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Touchdown Daddy

Page 49

by Ava Walsh

  He put a hand on her stomach. They had been under house arrest for two months now, and Gemma could go into labor any day. He only prayed that it wouldn't be until after he had delivered his justification. He thought he had good reasons for doing what he did. After all, if he hadn't, he might not have Gemma or their child at all.

  "I want to talk to them as well."

  Shay shook his head. "You're not strong enough."

  "So put me in a wheelchair. I'm strong enough to talk." Gemma narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm a lawyer, and I've spent the last two months studying your laws. I've been preparing my speech. I want to explain in my own words what it felt like."

  She had a point, but Shay was worried about the stress it would put on her. Her health was already precarious. The amount of energy required to grow the child so quickly had eaten up most of her fat stores. She was thin and breakable now.

  "I can see by the look on your face you think I'm not strong enough." Gemma narrowed her eyes. "Trust me, I'm going whether you want me to or not. So am I going to have to walk, or are you going to help me?"

  Shay smoothed the hair from her forehead and kissed her gently. "Oh, my love. You are a stubborn woman."

  "You’d better believe it," Gemma crooned back. A wincing look came over her face. "I need to use the toilet."

  Shay scooped her up into his arms and headed for the bathroom. Gemma slung an arm around his neck and he buried his face in her hair. How had he gotten so lucky to get a woman like her? It might be stlozyn belief that the atoms of the universe were cold and uncaring, but perhaps they had made an exception in his case. Meeting Gemma could not have happened just by coincidence.

  He breathed in her sweet scent–he only hoped that by coming into her life, he hadn't ruined it.


  Gemma wasn't certain her speech to the Justice Board was the most inspiring one. Stlozyn were all about logic; emotion was looked down on as the root of all evil.

  Well, maybe not that bad, but close. Gemma shook her head as she directed the chair she sat in–a hover chair, which she could move in literally every direction–towards the gangplank of Shay's ship. She had given her speech, recounting exactly what her imprisonment had been like, right after Shay had given his justification.

  After the sentence was declared–Shay had to provide remuneration to the crew members who had broken laws by following his orders–he was reinstated as Science Alpha on his ship and told that his justification was worthy of his actions, though he was warned not to be so emotional in the future.

  "Let's get you to bed," Shay said, and Gemma agreed.

  Her back was killing her, the pain bringing tears to her eyes, and her legs felt like two wooden blocks beneath her body.

  "Home, sweet home," Gemma trilled as Shay closed the door to his quarters behind them.

  She hadn't seen Shay's quarters on his ship, and she was surprised at how basic everything was. The room she had had before was like the most luxurious hotel in comparison. Shay had a large bed, a wardrobe for his uniforms, a private bathroom with a shower and no bath and a small food processor that was only good for small snacks, rather than meals.

  "So why was my room so luxurious while you have something like this?" she asked, as he lifted her into the bed. She was sick of lying on her side all the time, but it really was the most comfortable position for her at the moment. Not that she would call it 'comfortable'.

  "Every ship of this size is fitted with a room for members of the Science Board, should they desire to visit."

  "So I was in the presidential suite?"

  Shay laughed at the look on Gemma's face. "Essentially, yes."

  "Yikes," she muttered. "You guys are seriously Spartan."

  "Sparta is known for its stringent warrior culture. We're scientists. Violence is based on emotion. It's an abhorrence." Shay's expression became thoughtful. "Although they did have a methodical approach to war, which in some ways was almost scientific."

  Gemma smothered a giggle. He was just too cute in these moments, despite the fact that he was tall and stacked and ought to be intimidating rather than adorable. "No, silly. It means that you don't have a lot of luxuries. At least not on ships. Your apartment on Bronæl was far fancier than the presidential suite."

  "On a space-bound vessel resources are much more precious."

  His personal comm beeped, indicating an incoming call. Gemma settled down, rubbing her aching back as the baby started moving, pushing against her skin as if it was trying to stretch. She never really felt the baby kicking, though, something she was still furious about. Wynon had stolen half her pregnancy from her.

