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Touchdown Daddy

Page 24

by Ava Walsh

  Mary hummed, enjoying the sensation of sparks that simmered under her skin. "What do you mean, like this? We usually make love in trucks?"

  Andre chuckled. "That's more accurate than you know."

  He brought her knee over his hip and his mouth returned to her neck. She tilted her head to one side, allowing him better access. As her fingers combed through his long brown hair, she couldn't help but smirk. He'd been hesitant, but once she assured him it was what she really wanted, he'd been so eager that the clothing nearly tore as he undressed the both of them.

  "I love the way you smell," he whispered. "I love the way you smile and laugh. I love everything about you."

  "Then you've got me at a disadvantage," she moaned, arching herself to him as his mouth trailed lower. She felt so lazily relaxed with his hands roaming her body that she almost hated talking.

  Andre moved from one breast to the other before he looked up and smiled at her. "What do you mean?"

  "You know what you love about me. I don't know what I love about you. And, I suppose it goes further. You know what I like. I don't know what you like. I don't even know what I like."

  "Ah, then won't it be fun to rediscover everything?" the Bear nipped at her breast, grinning, and she grinned back, squeezing his hips with her thighs. "We'll just have to remember to be gentle, for the baby."

  "Are we usually rough?"

  "No, but sometimes we get a little wild." He trailed butterfly kisses down her stomach, causing something inside to quiver. Heat flared from her core when he kissed her thigh. "You always liked this, though."

  He was right–she did like it. Mary grasped at her own hair, her body bringing itself off the truck bed towards him. Her skin flushed with heat and she stuffed a hand into her mouth, moaning with pleasure as he continued his ministrations. How can this feel so right? I don't even know him.

  But she did know him, deep in her soul. The part of her that knew him cried for more. It sung as it pulled her towards him. A flash of panic made her tense as she felt something jerk inside her. Something hit against her ribs, like a bird trying to escape its cage. She cried out against it.

  Andre was lying beside her in an instant, the heat radiating from his body soothing her. His massive hand stroked her hair and worried black eyes gazed deep into hers.

  "We can stop if you want."

  Mary clung to him, borrowing the warmth of his body as she rested her head against his shoulder. It felt so right, so perfect, to be in his arms. She didn't want it to stop! She just wanted this inexplicable thing inside her to go away.

  "I'm afraid if I give in, I'll lose control," she whispered. "I'm afraid of what might happen."

  "Nothing will happen."

  He didn't understand. How could he? He didn't know about this deep need inside her, the terrifying pull that seemed beyond her control. But with his arms around her, she felt safe and the pull inside her relaxed. It flowed through her veins, rather than battering against her ribs.

  Mary inhaled his fresh pine scent, trying to clear her mind. Was it her Wolf trying to escape? Was making love with her soulmate what was necessary to bring it back? Would it bring her memories with it?

  She opened her eyes again and gripped Andre's firm buttocks. "Take me now."

  He grinned, all too willing to obey her demand.


  The sky was overcast, dark and gloomy. Cold for summer. Mary rubbed her aching eyes as Andre pulled into the parking lot of a Denny's restaurant and checked the time. 11:45. Almost midnight. She yawned, staggering slightly as she slid out of the truck. Her knees moved stiffly and she swiveled from side to side, trying to loosen her spine.

  Andre smiled at her. "We'll just grab a quick bite, okay?"

  She nodded, though she certainly was not looking forward to getting back into that truck. They had been driving so long that she was too restless to sleep. And it was even more boring than in the daytime because there was nothing outside the window to look at.

  Perhaps if they had not spent so much time that morning making love, they would not be so pressed for time now.

  Mary grinned. Even if they had wasted time, it was well worth it. She couldn't remember the last time she had been as happy as she was when she finally gave into the tug inside her and gave herself to Andre.

