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Fourth to Run

Page 17

by Carys Jones

  “Next time, sure.” Aiden smiled though his eyes remained sad.

  “I don’t want to be here alone,” Brandy confessed, her voice low and sincere. “Please, I’m not trying to be difficult but I don’t want to be here without you.”

  “You’ll be fine, I promise,” Aiden reassured her, releasing one hand from hers to tenderly tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Aiden…” Brandy could feel the warmth of tears gathering beneath her eyes. She didn’t want to cry but the icy fingers around her heart squeezed and pushed them out.

  “I’ll get Buck to keep an eye on the place,” Aiden promised.

  “Buck hates me!” Brandy declared, appalled. She shook herself free from Aiden and wiped at her eyes.

  “I’d fear him coming here to harm me more than those…those men.”

  “I’ll be gone one night, that’s it.”

  Brandy noticed Aiden’s jaw tighten. She realized that there was nothing she could say to keep him in Avalon that night. His desire to see his daughter was too strong. Brandy wasn’t sure whether to admire or resent that. It was the first time in their relationship that she’d really had to deal with the fact that Aiden had a past. She imagined him seeing his estranged wife, how perhaps distance and time had softened their feelings towards one another.

  Her cheeks burned with shame as Brandy realized there was more than her own fears making her wish Aiden would stay. She felt a twinge of jealously which she tried to suppress.

  “One night, that’s it?” Brandy told herself that she could do it. One night, just a few hours. She’d sit and watch a movie, make herself some popcorn, lock the doors, close the drapes and forget all about what could potentially be lurking in the shadows outside.

  “That’s it,” Aiden leaned towards her and gently grazed her lips. His head remained just inches from hers. “But I have to leave soon, my flight is at three.”

  Brandy’s shoulders sagged in disappointment. She wanted to push him aside, to tell him to go and pack, but looking into his eyes she was suddenly powerless. Heated desire rushed through her. She remembered how fervently Aiden had fought to save her life, how no matter what happened he was always there to rescue her, to be her hero. He could spend one night away but he’d always return. She could sense his heart beating so close to her own.

  Aiden kissed her again, this time his lips didn’t leave hers so swiftly.


  Pulling on his pants, Aiden had to rush to get ready for his flight. Brandy smiled coyly at him from the sofa, her hair gathered messily around her head making her seem unbearably sexy. Groaning, he turned away from her. His earlier conversation with Andre Caulerone echoed in his mind and suddenly the world lost all color and existed in sobering monotone. As much as he wanted to stay and be with Brandy, he had to protect his daughter. Andre was coming for her, he’d made that very clear.

  As Aiden frantically packed his bag, he wondered what exactly he’d do once he reached Chicago, how did he intend to keep his daughter out of harm’s way? He couldn’t very well take his pistol with him on the flight, he’d never make it through customs.

  Zipping up his duffel bag, Aiden sighed with woeful resignation. He knew that the best chance he had of keeping Meegan safe was telling Guy Chambers about how much danger she was in. But Aiden resented even the thought of that. Especially when he still suspected that Guy had set him up in the first place.

  “Are you all packed?” Brandy leaned against the door frame and looked into the bedroom. Her golden hair still tumbled haphazardly down her back. Her doe eyes now held a serene calmness which Aiden envied.

  “Pretty much.” Aiden grabbed his duffel bag and shoved his wallet into his pocket. He stepped past Brandy and hurriedly headed down the stairs. Brandy gingerly followed his steps as elegant and silent as a cat’s.

  Aiden dropped his bag by the front door and turned to face her. He reached for her soft cheeks and cupped them within his palms. He kissed her lips several times, sure that he’d never be able to kiss her enough.

  “Tonight, make sure you lock the doors and close the drapes, okay?”

  “Okay.” Brandy nodded within his grasp.

  “Don’t answer the door to anyone, don’t even order pizza.”

  “Okay, got it.”