  Shay activated his comm and the holographic image of one of the dragonesses from the Science Board appeared. Gemma saw Shay's shoulders tense, and he angled himself away from her so the dragoness couldn't see her.

  "Science Alpha." The dragoness nodded her head. "I thought you would like to know that Niqæsh has been stripped of her position, and her research buildings have been taken from her. Her personal wealth will be distributed towards the fund for ethical research, as well."

  "That is good to hear. Thank you for informing me."

  "This also means that her position on the Science Board is empty. On behalf of the Board, I would like to extend you the offer to fill it."

  Gemma pushed herself up, eyes brightening. A grin spread over her face. This was what had always Shay wanted. To be the youngest dragon ever to be on the Science Board. To her surprise, however, he didn't look happy. A frown creased his brow.

  "Thank you for the offer. I will have to discuss it with Gemma."

  The dragoness nodded. "Of course. We will give you three months to make your choice."

  Shay nodded, and the image flickered out. He sighed heavily, exhaling a lungful of smoke that made Gemma's eyes water. She waved it away, narrowing her eyes at Shay.

  "Why didn't you take the offer? It's what you’ve always wanted."

  "No. I wanted to earn my place on the Board, not have it offered because the Board needs to save face after one of them was found promoting unethical practices." Shay shook his head, his lips thinning. "I do have many accomplishments to my name, though… it might have nothing to do with what I am to the public right now."

  Gemma squeezed his hand. Her heart went out to him, but she wasn't certain what she should say. Her dragon shook himself and gave her a tense smile.

  "It's late. I'll think on this for a few days and then discuss it with you." Shay leaned over her, giving her a deep kiss. "For now, it's time for you to sleep."

  Gemma nearly groaned. Sleep. It was all she seemed to be doing lately. "I can't wait until the baby is born."

  "Yes, I imagine it will be much more comfortable—"

  "No, I mean I want to do something other than sleep." She raised her brows at him, but he still looked confused. "Something spicy."

  Shay's confusion cleared. He laughed and kissed her again. "The baby will be born soon. Then we can see what shape your spine is in. With any luck, a simple healing will have you back in perfect condition a few days after the birth. But try not to think spicy thoughts yet, my dear."

  Gemma nodded, wrinkling her nose. "I know. I need to sleep."

  "Indeed." Shay slipped into the bed behind her, wrapping his arms around her. "Goodnight, my love."

  Gemma snuggled deeper into his warmth, her eyes closing. "Goodnight."

  Chapter Nine

  Shay woke to Gemma shaking him. At first, he only pulled her closer, but then a hissed gasp of pain escaped from her. His eyes flew open. He jerked upright, feeling her stomach spasm beneath his hand. It felt like his own stomach was squeezing, and for a second he wasn't sure what to do. He'd had training and schooling, but the rush of both adrenaline and endorphins had scattered his mind.

  "Shay, I think I’m going into labor."

  Her stomach contracted under his hand again.

  "You might be," he said, and was surprised by how calm he sounded. He cleared his throat, p
ushing aside his tumbling emotions. Now, of all times, was not the time to let emotion guide him. What to do first? "Let me check to see how much you're dilated."

  Gemma's eyes were round, but she nodded and turned as best she could to accommodate him. As he removed her sweatpants and underwear, Shay was immensely grateful for his ability to see in the near-darkness that surrounded them. Somehow turning on the lights seemed like it would take too long. Something gushed over his fingers as he checked her–she was already ten centimeters dilated.


  "You're in the final stages of labor already." Shay swallowed thickly. "It appears that whatever Wynon did is having some residual effects. Don't worry, I have done my time as a midwife, just like all biological scientists, and the ship doctor spent a round with maternity. We're going to be fine."

  Gemma hunched over, half-groaning, half-screaming. Her stomach shrank, muscles bulging.

  "Don't push yet," Shay told her. "We have to get you to the birthing stool."