  There was a surprising amount of people in Denny's. Most of them seemed to be around Mary's age or a little younger, although there were a couple of older groups as well, all wearing formal clothing. Maybe a wedding party or something.

  The waitress showed them to a table by the window where Mary glanced over the menu items. Her mouth watered at the sight of the hamburgers and she considered if she could get them without the bread.

  "I have been having some serious meat cravings lately," she mentioned. "Do you think it's because of the baby? I mean, it could be a Wolf or Bear couldn't it?"

  A frown crossed Andre's face. "I suppose, yes. Or neither. Shifting is somewhat hereditary, but it's like blue eyes. Not every child with two blue-eyed parents is going to have blue eyes themselves."

  "That doesn't sound right." Mary strained her memory, but didn't know anything about genes, so she shrugged. "How long will it be until we get to my family?"

  "If you drive while I rest, then I think we should be able to get there by dark tomorrow. I must admit, it will be nice to be able to sleep in a proper bed."

  "When you say sleep, you mean something else, right?" She wiggled her eyebrows. Then, feeling foolish, she crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

  Andre smirked.

  Mary looked out the window as the waitress returned to take their orders. The clouds had cleared, revealing a bright white, perfectly round moon. The light brushed against her face as warm as sunlight, and she sighed. She would have no problem staying awake with that moon in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever laid eyes on. Unconsciously she reached across the table and took Andre's hands in hers. A blissful smile crossed her lips.

  "Isn't the moon the loveliest thing you have ever seen?"


  It's very dangerous for a Purged Wolf to return during the involuntary transformation. It will sometimes lead the Wolf to madness…

  Andre's heart pounded against his chest as soon as Mary moved closer to the window. There was the faraway look in her eyes that he had seen only in her on the night of the full moon. His gaze was drawn to the window. It was still pitch black outside, yet Mary was staring upwards as though she was observing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

  Her alabaster skin seemed to turn gray. Andre suddenly realized that it was because black fur was growing over her face. He pushed himself to his feet, grabbing the waitress's arm. She shrieked, which finally caught Mary's attention.

  Andre turned, pushing the waitress away.

  When he turned back, a Wolf stood on the table.

  How could I be so stupid?

  "Mary." He reached towards her but stopped when she snarled, hackles rising. Her fur was shaggy, patchy, and there was a gleam in her green eyes that he had never seen before.

  He was aware that the conversation from the humans in the restaurant had gone silent, but he dared not take his eyes from Mary. Was it Mary? Her lips were pulled back in a snarl and shudders ran up her spine. In the past, she had always embraced her Wolf before midnight, the time when the moon called. Her eyes had always sparkled and she had frolicked around him, tail wagging, growling playfully.

  There was no recognition in her eyes now.

  "Mary," he whispered. Though she growled still, he moved slowly, inching forward until his fingers brushed her chest.

  The growling ceased abruptly. Her head cocked to one side and she blinked as if coming out a trance. Andre managed a tentative smile, stepping closer.


  Her tail started wagging side to side, her eyes not breaking from his.

  There was a tinkling of the door opening, and then a loud, annoyed voice spoke. "What is an animal doing in h

  Mary's eyes darted towards the voice and her whole body tensed again. Even as Andre reached to hold her, she let out an ear-splitting half-animal, half-human scream.

  She bounded off the table and ran for the humans, snarling, with bloodlust in her eyes.



  Continue to follow Mary and Andre in the final part of this series “Mates Forever (Shades of Werewolf Series Book 5)”

  Bonus Book 5: Mates Forever (Shades of Werewolf Series Book 5)

  By: T.S. Ryder


  A Wolf without memories, a Bear fighting for her love, and their unborn Shifter child. Will they find a happy ending?

  This is the final part of the hot 5-part “Shades of Werewolf” series.

  Mary Locke knows she is meant to be with Andre Mitchel, even though she can't remember anything since her Wolf was purged two months ago. She can feel something inside her drawing her to him, and when he tells her that they're soulmates, she just knows it's true.

