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The Richard Burton Diaries

Page 10

by Richard Burton

  28 Thursday We had a trigonometry exam this morning and no exam this afternoon because the timetable was changed. I had an afternoon off reading Realities of War by P. Gibbs.94 Went down Park and ripped my nail. Did not play football.

  29 Friday We had arithmetic and history today the last thank goodness. My name is upon the list as reserve but I will play probably against Maesteg.95 Graham and Edie were down. I had 3d off Edie. Went down Ben's for a game of Monopoly.

  30 Saturday Played Maesteg and lost 6–3 and we couldn't blame the ref. this time. Went over the park – all the boys were pinching tennis balls. Went to Cach to see Gracie Fields in Shipyard Sally.96 All Propaganda.

  31 Sunday Now that we've finished exams, I'm looking forward to a week of rest. Went all day to Chapel. Mr Bowen absent tonight.97


  1 Monday I had a shock today I only had 19 in Welsh but I can take it. Had footer in the gym and had a great time tackling the mattress which was tied in the middle by a string. I had a nasty smack on my neck.

  2 Tuesday Ran in the road race and finished 11th out of entry of 28 people. Our house was last in the race. We are going to play the County juniors tomorrow [...]. I had a fairly good tennis racket off Mr Smith.

  3 Wednesday Played County and lost 5–0. Alun Thomas was the County star.98 Our forwards were outplayed and our backs were slow to force home an advantage. The try they scored was not a very good one and I thought it not.

  4 Thursday Went to see the seniors playing and they lost 3–0 and though they were much the better team. Only about twice they hooked the ball all through the match. Eifion did very well and hooked almost 100%.99

  5 Friday Had a sing song in the Hall and I had to sing alone before the whole school. The song was ‘Clementine’.100 Broke up today. Had tennis in the school courts with Royston Palmer. He won.

  6 Saturday Went up Cwmafan. Went to Ivor's and we went for a walk up on top road. There was a car smash on top road last night. Nobody was killed.101

  7 Sunday Went to chapel morn afternoon and night.

  8 Monday Took my bat over in the morning to have 5 strings put in. I went back in the evening (5) and it was done – cost me 3/-. I had a lend of 2/6 off Sis. Bucket of D.102

  9 Tuesday Went up Mountain and had a bucket of D. Went again afternoon and had another. Played tennis in the park this afternoon with Wherle and co. stayed in tonight.

  10 Wednesday Went up to fetch dung and I washed by the farmer. But he didn't catch me. Played tennis in the park with Roy Palmer in the noon and night. Stinks and D. Walters played with us in the night. Hopeless game.

  11 Thursday Fetched a bucket of D. Prince was chasing the sheep and Daddy James saw him so I can't take Prince up the mountain again. Played football with Eastern in the noon and with Wherle and co. in the night.

  12 Friday Helped to chuck in a load of coal for Auntie Hannah.103 Then I went over Mary Ann Jones to clean her chimney for her.104 We had 1/0. Went up the colliery in the noon to fetch Elfed's pay for him.

  13 Saturday Did all my errands in the morning and read a library book in the noon. Went to Cach to see Four Daughters.105 Came home and read a bit before going to bed.

  14 Sunday The papers has been in a week now only another 51. Went to chapel [...] They are planing the chapel floor so I took my hymn book home.

  15 Monday Played football today with Stan Williams’ ball. There was only about 5 aside. We won easily. I had a row off Sis for getting home late. Played with C. Eynon in the afternoon.106 Played cricket and football [...]

  16 Tuesday Went up Pontrhydyfen this morning to fetch a tennis press but it was needed so I did not have it. About 11.0 I went down to Tom's and had dinner there. Went to see Cassie's grave. Rode to park – played football.

  17 Wednesday Played tennis with Ron Butt, B. Fallows and Tr Cound.107 We had a fine game. That was in the noon. Went up Cwm in the night and met Ivor. He gave me a tanner. Had a bob off Dai. Went 1/2 with Sis. [...]

  18 Thursday It has been raining pouring for hours. It started delightfully. Went down Ben's this afternoon with Dillwyn. Ben won easily. But we'll have him back. Dai Owen went to the Army today.108 Hitler can stop when he likes.

  19 Friday Fetched a bucket of D. There was another man up there but I was very keen today I could smell D. a mile off. This mountain is nothing but D. Played tennis with A. and G. Powell. They are hopeless players. Went down Ben's.

