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The Rancher's Wife

Page 15

by April Arrington

  Traci snorted. “Like I keep telling you squirts, it’s bona fide.”

  “That’s what I said,” Kayden argued.

  The bag rattled again. Jayden burrowed around in it. “There’s another one, Uncle Logan. Who gets it?”

  Logan reached over Jayden and tugged out a black straw hat. A row of silver-toned rhinestones circled the band, giving it a classic, stylish look.

  “This one’s for your aunt Amy,” Logan said, placing it on her head. His broad hands moved over the brim, bending and shaping the edges. His narrowed eyes roved over her face as he adjusted the hat then stilled with satisfaction. “Beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Logan nudged the brim up and kissed her. “You’re welcome. Thought it was time you had one of your own.”

  “You’re a real cowgirl now, Aunt Amy.” Jayden beamed with pride. “You got a hat and everything.”

  Amy smiled. “I suppose so.”

  “It’s stunning,” Cissy said. “Don’t you think so, Betty?”

  Betty beamed. “It’s gorgeous.” She blinked rapidly, gathering up the dirty mugs and pausing on her way out. “You boys better get ready for bed if you want Santa to drop by.”

  The twins darted to the window, shoved aside the curtains and peered out.

  “Is he on the way now?” Jayden asked.

  “Will be soon,” Cissy said.

  “What’d you ask Santa for, Aunt Cissy?” Kayden scampered over, placing his hands on Cissy’s knees and leaning in.

  Cissy winked and rubbed her belly. “Your baby cousins, Grace and Gwen.”

  Kayden scowled. “Is that all?”

  Dominic laughed. “You’ll think differently once they get here. You’ll be like their big brother.” He nodded at Logan. “Someone they can look up to.”

  Amy’s chest swelled as the Slade men shared a smile. It was wonderful seeing them so close again. It seemed Dominic’s return to Raintree had worked all sorts of magic on the family. A magic she was beginning to feel herself.

  Jayden looked thoughtful then whispered something in Kayden’s ear. He seemed to agree and the two took off, clutching their new hats to their heads.

  “Best get them to bed, pronto.” Dominic moved toward the door. “Looks like they’re up to something.”

  “I’ll give you a hand.” Pop laughed, following him out of the room.

  “All right,” Cissy said, “I think we deserve a break. Thanks for the help with the shopping, Logan. We never would’ve gotten it done without your help.”

  “No problem.” Logan grinned. “Why don’t you get a bite to eat? I’ll get the other presents out of the truck. The wrapping can wait. I have a feeling it’ll be a while before Dom gets the boys settled.”

  Right on cue, the twins barreled back into the room, shoving past Amy and Traci toward the fireplace. They carried a large bucket between them and sloshed water onto the hardwood floor with every step.

  “What in the world?” Cissy murmured.

  “Hold up there, boys,” Dominic shouted, rushing in behind them.

  It was too late. Kayden and Jayden dumped the entire contents of the bucket onto the fire, killing it with a sizzle and sending billows of black smoke into the room.

  Amy shut her eyes and waved a hand in front of her face, the mass of smoke choking the air from the room. Violent bouts of coughing sounded as she grappled her way over to the window. She struggled to unlatch the lock, the dark clouds of smoke making it difficult to see.

  Logan’s big hand covered hers, unlocking the window and heaving it open with a shove. Amy took off her hat and waved it wildly, ushering the smoke outside and blinking as it cleared.

  Dominic stood by the fireplace. Each of his hands clutched a twin by the waistband, holding them in the air.

  “Why did you do that?” Dominic sputtered as he shook them gently. “I know I won’t understand but go ahead and tell me. Why?”

  Jayden scrunched his nose and twisted his head up to answer, “So Grace and Gwen won’t get hurt.”

  Dominic blinked. “What?”

  “That’s what Aunt Cissy asked Santa for.” Kayden squirmed against Dominic’s hold. “The fire’s hot and the babies will get hurt when he comes down the chimney with ’em. So, we had to put it out.”

