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Touchdown Daddy

Page 151

by Ava Walsh

  The yellow glow of the detection spell was so faint that the person had to be pretty far away. She kept the spells small and practiced some basics. She did try the cloaking spell and was happy to find that she could now hold it for a few seconds in human form. As a dragon she was up to several minutes.

  After a few hours, she was getting tired and needed a break. Casting so much magic was mentally exhausting. She strolled out of the forest, taking her time to appreciate the day and nature. Kiara enjoyed just being in the woods, walking and exploring. Being a witch made her feel part of nature and connected to it. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that so much magic required nature—plants, certain moon phases or celestial events, water or fire. The more she increased her magic, the more in tune she felt.

  Chapter 3

  Kiara knocked on the door to Erica’s house and heard her mom call out, “Come in!”

  Kiara opened the door and called back, “Hi, Mrs. Graham!” as she walked up the stairs to Erica’s room.

  “Oh, my goodness, Kiara, you are not going to believe this.” Erica pulled her into the room and closed the door. Then she dropped her voice to a whisper. “There is something crazy happening in the woods.”

  Instantly, Kiara was on alert. Her pulse doubled in speed. Had she seen something? “What do you mean?”

  “Have you heard rumors that there are witches at school?”

  “Yeah, so? Everyone knows it’s crap.”

  “Right? But I think it might actually be true. So, I was in the woods today with my dad. He wanted to take me along for some kind of nature experience, I don’t know.” She rolled her eyes. “It was totally lame. But there is this huge patch of forest where all the grass and plants and even, like, small trees and stuff are totally smashed. My dad said something has been damaging vegetation and eating a bunch of small animals recently.”

  Kiara tried not to react. But Erica was talking about her in dragon form. And Erica’s father, the forest ranger, was on to her.

  “So we were in there walking around, and I took off on my own. You’re never going to believe what I saw. I can’t even believe what I saw. Some kind of magic thing. Like, someone was there in the woods, and I swear they were casting spells. It was like Harry Potter with colors flying all over. I tried to watch, but then whoever it was stopped.”

  “You know you sound crazy right now?” Maybe Kiara could convince Erica that she hadn’t seen what she thought she saw.

  “I know, right! Totally. I thought I was going nuts. But I saw it. I’m gonna go back and see if I can find the person again. Or see what was there or something.”

  “Don’t do that. Think, Erica. If someone is casting magic, they could like, turn you into a toad or something.” Maybe she should work on that, actually. Just in case.

  “No, this is the perfect thing! My dad said he would pay me to sit in the woods and try to find out whatever animal is destroying everything. So I can look for this animal and the sorcerer at the same time. And the best part is I can take Spencer with me!”

  “You’re going to sit in the woods waiting for a giant animal that can knock down trees? And you’re going to stop it from crushing you how, exactly?”

  “Oh, my dad gave me his tranq gun. I’m not going to get close to it or anything. Something that big will make a lot of noise, so I’d know it was coming way before it saw me. I do have some forest training, you know. My dad has taught me this stuff since I was a kid.”

  Kiara shook her head. “Don’t be an idiot. Is he going to track where you go? No. Take the money and just sit at the stream skipping rocks. You do not want to mess with some huge animal or someone casting magic. That’s insane.”

  Erica sighed. “But Spencer… It’s the perfect plan!”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  “Hey.” Erica put her hands on her hips. “I’m starting to get offended, here.”

  “Well, you should. It’s freaking stupid. You can find some other way to get Spencer to pay attention to you.”

  Kiara could sense that Erica was getting mad. She wanted to stop and fix it. They’d been best friends for five years now and she didn’t want to mess that up. But she had to keep Erica out of the woods. If she saw something by accident, she was in huge danger. Better she get mad at her and not go into the woods than get herself killed.

  “Well, I already told my dad I would, and Spencer is meeting me tomorrow, so sorry if you think it’s stupid. I’m doing it.”

  They sat in silence, giving each other half glares, brooding in the quiet.

  “I’m just gonna go,” Kiara said.


  Kiara walked out and ran as fast as she could back to her clearing. She had to nail this cloaking spell and fast. She worked for hours, switching from dragon form to human, trying different methods and practicing again and again. She’d gotten up to a half hour of cloaking in dragon form and she held it while she practiced other spells that would increase her overall magic ability.

  When she was getting too tired to continue she changed back into human form, let the cloak fall and cast a few final spells for her week ahead. She started packing up her things and turned around, then saw that the circle of magic around her, the one she used to detect a presence, had a spot of bright yellow. It had been behind her this whole time and she had been too focused to notice.

  She panicked. What had they seen? Who was it? Well, she had checked around her before becoming a dragon and there had been no one, and while she was in dragon form she’d stayed cloaked. The more she thought about it, the more she decided whoever it was—and maybe it was even Erica—likely did not see her dragon shift. But they had to have seen her casting spells.