  “I’ll be back tomorrow,” Aiden kissed her once more and let his hands reluctantly fall from her face. Turning, he opened the front door and stiffened. He could physically feel himself being torn in two. He wanted to stay with Brandy, to hold her close during the dark hours of the night when his own nightmares became too much. But he needed to keep his daughter safe. Andre’s menacing voice lingered in his mind, reminding him of the severity of the threat he had made.

  Aiden forced his legs to take him to his car. Sitting behind the wheel he sighed and waved at Brandy who softly returned the gesture. She looked so effortlessly beautiful in the early afternoon sunlight. Aiden struggled to take his eyes off her but he had to. Carefully he pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the airport.


  Aiden leaned his head back as the airplane tilted to an eye-watering angle and took off, the engines roaring loudly beneath him. Gripping the arm rests, Aiden watched the world below turn into a model village and then eventually disappear. Once the plane ascended above the clouds, it levelled out and with a bright chime the seat belt sign went off.

  It wasn’t a long flight. Aiden stretched his legs and ordered a hot chocolate. He wasn’t necessarily in the mood for a hot drink but he wanted to somehow keep Brandy close. He thought of her waving him goodbye, her lips held in a tight smile as she put on a brave face for him. He shouldn’t be leaving her.

  Sighing, Aiden ran his hands through his hair as a uniformed air stewardess with a bright smile placed his hot chocolate down before him.

  “Thanks.” Aiden nodded courteously in her direction. He looked down at the steaming beverage and told himself for what felt like the millionth time that he was doing the right thing. Andre Caulerone was targeting Meegan, Aiden had to do something, anything to protect her.

  Sipping the hot chocolate, Aiden couldn’t help but smile as the warm, sugary liquid slid down the back of his throat. But his smile sharply fell when he realized that in his haste to leave town he’d forgotten to ask Buck Fern to keep an eye on Brandy while he was away. Distressed, Aiden reached for his cell phone, realizing with despair that it was of course off for the duration of the flight. His call to Avalon’s sheriff would have to wait until he had landed.


  Brandy did her best to break up the silence within the house. The stereo had been on all day and it was still distantly playing to itself as she loitered beside the microwave, waiting for her popcorn to bake.

  The music was soon drowned out by the popping and crackling of the snack as the kernels expanded. Brandy edged out of the kitchen and glanced at the television where her favorite movie, Beaches, was all set up to play. Brandy didn’t own many DVDs. Those she had brought with her were ones her Aunt Carol or Rhonda had loaned her in Chicago and kindly told her she could keep.

  Looking at the paused opening sequence, Brandy remembered how she had been in complete awe of the kindness her aunt and Rhonda had shown her.

  The microwave pinged loudly to inform her that her popcorn was ready. Brandy opened it and shook the contents of the heated bag into a waiting bowl. Clutching the bowl to her chest, Brandy prepared to head back into the lounge. But just before she did, she lifted the edge of the kitchen curtains and looked out at the dark street.

  There wasn’t much to see. But Brandy did notice the shadow of a car parked on the curb just up from the house. She squinted but in the darkness she was unable to make out if anyone was in the driver’s seat. Brandy lowered the curtain and shoved a handful of warm popcorn into her mouth. She assumed the car belonged to Buck Fern; Aiden had said that he’d ask the old man to keep an eye on her while he was away.

  Brandy smirked to herself as she sat down on the
sofa and pressed play on the remote control. There was a time when Buck Fern was eager to see her life cut short. It must really irritate him to now have to look out for her. Brandy was still relishing the old man’s discomfort at the situation as she pushed more popcorn into her mouth. Then she settled back on the sofa and got ready to enjoy one of her favorite movies. She’d even positioned a box of tissues close by for when the emotions of the movie got too much for her. Brandy was actually excited at the prospect of having a good cry, sometimes it was the best way to wash out all of your negative emotions.

  Chewing on her popcorn, Brandy soon became engrossed in the movie. She managed to forget that she was home alone, managed to forget that there was anything to fear in the shadows.


  Meegan was stumbling around on her feet, awkwardly mimicking the dance routine being acted out by her favorite character in the Strawberry Lane children’s show. Isla was only half watching her.

