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The Richard Burton Diaries

Page 18

by Richard Burton

  19 Wednesday Visited chateau ‘Roche Pot’ seen from the road.41 Chilled to the bone.

  Left about 1.0 pm. Talked Glenville re Man to be King and Golden Eye.42 Curious Ray Stark.43 Napoleon stayed at ‘Poste’ from Elba before he met Ney.44 ‘Girl’ enjoys everything including ugliness. Very worth-while woman. Lunched at Cote d'Or at Saulieu.45 Splendid. She spoiled by everyone. Enjoy it, donkey, while it lasts says he enviously. Love her. What a Lune de miel.46 Staying here at hotel called ‘de France’ which makes Copper House look like Savoy.47 But with usual perversity E thinks it romantic. The sheets are clean. Manager inarticulate with excitement. Press came to restaurant de Bressanne.48 Two photographers. One's flash refused to work. (Memo write about reaction to fame or lack of it).

  20 Thursday

  Last night the room became beautiful! When we woke up it looked ugly but had already become a ‘lovely experience’. The manager was so touching that it made us both feel all kind of funny. The way he kept smiling and nodding over the heads of the two locals photographers it was like he'd given birth to us. Drove 40 kms to Nantua for lunch, sweet woman told the route to avoid long line of customs – it worked!49 Saw Geneva for first time – beautiful! Saw R.’s house, met André – felt very funny – as I knew I would – So did R. got over it soon – Thank God. Stopped at Chateau De C. and and the ‘Other Place’ – Home! Kids! Home!!50 [Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

  21 Friday Got up late midday! Went tramping with Michael, Christopher, Liza after having watched them at the Riding School.51 Liza and Mike splendid but Christoph started to show panic and with my usual hatred of watching others humiliated I left with Maria for a stroll to the river. E, feeling the same, came out shortly afterwards. Chris obviously upset at the end of the ride. Asked me if I would ride for pleasure. I said no I'd rather read a good book. I think he agrees heartily but he mustn't be stopped. The shame of it. Dined at home. Fried chicken.

  22 Saturday Bad day. Woke in foul temper. Read Woolf in the sun then went for walk with boys and Liza to neighbouring village.52 Leg-weary. Went to Olden with E.53 Started picking on her – dined at home on turkey – then went on to a rip and tear quarrel with no holds barred. Slept alone! Fools!

  23 Sunday Woke up in wrong bed! Took E to Alte Post at Weissenburg for lunch.54 Drove back with top down. For a time. Played Liar Poker Dice with E in Olden with many variations.55 Maria fell backwards off dining chair. Waiting invitation for Wednesday to go CÔte d'Azur arranged P. Glenville.56 Splendid etc!

  24 Monday Still sleeping too much – must be altitude – woke at 10.30.57 Got word that house in St Tropez OK but wait for invitation which should arrive tomorrow.58 Had lunch at Olden where we were taught a dice game called ‘Yatsee’ – most interesting.59 Taught it at 1pm (approximately) and were still playing it 6.45pm (approximately). Children joined us at about 4.30. Dined at home on pork etc. Ate with enjoyment for the first time. Will probably leave for South of France on Wednesday if all goes well. Can't think what stages to do the journey in. Eli Roths. calling E.60 What for? What a funny fellow. And so to bed.

  25 Tuesday

  Received invitation to South of France. Packed for California and S. of Fr. And the boat – Pooped! Went to ‘Olden’ played ‘Yahtesee’ (?) for hours just the two of us then Paul and his girl – it was great fun.61 The kids are even better than any of us – Cheeky bags!

  What a funny night = starting a honeymoon! It's so soppy! We don't really know where we're going! (Keep fingers crossed about House – that it really happened!!) [Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

  26 Wednesday ‘You write,’ She said, ‘because you must tell how lovely this day has been and how it's so honeymooney.’ What,’ I said, ‘What if I write that I am bitterly angry because so sharply lovely a day could come to me only in my 39th year?’ Anyway, we're in a place called Talloires in the High Savoy in an old monastery called L'Abbeye, and we arrived at 9.00, and we loved the room, and we had the two beds put together, and we saw Liston knocked out by Clay in slow motion, and [...] we walked along the lapping shore, and we came back to our cell and we loved being here and we talked about a stood-up lonely boy and so to bed.62

  27 Thursday Went to lunch at ‘Père Bise.63 Very good but all the menus are so similar. Had poularde de bresse.64 A family at next table gave E a bunch of ‘Lily of the Valley.’ Love in the afternoon. Then dozed and read K. Allott's anthology of modern poetry.65 What a little pussycat he is in his comments. Wrote PCs to the children in Gstaad.66 Read some more. Had drinks and dinner and so to bed and reading. I am drinking too steadily – lunch time and dinner time. Will stop when we get to La Reine Jeanne for a few days.67 Am still a bundle of nerves. Wish I didn't have to work so soon.

