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The Peasant

Page 16

by Scott Michael Decker

  * * *

  A week after the trade, Slithering Snake contemplated the surface of sulfurous water, watching the steam rise slowly. He wondered if the way he defined loyalty were out of date—or at least different from the way others did. The Traitress earned her name, didn't she? Snarling Jaguar praised her for her loyalty, though. How could a woman mate her former mate's betrayer and still be loyal to her former mate? Is that why she did what I saw her doing eighteen months ago?

  The sectathon looked across the pool at his liege lord, wanting to ask about Fleeting Snow, not knowing how.

  Eighteen months ago, Leaping Elk had sent his lieutenant south to begin the trade negotiations. A hundred miles from Nexus, where the borders of the four Empires converged, the sectathon had scanned the area. Although the range of Slithering Snake's talent was twenty miles, he could identify only those within thirteen. What he'd seen shocked him terribly.

  Again, Slithering Snake looked across the pool. He wondered whether to tell Leaping Elk whom he'd seen that day, and what he'd seen them doing.

  “Eh?” Leaping Elk said, looking shocked. “The flow.”

  The sectathon opened his mind to the flow and saw the image.

  Guarding Bear had just attacked Snarling Jaguar, Fleeting Snow unconscious a few feet away.

  Slithering Snake felt sick, the knowledge twisting like a knife in his gut. On that day, eighteen months ago, thirteen miles away, the sectathon Slithering Snake had seen Fleeting Snow and Guarding Bear together in a meadow under the blue face of the sky, fornicating vigorously.

  Chapter 14

  Based on lex talionis, the law of retaliation, Imperial Law recognizes no crime without both criminal and victim. Furthermore, the law sees men and women as distinct, and forbids a male to punish a female without her matriarch's explicit consent. Most matriarchs, although resenting male interference, usually grant such consent—but not always. Through this chink in Imperial Law, women in our society can get away with murder, even regicide. We must never underestimate our collective power.—From an instruction booklet in the private archives of the Water Matriarchy, widely distributed to its daughters.

  * * *

  His legs driving his calloused hands relentlessly toward Snarling Jaguar's throat, Guarding Bear slammed into an invisible wall mere inches from the black Emperor's windpipe.

  Snarling Jaguar's eyes were full moons on the sky of his face.

  Someone's stopping me with telekinesis! the General thought, straining to divert the energy with his talent.

  A kinathonic wind blew Lurking Hawk to the rear of the Eastern nobility.

  His talent working for a moment, Guarding Bear edged forward an inch. As if accustomed to his wild power, though, the kinathon held him fast.

  From behind Flying Arrow came a voice: “Forgive my mate the Lord General.” Between Flowering Pine and Shading Oak, Bubbling Water stood, her brow wrinkled with effort.

  His face deep red, Guarding Bear went limp, not willing to fight his own mate.

  Stepping onto the empty floor, Bubbling Water hauled him toward her. “It's wild oats he neglected to sow in his youth. With deepest humility, I ask forgiveness, Lords Emperor Jaguar and Arrow.” She bowed deeply to both Emperors, on each obeisance dipping her hand.

  Miming her motion, Guarding Bear bowed fluidly, puppet to Bubbling Water's talent. The telekinetic strings tied him into a ball and raised him several feet off the floor.

  “The Water Matriarchy quenches all thirsts,” she said solemnly. Her carriage proud, Bubbling Water walked calmly from the amphitheater, Guarding Bear hovering behind her, his eyes full moons on the sky of his face.

  * * *

  Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Snarling Jaguar swallowed to reclaim his voice. “Return to your places,” he ordered his guards, his words without a shred of snarl. At Guarding Bear's lunge, they'd leaped to defend him and would've beheaded the General even as he strangled the Emperor. Sensing Bubbling Water's exertion, Snarling Jaguar had signaled them to wait.

  Looking at the woman lying in a stupor beside him, the Emperor cursed himself and threw the sheet back over her. What the Infinite was I thinking to flaunt her in front of Guarding Bear? Snarling Jaguar wondered. Stupid even to smuggle her into the castle! he thought in disgust.

  Remembering the inexplicable animal rage on the General's face moments before he'd ordered the woman brought forward, Snarling Jaguar knew he'd acted impulsively. Of course, he'd react like a bear with a toothache! he thought. Guarding Bear loved his brother as much as I love mine. “Return the woman to the palanquin.” Snarling Jaguar remembered the treachery of Brazen Bear—or was it betrayal?