  With her laptop balanced on her lap, Isla tried to get some work done but she felt like she’d been playing catch up with her colleagues ever since she’d returned to Chicago. No matter how many extra hours she put in at home she still felt like she didn’t quite measure up, that she was somehow being punished for having left in the first place.

  Isla was focused on sending a particularly tricky email when there was a sharp knock at her apartment door. Her eyebrows drew together as she lowered the laptop and glanced uncertainly at Meegan. She wasn’t expecting company.

  “Meegs, stay there while Mommy answers the door.” There was no need to give the little girl the directive, she was already too distracted by the television to hear what her mother said. With her little arms extended, she spun around and tried to do the strawberry spin dance move which had been made famous by the show.

  Releasing the security lock, Isla opened the door and was shocked to find her rain-soaked husband standing in the corridor. His dark hair was flat to his head as beads of water trickled down his face.

  “Aiden! What the hell are you doing here?” Isla exclaimed.

  “Isla, I’m so sorry to just drop in like this,” Aiden began apologizing as he remained at the threshold to the apartment.

  “Daddy!” The sound of her beloved father’s voice was enough to distract Meegan from her dance. She came tottering over towards him. Twice she lost her footing and fell but each time she eagerly scrambled back up again, her little face lit up by her joyous smile.

  “Daddy!” she shouted euphorically as she neared him, her arms held out expectantly. Aiden reached down and scooped her up into his arms as Isla stepped aside, allowing him into the apartment.

  “Oh, Daddy!” Meegan leaned her head against her father’s chest and grinned madly.

  “Hey, princess,” Aiden kissed her forehead and held her tightly. “Daddy’s missed you.”

  “Eurgh!” Meegan suddenly stiffened in his arms and jerked back from his chest. “Wet!” As she squirmed, Aiden lowered her to the ground.

  “Yeah, it’s really coming down out there,” he sighed. Pursing her lips, Isla locked her front door and glanced beyond Aiden at the far window which was decorated with a flurry of raindrops. She’d been so consumed with her work that she hadn’t even noticed.

  “You’re completely soaked.” Isla eyed his sodden shirt with a raised eyebrow and Aiden blushed as he squelched in his shoes.

  “There’s fresh towels in the bathroom, go dry off as best you can.”

  “Thanks.” Aiden moved through the living area and then paused, turning back to her with a confused knot in his forehead.

  “Second door on the left.” Isla waved a hand in the direction of the bathroom. It was strange to think that Aiden hadn’t been to the apartment before. It was even stranger that he’d suddenly showed up unannounced.

  As Isla waited for her damp husband to dry off, she sat back down with her laptop and tried to focus on her work but she couldn’t. Her mind was too stirred up with questions to concentrate.


  It was strange being in Isla’s bathroom. Aiden rubbed his hair roughly with a pink towel and removed his socks and shirt and placed them on the radiator. He noticed that all of the towels were pink. There were scented candles on every surface and countless bottles of bubble bath and shampoo which according to their labels sounded good enough to eat. Peach Passion and Cherry Sundae both sounded particularly appealing and just reading their names made Aiden’s stomach rumble, the sound cavernous and deep, reminding him that in his haste to reach Chicago he hadn’t eaten lunch.

  Apart from the pink plastic potty shoved in the far corner, there was no sign that Meegan lived in the apartment too. Aiden noticed it as he placed his clothing on the radiator and felt like some rogue bee had just stung his heart. His daughter was being potty trained and he was no longer around to help with it. It was just the first of many key moments in her life that he wouldn’t get to witness first hand.

  But she was safe. Aiden gave himself a hard look in the vanity mirror above the sink. He’d made it to Chicago before any harm could come to his daughter. Now all he had to do was explain himself to Isla without freaking her out.

  Taking a deep breath, Aiden put on his now only partly wet clothes and went to see his wife, well aware that she’d be less than thrilled by his sudden appearance.

  “You should have said you were coming,” Isla was immediately on him the moment he walked through the door. She put down her laptop and stood up, placing both hands on her hips.