  28 Friday ‘What's your name?’

  ‘Elizabeth Taylor’

  ‘Prove it.’

  ‘My father's name was Taylor.’

  ‘Prove it.’

  ‘I love him that's all’

  ‘Prove it.’

  ‘Where were you born?’

  ‘Hampstead, England’

  ‘Prove it’

  ‘I have a birth thing’

  ‘Show it.’

  ‘I don't have it with me’

  ‘Find it.’

  ‘I am alone and defenceless’


  ‘I argue.’

  ‘Whom with?’



  ‘Because we love each other.’

  ‘Prove it!’

  Just because that's all! [Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

  29 Saturday

  Woke up feeling very contrite – both of us – what a stupid waste of energy and time! Quietly and gently we became us again – had lunch at Les Baux, Baumaniére, almost ran out of Gas – had a hell of a time finding our way here.68 I tried to be R's navigator – but the map and the roads are so poorly marked that we both became screaming ‘things’. Anyway, we are finally Home. Already the strings of nerves are loosening. It's a really lovely place and the dearest people are taking care of us. ‘Honeymoon’ is back with us. God, I love him so! Make me a better wife (Please) [Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

  30 Sunday This establishment we stay at is like a hotel but is not. Its owner Cmdr. Weiller lets us use it and his servants and his food and wine for nothing.69 Yet there are signs as in a hotel. ‘Put out lights.’ ‘Please use this bag for sanitary towels. Do not flush down toilet.’ We must find out more. Downstairs in the Salon Burt has found scrapbooks of guests in past years.70 The Chaplins. D. Fairbanks Jr. Merle Oberon, Margot Fonteyn etc.71 We shopped in Lavandou today and drove around a bit.72 Cold pork for dinner and ‘William’ to finish.73 I played piano, read Sundays. Burt beat me at Yahtsee. Teach her! Weather unfriendly. Hope to bathe soon. Burt looking very pretty today.

  31 Monday Rose late. Can't understand this continual late sleeping. [...] Day is gone before one looks around. Took first dip in sea. Cold. Went for walk with Burt to local which is a bar on the sand a mile and a bit from the house. Burt walked there and back. What next? Paced the return. Fish and omelette ‘porquerolle’ for dessert.74 Read Orwell's Clergyman's Daughter.75 Uneven.


  1 Tuesday Got up 9.50 went to Lavandou. Bought cigs, books, sandals (lots of tar on beach) b. costume.76 Woke Burt up at 12.00. Meantime workmen were mending gate so couldn't get in. Had coffee in local. Nice people. Swam? sun bathed, lunched, bed read, ate, slept. Whew! Burt a bit sarky today.

  He should frigging talk! [Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

  2 Wednesday Rose 10 o'clock but weather dull. Went downstairs and began Grenier's M.S. ‘Yes and back again’.77 Very flatly written, ridden with clichés and so far difficult to get through. But it has been accepted so there. I wouldn't have accepted it either as commercial or artistic possibility but there's no knowing. We then visited Bormez which is enchanting and were photographed.78 Then we sought ‘pizza’ and found it in a rather drab little place on the main road. With it we drank Pernod and later vin blan
c. We called at our local on way home. Deserted. Apparently the estate is 70 hectares and the price after the war was 2 sous sq. metre! Had good row with Burt and accused her, among other things, of lousy taste. She accused me among other things of snobbery. I said the only thing we had in common was Yahtsee. I forgot some other things.

  3 Thursday [...] For the first time today the phone rang! Twice! Gaston being officious. R. Hanley calling at our request from Greece.79 He goes to London tomorrow. We did nothing all day. I read papers from cover to cover. Endlessly. Weather good but windy and therefore impossible to do anything except crosswords and eat endless cherries (delicious) and irritate Burt. I drank nothing and pilled nothing. But still I'm lethargic. Where went my energy? Read delightful ‘tec novel by ?. Very good anyway.