  Dominic’s face went slack and he burst into laughter. Amy joined him, dropping her hat to the windowsill and glancing over at a chuckling Logan.

  Cissy shook her head. “We talked about this, boys. The babies won’t come for a few more weeks. I thought you understood the babies were in here,” she said, patting her belly.

  Amy’s heart tripped as she studied Logan’s profile. A muscle in his jaw ticked and his posture grew rigid.

  The boys cocked their heads and studied Cissy’s belly with a frown.

  “So you asked Santa for ’em, he made ’em and then put ’em in there?” Jayden asked.

  “No,” Kayden declared, smacking a hand on his brother’s arm. “Santa don’t do all that. That’s what the elves are for.” He glanced up at Dominic. “Ain’t that how babies are made?”

  Dominic cleared his throat “Not exactly.”

  “Then how?” Kayden asked. “How are babies made?”

  “Go ahead, Dominic,” Cissy said, laughing. “Explain it to us.”

  Amy slipped her hand in Logan’s. He glanced at her, smile tight and eyes bitter.

  Her chest ached. There was no way Logan would react well to the news of a possible pregnancy. The pain of losing Sara was plain in his expression.

  “Amy?” Logan squeezed her hand, his deep voice low against her ear. He studied her, his face creased with concern. “You okay? You went pale there for a second.”

  She leaned her head out of the window and sucked in a lungful of icy air. “I’m fine. Just took in a little too much smoke, I guess.”

  “See there, boys,” Dominic boomed, “you owe Aunt Amy an apology.”

  “Are you avoiding the question, Dominic?” Cissy asked.

  Dominic chuckled. “No. I’ll be more than happy to explain it to you tonight, baby. In the meantime, you boys go apologize to your aunt Amy, then help me clean up this mess.”

  The boys ran across the room and tugged at Amy’s jeans.

  “Sorry, Aunt Amy,” Kayden said.

  “Me, too,” Jayden added.

  Grateful for the distraction, Amy knelt and drew the boys close. They wrapped their arms around her and pecked a kiss to her cheeks.

  “Y’all better be on your best behavior for the rest of the night,” Logan said. “So Santa doesn’t hold it against you.”

  “We will,” the boys chimed, nuzzling their warm faces into Amy’s neck.

  Logan scooped up Amy’s hat from the windowsill and placed it back on her head. His warm palm smoothed through her hair and curled around her shoulder, causing her heart to beat faster.

  “Santa won’t be mad with us,” Jayden whispered against her ear. “It’s all right ’cuz everything turned out okay. Right, Aunt Amy?”

  Amy hugged the boys close against her middle, spirits lifting at the thought of comforting her own child in her arms. A possibility that became more real with each passing day.

  “Yeah,” she whispered. “Everything’s okay.”

  It would be. Either way. Life was moving on and there was a chance things might change. That she might become a mother, after all.

  She hugged the boys tighter, straightened her hat with her other hand and smiled. It was the time of year for gifts. And the smallest ones, it seemed, held the biggest promise of all.

  * * *

  “HE CAME!”

  Logan jumped, eyes flying open and arms clutching Amy tighter to his chest. The mattress beneath him dipped to one side then boun
ced. The springs squeaked and the bed frame rattled.

  “Santa came!” Kayden jumped up and down at the end of the bed. “He ate all the cookies we left and he drank all the milk and—”

  “He left presents,” Jayden shouted, scrambling onto the bed and bouncing with his brother. “Lots and lots of presents! They’re under the tree and in the hallway and in our room—”

  “And he left a trampoline outside,” Kayden gasped. He stopped jumping and dropped to Logan’s chest, his small knees jabbing into Logan’s ribs. “A trampoline, Uncle Logan!” His face contorted. He raised his fists and shook them on a primal yell. “A tram-po-line!”

  Logan winced, his voice leaving him on a painful groan. “Then why aren’t you using it instead of me?”

  Gentle breaths of laughter brushed his ear, causing the skin on his neck to tighten. He rolled his head to the side. Amy smiled up at him, green eyes warm and excited. Her cheeks flushed a sweet shade of pink and her raven hair clung to her face in mussed waves.

