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Infinity Machine

Page 6

by Adam Sea Klein

  A hologram opens up and I see myself as a kid laying down in bed. The view is coming from the lighted portal gazing down upon me.

  I lay there, eyes fixed and peeled wide, and from the portal pours a transparent liquid energy that fills the area around my body.

  My body seems to take on a slacked appearance.

  My young eyes ease into a casual stare.

  I lay there in peace, and then the lighted circle just re-absorbs itself and all signs of it disappear.

  Ajax says, “You were given an energy marker that registers how and what you felt as time went on. You were not watched physically, but you were recorded emotionally.”

  Ajax continues, “You were a good kid — you helped others, at least eventually. You even managed to help others while enduring signs of your own personal distress. You tamed your harsher emotions, and didn't indulge in hatred.”

  I say, “So the Subvoxians spied on me... for almost 30 years.”

  Ajax said, “The Subvoxians placed markers on hundreds of thousands of people, and not just kids. When the Shangri-La arrives to a planet, it chooses a location based on the greatest number of people with those energy markers. The Shangri-La then calls out energetically. It attracts the best of the best from a geographical radius.”

  Ajax continues, “You were not cataloged and watched, you were given a marker, just as your scientists observe creatures of the ocean. You are selected by a process. Casey, we want the species of Earth to be protected. All of them, not just humans, but especially humans. The Subvoxians are a scientific species, and they have tried many variations of technology. They came to your room as a 12-year-old kid because the threats for Earth were already present then, almost 30 years ago. There were many people with the marker, but the window for initiation was not there until right now. You and the seven others, if you all choose, will be the first Founders. There will be many others who play that role, but you will be the first.”

  I remain standing still, and as Ajax finishes speaking, a hologram shifts around me, so that seven other windows open up directly in front of me, all in a ring. I am within that ring. Each window holds the image of one person. All of us gaze at each other.

  Ajax's voice grows louder and he says, “Will you be the first 8 founders? We are here today to take tally. We can draw others as replacements — if you wish, you may abate the process now.”

  We all can't stop looking at each other. The people’s expressions are wide open. Some are sad. Some are brave. Some are certain. 3 women and 4 men.

  Of all the eyes I see, one man seems the worst off. He is sad, and filled with trepidation, and his expression has a look of giving up. This man finally says, “I wish you all the best of luck. I want to help, but I can't leave my kid. I'm all she has.”

  Ajax says, “I am very sorry Dan, to put this quest before you knowing that you are the sole provider for that child. Your actions here have been noteworthy, and you will not be forgotten. Remember this: being a Founder is just one role, the whole world is about to change, and everyone will be a part of that change.”

  The man, Dan, looks at each one of us. He nods, and his window closes.

  I look at the other six people.

  No one is leaving.

  I imagine they have all seen the Harrish video. I'm sure they know the oceans are dying. Like myself, I venture, they are all tired of oil wars, slavery, corruption, greed, toiling for material goods.

  One of the women, a 28-year-old blonde with a ponytail says, “If it's us, then it's us. I'm ready to do this. I’d pound the pavement with picket lines for a fraction of these changes. This will be a lot faster.”

  A 42-year-old tanned Mediterranean man says, “If they value us like this, I find it a worthy experience to explore. A risk yes, but with such improvement possible… how could we say no?”

  A 38-year-old brunette woman with a firm diplomatic voice says, “I've sacrificed a lot for much less.”

  I feel a true moment of pause, but say to them all, “Well, what I've seen is unreal. I'm afraid of this thing, honestly; but I've taken to trust Ajax even though he sorta lied to us with the holograms and all.”

  A shorter man of 25 with sharp eyes says, “With a change to our future comes an array of new possibilities. I'm willing to reach for that, this new type of future.”

  A couple people nod.

  I turn to Ajax and say, “So what do we do?”

  Ajax says, “To become living seeds for the energy itself — as Founders, you will allow the Subvoxian energy to remain tuned to you. You will never have to turn a dial or throw a switch. Most people who undergo this process choose to play a role thereafter, just like my Malorian self. I was a Founder who also chose to pilot the Shangri-La.”

  After a moment he continued, “You will be changed by this energy forever, and changes will alter the planet as well. All other humans will end up changing, only slower than the Founders will be altered.”

  “So, what we are, as human, is really going to be… different?” I say.

