The Unseen War

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by Lambeth, Benjamin S.

  fire support coordination line (FSCL): battlefield coordination line (BCL) and Marine Corps air-land integration, 175, 191, 263–66, 384n92; concept and purpose of, 334n71; management of joint battlespace and placement of, 74, 97–99, 195–96, 255–63, 264, 266, 267, 278, 380–81n60; method for marking, 268; opening kill boxes inside, 97–99, 191, 192, 263, 384n92

  France, 52, 145, 313n1

  Franks, Tommy: A-day and ATOs, 93; aircraft carriers, positioning of, 56; air-ground power integration and coordination, 5, 48; burglar in the house, 21, 319n54; casualties, anticipation of, 32; catastrophic success, 320n75; CENTCOM leadership role, 64; combat operations planning and briefing sessions, 26, 28–29; decapitation opportunity, 75–76; deployment orders and flow of forces, 36–37, 39, 323n117; early execution of plan, 57; Enduring Freedom leadership role, 5; five-front invasion proposal, 26, 27; force strength for peace and nation-building, 307; fratricide incidents, 251; FSCL placement, 256; Generated Start plan, briefing about, 21; go/no go commitment point, 49; information sharing among forces, 287; initiation of war, 42–43, 75; Iraqi Freedom leadership role, 5; joint and combined operations, 185–86, 195, 297, 302, 362n20, 392n36, 394n61; joint force huddle, 21–24, 31; lines of operations and slices matrix, 16–17, 21, 22; memoir of, 315–16n18; MOAB bombs, 233; no-fly zone operations, 64–65; northern front, basing for, 42; planning and preparations for campaign, 15–22, 23, 25, 26–31, 36; posthostility operations, 29; prewar briefing, 52; Qatar headquarters, 47, 52; reporters embedded with ground units, 5; shock and awe campaign, 36, 90; space coordination authority, 221–22; trust relationships and cross-service harmony, 290, 292, 302

  friend or foe (IFF) arrangements and procedures, 197–98, 365n56

  friend or foe (IFF) arrangements and procedures and fratricide incidents, 31–32, 47, 104, 114–17, 244–51, 339n133, 342n190, 345n232, 346n239, 377–78nn11–12, 378n15, 379n30, 379n35

  fuel supplies and refueling operations: airlift operations and refueling aircraft, 38; basing and fuel supplies, 35, 277, 278–79, 281, 389n149; in-flight refueling process, 174–75; Marine air operations, 264; planning for, x, 282; sandstorms and, 133; tanker aircraft, availability of, 20, 277, 280; tanker sorties and in-flight refueling, 179, 276–82, 389n150; tanker tracks in Iraqi airspace, 279, 280, 281, 388n148

  Global Hawk UAVs, 22–23, 67, 182, 185, 199, 219, 223–24, 239, 268, 289, 305, 372n137, 373n139

  Global Positioning System (GPS): accuracy of, 223, 335n82; advances in capabilities, 22; components and capabilities of, 220; GPS-aided munitions, 91, 180–81, 220, 304, 335n82, 371–72n125, 391n14; jamming efforts, 24, 31, 126–27, 348n286, 349n288; vehicle movement tracking with, 197–98, 365n54

  Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act, 297, 302–3, 392–93n37, 394n68

  ground moving target indicator (GMTI) radar, 72–73, 113, 225, 226–27, 228, 332n36

  ground offensive: accounts of and writings about, 4, 5–7, 314n13, 315–16n18; advance to Baghdad, 30–31, 291; advancement into Iraq, 90, 127–28, 141; air-ground power integration and coordination, x, 1–2, 4–5, 18, 20, 27–28, 33, 48–49, 53–55, 187–97, 315nn15–16, 321n89; airman liaison and representative of Moseley, x, 5, 39–40, 187–88, 191–92, 324n121, 324n123; close air support and interdiction operations to support, ix, 5, 33, 46, 239, 289, 315n15; concurrent air-ground operations, x, 1–2, 18, 19–20, 74, 95–111, 299–300; early start of, 80–82, 90, 91, 93; as first operation, 22; G-day, 48–49, 54, 57; nonlinear operations, 260, 382n69; planning and preparations for, 25, 30–31; reporters embedded with ground units, 5–7, 289; speed and tempo of operations, 100–110, 127–28, 141, 145–46, 343n204; timing of and timeline for, 28–30, 35–36, 46, 53–55, 56–58, 80, 329n194