  But when her Wolf is drawn out by the full moon, bringing with it memories of pain and fear that have driven it mad, Mary must regain all her memories and reclaim her Wolf before it's too late–for her and her unborn child both.

  Andre Mitchel's life was irrevocably changed by Mary's presence in his life. With other Bears looking to hunt down the Wolves, he knows he must fight against them and rescue Mary's brother Peter, a man whom he has hated for many years, in order for the Wolves to have a chance at changing their society for the better. He must do it for them for Mary, and for himself.

  With their futures on the line, will these soulmates have a happy ending?

  Chapter One

  The light hurt.

  She had been trapped for so long, her pain keeping her in darkness, binding her deep within herself. Until now, when she saw light and beauty again. The pregnant moon, life-bringer, a symbol of wholeness and fortune. The white light burned her eyes, stung her nose with its sweet scent. Oh, Luna! Why did you leave me? Why did you stop calling to me?

  She sensed others around her and her gaze tore from the painful light. Harsher, colder lights greeted her, causing everything to blur in streaks of orange. Screams of fear pierced her ears. A growl rumbled up her throat.

  They feared her and would try to kill her. They would hurt her again, put her back in that damned hell of darkness where Luna could not, would not be able to reach her.


  Her gaze focused on the figure closest to her. It was familiar. Her heart song welled in her chest but she growled a warning as it–he–stepped forward. The black eyes in his tanned face were soft, his movements slow. Unafraid. His fingers brushed the fur against her sternum, warming the chill in her heart.

  She cocked her head. She knew him. He had been with her when she had gone into the darkness. His voice had been in her ears and made the pain a little less.

  No. He had not been with her. She had kept him closer, her memories of him protecting her light from drowning in the dark. Her body leaned towards him. He would protect her. He would stop them from putting her back in the darkness.

  "Mary," he whispered again. She stepped towards him, trusting him.

  A loud, harsh noise broke her concentration. A human. Anger on his face, in his voice. He would kill her!

  Not if I kill him first.


  Andre's arms shot out as Mary lunged forward, bloodlust in her eyes. A scream that sounded half-animal, half-human tore from her throat. As he wrapped his arms around her chest, she thrashed this way and that, kicking and scratching as she fought to get at the wide-eyed man that stood near the door to the Denny's restaurant.

  "Mary!" he shouted. "Calm down! Calm down!"

  Her Wolf was drawn out by the full moon after being purged, he thought desperately. She's gone mad.

  He knew she would attack and kill until she was killed–unless he got her away from here. Mary's head swung around and clamped down on his shoulder, teeth slicing into his flesh. Andre cried out but used her break in focus to twist her to the ground, keeping her locked in place with his body and strength. He briefly caught a glimpse of a waitress on a phone as he went down.

  "A wolf! It's attacking a man!"

  A curse burst from Andre's mouth. He groped on the bench where Mary had been sitting, searching for the strips of cloth that had torn when her Wolf took her. Damn humans! The more noise they made, the louder Mary's snarls grew and the more she fought. He found what was left of her pants and tied the Wolf's chomping mouth shut, flinching when he heard her whimper.

  "I'm sorry, Mary," he said, desperately hoping she would remember none of this in the morning. "I'm so sorry."

  He forced his own shirt over her head, pinning her front legs against her chest, before binding her hind legs. Scooping her into his arms, he bolted for the door.

  "Wait, you can't leave!" Somebody blocked his path.

  Andre's Bear rumbled a threat, the growl coming deep from his chest causing the human's eyes to widen. They scrambled backward, clearing the way. Andre wasted no more time. He pushed through the doors, holding the writhing, incensed Wolf that was his love and life, tightly to his heart. He kept her on his lap as he got into the truck, stroking her ragged fur.

  "Hold on," he gasped, the pain from her bites on his neck starting to wind up his neck to his head.

