”

  * * *

  The diamond-adorned Sword across his lap, Flying Arrow slowly bowed. Waiting for this cue, Snarling Jaguar bowed slowly too. Both bowed to the same depth for the same duration. Protocol was essential in this situation. The slightest deviation might be the excuse either man needed to declare war. An Emperor usually chose a trusted negotiator to speak in his place, to decrease the chance of mishap or offense, so he'd lose less face if the haggling went against him, and since bargaining about something as trivial as land was beneath the dignity of his station.

  “Welcome to my castle, Lord Emperor Jaguar.” Flying Arrow smoothed an imaginary wrinkle in his impeccable robes.

  “Thank you so much for inviting me, Lord Emperor Arrow. It's an honor to be a guest in your home.” Snarling Jaguar's speech was almost flawless, despite the foreign language.

  “Forgive me for inviting you here, instead of traveling myself to your lands, Lord Emperor Jaguar. I hear the jungles of the Southern Empire are lush and fragrant.”

  “Indeed, they are, Lord Emperor Arrow. The travel was more a pleasure than a nuisance, and a welcome vacation.”

  Flying Arrow stifled his urge to mention the detour through the Windy Mountains, knowing the General would do the accusing. “It's so important, Lord Emperor Jaguar, that we have vacations.”

  “I agree, Lord Emperor Arrow. Sometimes I get so caught up in governing my subjects I forget they're people.”

  The arrogant, ignorant barbarian, Flying Arrow thought. “Hearing such wise words from a fellow Emperor pleases me, Lord Emperor Jaguar. I pray your mediator's as wise.”

  “I doubt my choice of mediator will be as sagacious as yours, Lord Emperor Arrow.”

  “You've brought many men more than able to speak for you, the Lord Sorcerer Hungry Pirhana and the Lord Heir Stalking Jaguar among them. If I may greet them, Lord Emperor Jaguar?”

  Snarling Jaguar consented, and the two Southerners put their heads to the floor as Flying Arrow acknowledged each with a nod.

  “You also, Lord Emperor Arrow, have availed yourself of the eminence of the Empire. Your appointing the Lord General Guarding Bear as Security Commander pleased me. A post most suited to his talents, if I may presume to say. May I greet the Lord General?”

  “You may more than greet him, Lord Emperor Jaguar. I hereby invest the Lord General Guarding Bear with the power to speak for me in the matter before us today.”

  Snarling Jaguar chuckled, as if amused that his colleague had cut short the prolonged ritual. “You couldn't have chosen better, Lord Emperor Arrow. I prefer to speak for myself.”

  A gasp swept through the amphitheater. This assertion rescinded all protocol governing the negotiations. That an Emperor might bargain with his own mouth was unthinkable, and therefore, without etiquette. Several advisors leaned toward him in obvious dissent. Snarling Jaguar silenced them with a jingling, gleaming gesture and settled himself on his spare, simple cushion.

  * * *

  How difficult such situations are for those who live by imposed rules, Guarding Bear thought, situations in which only their own scruples govern their behavior. How afraid they must get. Guarding Bear watched his nephew.

  Flying Arrow squirmed nervously. “So be it, Lord Emperor Jaguar. I hope this unusual approach is without ill result.”

  “The only result, Lord Emperor Arrow, will be my gaining Swan Valley.”

  Flying Arrow frowned, glancing over his shoulder. “Lord General Guarding Bear, please honor us with your mediation.”

  “I'm not worthy of this honor, Lord Emperor Arrow,” Guarding Bear said ritually, bowing deeply.

  “True, Lord Bear, but you'll mediate anyway.”

  “Yes, Lord Emperor Arrow.” Guarding Bear ignored the insult. One by one, as required, he divested himself of weapons, gravely handing each item to the Commanding General Aged Oak, who took each with equal gravity. Then he glanced at Bubbling Water, who sat between the Imperial Consort Flowering Pine and Aged Oak's mate, the Matriarch Shading Oak. He touched Bubbling Water's mind with his love. Smiling, she mentally wished him luck.

  Again Guarding Bear bowed to Flying Arrow. Standing, he stepped past his nephew onto empty floor and walked five customary paces toward Snarling Jaguar. Unarmed and feeling naked, Guarding Bear smiled and bowed.

  Since retiring eighteen months ago from all positions except Caven Hills Prefect, Guarding Bear had grown irritable with his extended hibernation, bored with long hours of little activity. Only after he'd accepted the Emperor's offer had Bubbling Water warned him of trouble. This morning, Guarding Bear had debated turning down th
e castle position and disobeying the order to mediate here. Knowing what Flying Arrow would do if he refused, the General had decided to mediate today and resign the post promptly afterward.