  20 Saturday Did all my errands. I plucked up courage to ask all the people on my round to keep papers for me. Most of them agreed. Went to the Cach. Supposed to play tennis with Ivor. But it was too wet. [...]

  21 Sunday [...] Went to Chapel morn afternoon and night. School coming nearer and nearer. Very good Sermon.

  22 Monday Did not play tennis with Colin or anybody. Went up the park in the night and played football with Colin Wherle and Co. Did not play all night as usual. Finished about 7.30. G. Parkhouse and Bonehead went to flicks.109

  23 Tuesday Took papers for wall up Cwmafan. Had money and went to Cach to see Gorilla.110 School a week today. Called in Neville Williams and borrowed his pump as my tyres were soft.111 Gorilla was good.

  24 Wednesday Played with J. Beynon T. George and C. Eynon in morn and with R. Butt in noon.112 Went for my first dip of the season it was cold but nice. It is a glorious day. Walked back and fore went over park after.

  25 Thursday Went to fetch D. and had to wait ages for it. I met G. Powell up there. Went down the park about 11.0 and played cricket with the practice teams. Went to the park. Played football.

  26 Friday Sis went up Cwmafan to paper again. I fetched Elfed's pay. In the morn I went over to the paper hangers and told them to pack up for Sis. Went over the park and took papers for Auntie Edie. More than usual.

  27 Saturday Collected all papers from the people and they came to quite a pile. Anyway I had 6d extra off Auntie Ede. I went up Pont and took Gerwyn for a walk.113 I had 2/6 off Pop.114 He was drunk. It is clearance.115

  28 Sunday Went to chapel per usual. Only 1 more day of hols. Went for a walk with D. D. and J. Williams and Hubert David [...]116

  29 Monday Went down to change my library book this morning and helped Uncle Evan and Edwin to carry blackout to Mrs Hopkins – Had two glasses of Pop.117 I am determined to work hard in school this term. Letter for Sis from Dai Jenkins but not for me. Also Dai Owen.

  30 Tuesday School started today. Had wood work all morning and did not take Gym. After starting a tie box I converted my labour into a knife box. Had usual lessons this afternoon. Did a little swotting of Richard II our new play. It is interesting homework. Real work tonight.


  1 Wednesday Did my Geog and tried my Geometry but I was beaten. Played football against Bowditch's team.118 We won 6–5. Scored a goal. The farmer came and tried to find my name but I argued that he did not have a notice up. He asked my name and I told him to find out.

  2 Thursday Tried to do my Geom homework but I couldn't. Went down Park and played footer. We had art today and I am starting to copy old English Printing with D. H. Lodwig.119 I have not heard anything about farmer.

  3 Friday Went to school as usual. Did my Geom in Phys with the help of THM I was the only one to do it and have it right. Went down the park in the night and played football. Scored 2 goals. 1st time that Boyo has been on my side.

  4 Saturday Did all my errands and went down the park in the noon and played putting. Did a little homework and went to Social. Had tea then went up Park and played putting again with Allan and Dillwyn. Dillwyn won most. I won one. In 25.

  5 Sunday Went to Chapel all day. Went for a walk in the evening with Plum and Dill. Nelson had a fight with Palmer.120 They were stopped.

  6 Monday Played football with the Boys tonight. Our Davey is home on hols. and he sleeps with me. What a life. I helped Sis to shift the bed from one room to another and a bed off Mrs Turner over to our house.121 Sis now sleeps in the front room upstairs.

  7 Tuesday Played Dai Rees's team and we won.122 Jus
t in time by 5 goals to 4. I scored a penalty with my special. Ron Butt was picked as Captain of the Cricket team Juniors and I as vice captain. It came as great shock to us all. We expected B. Phillips to be Captain.

  8 Wednesday Only another 5 days before Whitsun. I am writing this in the cold hours of Thursday morning. Davey is going to play Tennis with me on Friday. I wonder if he is very hot. Went down the Park. [...] Played putting with R. Palmer and we drew twice. He won the rest.

  9 Thursday 4 more days to Whitsun. Great debate in the Commons over the conduct of the War by Chamberlain. Lloyd George made fiery speech. Norway now is lost or practically so. Capture of Narvik imminent by Britain.123

  10 Friday Holland, Luxembourg and Belgium invaded by Adolph and his crazy gang. They are being held. I think this is Germany's great and first mistake. Played Tennis with Dai. He won. When reached home he was called back.

