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The Peasant

Page 27

by Scott Michael Decker

  When we had a moment, Bubbling Water and I repaired to the refectory. We refilled our goblets and nibbled on fine cheeses. Suddenly, she asked me in a loud, pleasant voice, “What's the first thing you'll do now that you're as wealthy as a stinking noble?”

  I didn't need to think about it. Chuckling, I whispered so no one would overhear. “How can I quietly donate an adequate sum to the mates and children of the tax collectors and warriors who died in our rebellion?”

  She kissed me fiercely, her arms around my neck. Setting off the tongues of everyone who saw us, she didn't let go until the bidding on the next piece began. “I'll help you find them, my lord, my love.” Then she led me back into the auction room.

  I realized then that my wealth wasn't the coin in my pocket, nor even the invaluable woman who'd betrothed herself to me. My wealth was and is, always has been, and always will be, my willingness to help my fellow citizen.

  * * *

  Guarding Bear glanced over at the medacor Calming Touch. During his story, she hadn't moved. On the pallet beside him, Healing Hand sighed deeply, a small wistful smile on his face.

  “I find it so easy to dwell on the glory of all my victories, the fame I've earned, and the lofty toes I've trounced. None of it means a bucket of dung next to the smiles on the faces of people I've helped.

  “Names are so misleading, eh? 'Peasant Upstart Usurper,' they call me. I don't have to let their name shape my thinking. I've done more to help this land than hurt it, a thousand times more. I'm not really the Usurper; that's only a mask. I wish Flying Arrow would do something to assure the succession—appoint an Heir, impregnate his consort, anything.”

  Healing Hand giggled beside him.

  Guarding Bear tousled his hair. “Anything to remove me one step from the throne, anything so I'm less of a threat to him. No matter how much I wish it, without a secure succession, I'm the Peasant Upstart Usurper. That's one mask I'll be glad to discard.”

  The General sighed. “I look forward to my vacation in the Southern Empire. I won't meet anyone wanting to put the mask back on me. While I'm there, I'll have the chance to be Guarding Bear. That's not much to ask, is it?” he asked, looking upward at the ceiling of tent and inward for his spiritual strength. “Lord Infinite, please help me to be Guarding Bear.”

  Chapter 23

  Death is all. Choosing death whenever faced with the choice between life and death is the warrior's paramount way to serve the liege lord. To give up self for others, to become one with the lord's wishes, is the warrior's ultimate goal. A life is a pittance to pay for the supreme honor of dying in the service of one's lord.—A Book of Five Rings.

  * * *

  Bubbling Water woke, the feel of a man beside her, the smell of their pleasures around her. Smiling, she thanked the Infinite for granting her fulfillment.

  Careful not to wake Snarling Jaguar, she rose, looking around. A bucket was in a corner. While she relieved herself, she cleansed her skin with trace chemathonics. Then she checked her uterus, where she held his seed suspended. Sperm lived less than six hours outside the sack. With her ability to regulate the internal temperature and chemical balances of her womb, she could keep sperm alive indefinitely. Seeing the spermatozoa swimming happily around the artificial environment inside her, she smiled.

  Bubbling Water brushed her hair with telekinesis until it shined. Adjusting her liver, she metabolized last night's alcohol and its byproducts, clearing her system. Brushing her teeth and cleansing her mouth, Bubbling Water wondered how she wanted to smell today. I feel happy, she thought, synthesizing the scent of peach blossoms.

  Climbing Ivy pushed aside a tapestry and gestured to Bubbling Water. She followed the woman to the next enclosure, where hundreds of fine silk robes hung. “I manage the Lord Emperor's wardrobe, as well as style his hair,” Climbing Ivy said quietly. “I've selected a few robes I thought you might like, Lady Matriarch.”

  “Thank you, Ivy, that's very kind.” Looking among them, Bubbling Water picked a pale peach to go with her perfume. Climbing Ivy helped her dress. The silk halter was very comfortable. So soft was the brushed lambskin loincloth that she soon forgot she wore it. The leggings of the sheepskin moccasins reached her knees.

  “You're pretty enough to make every man drool and every woman jealous, Lady,” Climbing Ivy said, looking her over. “It's the light in your eyes, Lady. How do you stay so happy?”

  “I sheathe a sword as often as I can.”