  How he wished he could have heeded Bubbling Water! Her prescient visions had grown more frequent and clear since her sip from Healing Hand's fountain of youth. Her premonition of disaster for today gnawed at his bowels.

  Lifting his head from the floor, Guarding Bear eased himself back on his haunches, wishing he were elsewhere.

  “Infinite be with you, Lord General Guarding Bear.” Snarling Jaguar nodded to acknowledge. “Forgive me if I don't join you five paces in front of my entourage, Lord General. Allow me to add how pleased I am to see you again.”

  Guarding Bear searched Snarling Jaguar's face, recalling Aged Oak's words a few minutes ago: “He's too nice.” Snarling Jaguar hasn't hurt me! What did you promise yourself after your brother's widow Fleeting Snow stopped you from killing her mate, your ancient enemy Scowling Tiger? That you won't war except on those who war on you, that you won't kill except those who try to kill you. What the Infinite can I do? Guarding Bear asked himself, tired of battling every shadow and knowing no way to remove himself from this diplomatic battle between Emperors.

  Resigned, Guarding Bear reviewed his latest reports. At the caves of the Elk Raiders, an unknown woman had joined the Emperor's company. The Brothers Jaguar had quarreled just before the Emperor left. From the fortress, Scowling Tiger had covertly called for warriors and arms, as if preparing to launch mayhem from the mountains. Most damaging was the rumor that the talented tiger signified an alliance between bandit general and Southern Emperor.

  “An honor to see you, Lord Emperor Jaguar. Infinite be with you as well. I understand why you're reluctant to appoint a mediator in your place.” Guarding Bear grinned. “Then you won't do anything ill-advised, eh Lord?”

  “This way, Lord General, I may better guide the destiny of my Empire.”

  “Which you've done, Lord Emperor Jaguar, with alacrity and grace ever since your traitor of a brother betrayed his own … Uh, forgive me, Lord, for blundering into the unmentionables.” Smiling as though ashamed, Guarding Bear bowed his head in mock meek apology, his thirty years of warring a cage that confined him still. “How is your brother the Lord Bandit Leaping Elk, may his scant rack of horn become some hapless hunter's trophy?”

  In situations this sensitive, the participants' language was often indirect, full of metaphor and innuendo. What they said indirectly they didn't really say. What one inferred from the other's speech they could discredit as the exaggeration of the eager to take offense. Thus, Guarding Bear merely alluded and implied, instead of accusing directly.

  I don't want to accuse him of anything! he thought helplessly, struggling to squeeze between the rigid bars confining his behavior.

  Snarling Jaguar chuckled. “Unfortunately, the Infinite hasn't arranged that yet, Lord General, despite my prayers. Someday perhaps. The Lord Elk asked me to send his respects if I saw you. I believe what he said was, 'May your buttocks boil in bear fat.' ”

  Guarding Bear bellowed with laughter that sounded forced and nervous. I'm no stinking noble so worried about face I can't be myself! he thought, thrashing at the bars of his mental cage. “What else did the Lord Elk send with you, Lord Emperor? A crooning concubine for the dull, dusty travel?” He sighed that he couldn't control his tongue.

  “He might have, Lord General. I don't remember,” Snarling Jaguar said, as if the matter were beneath him.

  “The Lord Emperor Jaguar should guard his concubines vigilantly,” Guarding Bear needled, telling himself to stop. “A hungry tiger stalks the Windy Mountains.”

  “More than a hungry tiger, Lord General. All the wolves gather to feast on the sheep fattening to the east.”

  “Beware the sacrificial lamb, Lord Emperor Jaguar. What looks like juicy mutton is actually a lean wolf in sheep's clothing.” Guarding Bear felt so tired of being a wolf he wished he were a sheep. Then he chuckled at himself. Much better to be a guarding bear, eh? Infinite grant me the strength to be exactly who I want to be!

  Snarling Jaguar chuckled, his voice deep. “I must yield, Lord General. You're so much more adept at this playful banter than I.”

  “The Lord Emperor Jaguar wastes praise on enemies.” I'm not Snarling Jaguar's enemy! Guarding Bear thought. “So much better, I think, to save praise for allies, wherever they might be, eh Lord?”

  Snarling Jaguar frowned, then smiled as though to cover his discomfort. “Oh, I agree, Lord General. I praise all my allies.”

  “Instruct me on a minute point of statecraft, Lord Emperor Jaguar. Is it better to give an ally fine words or fine gifts?” Why can't I stop acting this way? Guarding Bear wondered. Infinite blast it, why can't I stop!

  “Most people quickly forget fine words, Lord General, and long remember fine gifts.”

  Instinctively, Guarding Bear pounced on Snarling Jaguar's argumentative jugular. “If you gave all allies what you've given one ally, Lord Emperor Jaguar, you'd have nothing left in your menagerie, eh?”