  11 Saturday Germany claims that Holland and Belgium were making alliance with GB. Went to baths this afternoon. Chamberlain resigned yesterday. Churchill new premier Just heard. Attlee Greenwood Eden Sinclair and Alexander and Chamber in cab.124

  12 Sunday Went to chapel all day and had tickets for Whitsun Treat. Elfed is not having his annual hols next week not even his 1 day bank holiday. Roy Palmer is coming to Ogmore.125

  13 Monday Holiday. News on wireless says we go back to school tomorrow. Very shocked. Went to Ogmore lovely weather. Palmer and I had a pile of fun. Met feller named Josie Jenkins who owned a farm there. Knew all the sheep's names by heart. Had 1/- left.

  14 Tuesday No holiday today as per usual. Went to school. Our form put the nets up. After much struggling with it we had a game of cricket which was a refreshing reward. Saw Form IV rehearsing their play in the Hall. Played cricket with Wherle. We bought a new ball.

  15 Wednesday Went to school. War improving for us. Dutch stopped fighting. Stayed in and did my homework. Had a cricket practice with the Juniors. Some of the boys were not there because of the play but we had a good game. Everybody had a knock and a bowl.

  16 Thursday Played cricket with Wherle and Co. Had a knock with the Seniors. Eastern lost to Centrals by an innings. Ivor Jones bowled them all out.126 I scored 34 not out against Wherley's bowling. We won by 20 runs. I cannot bowl good length at all.

  17 Friday Played cricket. D. H. Lodwig has left school to work in the steel works. In a way I'm sorry. Played cricket with the ‘boys’. I scored 24 clean bowled. My average is now 58 as I was not out in my 1st innings. Left my whites strap and coat in school.

  18 Saturday Went to Cach to see Will Fyffe and D. Fairbanks Junior in Rulers of the sea.127 Went down the park and had a game of putting with B. Phipps. I won most of the games. Highlight of Cach was Billy Bennett with his great poem ‘Out in the Jungle where men are men’.128

  19 Sunday Went to chapel morn afternoon and night. Dr Rees gave a good sermon and after it all he made a nasty wisecrack about Uncle Charles.129 Absent.

  20 Monday Played cricket with Wherle and Co. I had 3 inns 12, 1 and 23 which made my average 24. Went down the Sandfields to play cricket with the Seniors.130 Archie bowled me.131 School as usual. Weygand now instead of Gamelin in the War.132

  21 Tuesday At four o Clock Richard Walter shits his Pants.133

  This entry was written by Elfed in an attempt to spoil the Book but it will remain if I live to be a 100.

  22 Wednesday Went to see As you like it as performed by Form IV. It was very good. T. George was the star of the evening as Touchstone the Clown.134 The War has taken a serious turn against us. The Huns are only 15 miles from the Channel. But am confident that we'll pull up.135

  23 Thursday Played tennis with Jakeweed Williams.136 Went up the park and played cricket with Stan Walter of international and Rydal School fame.137 He is a beautiful bat. The war is going badly for us but am confident of victory.

  24 Friday The King made a speech today and made Sunday a day of National Prayers for the boys in France. Big meeting coming nearer now. Am looking forward to seeing preacher Mr J. Derlwyn Evans of Ynysmeudwy.138

  25 Saturday Went to Cach and saw Rose of Washington Square.139 T. Henry came down and I had very acceptable dough off him. I have bought a tick off T. George to go to play the next Tuesday.140 Mr Wellington was in our house when I reached home tonight.

  26 Sunday What a rousing sermon of Derlwyn Evans tonight when he said that our country's sheet is not too clean also.

  27 Monday Went to school all day. Had a knock in the nets this afternoon with Smite and Tadpole bowling for me.141 I'm afraid that I am rather weak on the off side, but should score runs this season. Ron Butt had knock.

  28 Tuesday Went to Regent to see Captain Fury.142 It was a jolly good show. Illustrating the liberation of the settlers in Australia by Captain Fury who was a convict. [...]

  29 Wednesday I keep a War Diary now. Played tennis with T. George, D. Parr and J. Beynon.143 We had a jolly game but not a good one. Don tried continually to beat the altitude record. We lost the ball about 7 times.

  30 Thursday Had a letter from Will my soldier brother.144 In it he said that cinema war pictures were nothing to reality. It wasn't a very long letter. Went to see the County sports. Saw K. Cordy win the 1/2 mile with plenty to spare.145 Tudor won.146

  31 Friday Had preliminaries for sports. After going around with P. Lane etc. in the 440 I was surprised that I could stick it so.147 I am going to enter for the middle 440 yards. And I am sure I ought to win it.