  The coiffeuse laughed, covering her mouth so she wouldn't wake her liege lord close by. “If you're hungry, the Lord Emperor sets a fine table, and his coffees are the best on the continent. Also, the Lord Captain Whisper arrived about a half hour ago, leaving the escort at the edge of camp. He said he'd wait at the base of the hill, if you wish to speak with him. I invited him to break his sleeping fast, but he's just having coffee.”

  “Thank you, Ivy. Right now, I'd like to see the Lady Snow.”

  “Yes, Lady,” she replied, gesturing Bubbling Water to follow.

  Stopping at a tapestry of a wintry scene, Climbing Ivy pulled it aside. Beyond, sitting on a cushion, was Fleeting Snow. Entering the enclosure, the Matriarch stepped to her daughter's side and embraced her. Sobs began to shake the younger woman. “You've endured so much, my daughter,” Bubbling Water murmured. “You've been loyal to your widow and me beyond all reason. Your performance was glorious to see.”

  Pulling her head from the Matriarch's shoulder, Fleeting Snow looked away. “How can you ever forgive me, Lady?”

  “Forgive you for what? What are you saying?”

  “I didn't tell you about the trade, Lady Matriarch.”

  “While I am curious why you didn't tell me, my child, that's not important. I love you as I ever have.”

  Fleeting Snow smiled gratefully. “Yes, Lady, I know. I've lived so long where no one loved me that I forgot what it's like. Oh, Lady Water, it was terrible!” She began to sob again.

  Pulling her close, Bubbling Water held her.

  A few minutes later, the younger woman pulled back and wiped her face. “I'd have sent a messenger, Lady, but I didn't know Scowling Tiger planned to trade me away until that day.”

  “Not to worry, eh?” Bubbling Water said, shrugging. “No harm done that didn't resolve itself. Listen, Daughter, you've done so well for so long I can't put a value on the price you paid. I'm sorry you lost twelve years of your life and had to leave your daughter behind. The Lord Bear and I want you to ask anything of us. If we can grant it, we will.”

  Fleeting Snow laughed bleakly and shook her head. “I need to think, Lady Matriarch.”

  “Of course, Lady. Know this, Daughter Snow: I ask one more year of service. You'll travel between Bastion and the Southern Empire during that year. I imagine you'll find it a pleasant change from the Tiger Fortress. After one year, I'll release you from all commitments. Then, you'll be free.”

  “Yes, Lady,” Fleeting Snow said, “thank you.”

  “For now, go with the Lord Emperor. You'll be safe with him.”

  “What about Flying Arrow?”

  “Eventually, he'll be grateful for your knowledge about the Tiger Fortress.”

  Laughing, Fleeting Snow nodded. “Infinite bless you, Lady.”

  “The Infinite has blessed me with you, Daughter.” Embracing her, Bubbling Water rose. “Thank you, Fleeting Snow, for everything.”

  “I only did my duty, Lady Matriarch.”

  “You did more than anyone would've thought to ask. Infinite be with you.”

  “And with you, Lady Matriarch,” Fleeting Snow said, bowing.

  Bowing back as though they were equals to honor her, Bubbling Water stepped from the enclosure. Climbing Ivy waited in the corridor.

  Bubbling Water wondered how she might persuade Fleeting Snow to live. “You said you had coffee?” She smiled brightly. “If the weather's nice, Ivy, I'll take it outside. I enjoy pleasant mornings.”

  “Yes, Lady Matriarch. Come this way.” Leading her a
long a tapestried corridor, the coiffeuse stopped at an intersection and gestured toward the tent entrance. “I'll be there in a moment with your coffee, Lady.”

  “Thank you, Ivy.”

  The woman bowed as Bubbling Water stepped to the awning covered entrance. Toward the east the sun peeked from behind the castle. The sight of the edifice reminded her of her worries. She tucked them away to enjoy the morning, at peace with herself.

  “Infinite be with you, Hand, Lord Captain,” she said to the pair below.

  At the base of the hill, Silent Whisper and Healing Hand rose from their obeisances. “Infinite be with you, Lady Matriarch. Did you sleep well?”

  “I did, Lord, thank you.” Descending halfway down the hill, she settled herself in the grass. “Would you like to join me for coffee?”

  “Can I have juice?” Healing Hand asked, walking up and settling himself beside her. Silent Whisper eased himself to the grass two paces away, a cup of steaming black coffee in his hand.