  As two guards moved to obey, Soothing Spirit rose on the other side of the room. “Lord Emperor Jaguar, the exmatriate Snow needs medical attention. If I may …?”

  Snarling Jaguar nodded, gesturing the turnkeys to wait. He looked across the room while the Medacor treated her.

  Behind Flying Arrow, the ranks were in disarray, as though a small tornado had swept through them. Lurking Hawk limped toward the front, his robes torn and disheveled, the tornado having thrown him to the rear. What havoc the General had wrought behind Flying Arrow! Snarling Jaguar thought. Are all the stories about Guarding Bear's wild talent true?

  “Lord Emperor,” Soothing Spirit said, “this woman recently gave birth.”

  “How matter?” Snarling Jaguar asked, his fluency in the Eastern language deteriorating from the stress. “Woman past not me concern.”

  Above the surge of chatter from the Eastern nobility, the Medacor asked, “Who has the child, Lord Emperor?”

  Snarling Jaguar shrugged and repeated, “Not me concern.” He thought it odd that Soothing Spirit had raised his voice when he was two feet from the man he addressed. Unless Flying Arrow had ordered him to ask those questions. Snarling Jaguar frowned at him across the empty floor.

  Flying Arrow cleared his throat and gestured the Medacor away. As silence settled, Soothing Spirit retreated, and the turnkeys removed Fleeting Snow, her injuries repaired. Behind Flying Arrow the ranks had reorganized, the dazed and disheveled Sorcerer back at his place.

  “I'll punish the Lord Bear accordingly, Lord Emperor Jaguar. I humbly ask the Lord Emperor to accept the Lord General's head as a token of my remorse for this unfortunate incident.” Rubbing his left arm with a bandaged hand, his eyes clouded with angry smoke, Flying Arrow bowed deeply.

  “I mercy ask, Arrow Emperor Lord,” Snarling Jaguar replied. “Water Matriarch Lady reward deserve, not punish, for catastrophe avert.” He struggled with a language he spoke fluently under normal circumstances. Placing verbs at the ends of sentences, the Southern tongue transposed the order of names. “She thirst quench say, not matter how parch. Even thirst for Bear Guarding General Lord head, eh?”

  “I rule this Empire, Lord Emperor,” Flying Arrow said. “You have your own to govern.”

  “Exactly, Arrow Emperor Lord, uh, Lord Emperor Arrow, you do rule—with arbitrary means I might add—while I govern. However, let me elaborate on why General Lord, uh, the Lord General Bear is more valuable alive than dead.

  “A known enemy is better than the unknown one who'll replace him. A good enemy is better than a good friend. Lord Emperor Arrow, he's your best Prefect, advisor and general. His ability to preserve your Empire is greater than ever.”

  “What are you blathering about?” Lurking Hawk said. “He's the Usurper!”

  “At least the General's polite,” Snarling Jaguar replied, disgusted at the Sorcerer's lack of manners. “Usurper or not, no one questions the Lord General's loyalty, Lord Traitor Ruffled Hawk.”

  Lurking Hawk's face collapsed into a mask of rage, then his head spun at a slap.

  “I didn't give you permission to speak!” Scowling, Flying Arrow rubbed his right hand where it'd caught the Sorcerer's head.

  Lurking hawk put his forehead to the floor. “Forgive me, Lord Emperor.”

  Snarling Jaguar ignored the disgraceful behavior
of Sorcerer and Emperor. “What prevents the bandits from joining forces and overrunning this Empire, Lord Emperor Arrow? Scowling Tiger hates Guarding Bear so much he wastes all his energy trying to thwart or kill his ancient enemy. If Guarding Bear weren't the bandit general's consuming obsession, your Empire would fall, Lord Emperor Arrow.”

  Flying Arrow looked skeptical.

  “You don't believe me, eh?” The wise man doesn't need advice, Snarling Jaguar thought, and the fool doesn't heed it. “Listen to this, Lord Emperor Arrow: I want you to spare his life so I don't have to fight bandits after they topple the Eastern Empire.” Sitting back, the Emperor closed his eyes and stretched luxuriously, extending his metalled fists toward the ceiling. He looked like a lazy, sated jaguar settling into warm summer grasses for an afternoon slumber. “I'd rather conclude my reign peacefully.”

  Suddenly, his eyes snapped open at the Inviolate Insignia hanging from the ceiling. I forgot about it. “One more point, Lord Emperor Arrow.”

  “Eh? What, Lord Emperor Jaguar?” Flying Arrow asked.