  Hathaway, David, 63–64, 272, 273, 274–75, 294, 322n102, 323n117, 387n129

  Hayden, Michael, 52

  Hellfire missiles, 56, 69, 112, 206, 223

  high-speed antiradiation missiles (HARMs), 86–87, 115, 117, 336n109, 337–38nn115–16, 345n232

  Hussein, Saddam: Al Qaeda, connection to, 2–3, 36, 288; assassination attempt against Bush, 11; attacks on, 139, 234–35; bin Laden, connection to, 12, 14–15, 36; capture of, 3, 351–52n339; collapse of regime, 140–46, 351–52n339; command and leadership style of, 128, 235–37; decapitation opportunity, 74–79, 112, 334n80, 335n90; Desert Storm outcome and regime of, 9–10, 316–17n4; groundwork for war against and regime change, 12–15; incompetence of, 2; opinion about commitment of U.S., 11; paranoia of and concerns about coup, 128, 147, 235–37; terrorist attacks and decision to invade Iraq, 11–12; threat from and initiation of war, 2–3; toppling regime of, 1, 2; triumph of against U.S., 11; ultimatum to step down and leave Iraq, 43, 52, 150–51; U.S. invasion, disbelief, 145

  information operations and leaflet drops, 32, 56, 66, 81, 112, 122–23, 180, 228–31, 329n192, 347n259, 374n157

  insurgency: air-land interaction and counterinsurgency operations, 395n70; casualties related to, 3, 313–14n8; counterinsurgency (COIN) operations, ix, 3, 177, 234, 306, 311, 324n123; increase in, 3; in postwar Iraq, 29, 242, 305–6, 311, 393n50

  intelligence: about targets, 15, 184–85; information sharing among forces, 197–203, 282–87, 389n153, 390n156, 390n161; NOFORN classification, 151, 283, 390n156; real-time intelligence about Iraqi military activity, 52; SAM and AAA positions, 53

  intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), air- and space-based: achievements during campaign, 182–83; advances in capabilities, 22–23; air power and, 305; air-ground power integration and coordination and, 22–23, 35, 197–203, 297, 298, 365n54, 365n56; BDA information, 271–72, 275, 387n129; CAOC responsibility for, 215–16, 219, 221, 370n101; complete coverage with, 46; contributions of, 4–5, 289; Global Hawk imagery, 223–24, 372n137; Iraqi airspace, operations in, 67–68, 279, 331n35, 332n36; JSTARS role, 225–28; space-based assets and support, 220–23, 372n132; target development team, 370n101

  Internal Look exercise, 47–48, 50

  Iraq: axis of evil, 12; Ba’athist rule, collapse of, 140–46, 351–52n339; Ba’athist rule, freedom from, 30; casualties in, 3, 180, 276, 313–14n8, 361–62n4; democratic government in, 1, 3; Dora Farm decapitation opportunity, 74–79, 112, 334n80, 335n90; elections in, 3; groundwork for war against and regime change in, 12–15, 288, 317nn18–19, 390–91n2; infrastructure, protection of, 33, 111–12, 114, 344n216, 345n224; leaders in, attacks on, 234–35; no-fly zones over, 1, 10, 11, 61–71, 147, 313n1, 318n42, 327n156, 330n7, 331n28; regime change and Desert Storm, 9–10; regime change in, military force for, 15; television and propaganda messages in, 111–12, 344n216; terrorist attacks and decision to invade, 11–12; trade with Turkey, 328n183; UN resolutions against, 9, 10, 11, 14, 36, 52, 150. See also postwar Iraq