  She packed up her things and marched towards the place where the presence was indicated. She couldn’t see who it was past the yellow glow and the large bush they sat behind. “I know you’re there,” she said.

  She heard hushed whispers and then feet pounding as they ran. She chased after them, using her magic to run much faster than normal. But when she caught up enough to see who it was, she stopped. Erica and Spencer were running fast, glancing back every few feet to see if she was coming after them.

  With a resigned sigh, she stopped chasing them and went instead to Erica’s house. She used her cloaking spell to make herself invisible, then levitated up to Erica’s window. She climbed in through the window and waited for her to return.


  Erica must’ve spent a lot of time with Spencer, because Kiara had to wait for hours. When she finally came into her room, kicked off her shoes and lay down on her bed, Kiara cast a silencing charm then stepped out of her cloaked state.

  Erica screamed, but no sound came out of her mouth.

  “I’m going to take off the silence charm, but you can’t scream, okay?” Kiara said.

  Erica nodded and Kiara spoke another spell to release the silence charm.

  “It was you!” Erica exclaimed in a hushed whisper. “We saw you in the woods. You’re a witch!”

  Kiara nodded. “Yes. I am.”

  Erica blinked at her. Maybe she’d thought Kiara would deny it. Then she shoved Kiara’s shoulder playfully. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I couldn’t. Think about it. We have to keep it a secret or we’d be hunted. Like we were back in the 1800s.”

  Erica considered this, scrunching her mouth to the side and nodding slowly. “But you could have told me. I wouldn’t have told anyone.”

  “I’m counting on that. You can’t tell a single person; you have to promise.”

  “Well, you know Spencer was with me.”

  “Yeah, and you have to make him promise, too. Erica, people would either kill me or use me if they knew what I was.”

  Erica reached out and gripped her hand. “I promise. Hey, wait, were you the one destroying stuff in the woods and killing animals?”

  “I don’t do animal sacrifice.” It was true enough.

  “Okay, good. Wait, so how long have you
been a witch?”

  Kiara shrugged. “I guess my whole life. I started being able to do little things when I was a kid. Move stuff without touching it, make flames go out, that sort of thing. Then I just started doing more and more.”

  “Wow,” Erica said, her voice dripping with awe. “I want to be a witch! Is there a way I can get powers?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “But then, is your mom a witch, too? Or your grandma? Is it like a bloodline thing passed on from generation to generation?”

  “Umm, I don’t know, actually. I’ve never seen my mom do any magic, and I would have thought she’d have mentioned it by now.”

  “Then how did you get the ability to do magic?” Erica made a pouty face.

  “No idea. Sorry.”

  Erica let out a huff. “Well, whatever. I guess it’s still cool that my best friend has powers even if I don’t.”

  “Right. So, let’s keep your best friend alive and don’t ever tell anyone.”

  “I won’t.” She held up her pinky and swore her secrecy.

  Chapter 4

  Kiara walked home from Erica’s late that night. As she neared her house she saw someone sitting on her front step. When she got closer, she recognized Spencer. Well, she needed to talk to him anyway. At least he’d made it convenient.

  “Hey, Spencer,” she said, when she was close enough.

  He looked surprised. “I didn’t think you knew my name.”

  “I needed to talk to you, actually.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” He slid over and made room for her to sit beside him on the step.

  “I know what you saw today.”

  He gave her the same awestruck look Erica had. “It was amazing. The way you moved and twisted in the air. It looked like you were dancing.”

  “Umm, thanks. So, about that.”

  “Don’t worry, I would never tell anyone your secret if that’s what you were going to say. You can trust me.”

  “Good. That’s really good to know.”

  “Actually…” He twisted his hands together and gave her a sheepish look. “I was wondering if I could…umm…hire your services?”

  “You want to do what?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Well, there’s this girl I like, but I don’t think she likes me. And recently I’ve got to know her better, and I really think she’s the one for me. She’s just so…” His eyes took on a dreamy gaze as he looked at her.

  Kiara rolled her eyes. “Erica likes you, too.”

  “Erica? Oh. Are you sure? Because it’s not Erica.”

  “Oh. Well, that sucks.”

  His face fell. “Yeah, it does.”

  “What were you going to ask?”

  “Well, I’m not looking for a love potion or anything.” He held up his hands to show how serious he was. “I’ve read about this stuff, and I don’t want some fake thing. What I want is to become her dream man. I want her love to be real.”

  “But then you wouldn’t be the same.”

  “I know. But I would become anything for her.”

  “Spencer.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you just find someone who likes you for who you are?”

  He shook her hand off. “Maybe I don’t like who I am, okay?” They looked at each other for a minute. Then he said, “Can you help me or not?”

  “I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Okay, fine.” He crossed his arms and glared at her. “I didn’t want to have to do this, but if you won’t cast this spell on me I will tell your secret.”

  “So much for being able to trust you.”

  “You don’t understand. She’s just that special.”

  Kiara shook her head. “Pathetic. Maybe if you grew a pair this girl would pay attention to you.”