  Logan’s chest warmed. Christmas morning was definitely much more beautiful with Amy at his side. Friends, like they used to be. The relationship familiar, safe and inviting.

  He cleared his throat, leaning in and whispering, “Merry Chr—”

  “Come on, Uncle Logan,” Kayden said, smooshing his hands against Logan’s cheeks. He leaned in, the tip of his nose brushing Logan’s. “Get up. Aunt Cissy said we can’t open presents until everyone’s up.”

  “Yeah, get up, Aunt Amy,” Jayden hollered, tugging at Amy’s nightshirt.

  “Boys, I told you to keep your tails out of here.” Dom stuck his head inside the room, his hand covering his eyes. “You two decent, I hope?”

  Amy laughed and Logan joined her.

  “Yep,” he said.

  Dominic dropped his hand and smiled, dimples flashing. “Then get your butts out here and let’s get this party started.”

  Five minutes later, Logan and Amy were dressed and in the family room. The boys pounced on the presents while the adults sipped warm drinks and watched with smiles. The next several hours passed in a blur of squeals, torn wrapping paper and excited hugs.

  It didn’t take long for Logan to get swept up in the twin tornado. He, Pop and Dominic assembled new gadgets for the boys and helped them test out their new toys. It had taken the boys over an hour to tear into them all. Then, they spent hour upon hour afterward testing out each one. At one point, the boys couldn’t decide whether to eat or play. They ended up grabbing a handful of sugar cookies, eating them with one hand and shooting their toy guns with the other.

  Eventually, Logan crashed into a heap on the floor. His eyes grew heavy as they lingered on Amy but even her delighted smile couldn’t keep the exhaustion at bay.


  A hushed whisper swept by his ear, the sweetest voice he’d ever heard calling his name.


  The familiar scent of strawberries lingered on the air. A long sweep of hair poured over his shoulder and gentle lips touched his cheek. Logan opened his eyes to find Amy leaning over him. Those emerald eyes of hers more gorgeous than ever under the wide brim of her black hat. They trailed over his face, heating his skin and causing his heart to trip in his chest.

  “I hate to wake you,” she whispered with a smile. “But it’s getting late.”

  Logan blinked, focusing on her expression. The same sweet one she’d first given him so long ago. Full of hope and admiration.

  He shifted, lifting his arms to pull her close and claim her mouth but his elbows were glued to the floor.

  Amy laughed and glanced at either side of him. “They’re knocked out, too. You’ve all had a long day.”

  Logan turned his head to find Kayden draped face-down over his left arm and Jayden sprawled on his back over his right one. They clutched half-eaten peppermint sticks in their hands, each rhythmic snore puffing between their sticky red lips and brushing over his chest.

  Logan smiled. He’d fallen asleep and, apparently, the boys had joined him. Amy was right. It had been a long Christmas day. Full of fun, food and family. And, of course, gifts. He lifted his head off the floor and scanned the mountains of torn wrapping paper, piles of toys and scattered ribbons littering the family room.

  Presents. Logan chuckled. There’d been acres of them.

  “Where is everyone?” he asked, clearing his throat to erase the husky note from his voice.

  “Cissy was worn out so Dom and I sent her to bed. Dom and Pop are checking the stables, Mama and Traci are watching a Christmas movie marathon in the living room.” Amy winked. “And the partridge is still in the pear tree.”

  Logan’s smile stretched his cheeks. Lord, she was beautiful. He wanted to tell her. Wanted to tug her close. Hold on to her and the moment.

  “Come on,” she whispered, sliding her hands under Jayden’s arms, “it’s time to put our nephews to bed.”

  Our. Dear God, he wanted...

  He caught her elbow as she lifted Jayden off his arm. “Hey.”

  She paused and glanced at him, expression expectant. He swallowed hard.

  “Merry Christmas,” he whispered.

  She grinned, the pink flush of her cheeks causing his body to tighten. “Merry Christmas.”