  “Of course, Hand. You should say, 'Thank you for the invitation, Lady Matriarch, but I'm not worthy of such an honor.' ”

  “Is that what the Lord Bear means by 'obligatory flattery'?”

  Laughing, she tousled his hair. “That's our custom, Hand.” She glanced at the Captain, seeing his heaviness of spirit. “I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Lord Whisper.”

  “Thank you, Lady Matriarch. Forgive me for showing my troubles on my face.”

  “I pray you find peace, my friend.”

  “Infinite bless you, Lady.” Silent Whisper appeared to feel worse.

  Climbing Ivy descended the hill with a tray and set it beside the trio. “I brought juice for the Little Lord Hand.”

  Bubbling Water translated what she'd said.

  “Just what I wanted, Ivy. You shouldn't call me 'Lord.' I'm just a peasant. I'm not a lord yet.”

  The three adults laughed. The boy looked at them, puzzled. “Ambitious little peasant, aren't you?” the Southerner said.

  Healing Hand waited for the Matriarch to translate. “I guess I am.”

  They laughed again.

  “When you want more coffee, Lord, Lady, if you lift your left pinky, I'll bring it instantly.”

  “Thank you, Ivy,” Bubbling Water said, translating for the other two.

  Bowing, Climbing Ivy retreated to the tent entrance.

  Breathing deeply, Bubbling Water looked around. The tents of the Imperial Jaguar Entourage were coming down. She guessed they'd leave that afternoon. From amidst the active camp strode Stalking Jaguar. Climbing the hill, he nodded to their bows. “Infinite be with you all,” he said. “We leave before dusk, Lady Matriarch.” He then looked at Healing Hand. “Hand, would you like to tell the Lady?”

  The boy grinned sheepishly at Bubbling Water. “I got away from the Lord Heir last night, Lady. I only wanted to explore.”

  Sensing a fib, she put a cunning look on her face. “I'll accept that answer for now, Hand. I expect you to tell me the truth later.”

  “That is the truth!”

  “Not all of it, Hand,” Bubbling Water replied. “Withholding the truth is another way to lie, young man. I'd like you not to make it a habit.”

  “Yes, Lady Water,” Healing Hand said glumly.

  “Sometimes, it's a form of discretion as well, Hand. I don't expect you always to know the difference. Sometimes, even I can't tell.”

  The boy looked puzzled. “I thought you knew everything.”

  Laughing, Bubbling Water hugged him. “Only the Infinite knows all, eh? We mere humans can only try.” Healing Hand nodded and smiled. “Travel safely, Lord Heir,” she said. “Seek the bliss of the Infinite with my niece whenever you can.”

  “I will, Lady. It was an honor to have met you. Infinite bless you.” Nodding to their obeisances, Stalking Jaguar strode down the hill.

  Gazing southward, beyond the ring of tents, Bubbling Water looked across fertile plain. Crops heavy with yield spread across the gently rolling land, harvest not far away. Sipping her coffee, she prayed the winter rains held off for another two weeks. She knew she'd leave soon for the Caven Hills to help the peasants with harvest. When she could, she liked to join them in the fields. The peasants usually welcomed her help. With her Wizard strength telekinesis, Bubbling Water could harvest more than a hundred men not using talent. “Would you like to come with me to the Caven Hills, Hand?”

  A smile splashed across Healing Hand's face. “Thank you for the invitation, Lady Matriarch,” he replied with an affected reserve, “but I'm not worthy of such an honor.”

  She laughed so hard she almost spilled her coffee. “Oh, Hand, you're a wonderful boy. Now I'm taking you even if you don't want to go.” Grinning, she hugged him. “Lord Whisper, we'll leave a week from now. You'll need to arrange an honor guard with a palanquin. We'll stay a night in Nest. Check with the Lady Stream; she'll tell you the usual route. Inform Bastion Castle of our arrival … What is it?”

  Both Healing Hand and Silent Whisper looked suddenly sad.

  “Forgive me, Lady Matriarch, uh, the Lord Pigeon…”

  “The Lord Emperor executed him, eh?” Bubbling Water sighed, sadness sweeping away her happiness. “I thought he would. I'll relieve Trickling Stream of her duties while she's in mourning. How is she?”

  “She's waiting, Lady,” Silent Whisper said, “for your permission.”