  "That thing you want me to crouch on?" Gemma's breath came out in a growl. Sweat beaded on her brow. "I can't, you know I can't. My legs—"

  "I'll help you. Lying on your back is one of the worse positions to give birth in. It narrows the pelvis and—"

  "Okay." She half-screamed again. "Let's just get this going, then!"

  Shay called the ship's doctor on the comm unit and picked Gemma up, carrying her to the birthing stool that was set up in the corner of the room. Everything was prepared. He had made sure of it before they left the planet. There was no reason for his heart to be pounding so hard! He thought it might burst from his chest.

  Everything was going to be fine.

  The doctor arrived quickly. Everything was a blur after that, punctuated by clear images. Gemma squeezing his hand. The doctor assuring them everything was proceeding well. A fly landing on Gemma's nose and licking at the salty sweat there. He wanted to brush it off, but Gemma was leaning so heavily on him he didn't dare release her. And then Gemma let out an almighty wail that was suddenly echoed by a baby's cry.

  The doctor placed the infant in Gemma's arms. She started laughing and crying. Shay felt a smile blossom over his own face.

  "A little dragoness."

  The baby had a scattering of soft scales over her body, tinged blue and green as most babies were. But the shape of her eyes and ears, even her little bow mouth, were all Gemma. The baby continued to cry, waving tiny little fists in the air.

  "She's beautiful," Gemma whispered, while the doctor palpitated her stomach to dispel the afterbirth.

  "She is." Shay kissed Gemma's temple, shifting her so he could touch the baby's tiny feet. "It's too cold in here."

  "I already adjusted the temperature," the doctor interrupted, rolling his eyes. "It's not too cold."

  Shay hesitated but nodded. Soon the baby was cleaned up and wrapped in a warm blanket. The bed was soiled from when Gemma's water broke, so they took the luxurious room for visiting Board members. Once he was sure that Gemma and the baby were settled, Shay slipped in beside them. How could anything be so tiny, so beautiful, so precious?

  "Do stlozyn have any naming traditions?"

  "One… but you'll laugh."

  Gemma's lips quirked. "Why would I laugh?"

  "It's a superstition. Not based on any sort of scientific fact."

  "Tell me."

  Shay sighed. This tradition meant a lot to him. If Gemma laughed… "It was believed by our ancestors that stlozyn are reborn every fifth generation, and so it's tradition to look back five generations to name a child after one of our ancestors. We give the child that name, and when she's ten she chooses her true name, a name she'll only share with those that mean the most to her."

  Shay braced himself for Gemma's laughter, but she nodded instead, her expression serious.

  "I like that. It's beautiful. Do you know of a name from five generations back in your family?"

  "My grandfather always wanted me to name my first daughter Ishoel, after his great-grandmother. It means beautiful star."

  "Ishoel." Gemma smiled up at him. "I like it."

  Shay let out a breath of relief. He'd always liked the name as well, and was grateful Gemma did, too. He kissed her forehead. "We should sleep."

  "I don't want to sleep." She stroked Ishoel's tiny nose. "We need to decide what to do now. Are you hesitant to accept the position on the Science Board because you're afraid I'll want to go back to Earth?"

  "Have I ever told you that I greatly admire your directness, Gemma?"

  Her eyes narrowed. "Don't change the subject."

  Shay chuckled softly but quickly sobered. He didn't want to put any undue pressure on her. He had thought that they would have several years before having to make this choice, but everything had happened more quickly than he anticipated.

  "I promised you that we would return to Earth, that I would live there with you to continue my research." He stroked her hand.

  "If you took the position, would you have to give up your research?"

  Shay ran a hand over her beautiful, soft hair. He marveled at the silky texture for a moment. "No. But I won't be able to do it the same way I am now. I would be expected to send others in my place with the research parameters. I would have many duties on Bronæl that would mean I couldn't be away for long periods of time."

  "So if you took it, we'd have to stay on Bronæl and could only return to Earth for visits?"