  “I might have had plans!” she added sharply.

  “Do you?”

  Isla’s hard expression faltered slightly.

  “No…but that’s not the point!”

  “Look, Isla, I’m really sorry if I’ve put you out. I just needed to see Meegs.”

  “Daddy, Daddy look!” Meegan jumped up and down to get her father’s attention. When she was quite certain that he was looking, she began to slowly turn around, humming the Strawberry Lane theme tune to herself.

  “She loves that show,” Isla said with a roll of her eyes. “I swear she watches it all day long.”

  “That’s a cute dance, sweetheart!” Aiden smiled at his daughter. Then his gaze lifted to his wife.

  “There seems to be a lot of pink in the show, I thought you’d approve.”

  Isla shrugged lightly and began walking over to the kitchenette.

  “Coffee?” She casually threw the question over her shoulder.

  “Sure.” Aiden really liked the idea of a warm drink. The rain-soaked streets of Chicago felt a world away from the oppressive heat of Avalon. When Aiden had landed and seen the dark skies and bouncing rain drops, it felt like going back into the storm. The memories of that awful night crept up his spine but he didn’t have time to entertain them. He pushed his demons back down and hurried out through the numerous security checks as fast as he could, desperate to reach Meegan.

  Now that he was actually with his daughter, he could slow down and take a breath. He could see that she was fine, that she was safe. She was the same joyous little girl she had always been.

  As the kettle boiled, Isla leaned against the counter and turned to face her husband.

  “So when are you going to tell me the real reason you’re here?” she asked, keeping her voice low to avoid being overheard by Meegan, who was still spinning by the television and pretending to be a strawberry.

  “I told you,” Aiden replied contritely. The kettle boiled and Isla made them both a coffee. She didn’t need to ask how Aiden took his, she remembered.

  “Glad you can still remember my order,” Aiden joked to ease some of the tension created by his previous comment.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever forget,” Isla said with a half smile. “I think I’ll take my knowledge of how you drink your coffee and where you’re most ticklish to my grave.”

  Aiden laughed and lifted his mug to his lips.

  “Are you here because of Guy?” Isla was leaning back against the counter, mug in hand.
r />   “Guy?” Aiden spluttered his old friend’s name. His mind started to race dangerously. Was Guy an even bigger threat than Aiden feared? Was Guy intending to hurt Meegan?

  “Look, I know about the history with you two,” Isla sighed.

  “What history?”

  “You know.” Isla lifted her shoulders and awkwardly lowered her gaze. “How you guys were always in competition with one another. How things got intense and personal when you screwed him over in his divorce with Claire.”

  “Wait, what?” Aiden felt his body tense with alarm.

  “He said you cut him a raw deal to prove a point.” Isla was doing her best to sound casual, like it was no big deal.

  “That you stopped him having access to his own kid. It seemed pretty out of character for you, Aid, but I remember how much fire you had when you started out working in the city. How ruthless you could be.”

  It was true that Aiden had been ruthless during the early days of his career. In his eagerness to make a name for himself, he’d made choices he wasn’t always proud of. But even back then he’d never, ever betray a friend. He felt the air get knocked out of his lungs as he realized that Isla thought he could be capable of such an act.

  Guy had dictated the terms of his divorce and Aiden had begrudgingly adhered to them out of loyalty to his friend. Guy wanted Claire, and their unborn child, removed from his life indefinitely. And Aiden had achieved that. So why was Guy now trying to rewrite history?

  “That’s not what happened,” Aiden struggled to keep his voice level. He thought of what Buck Fern had said, about Guy seemingly wanting him out of the picture so he could move in on his wife unopposed.

  To Aiden it made no sense. He and Isla were over, he was hardly a threat to Guy.

  “No?” Isla’s voice was shrill with distrust.

  “Come on,” Aiden pleaded with her, “you know me. I’d never do something like that.”

  “So you didn’t make it so that Guy wouldn’t see his ex-wife and child again?” One of Isla’s hands settled on her hip as she narrowed her eyes.


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