  “Change is the way of the universe.”

  The group is moved. Our looks, peculiar, a reflective moment passes.

  I finally say, “I will... be a Founder.”

  A woman says, “I will also be a Founder.”

  The others follow in like manner.

  Ajax concludes, “My friends, we will not delay, we must prepare the process, and in 25 minutes, we will engage. Should there be doubts, you must sort them quickly.”

  The holograms spread closely around me. The Ajax in front of me says, “Casey, you are as brave as I imagined. I will be closing this node, and put us back on the Shangri-La.”

  Around me, the node begins to evacuate, leaving me first on that platform so high in the air, and then reality begins to close around me.

  In mere moments, I am back on the ship, the Shangri-La, and once awakened, I am guided by Ajax to a large chamber room with a very intricate energized system, like a complex fuselage at the center.

  I gaze as the chamber doors open — one by one the six other founders walk through and we stand together as one group.

  The large Malorian being walks through the door, and beside him a hologram of the human Ajax speaks. “We are about to undergo the process together. I will join you as well,”

  The Malorian waves and bows his head, “I am stabilized and will actively alter the flow of the current to avoid certain discrepancies. This will be quite a ride.

  Ajax's hologram arms move up and down in the air, causing various distant levers on the machine to move around.

  At the center of the machine is a lighted core, and that light grows in ambiance and intensity, and that energy takes on a living quality, but the intensity is unbearable.

  The other Founders look entranced, and on the side of the core energy seems to create openings large enough for people to walk through. The energy is transcendent, there are micro-orbs moving in geometric, fractal patterns.

  Ajax's voice says, “We will now enter the core, the energy is kind, it only looks intimidating.”

  As I walk closer to the core, the energy looks so whipped, frenzied, fast -moving, like it could erode a car.

  I wince dramatically as I walk into this core, and the energy feels like illuminating bubbles are passing through the inside of my body. Inside my body. It's mingling with my interior. I feel exhilarated, like I'm going down a roller coaster surging with massive amounts of caffeine all at once.

  I see the faces of the 6 founders there in the energy, and I see the giant Malorian as we approach the center of this light, and as we move to stillness, that light takes on the slightest blue tint.

  Then I hear a machine engage, a deep and large machine, and everything around us grows more intense and electrifying. Reality itself seems to take on a one-dimensional quality. I feel evaporated, but forcefully present; it’s awful and beautiful all at once. I feel like my whole existence is being examined to the depth of every molecule.

  The energy
then excites to a level unimaginable and every atom of my body seems to take on a singular life of its own, as a fractal energy around us marches intuitively throughout our bodies.

  Everything I am just changes — in that very instant, as the machine's light emerges through my body, through the spaces between my particles — I am converted into a being of light, light that surges and pours from me like I am in control of it, like that light is who I am.

  I become, at that moment something different... no longer simply human. Everything I have ever been, remains suspended.

  The machine’s energy shifts and bends, then fades as we are left in a ring, looking at each other, eyes wide open.

  One of the men flexes his torso, and from his chest pours out light, actual light emanates from him. The blonde woman holds out her arm and moves her fingers… it causes squares of energy to move around her fingertip as that energy suspends in the air itself.

  The Malorian being yells in native language, “EsssianGIA Hui Hui Ehya Snia!”

  Ajax's hologram is beaming, “It has worked, it has worked! The Founders have thrived!!! The Founders of a new Earth!!! We must engage the framework!”

  The giant Malorian approaches each of us, and he gives each of us a sincere hug, saying, “Hui Shoa”

  Ajax's hologram says, “The Earth will thrive, as never before if the framework takes. Your energy will fuse to the framework and guide its stability. The Founders are stable, I believe it will work!”

  The Malorian and Ajax both look at us and say, “The Shangri-La is now yours.”


  I stand there and feel what I am.

  I am no longer myself.

  My whole being is filled with purpose.

  My doubts are gone.

  I can shift my vision and see energy.

  It's very strange, but feels natural.

  Ajax says, “Move the energy with your hands”

  I take my hands up and push out energy — it's easy, controlled, beautiful.

  The energy moves from my fingers out into the room.

  The other Founders do the same, energy floats in the air around us.

  Ajax says, “Your new experience will reveal many insights. You are all now prepared. Now we must implement the Subvoxian Framework around Earth without delay. We didn't want to force your decision by sharing this, but the threats around Earth have approached dire levels.”