  Jayden grumbled as she lifted him upright and held his hat to his head. Logan rolled to a seated position, then tugged Kayden to his chest and stood. He made swift work of settling a twin on each hip and they made their way quietly down the hall and into the boys’ bedroom.

  Amy took the boys’ hats off and hung them on the bedposts, then motioned Logan into the bathroom. She wet a washcloth with warm water and he held the boys while she gently wiped away the sticky peppermint and scrubbed a toothbrush over their teeth to the tune of their sleepy grumbles.

  Soon, they’d put each of them into their beds and tucked the covers snug around them. Logan bent and placed a kiss on Jayden’s forehead. Amy did the same for Kayden.

  “Aunt Amy?”

  Logan stopped, watching as Amy tiptoed back to Kayden’s bed.

  “What is it, baby?” she asked, smoothing a hand over his blond curls.

  “Can I sleep with my hat on?”

  “Of course, you can.” She plucked it off the bedpost and placed it gently on his head. “There. You’re a bone-a-fine cowboy even when you sleep.”

  “And you’re a real cowgirl,” Jayden murmured sleepily, pointing to her hat.

  “Dang sure am,” she said.

  The boys giggled.

  Kayden curled his arms around Amy’s neck, tugging her close. “I love you, Aunt Amy.”

  “Me, too,” Jayden murmured.

  Logan’s chest clenched, a warm ache spreading over him and making him catch his breath. She hugged Kayden, a gentle smile appearing.

  “I love both of you, too,” she whispered, kissing Kayden’s nose then Jayden’s. “Very much.”

  The boys hunkered down under the covers, eyed each other, then sang out with sleepy smiles, “Merry Christmas.”

  Amy laughed. “Merry Christmas. Now you two go to sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” they whispered, snuggling into their pillows.

  She tucked the blankets a little tighter around them and left the room. Logan followed her into the hallway, pulling the door closed behind him. Her long legs carried her farther away, that beautiful raven hair of hers swinging across her back.

  Logan fisted his hands at his sides, his body shaking.


  She stopped walking and turned, the wide brim of her hat skimming the curves of her dark eyebrows and casting a shadow over her mouth.

  “I want...” His throat closed.

  He wanted her. Wanted her so much it scared the hell out of him. Made him lose his logic an
d good sense.

  “I want to...”

  Hold her every night. See her first thing every morning. Have her in his life every day.

  “To wish me Merry Christmas again?” she teased, crossing her arms under her full breasts. “I seem to be getting a lot of those lately.”

  Logan shook his head. He took long strides across the floor, wrapped his hands around her hips and nudged her against the wall.

  Those gorgeous green eyes of hers softened. “What is it you want, Logan?”

  He swallowed hard, shoved down the lump in his throat and pressed close. “I want you to stay,” he whispered. “For good.”

  His heart raced and his hands trembled. The ache in his chest grew, becoming intense and all-consuming. He steadied his hands around her hips and slipped his leg between hers, striving for control. Hating this weakness. This dependency on her.

  Her brows lifted and moisture sheened her eyes. She asked hesitantly, “You do?”

  Logan nodded, touching a kiss to her mouth.

  “Why?” she whispered.

  He ducked his head, pressing his hot cheek to her cool one, then trailed his mouth down her neck, nipping and kissing. She softened beneath him, her arms sliding over his back and sweet moans escaping her.

  “Logan.” She tugged his head up and drifted a fingertip over the seam of his mouth. “Tell me. Why do you want me to stay?”

  He firmed his jaw. “Because you’re my wife.”

  The slow movement of her finger stopped. Her eyes dimmed. He kissed her, coaxing a response from her. Her sigh of pleasure heated his blood, his body hardening at the cushion of her breasts and rapid pound of her heart. He lifted her in his arms, carried her down the hall and covered her on their bed.

  Logan took his time, touching and tasting her as if he never had before. He kept his eyes open, committing to memory every blush that heated her silky skin, every gasp that parted her lush mouth and every movement that lifted her supple hips. He pressed between her thighs, stilling when her lips parted several times soundlessly.

  “What is it?” he urged, brushing her hair from her cheeks and trailing a hand over her breasts.


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