  4 Friday Sat and sunbathed most of the day but wind still a little cold for swimming. Went into Lavandou to replenish book supply. We stopped at local on way home and drank beer (me) pernod (Burt). Learned to our horror that Dick Merriman's adopted baby girl died. We don't know the cause. This means he will work with Burt on the boat instead of here. We had sole for supper. [...] Poor Merriman. There's nowt one can do. More adoption is the answer I suppose.

  5 Saturday

  Lingering Day! R. went to town after washing the car (with the top down, which caused all kinds of wolf calls) to buy me a present – a bikini – It turned out to be small for my boobs – so he went back (stores were closed). I was washing my hair so could not go with him Then he went back after lunch to get it. I think he enjoyed the rides in the Rolls with the top down. I must say they do look dishy together! We got all dressed up for dinner, went to Le Lavendou and had our first dinner out – marvelous! [sic] Strange people around the village most of them are young but weird looking R. got more whistles than I did. Stopped at Pizza Place for desert [sic]. R. lost beautifully at Yahtzee! Oi givalt!80 [Elizabeth Taylor's hand.]

  6 Sunday Stayed at home and ate lunch – salad and roquefort dressing. Stayed in the sun almost all the time. We are both getting quite brown but prefer the mornings on the balcony to the beach in the noon. It's so boring sunbathing on sand. We drank little and ate a lot for dinner. [...]

  7 Monday Whitsun Monday and pouring tropically with rain. We went to lunch [...] place called Les Roches Fleuries.81 Very nicely situated. Food OK. Talked nonsense pleasantly with some people at the next table and so to the bar. A little shopping for Kleenex and so home.82 Dinner at home and sleep.

  8 Tuesday Woke fitfully at 10. Sat on balcony until lunch reading newspapers. Learned to our relief that the ‘Gemini Twins’ were back from the Cosmos safely.83 For some reason we both felt oddly nervous about them. It is odd, too, that I almost always think – no condescension intended – of Americans as being gifted and brave but almost always child-like. White, the man who walked for 20 minutes in space, when asked how it was replied ‘It was really something.’ How deep was Columbus’ mind? Wasn't Churchill a boy with a gift for man's words? What was Alexander?84 Who Caesar? Not Rex Harrison.85 Idiot. Strange love affair this afternoon. Tolerable agony. Agonizing Love. Lovely pain.

  9 Wednesday Lunch at home and then we packed a week-end bag and left for Roches Fleuries, a Hotel at place called Aiguebelle four kms on from Lavandou. We obtained a room overlooking the sea. Nice enough. [...] Went to dinner at Lavandou and both had moules maranieres.86 Had a quarrel again. Nasty habit we have. Home and to Yahtsee and bed in sullen silence. It's always (nearly) alright in the morning.

  10 Thursday Called R. Hanley this morn to have him send some money from Antibes where he is staying at the Hotel du Cap.87 Told us that Sybil is getting married on Sunday next to a member of a ‘Pop’ group called ‘The Wild Ones!’ We don't know his name yet but we do know that he's only 24. This makes him 11 years younger than Syb I think.88 I hope to God he's a tidy bloke and will be good for Kate as well as Syb.89 Maybe I'll see K a bit more often now. How I love that child. Tubby old thing as she thinks she is. What sort of a telegram should we send? Witty, serious. (Lots of puns available on ‘Wild Ones’.)

  11 Friday Returned home today to La Reine Jeanne. We shall be leaving on Monday for Hotel du Cap at Antibes then away on Wednesday to USA. Sybil's boyfriend disapproved of by all who know her and of the marriage. She has known him apparently only three months and they have been serious, as ‘twere, only three weeks. I hope she knows what she's doing. Burt points out that she knows quite a few people who have happily remained married to men years and years younger than themselves. Let us pray. Weather continually brilliant though everyone native complains of the mistral.90 Not us!

  12 Saturday Old Burt ill with tooth trouble and aching bones. Fussed over her a bit and she had food upstairs for a change – at least lunch. We dined downstairs [...] chicken and tomato salad. No drink at all today. Talk of drink – Michel Jazy has just broken the mile world's record and, according to Figaro, drinks a quart of red wine a day!!?91 No way of finding out anymore about Sybil's feller. The Press (English) have been hounding us a bit – Mirror and Express – probably about Sybil. Talked to nobody. ‘Phoning here is impossible a sort of Olympian shouting match.

  13 Sunday Talked to Aaron today who was dourly opposed to Sybil's marriage.92 The chap's name is Zaroff. Greek American from Ohio. ‘Is 24 looks 18’ says Aaron. Penniless. Syb retains $200,000. Rest goes into trust for Children. Roddy furious.93 Helen Greenford refuses to go to Wedding.94 Ivor delighted! Phil not caring.95 I talked to Kate for a moment. She sounded awfully Yankee.

