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Mad City: Book One of the Sean Walsh Post Apocalyptic Series

Page 16

by Patrick O'Donnell

  “Good job Mr. Walsh, keep breathing slowly.” Said the female voice with a Jamaican accent becoming clear now. I was looking around and found myself in what appeared to be a hospital bed. This place was different though, not as cold and it didn’t smell like a hospital. It felt more like I was in somebody’s house.

  I had to get up—had to find Collin and Susie. I tried to push myself up and out of the bed. I put weight on my left arm and almost passed out from the pain. I looked down and saw a cast on my left arm and an ace bandage on my left leg. I looked down at my chest and saw a tube sticking out of it with cloudy red liquid slowly moving out. I almost passed out from the exertion.

  “That’s enough of that! You have to take it easy. No sudden movements, don’t ya know?” Dr. Gayle said in a stern, but comforting way. “I don’t want to have to open you up for a second time.”

  A second time? That would explain the drainage tube sticking out of me. I felt something moving by my feet. I then felt it move towards my chest and get out from under the sheet. The small white dog with black spots from the street showed his head and started to lick my face.

  “If that dog is real, then Collin must be…”

  “Collin! Didn’t I tell you to get dat mongrel out of my hospital?” Barked the good doctor.

  And at that I saw Collin enter the room with a big smile on his face. “Excuse me doctor, but his name is Kippy and he is most certainly not a mongrel.” Collin rushed over to me and gave me a careful hug and kiss on the cheek. I grabbed him with my right arm and held him as tight as I could without breaking any tubes loose from my body.

  “His eyes and ears are even bigger than what I remember,” I said trying not to cry too much petting the little guy. Collin picked him up before the good doctor could get at him.

  Collin rubbed the little dog’s big ears saying, “Dad, you need your rest. I, um, we just wanted to see you and make sure you are doing okay.”

  I pushed myself up a bit with my right arm, “I’ve been on my ass long enough.” I looked over at the Doctor, “When can I start walking?”

  “Soon sweetheart soon, I will be removing the drainage tube from your chest later today. Hopefully we can have you up on your feet when that’s out. That is if you’re up for that.” Dr. Gayle smiled at me and Collin and gave us a moment alone. As she was leaving he room she said, “You got five minutes, Collin. Your dad needs to rest. You can visit later this evening.”

  Collin pushed up a chair next to my bed holding Kippy in his arms petting his head, “I know you have lots of questions, but it’s going to have to wait. You need to rest. I will tell you everything in good time.”

  I was getting confused and I started to get dizzy but blurted out, “What about Susie? How is she?” Collin looked down and didn’t say anything.

  “I want to know what happened to Susie!” I demanded once more. The room started to go dark again and I started to hear a high pitched noise. I think I over did it a bit… The room went dark.

  I woke up with the kind and familiar face of Dr. Gayle looking at me with her saying, “Come on now. It’s time to get up.”

  I blinked my eyes a couple of times and my vision became clear. I looked down at my chest and the tube was gone. I carefully scanned the rest of my body and the cast was still on my arm. The ace bandages that were on my leg were replaced with smaller bandages. My head felt clearer, but I felt sore in my chest and saw a dressing in the area of where the tube was draining blood. I had two smaller dressings in my chest. The dullness I felt earlier when I was slipping in and out of consciousness had been replaced with pain. Pain. My old friend, it let me know that I was alive.

  I looked at Dr. Gayle and asked, “Where am I? Am I going to make it?”

  The good doctor started to laugh as she said, “Yes darlin’, you are going to make it. You are in Cambridge dear, Ben made sure I took good care of you. You were brought in from Madison about a week ago in the middle of the night. You started to bleed internally from the gunshot wound in your chest. They moved you too early after your surgeries. I took good care of you darlin’. That you can be sure of.”

  I was trying to comprehend everything that was going on. “So how many times was I shot?”