  Guarding Bear's pain of being unable to change his behavior began to mutate into something ugly, something animal, something feral.

  * * *

  Why does he look so angry? Snarling Jaguar wondered, deciding not to respond to the verbal thrust. Think! the Emperor told himself.

  When Flying Arrow had first appointed Guarding Bear his mediator, Snarling Jaguar had welcomed the idea, wanting the chance simply to talk with the other man. Since he respected—and would almost admit to liking—the General, Snarling Jaguar had always wondered what Guarding Bear the person was like. The Emperor wouldn't have let such an opportunity pass, even at such an unsocial event.

  Guarding Bear's relentless probing throughout the negotiations had felt like an interrogation, however. Even after Snarling Jaguar had yielded victory in the verbal joust, Guarding Bear had continued to needle him—leaving him groping for reasons.

  Arriving the morning before, he'd heard the rumors of alliance between himself and Scowling Tiger. Well-advised enough not to make a foolish pact with an outlaw, Snarling Jaguar had discounted the rumors, knowing them planted. Most Emperors used the psychic flow to spread such misinformation. He knew Flying Arrow had only one purpose in concocting the rumors: To gain an advantage here today. Snarling Jaguar had laughed within, savoring his expected victory over Guarding Bear and Flying Arrow.

  Now, thinking a Bear spy had infiltrated his entourage, Snarling Jaguar believed the whisper that Guarding Bear had the most extensive spy network anywhere. Little surprise that he knows about Scowling Tiger's call to arms, the Emperor thought.

  What he'd never expected was the incongruity between Guarding Bear's speech and behavior. Why's he so angry? Snarling Jaguar wondered. Does he truly think I'd ally myself with his ancient enemy? Why does an astute man like Guarding Bear deceive himself that way? How can I prove I have no alliance? Ah ha, I know…

  “I'll never exhaust the Menagerie, Lord General.” A gleam in his eye, Snarling Jaguar crashed metalled fist into metalled palm to emphasize his words. “The animals are far too valuable to give away, but I often trade them away!”

  “What?!” Guarding Bear asked.

  “Lord General, I didn't give the tiger cub to the bandit general Scowling Tiger and I haven't allied myself with him, as you've worked so hard to imply. I merely traded the beast for a creature far more valuable!” Snarling Jaguar leaned back and loosed a bright snarl of laughter toward the ceiling. His ferocious hilarity ceasing abruptly, the Emperor looked back among his functionaries and signaled.

  Guarding Bear sighed, his relief plain. “Thank the Infinite, Lord Emperor Jaguar. I knew you too wise to make that bandit an ally, but I don't understand, Lord. What creature? You didn't bring any animals back from the Windy Mountains.”

  A struggle near the palanquin added to the activity behind Snarling Jaguar. He snarled an order, and the crack of fist on face ended the
struggle. A lightly-armored, heavily armed guard carried a limp, sheet-wrapped form toward the empty floor. The warrior dumped the bundle beside the Emperor. “Animal, Lord General? I didn't mention an animal. You should have better information.” He ripped the sheet away.

  Her skin the pink of chrysanthemums and her hair the white of freshly fallen snow, the unconscious woman groaned. A thread of bright crimson trickled from lip to chin. Gasps swept through the nobles of the Eastern Empire, the Traitress known to them all, her name Fleeting Snow.

  Guarding Bear, former Commanding General of the Eastern Armed Forces, conqueror of the Northern Empire, and Prefect of the Caven Hills, leaped at the Southern Emperor Snarling Jaguar.

  Chapter 13

  A sectathon measures disruptions in the psychic flow the same way an eye measures light. The psychic receptors in the prefrontal lobes of the brain, just behind the forehead, detect minute variations in the intensity, direction and frequency of ambient psychic energy. With this talent a sectathon can identify people from a distance, even a person using mindshields, because of the shields themselves. The only two ways to prevent a sectathon from identifying someone are to place the person behind an electrical shield or beyond the range of the sectathon's talent. To identify someone, the sectathon has to know the signature's attributes and must be close enough to distinguish those attributes.—Sectathonics: The Psychic Eye, by the Sectathon Wizard Probing Gaze.

  The electrical circuits in the Imperial Sword generate a psychic connection with the Heir Sword, enabling an Emperor to control who wields it. To keep an Heir Sword from usurping hands or to remove an appointed Heir, an Emperor needs only to order the Heir Sword to reject its wielder through these circuits. Most Heirs disinherited this way die, but some do not. Whether a disinheriting kills an Heir depends upon the length of time he wields the Sword, his flexibility of mind, how much his psychic signature changes while he wields the Sword, and the physical distance between the Heir and the Sword at the time of disinheriting.—The Best and Worst of Talismans: The Imperial Swords, by the Wizard Flowing Mind.


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