  Smiling, the black man pointed upward. “I remind you of the Inviolate Insignia above us.”

  Flying Arrow went pale, his eyes wide.

  “Lord Emperor Arrow, do you know the result if I took offense at the Lord General's assault? The Lord Emperor Soaring Condor, myself, and all the bandits on your northern border would combine forces to obliterate you and your people.” Snarling Jaguar grinned. “If you execute the Lord General, I won't hesitate to take offense.”

  “Yes, Lord Emperor Jaguar.” Wilting, Flying Arrow closed his eyes and rubbed his left arm. The bandage on his hand began to unwind.

  Stroking the silver bracelet on his wrist, Lurking Hawk whispered in Flying Arrow's ear.

  “The Lord Sorcerer Hawk advises me, Lord Emperor Jaguar, that the exmatriate Snow is still under sentence for conspiracy to commit regicide. I humbly ask that you return her to her Matriarch for deeds unpunished. We have more than a valley to discuss.”

  Bending toward Snarling Jaguar, Hungry Pirhana whispered, “I remind the Lord Emperor Jaguar of a few facts. After Fleeting Snow's conviction on conspiracy charges fifteen years ago, Bubbling Water withheld her consent and kept the Imperial Ruling Council from executing her. Fleeting Snow stayed in the castle dungeons, unpunished. A year or so later, the President of the Imperial Ruling Council ordered a stay of execution and spirited Fleeting Snow off to Crag.”

  Nodding, Snarling Jaguar glanced at the Southern Sorcerer. “That was the year Smoking Arrow died, eh? Yes, as I thought. The President was Scowling Tiger, Lord Pirhana?”

  The black Wizard nodded.

  Snarling Jaguar smiled, glancing toward Flying Arrow.

  Just then, Bubbling Water strode through the amphitheater doors. “I beseech the Lord Emperor Arrow not to bargain further until he has briefed his intermediary. The Lord General Guarding Bear commands me to assume his position during his indisposition.” Proudly, she stepped to the vacancy in Flying Arrow's circle of advisors.

  Snarling Jaguar frowned, guessing her a tougher adversary.

  * * *

  “You can't do that!” Lurking Hawk protested.

  “Go to the Infinite, Traitor,” she growled, blinking at him.

  Her telekinetic hand hurled him to the rear of the Eastern nobility.

  She turned on Flying Arrow. “You listen closely, Nephew.” Staring at him murderously, she leaned close so no one else could hear. “I didn't have a quarrel with you before you had the Traitor implant Rippling Water. If he touches her again, I'll tear off his testicles and shove them into your empty sack through your nostrils. Then I'll order all my Eastern daughters to abort their male fetuses and deny their mates their pleasures. You'll have a hundred thousand angry, sex-starved warriors looking for a place to put their swords—probably your back passage, eh? When you war on females, Emperor, expect them to war on you.”

  Flying Arrow stared at her impotently. A moment later, he said, “Are you through? Good—I need your help, Lady Water. Listen carefully: This is what I want.”

  * * *

  Watching the pair from across empty floor, Snarling Jaguar shivered, wondering what demons they conjured with their wild gestures. Not a superstitious man, the Emperor recognized the source of his fear: Bubbling Water. This powerful Matriarch, Guarding Bear's mate, who'd reared a fearsome if bumbling Emperor, was an enigma to Snarling Jaguar. He'd never met her personally but had dealt with her envoys. Fully one fifth of Southern females were daughters of the Matriarchy. Years ago, he'd tried to decrease Imperially-funded medical care for indigent pregnant women. Through an intermediary, the Matriarch Water had politely petitioned him to increase it instead. He'd decreased it anyway. Within weeks, thirty thousand women had divorced their mates in protest. He'd given in then, learning the hard way to respect the matriarchies.

  Guarding Bear's the poison and Bubbling Water the honey, he thought, but both are equally lethal. Again the Emperor shivered.

  The discussion ceased. Bubbling Water stood, stepping onto the empty floor, approaching the Emperor Jaguar. Stopping fifteen paces away—a distance Guarding Bear had found negligible—she knelt and bowed.

  Snarling Jaguar returned her obeisance as though her equal. “I'd like to express my gratitude, Lady Matriarch Water, for sparing my life and preserving the peace between our Empires.”

  She smiled demurely. “The Lord Emperor Jaguar flatters this humble servant of the Lord Emperor Arrow.”