  She came over and touched my shoulder, “Too many times, too many times Mr. Walsh. But if you want an exact amount; you were shot twice in the left leg. Those were through and through and didn’t break anything. One time to your left arm, where it chipped the humorous and one time to the chest, right above where your vest was. You are lucky to be alive. Oh… and while I was digging around in your chest I took a couple of gizmos out of you. Ben has them now. You’re going to be okay Mr. Walsh, you just need to get some rest.”

  I nodded at her saying, “Thank you doctor, I appreciate all you have done for me.”

  There was a knock on the door and Dr. Gayle looked over her shoulder. Before she could utter any words Nick walked in the room. “Hey doc, how’s the patient doing?”

  Dr. Gayle squared off in front of him, “He’s going to live, no thanks to you.”

  Nick smiled at the doctor waving his index finger in front of his nose, “I had to get him here quick, it was for his own good. That’s all I can tell you. And… Thank you for saving my friends life.”

  Dr. Gayle huffed at Nick, “You’re welcome!”

  Nick continued to smile at Dr. Gayle and asked her, “Can I have the room please? I need to talk to Sean alone.”

  The good doctor huffed once again at Nick and smiled at me. “I suppose you can. Just don’t be here too long. Mr. Walsh needs to rest. I’ll give you ten minutes.”

  Nick held up his right hand and said, “I’ll try my best doctor, thank you very much.”

  At that Dr. Gayle left the room and Nick pulled up a chair next to my bed.

  “I’m sure you are wondering how you got here.” Nick said with his usual smile. We had to get you out of the hospital quick. There were reports that somebody was going to try to take you out. You were checked in as ‘John Doe’ for your protection, but there was a credible threat against your life. You didn’t make many friends on State St. when you took out the bombers, Roxy’s friends, and almost taking her out.”

  I nodded and chuckled a little bit in agreement. “Thanks for taking care of me and Collin. I owe you buddy.”

  Nick put his hand on my shoulder and said, “It wasn’t all me. If it wasn’t for Gus taking out those blokes with the AK-47s, this could’ve ended much differently.”

  “How is Gus doing? The last I saw him he was shot in the stomach but kept fighting.” I asked this question but I already knew the answer.

  Nick’s smile disappeared, “Gus didn’t make it, but he went out on his own terms. He went out a warrior.”

  I could picture Gus cracking off rounds with his Gerand. Smiling with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Not a bad way to go.

  The mood in the room turned even more somber as I was about to ask another question I already knew the answer to, “How is Susie? Did she make it out alive?”

  Nick got up from his chair and turned away from me for a moment, he then sat at the edge of my bed, “No, she didn’t make it, Sean. She was dead on the scene.”

  I now remembered her beautiful eyes staring right past me as we were both laying on the ground dying. I knew she was gone but I had to hear it from Nick.

  Nick got back up and walked around the room shaking off what just happened. “Sean, you should know she was deeply involved in the terrorist organization. She seduced you and was playing you for information… at first. I think she did fall in love with you though. That wasn’t part of their plan. She knew they were talking about setting off nukes. She didn’t approve of that and that’s why she broke it off with Roxy.”

  I was now pissed off and felt like a fool. “Good. I’m glad the bitch is dead.” I couldn’t believe those words were coming out of my mouth. She just saved Collin from certain death, but I couldn’t get over the f
act that she used me. I won’t let that ever happen again.

  Nick shook his head saying, “Susie saved Collin’s life. Maybe you should cut her some slack.”

  Too late, my heart was now set in cement, “Nope. I’m not going to cut her any ‘slack.’ I’m grateful Collin is safe. If she was honest with me in the first place, Collin would of have never been placed in that situation.”

  Nick reached in his pocket and pulled out my personal smart phone. “I thought you may have wanted this back. Of course it was lost and X didn’t know I recovered it.”

  I took it from him and powered it up. There was a text message from Susie that must have been sent right before everything kicked off on State St. I didn’t want to open it, but I knew I had to. I clicked on the ‘Susie’ banner: Roxy hangs out at East Towne in the evening. Sorry it all had to end this way. I do love you. Please forgive me.