  I turn to the Malorian and say, “The Harrish?”

  “Not the Harrish — Earth is facing a series of natural catastrophes that will destabilize the environment in a permanent way. We could wait for another month, but we want to move now.”

  We see hologram images of Earth suspended in space. The familiar, serene sphere floats effortlessly with tides of white clouds drifting as the globe moves slowly around its axis.

  We see large centers of energy percolate far away from the Earth itself.

  We watch that energy open up, and gigantic structures appear in each energy center, many dozens around the entire Earth. It is an image beyond my understanding.

  These massive structures turn and lower down towards Earth.

  The structures approach the crust until cylindrical barrels extract downward as torrents of energy begin to push against the land below the giant objects. Soil churns up and down and spills out from the ground in organized fractal patterns.

  The energy digs massive holes that grow deeper and larger, and the enormous structures begin to move down, as they become submerged in the land with remarkable speed. Some kind of rifling energy pulls the soil back over top of the submerged structures that remain buried at least a quarter mile below the surface.

  The drilling stops. When the energy re-aligns, a massive pole begins to rise from the ground, a pole that looks like a core station.

  The tower raises 100 feet, then 1,000 feet, and finally rises above the clouds.

  From the core stations emits a strange light for eight seconds – a magnificent burst that pulsates, then finally ceases.

  Ajax interrupts our endless stare, “We must enter the core one more time, as the Founder’s energy is merged with the Subvoxian framework.”

  I think of the Plaidan.

  I think of the Earth.

  I step forward with the six others back into that lighted core.

  The energy is accelerated, I am taken into a new plane of existence. A massive tube of energy runs through my entire being.

  I am without control.

  I am without a self.

  A flow of light-speed energy rips through what's left of me; it speeds up faster until I am no longer present at all.

  I see images of my childhood, faint impressions. I see a forest I walked through as a teenager, to get away from it all. I see girl who I loved very much, her smile...

  Then I see nothing.

  Pure white, as I fizzle away.


  I hear a far-away voice. “Believe it or not, that's it. The Earth is now protected. We made it, Dorn.”

  I feel limp, lost in a static white.

  “Breath heavy.”

  I try to breath.

  “It's going to be okay. The Infinity Machine has touched every link of your DNA, every molecule, every synapse. You are disconnected. It will take a moment.”

  I finally register a subtle breath, and I let something go, a grip I am holding, a grip on nothingness, on not-being — a strange but somewhat enjoyable sensation. I lift up, and my vision is light-burned, so I can barely see. The effect begins to fade.

  The other Founders stand around, doing the same. Ajax walks around, and encourages them all.

  As we begin to stir, Ajax looks at each of us and nods with great conviction, he says proudly, “We have sealed the Earth's fate in safety. What we have done together is remarkable. The process could not have gone better.”

  The large Malorian leans from the side of the room and smiles at me. He flashes a small shiny object and throws what seems to be a set of keys. I instinctively catch them and say, “The keys to the Shangri-La?”

  The Malorian emits a heaving laugh as Ajax says, “Spaceships don't have keys, those are the keys to your truck.” He smiles and continues, “Yes the Shangri La is the Founder’s now, it is the Earth's, and your gift of consciousness makes it real.”

  Ajax points to his Malorian self and says, “The Malorian will be leaving. He is going back to his planet, then he will move on to the next process.”

  “We might need him... really what do we know?” I say.

  The Malorian points to Ajax's Hologram, which speaks, “I will remain with you. I am almost as smart as him,” as he points to the Malorian.

  The giant alien actually winks and smiles.

  The Malorian then extends his hand and with one fingertip he traces a shape through air over and over until a nebulous energy forms. It’s like he unzips the very space in front of him then steps through, and disappears.

  Slowly, the Founders come together, we reach our arms toward each other. We offer proper introductions, handshakes, hugs, and much sincerity.

  We begin to assimilate, and try to understand what we've become.

  Over the next few days, with Ajax's help, we puzzle together how we can help others, and contemplate together how we can manifest a new and better future for humankind.

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  Adam Sea Klein has published multiple books for ages young and old. He is also an experi
enced artist. His books and artwork can be found at:

  Thanks to my AWESOME fans!

  Thanks to my family and friends!

  This book is protected from all unlicensed distribution




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