  1 Saturday Did all my errands as usual and changed my library book in the noon. Went to the Regent and I saw a picture called Four Feathers.148 Showed what family tradition can do to a man. This man was sent four white feathers. But he proved them wrong.

  2 Sunday Went to chapel all day and Dr Rees gave his usual sermon. I am afraid that Dr Rees goes terribly sometimes.

  3 Monday Sports nearing. Not very confident in our House's victory in the Sports. Road race has been run today. Morgan came 2nd Caradog 1st Iestyn 3rd. Have entered the 440 in the sports and putting the shot and javelin.

  4 Tuesday I have already won the long jump and the second place in the high jump. Ran with Haffield for honour of representing house in school sports. I won by about 30 yards in the quarter. Hope I can repeat it.

  5 Wednesday Straight after school I went up the field and practice the 440. I have worked out the positions as to where I go all out for the finish. Am afraid that Tanner can stick it. I hope not.

  6 Thursday Sports. I won the putt the shot by 18 ins (from R. Butt) with a throw of 31ft 7 ins. I came third in the Javelin through bad luck. I came first in the 440. My worked out spurt came off. Total 17 points.

  7 Friday Today Mr Smith said that I was to run the 440 yards and putt the shot and long jump in M. Ash.149 I am very nervous about the result. I hope there are no crack runners there because I'm no crack.

  8 Saturday Went to M. Ash. I came 6th in shot out of 23. 7th in long jump out of 30. Bridgend won senior sports again. J. Beynon and B. Phillips both won their heats in the hurdles. But lost in the finals. Did not run.

  9 Sunday Went to Chapel all day. After Chapel I went down the beach. Have been expecting our Will home. I had a dip.150 First I ever had on Sunday.

  10 Monday Italy declared war on us. Don Parr and I went down the beach. We had great fun I had a knock in cricket at the nets. Tadpole heard THM swearing and made a joke out of it.

  11 Tuesday Had Woodwork and finished my model but I'll spend next Tuesday polishing it up. [...] Had cricket practice but I didn't have a knock all through.

  12 Wednesday Went to School as usual. We had a P Study last lesson because Burton is not here.151 We have the usual rotten singing now that he is gone. The newcomer can not do it half so good as he can.

  13 Thursday We will play County and Eastern tomorrow and Saturday morning. If we can't beat Eastern we ought to be shot. Army doing badly in France.

  14 Friday Played Eastern and after getting them all out for 46 we went in and beat them by
2 wickets. I. Williams and K. Williams being top scores with 17 and 15 respectively.152 I scored 1 bowled by the 4th ball I received.

  15 Saturday Played County lost by 2 runs. I played badly scored 0 bowled second ball. Went up the park and saw Jack Nicholas with his niece and a little baby. Also Swansea beat GKB in tennis.153 There was two blackmen playing.

  16 Sunday Went to chapel all day as usual. After chapel in the night I went up the park with ‘Jakeweed’ Williams. [...]

  17 Monday The French have asked Hitler for Peace Terms. We played cricket with Jack Nicholas. Had some fun too. I think there is to be practice tomorrow on the concrete pitch again.

  18 Tuesday We did not play cricket afterwards but we are going to play tomorrow. Finished my model and brought it home and am going to use it in my bed-room.

  19 Wednesday We had a T. Trial today and they gave me a bowl. I took 2 wickets for 7 runs. I scored 2 run out. My average is now .75 which is not very good but I haven't started yet. Todd said everything OK.154

  20 Thursday Jake Williams myself and Brin Phillips took a ball and bat and went for a knock up the nets. [...] I am in the running for captaincy of the Town Team. There was an air raid over here last night.

  21 Friday I went to the Cach to see Frontier Marshal.155 I am starting swotting this weekend for the exams week next Monday. [...] There are rumours of an air raid on Bridgend.

  22 Saturday I went to the pictures tonight and I saw a great picture a bit on the sob stuff side. I had a 1/- off Edie. Sis went to Pyle to an Eisteddfod.156 I saw a broken aeroplane being towed on a lorry. I think it was the Cwm crash.

  23 Sunday I swotted very hard today and learned Chem practically off by heart. I stayed home from chapel.

  24 Monday I bowled in games at the nets and I am improving tremendously now. I can keep a dead length for about 10 overs which is good. I swotted Geom tonight but not so much as Chemistry.


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