  “So you’ll do it?”

  “Fine. If you want to be something you’re not for the sake of some girl, fine.” She stood up and unlocked the door. “Come on.”

  She led him upstairs to her bedroom, sneaking along quietly. Her mom was already asleep, but she wanted to keep it that way. All she needed was for her mom to wake up and find her with a boy in her bedroom.

  In her room she sat him on the bed and gathered the supplies she would need for a transforming spell.

  “Wow,” he said, looking around. “Your room is awesome.”

  “Thanks.” She didn’t think it was anything special. A few band posters on the wall, a drawing or two she’d done and black curtains to keep the sunlight, out or her spell light in when she did magic in her room.

  “Close your eyes,” she said. “Now think of this girl really hard.”

  “Okay.” He closed his eyes and grinned.

  Kiara shook her head but cast the spell anyway. A red smoke circled around him. As she continued speaking the words, the smoke moved in closer to his chest. It was sucked into his heart for a moment, then soared back out and surrounded him in a cloud before dissipating.

  “Okay,” she said. “It’s done.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”

  “How long does it take to work?”

  “Depends on how much has to change. A few days, a few weeks.”

  Spencer threw his arms around her in a rough hug. “Thank you so much.”

  “You owe me. You better not tell anyone.”

  “Never.” He winked at her. “I wouldn’t have anyway.”

  “So you manipulated me.”

  He pulled his mouth into a half smile. “Maybe I’ve got more balls than you realized.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Right. Goodnight, Romeo.”


  It was two weeks until she saw Spencer again. He passed her in the hall at school, gave her a stiff nod and kept walking. She spun to watch him walk away.

  “What happened to Spencer?” she asked Erica.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look at him.”

  Erica turned to look. “I guess he’s been working out.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. He looks totally buff. And when did he start letting his hair and beard grow?”

  She shrugged. “We haven’t been hanging out much.”

  That day, Kiara walked home from school as she usually did, strolling down the sidewalk, enjoying being outside. Someone jumped out from behind a car and grabbed her. She kicked and screamed, fighting hard in her panic, and he put his hand over her mouth to quiet her, holding her in his strong arms.

  “God, you’ve got a set of lungs.”

  When she recognized his voice, she stopped struggling. “Spencer?”

  She turned to face him.

  “I just do Spence now.”

  “That’s better, for sure.”

  He gave her a “duh” look.

  “So you’ve been working out?” She took this chance to really look him over. His hipster skinny jeans and form-fitting button-down shirt had been replaced by looser jeans, black boots and a t-shirt that showed off his chest muscles and had the logo of one of her favorite bands.

  “I’ve been working on something much more interesting than my muscles. Want to see?”

  “If you unzip your pants, I will kick you.”

  He smirked. “We can do that later. No, this is even better.”

  She put her hand on her hip. “Let’s see.”

  He looked around, then leaned back casually on the car. He held out his palm, and an instant later a flame appeared. She watched as he made it change colors. Gold to green to purple and back to gold. Then he closed his fist around it and threw it. The ball of fire rolled down the pavement until it went out.

  “You’re doing magic.” She didn’t know why she sounded so incredulous. Then it hit her. When she’d cast the spell for him to become everything his love wanted, was he talking about… her?

  She pushed his shoulders, hard. He barely moved. Instead, he looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Was it me? Was I the one you changed for?”

bsp; “So what if you were?” He crossed his arms and made his gaze hard.

  She marched up to him, gripped the front of his shirt and pulled herself to him until her mouth was pressed hard against his. He gripped her waist and pulled her closer, smashing her body to his. Their lips tangled, then their tongues. She dug her fingers into his hair, he put his hand at the back of her neck. Her entire body lit up with heat and she smelled burning hair.

  In horror, she dropped her hand and pulled back from him. “Whoops. I guess you got me a little too hot.” She winked as her face grew warm with embarrassment.

  He ran his hand over the back of his head, where her fingers had singed him.

  “I can fix it.” With one simple spell, his hair was back just how it had been, loosely tousled and spiky with product.

  “I guess we’ll need to be a little more careful.”

  “Guess so.” She came back to him again and resumed kissing him, but with their passion turned down a notch.

  When they stopped kissing, he held her close and said, “I guess the spell worked.”

  “How does it feel? Being someone else?”

  “Amazing. I’d say I feel like a whole new person, but that’s obvious. I feel like I’m finally the person I was always meant to be.”

  “So long as you don’t have any regrets.”

  “Are you kidding me? How could I ever regret being able to kiss you and have you close like this?” He kissed her again, then stopped to take a box from his pocket. “When I saw this, I thought of you.”

  He handed her the box and she opened it to find a beautiful necklace. A silver chain, a long oval blood-red pendant covered in fine wire swirls. It was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen.

  “I love it.” She handed the box back, then turned and held up her hair so he could put it on her. The pendant hung just above her cleavage. “It’s perfect.”


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