  He ignored traffic lights and speed limits as he swerved through the streets. If they got far enough from the city, he could release Mary and let her Wolf run free. He could run with her. Maybe that would help.

  Maybe she would remember the times that they ran through the woods together, playing in the snow and chasing small animals until the full moon's call passed and she could retake her human form. Then they would lie in front of the fire, making love. She was always tireless the day after the full moon.

  "It's going to be okay, Mary," he said as she went limp, steering with one hand. "It's going to be okay."


  Why was he doing this to her? She fought the bindings that clamped her mouth shut. Why was he imprisoning her, hurting her like this? He was supposed to be the one she could trust! The one who cared for her, protected her from the others.

  Was he going to put her back into the darkness?

  The harsh, artificial lights slowly died away, leaving only the call of Luna, the pure white light that told her to run and rejoice. But how was she meant to do that when he had betrayed her? She could not rejoice when the one she rejoiced with had bound her so tightly it hurt.

  His voice was in her ears though she couldn't understand what he said. She fought against the song that rang through her blood at the sound of his voice, but slowly, despite herself, she relaxed against his body. He was so warm and she had been so cold for so long. All she wanted was to run with him once more, to feel the warmth of his love and to play their nighttime games.

  By the time the movement about her stopped, she was laying still, trembling, no longer fighting against his bonds. He held her face, gently sliding his fingers over her ears.

  A breath of cool air wafted over her face. Her nose twitched. Pines, spruces, firs. The scent of the forest. Berries, leaves, rain. The scent of summer.

  He cradled her in his arms, whispering soothing words to her as he carried her away from the black human road that wound its way through the trees. The wind moved about them, combing its fingers through her dense black fur. Luna sent dancing shadows all about them.

  Her man set her down on the ground and a hand stroked her head over and over. The pressure keeping her legs bound to her sides eased, the muzzle was removed. She stumbled to her feet, shaking herself. Her paws were numb and her joints stiff. She flattened her ears against her skull as she looked at him. He was shedding his clothes and she backed up warily. What would he do now?

  In a blink, he was gone. A Bear stood where he had been.

  A howl of grief ripped out of her throat as the rage burned through her. No!
She would not lose him like this. No matter what he did, he was hers and she would not let go! Her howl turned to a snarl and she lunged forward, teeth bared and slashing at the Bear's throat. She would make it give him back!

  The grizzly bear grunted and jerked away. She hung on and was dragged backward. Her teeth lost their grip and she tumbled down, rolling over and over. She found her feet and sprang again. The Bear made a pained, mournful sound. It pulled away again but did not bite or attack. Why? Why wasn't it defending itself? It had devoured him quick enough, why hesitate with her? She sunk her teeth into it again.

  Andre. The name rang in her mind and she released her hold on the Bear. Andre. That was his name.

  The Bear had not devoured him–he was the Bear! Blood filled her mouth, tasting foul, as she jerked away, eyes widening. He was the Bear.

  Her heart seized within her. What have I done? She turned and ran before she could think another thought.


  Blood oozed from Andre's wounds, trickling through his thick brown fur. He shook off the pain. He'd had worse. Her bites did not go too deep. What hurt most was that Mary had attacked him, Mary not knowing who he was.

  He limped as he followed after her. His shoulder and neck ached, even as he moved as quickly as he could, but he soon lost her in the maze of bushes and tree. His heart jumped to his throat and he swung his head back and forth, sniffing the air for her. If he lost her now, after everything they had been through, he would never forgive himself.

  It was a stupid mistake to go into a restaurant at midnight. Even though her Wolf had been purged and she had no memories of their past, he should not have assumed that her Wolf would stay dormant.

  Oh, god! If anything happens…

  It would be his fault. Panic tore at his throat.

  A faint scent caught his attention and he swung his head towards it. It was Mary. He followed the scent, forcing himself to go slow, keeping her smell in his nostrils at all times.


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