  Nick didn’t try to look at the message, I already knew he read it. The message was sent just as I was pinned down by the two terrorists with the AKs. She knew that there was a good chance of her getting killed.

  Nick got back up and tried to change the mood in the room. “When you are up and on your feet again you will have to go to the Gobbler for a debrief with X.”

  I smiled at Nick saying, “I’m sure that will be pleasant.”

  Nick shook his head, “He was happy that you took out the two primary targets, he was not happy you attempted to finish the mission after you were ordered to abort. There was a lot of blood spilled on that street and you are going to have to explain yourself.”

  “Well at least I stopped World War 4, that should count for something. And… I almost died doing it. Now that should really count for something. Right?” I said in a sarcastic tone.

  Nick let out a half-grin saying, “You would think so. But you know the importance of following orders.”

  I smiled back at Nick and said, “My earpiece was malfunctioning, I never heard that order.”

  Nick let out a chuckle, “And that’s the story you’re sticking with? Okay. Oh and one more thing, Roxy is no longer an immediate threat so she is no longer a target for elimination. At least not for now. We have bigger fish to fry.”

  I smiled and nodded. As soon as I’m healthy enough I’m going to track down that bitch and kill her. Nobody including Nick or Alpha will be able to stop me. Roxy tried to kill my son and did kill my girlfriend.

  I heard a loud rap on the door and Dr. Gayle walked in with authority, “All right Mr. Nick, your time is up. This patient needs his rest.”

  Nick put his hands up in the air and smiled at the doctor, “Yes Ma’am. I will leave now.” Nick put his hand out and shook mine. “I’m glad you’re still in one piece. I see the good doctor took out the friends that were in your chest. They’re going to have to go back in once you are healthy enough to return back to work.”

  I smiled and nodded at him and thanked him for dropping by and the information. Nick reached into his brief case he brought with and pulled out a brown paper bag and handed it to me. “We went through Susie’s apartment and cleaned it out. The boys at the lab are going through everything. I thought you might want this.” I felt the bag and immediately knew what was inside and smiled.

  “Ya, this might come in handy.” I said while feeling the outside of the bag and judging the weight. This was a pistol. I’m guessing Susie’s Beretta. Nick walked out of the room and Dr. Gayle did her usual fussing around me checking my vitals and listening to my heart and lungs. Dr. Gayle smiled at me checking all of the wounds saying, “You are a quick healer Mr. Walsh, hopefully you can leave here in a couple of days.” I nodded at her and thanked her for what she did for me.

  As soon as Dr. Gayle left the room I opened up the brown bag and emptied the contents on my lap. “Just as I suspected. It was Susie’s Beretta. I checked and the magazine was full and there was one in the chamber. I spent some time looking at the pistol in my hand. This is what’s left of Susie now. I will never know if she really did love me, or if she was using me. I put the pistol under my pillow before I slipped off into sleep. No matter what your true intentions were Susie, I will put your gun to good use.

  I spent the rest of the night sleeping on and off and a nurse would come in about every two hours to check on me. She was younger, probably about 19 or 20. She wore blue scrubs that flattered her athletic build. She was tall, abut 6’ with short dreadlocks and a caramel complexion. She had a pretty smile that showed off her high cheek bones. She could have been a model with her looks. She looked a lot like the good doctor who was treating me. I’m guessing it was her daughter. The next time she comes in I will ask.

  “How are you feeling Mr. Walsh?” said the nurse taking my blood pressure.

  She had no name tag so I asked, “I’m doing well thank you. What is your name nurse?”

  She smiled and said, “My name is Isabel, sir.”

  I nodded and asked, “Would your last name be Gayle by chance?”

  She giggled a bit saying, “Why, yes, it is. My mom is the doctor here.”

  I smiled back at her saying, “That could be a tough act to follow. Thank you for taking care of me. Your mom is pretty awesome also. She saved my life.”

  Isabel grabbed my chart and scribbled some notes and said, “Yup. I’ll come back in about an hour with some breakfast for you.”