  “I don't dispense idle flattery, Lady. So you've personally strengthened your Matriarchy, eh?”

  “Yes, Lord Emperor Jaguar, the Infinite has blessed me with a daughter. May all jaguar cubs snarl as ferociously as their father.”

  “May all the water tributaries be as effervescent as their Matriarch, the Lady Water.” Wouldn't you like this one for your concubine, eh? the Emperor told himself, chuckling mightily within. He liked her age and personality, but her fox-like beauty, her regal carriage, and her wealth and influence alarmed him. He preferred the simple peasant woman—vibrant disposition, early autumn years, unenviable appearance, and without political power.

  Snarling Jaguar knew that this water effervescent would ever quench the thirst of another, leaving him parched. With a shred of sadness, he knew she wasn't for him. Perhaps one of her daughters for one of my sons? he wondered, liking the idea.

  Bubbling Water smiled. “It's true, then, that the gilded edge of your tongue surpasses even your ability to govern. Please forgive me, Lord Emperor Jaguar, flattery won't help you here.”

  “I expect only hard bargaining to help me here, Lady Matriarch Water. We have the possession of Swan Valley to decide, and the fates of the exmatriate Snow and the Lord General. Surely we'll settle matters to the satisfaction of us all?”

  “It's my hope we can, Lord Emperor Jaguar. In addition, the Lord General must pay for his breach of etiquette, to put it mildly.”

  Snarling Jaguar chuckled, liking her.

  “What price would you put on the Lord Bear's actions, Lord Emperor Jaguar?” Smiling mischievously and sweetening her voice, she added, “What an addition to your menagerie!”

  “What?” he said, surprised.

  “Think of the secrets the Lord Bear knows, Lord Emperor Jaguar.”

  “Yes, Lady Matriarch, thousands of secrets, but pulling rotten bear teeth is easier than pulling rotten secrets.”

  “Oh, I doubt it, Lord Emperor Jaguar. Haven't you asked the Lord Emperor Arrow to spare him? Aren't you willing to bargain something away so the Lord General Bear might live? Wouldn't those pry open his mouth?”

  “Perhaps, Lady Matriarch.”

  “I knew you'd agree, Lord Emperor Jaguar,” she said quickly. “What's he worth to you?”

  “Since you'll want him back in similar or better condition, Lady Matriarch, surely he's worth an exorbitant ransom.” Snarling Jaguar's expansive gesture included the castle.

  “Done, Lord Emperor Jaguar. A hundred thousand taels—”r />
  “I don't want currency, Lady Matriarch Water. You have more valuable wares. I want a sparkling stream from the river of Water, her jewels splendid, her robes ostentatious, her hymen intact.”

  * * *

  Bubbling Water dared to hope, wondering how to strengthen the Matriarchy through this unexpected proposal. “Of course, Lord Emperor Jaguar,” Bubbling Water said jovially. I know I have a virgin somewhere among my daughters, she thought. If I don't, I'll fake her virginity. “The male offspring to remain with the father,” she stipulated, “and the females to return to me.” He'll expect such a condition. Daughters belonged to mothers and sons to fathers, the custom as old as time.

  “How long may I have the services of this concubine, Lady Matriarch Water?”

  She sighed at his acceptance. “That depends upon who actually welcomes her to his hearth, Lord Emperor Jaguar.”

  “So it does, Lady Matriarch. Since I haven't decided yet, we'll bargain later.” The Southern Emperor raised an eyebrow. “Now, the exmatriate.”

  “Ah, yes, the woman whom your guard treated so roughly.” She smiled sweetly and spoke quickly. “The Lord Emperor Arrow and I agree that the Traitress Fleeting Snow's stay of execution was an ill-advised action. We hereby rescind that stay of execution. Hence, the Traitress Fleeting Snow is under sentence of death for conspiracy to commit regicide and complicity in her mate Brazen Bear's treason. Please release her into our custody now, Lord Emperor Jaguar, in accord with our extradition treaty.”

  Hungry Pirhana leaned toward Snarling Jaguar. After the brief conversation, the Emperor said, “Lady Matriarch Water, our treaty states I may review all cases before extradition.”

  “What is there to review, Lord Emperor Jaguar?”

  “Some contend that Brazen Bear was blameless. If true, someone has committed a terrible injustice. I've seen no proof that the Traitress shared in her mate's 'subversive' activities. I want to review the nature of the woman's actions since she left your Empire. However, Lady Matriarch Water, I'll forego a review if the Eastern Empire cedes Swan Valley.”


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