  14 Monday Left for Antibes. Much farewelling [...] at the local (called the Paillotte).96 Lunched in Leï Mouscadins at St Tropez.97 Stopped for a drink at Carlton in Cannes.98 Went for a walk. Met editor of Sunday Mirror.99 Got sloshed.

  15 Tuesday Woke late (around 11.00) and lunched on hors d'oeuvres at Eden Roc which is of course the restaurant for the Hotel.100 We then went to Nice airport to pick up kids flying from Geneva with Bea.101 Later I took the kids swimming on the rock and gave Michael and Christopher two key-ring compasses which they adore. For early dinner we all went to Juan les Pins to eat pizza.102 We watched with fascination how many people were fascinated by the old Rolls-R. I don't recollect any car getting such attention – particularly in France. Rather a savage game of Yahtsee which I lost.

  16 Wednesday E had fittings for her clothes from Dior today.103 They look very good. I packed for myself and Dick and Bea packed for Burt.104 We went to catch the tender for the Michelangelo and sat for over an hour on the open deck (no place to hide) while the whole South of France took photographs.105 The boat, compared with the Cunard Lines, is surprisingly utilitarian and appallingly decorated.106 Everything looks very cheap and chromy. Photographer scrambling to snap us as we boarded from the Tender hit Maria in the face with a shoulder hanging camera. I slashed him across the neck and back. Impertinent sod.

  The page for 17–23 June is missing. The next entry is:

  24 Thursday In fury one night I tore out the preceding page of diary. Silly of course but there you are. Tomorrow we arrive in NY. J. Springer will meet the boat [...]. We shan't see him or his press friends until much much later. I will leave the rest of this day's journal until tomorrow's over.!

  Arrived NY. Usual Press. Usual idiotic questions usual idiotic answers. Tomorrow have arranged to go out into the country to place called Quogue to see Kate, Ivor and Gwen.107 E. very nervous but as much as I.

  28 Monday Left NY for LA today.

  29 Tuesday Had lunch with Kup in the pump room of the Ambassador.108

  30 Wednesday Met Hermes Pan on train and also he was on the boat!109


  1 Thursday Arrived LA from Chicago and NY. Lovely journey on the train. Read biography of Dylan by Fitzgibbon which I am enjoying if an account of so desperate a life can be described as enjoyable.110

  We disembarked at Pomona in the hope that it would beat the Press but they were there.111 Drove back home with J. Springer. [...] The house is alright. Lots of things don't work but the grounds are beauti
ful and there are two swimming pools. The kids love it of course. Went to see Francis. He moves badly but his brain's OK.

  2 Friday Swam in the pool all morning and searched for Shanni who has got herself lost or stolen.112 She is so minute that she might be stuck in the undergrowth for all I know. Had lunch with Francis and Sara at Scandia113 [...] Saw Mike Nichols and girl called Rosemary Forsythe.114 Mike loves fairly dumb girls. Taught E. to play billiards. Did some good shots.

  3 Saturday Spent day in and around pool. Stiff with sun and playing football with Thomas à Becket.115 Dick and John showed us delicious new car from Italy – a Fiat about the size of a Mini Cooper with chains, four doors and a canopied top.116 Took E for drive around Holmby Hills.117

  4 Sunday Had Francis and Sara for barbecue lunch [...] Two boys went down the beach with their father and Maggie.118 Mike Snr more incoherent than ever. Rex came over119 [...] and taught me new word game. We taught him Yahtsee. Nice guy.

  5 Monday Poolside again. E read V. Woolf for first time – at least new script. Val came over for lunch and dinner.120 We visited her place and tried pool chair with turbulent water. Seems splendid but we shall know tomorrow if it makes us stiff. Waiting anxiously for reply from Syb re. Kate. I hope she'll be alright about letting her come out to stay with us. What will I do if she doesn't comply amiably? Have written letters to Kate, Graham, Gwyneth, Ivor, Syb. Whew!

  [This is the last entry, apart from a table of scores from Yahtzee!. Work on Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? began the following day with three weeks of rehearsals at the Warner Studios, Burbank, Los Angeles.]



  1 Friday Recovered from crapulousness.

  Read Britannica with E.1 She's a good little girl. Picked up Sara last night in Palace Hotel swung her around and charmingly shouted ‘I hate Old Women.‘2


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