  I heard a hearty knock on my door and I looked at my phone that read 0600. The door opened and I heard a baritone voice, “Are you decent? Can I come in?”

  It was Ben booming inside my room. “How are you, old chap?”

  It was good to see my old friend. “I guess you’re wondering how you wound up here. Your friend Nick called me in the middle of the night looking for a place to stash you. He explained you were seriously wounded, but it wasn’t safe for you in the city. I told him I had a top-notch surgeon in our small city that could take care of you. So one operation more later, here you are.”

  I shook his hand saying, “Thank you my friend. I owe you.”

  Ben shook his head saying, “It is my pleasure, your son Collin is proving to be a help. He has been outside of this house/hospital standing guard almost 24 hours a day since you arrived.”

  I felt a wave of pride thinking about Collin standing guard for his old man. “He is a good kid. So, Ben, where exactly am I?”

  He sat down next to me and said, “Well you are in the ‘hospital’ or at least that’s what we call it. It’s a house that is actually next to your house, Sean. Dr. Gayle is a dear friend of mine that agreed to be the town doctor. She is a gifted surgeon and we are lucky to have her.”

  I nodded my head in agreement. “It seems she patched me up good. Thank you for all you have done for me Ben.”

  Ben got up and laughed, “No problem. When you are healthy and on your feet you will be required to lend a hand in my city. Every able bodied person pitches in. That’s what makes this town so great.”

  “You know I will do my part, Ben. Whatever you need I will try to make it happen.” I said while pushing myself up in the bed. “So, my old 4-Runner is here in front of my new house?”

  “Why, yes, it is. I made sure the battery stays charged and it is ready to roll. Your friend Nick dropped off a nice looking black 4-Runner he said was yours.”

  I was happy my old ride was still working and my new one was delivered to my door. I will need both of them eventually.

  I looked at Ben with a serious expression on my face. “When I’m able to get around I have one last thing I need to take care of on the down-low. I will need my old 4-Runner for this mission.”

  Ben looked at me with concern, “Give yourself some time to heal up. Tell you what, I will go with you.”

  I smiled at Ben saying, “Thank you, old friend, but I need you here to watch after Collin. There’s some folks out there that want me dead and I’m sure they aren’t above using Collin to reach that goal. I lost him for too long, I don’t want that to ever happen ag
ain. I trust you with his safety.”

  Ben smiled at me saying, “You know you can count on me to keep the lad safe. Anything you need you let me know. I will cook you up some eggs and bring them over in a bit.”

  Real eggs. I haven’t had that in a long time.” My appetite started to kick in. “Thanks buddy. I’m looking forward to it!”

  Ben left the room and I started to think of my strategy for hunting down Roxy. I reached under my pillow and took a good hard look at the Beretta. “You and I have some unfinished business to take care of,” I said in a whisper and carefully put it back under my pillow and closed my eyes. I fell asleep taking a short nap thinking about fresh eggs for breakfast and putting a bullet in Roxy’s brain.

  26 Hope

  My recovery moved at a quicker pace than I had imagined when I first woke up in Cambridge. I was able to go to my new house after four days in the hospital. Collin took good care of me, and Dr. Gayle and her daughter checked in on me on a regular basis. Ben and his wife Elaine stopped by often and would bring stew and other meals. I couldn’t tell Collin the meat in the stew was rabbit. Collin had a soft spot for animals and wouldn’t eat if he knew the main course was a cute and cuddly critter. Ben had a bunch saved and kept them underground during the time it wasn’t safe to go outside. He was an expert ‘prepper’ and I learned a lot from him.

  I loved watching Collin grow into a fine young man. He seemed so grown up to me now. He started to put some weight on and was working out and running on a regular basis. His best friend was Kippy. The little guy would go for runs with him. It was funny to watch this little dog that weighed about 10 pounds keeping up with him. I also started to work out as much as I could with a cast on my arm. I had to build up my strength. There was unfinished business in Madison to take care of. My main motivation for getting better was now revenge and removing any threat to Collin.


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