  “To fall on her knife?!” She looked at him in disbelief. “She's too good a mother to take her life while…” Seeing their expressions, she knew. “Oh, dear Lord Infinite, they were children—just children!” The ugly flower of guilt and bitterness blossomed inside her. Setting aside her cup, she put her hands over her face. Blast you, Flying Arrow! Bubbling Water thought, praying for the souls of the innocent children and crying for their loss. Her perennial guilt lodged like an arrow head beneath her heart. I did the best I could, she thought, wishing for the thousandth time she'd had more discretion in rearing the Heir.

  The touch of large hands warmed her back. She heard the soft murmur of the boy's voice. The emitted comfort calmed the winds of her sorrow. “Thank you, Healing Hand,” Bubbling Water said, taking one of his hands in her own and touching it to her lips. “Infinite bless you.” She cleared the tears from her face and the phlegm from her nose. “I'm sorry,” she said.

  “Nothing to forgive, Lady,” Silent Whisper said softly. “Thank the Infinite you care so much.”

  Smiling at him briefly, she said, “Perhaps too much, eh?”

  “Now, Lady, you know that's not true.”

  Bubbling Water nodded. “I do. Sometimes, I doubt myself, though.”

  “Lady Water,” Healing Hand asked, “why'd the Lord Emperor kill them?”

  “I wish I could tell you in a few simple words,” Bubbling Water said. “That's no different from his slaughtering all those Northerners. So much blood choked the River Placid that year, we called it the River Crimson. Since not a single peasant would use the tainted water, all the farms along the river lay fallow. The stench was terrible. I don't know why I expect him to behave any different. Hand, the Lord Emperor probably killed the children for the same reason he implanted Rippling Water and poisoned the Lord Bear.”

  “The Lord Emperor poisoned the Lord Bear?” Silent Whisper looked toward the castle, murder on his face.

  “Lord Whisper!”

  “Eh? Lady, I humbly beg permission to—”

  “Permission denied,” she interrupted. “Think about the result before you assassinate Flying Arrow. Running Bear could be Emperor. Or Scowling Tiger. Then we'd really have the Infinite to pay, eh Lord?”

  “Indeed, Lady.” Silent Whisper looked very uncomfortable, sweating despite the chill of morning.

  “What is it, Lord Captain?”

  “When you have a moment, Lady, I'd like to speak with you.”

  Alone, Bubbling Water guessed; he didn't look at her directly. “Look at me,” she ordered; he did so, then immediately looked away. “Oh, my friend,” she s
aid, “the weight on your spirit saddens me. Healing Hand, please wait for us near the escort, would you?”

  “Yes, Lady Water,” he said without hesitation. Rising, Healing Hand turned to go, then stopped and bowed as a peasant would to a noble.

  Smiling, Bubbling Water returned his bow with a nod. “Have more coffee, Lord Whisper. Please, my friend, be at ease with me—and with yourself, eh?” She lifted her left pinky.

  Appearing beside them, Climbing Ivy bowed and refilled their cups.

  “Do you have a shield, Ivy?”

  “Yes, Lady Water.” Pulling a portable shield from her sash, she handed it to Bubbling Water, then retreated to the tent entrance.

  Setting the dials, Bubbling Water turned on the shield; the psychic barrier enclosed them. I need to put him at ease somehow, she thought. “Tell me about your visit to Hand's clinic.”

  Silent Whisper breathed deeply, then winced, then sighed. Finally, he groaned in confusion. “Yes, Lady Matriarch.”

  “Please, my friend, address me by name when we're alone.”

  “Thank you for the invitation, Lady Water.” Then he added with a grin, “But I'm not worthy of such an honor.”

  Grateful for him, she chuckled.

  “The Lady Stream and I found the place. It's a wreck, Lady Water. You might consider putting up a new building. Erecting Structure is there now, talking with Gentle Hand, finding out what she needs and wants. Yesterday, while the Lady Stream went in, I waited outside. We didn't want to frighten the medacor with my sword, eh? She told Gentle Hand you'd buy the property, renovate it and assign a medacor and a wet nurse to help her. She was very grateful.

  “While Trickling Stream was inside, a man approached me…” Silent Whisper closed his eyes, struggling to keep his face composed. “The man was a medacor, a Wizard medacor. After speaking with me, he went inside and helped with Gentle Hand's patients. The Lady Stream and I think he's the boy's father. He looks like the boy's father—the hair, the eyes, the hands, the talent. Lady Water, he told me he's a bandit.”


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