  Gemma frowned. Her lips tightened and her nose wrinkled like it always did when she was deep in thought. After a moment, she let out a pent-up sigh. "I don't have any family there. I don't have many friends. And I just got fired from my job. I don't think there's a lot that's holding me to Earth. And two very big draws to Bronæl."

  Shay held his breath.

  "Ishoel wouldn't exactly blend in, either."

  "We could use a shimmering cloak once she's a little older. It's completely harmless. But are you sure? After everything that happened here—"

  "It's not going to happen again, is it?" Gemma raised a brow, indicating it was more of a statement than a question.

  Shay shook his head. "No."

  Gemma blew out a breath and looked down at Ishoel. "Then it's settled. We'll stay. Take vacations to Earth once Izzy is old enough to understand why she can't tell people we're visiting from another planet."

  "Izzy?" Shay made a face–he would never understand the human tendency to make perfectly good names shorter. But if that was what Gemma wanted, he could learn to accept the short name. "Are you certain that you'll be happy here? Earth is your home."

  Gemma shook her head. "Earth is the place I lived. For a long time now, it hasn't been my home. You have been. And now you and Ishoel both are my home. Wherever you are, I’ll be there too."

  "That sounds familiar… Where did you get it from?"

  Gemma laughed. "I love you. I love you so much."

  The fires burned bright and happy inside Shay. He kissed his human hard, twirling his tongue around hers. "And I love you, Gemma. I love you."

  Chapter Ten

  Time would tell if her back would fully recover, but with stlozyn healing techniques, Gemma was healed from the birth within a matter of days. Shay still wanted her to stay on bed rest, but she felt good enough to get up and moving. Just lying in bed was boring. And her desire for something spicy had returned.

  Gemma slipped a negligee over her head, checking out her reflection in the mirror to make sure it fit right. It felt strange to have lost so much weight so quickly, like she no longer fit in her own skin. She had to say, she didn't like it. She preferred being a little curvier. To hell with people telling her she weighed too much, she had felt like herself before.

  She slipped from the bedroom into the living room of her and Shay's apartment. Ishoel was down for a nap, giving them a couple of hours for a spicy dessert.

  Her dragon sat on the sofa, watching a holographic simulation of something that looked like DNA. Now th
at Ishoel had been born, Gemma felt comfortable giving small amounts of blood to him for his research. It was really helping him out.

  Shay suddenly jumped from the sofa and clapped his hands. The holographic projection flickered off. The dragon began doing some weird sort of jig. Gemma had to stifle a giggle. He looked so ridiculous with his robes flapping around him.

  "Good news?"

  "Great news!" He turned, scooping her into his arms. He swung her around before setting her back on the floor and looking at her ensemble. "Wow."

  Gemma pushed back her shoulders, making her chest pop. "What's the good news?"

  "Ummm…" Shay looked back at her eyes. "I've been working on an infusion of human DNA into stlozyn DNA to try to vaccinate against the disease."

  "And it works?"

  "Better. It's actually reversing the effects of the disease. Simulated DNA works just as well, so it's not like we have to go and harvest human DNA from Earth."

  A grin blossomed over Gemma's face. "I knew you'd do it. You cured your people."

  "I'm going to accept the position on the Science Board. I've earned it now." Shay seized her and pulled her to his lips. He kissed her hard, making sparks erupt in her brain. "And I never could have done it without you."

  Gemma moaned and slung her arms around her dragon's neck, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Shay responded with the same fervor, hands sliding down her back to grip her buttocks. With one quick motion, she tugged on the ties of his robe, loosening it, and pushed it off his shoulders. His flesh was so warm, so perfect. The tiny scales that glittered over his body were as smooth as skin but had a slightly different texture, a little harder. They didn't give under her touch.

  "You are so beautiful," she whispered, exploring the contours of his chest and abs with her hands. He was so strong, so solid. What had life been before they were together? It seemed a distant dream, too far away to be bothered with.

  "You are beautiful." Shay ran his fingers through her hair, moaning.


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