  Iraq air force: neutralization of, 2, 35; no sorties flown by, 84, 120–22, 291, 346n256; plans to target, 320n66; sorties flown by, effort to prevent, x

  Iraq military forces: air defense system, disabling of, 22, 118–20; army and police force, dismantling of, 307; attacks on, 234, 235–41, 375–76n191; capacity to fight and allied air supremacy, 4, 5, 7, 127–29, 137–46, 236, 295–97, 304; command and communications infrastructures, attacks on, x, 62–63, 65–71, 82–93, 138, 139, 234, 237–39, 331n31, 336n109; command and leadership of, 128–29, 235–37; competence of, 2, 59; defeat of, 291; defection and surrender of, 90, 103, 139–40, 339n129; Desert Storm and fighting capacity of, 9–10, 316–17n4; equipment positioning, 53; ground order of battle, 59–60; human shields and protection of targets, 53; prewar defense-suppression operations, 60–71; resistance from ground troop, 73, 123, 126, 144, 334n74; response from, 117–18; surrender or destruction of, 19–20, 320n75; threat to ground troops from, 228, 373n150; tracking of, 373n150; UAVs, 60; unit commanders refrain from fighting, 53; visual observation posts, 56

  Iraq war: casualties related to, 3, 32, 313–14n8; costs related to, 3; initiation of war, debate about, 2–3, 314nn10–11; opinions of public and veterans about, 3, 314nn10–11

  Iraqi Freedom,
Operation: accounts of and writings about, 4, 5–7, 314n13, 315–16n18; casualties during, 4, 32, 141–42, 180, 276, 352n347, 361–62n4; command and control of operations, 56, 328n189; concurrent war in Afghanistan and, 31; congressional support for, 14; criticism of war plans, 142, 242, 352n350; deployment orders and flow of forces, 36–46, 322–23n106; Enduring Freedom combat phase and timing of, 5, 13; goals and objectives of, 30, 34, 290; go/no go commitment point, 49; groundwork for and justification of, 12–15, 288, 317nn18–19, 390–91n2; Hybrid Start designation as, 57; initiation of, 42–43, 74–82; initiation of, debate about, 2–3, 314nn10–11; joint and combined forces involvement in, 1–2, 3, 4–5, 7, 185, 290–305, 313n2, 362n20, 392–93nn36–37, 395nn69–70; leadership for, 5; length of operations, 1, 2, 35–36, 51–52; liberate-rather-than-conquer strategy, 30; northern front, basing for, 42; procedural and operational changes from Enduring Freedom, 5, 59; rules of engagement, 57–58, 329n196; single front from Kuwait, 24–25; speed and tempo of operations, 102–11, 141, 145–46, 178, 184–85, 290, 296, 300–301, 307, 343n204, 361n1; success of, 3, 234–41, 297–304, 309–11, 314n12; tactics and equipment for, 5, 59, 391n14; terrorist attacks and decision to invade Iraq, 11–12; timing of and timeline for operations, 18, 28–30, 35–36, 46, 56–58, 75, 80, 329n194; transition to combat operations, 50–51; unplanned start, 74–82. See also postwar Iraq

  Israel: airspace use and overflight approval, 55; fratricide prevention, 345n234; missile threat to, prevention of, x, 35; noninvolvement of, 72, 333n58; Scud missile attacks on, 20–21, 72, 94, 333–34n68

  JDAMs (joint direct attack munitions), 31, 72–73, 133, 139, 180–81, 182, 220, 228, 231, 274, 289, 320n76, 328–29n190, 333n63, 350n311, 351n329, 361n3, 362n9, 371–72n125

  Joint Forces Command, U.S. (JFCOM), 6–7, 185, 186–87, 243, 269, 275, 362–63n21

  Joint Warfare Analysis Center, 34, 47, 50, 65–66, 91

  Jordan, x, 35, 55, 56

  Jumper, John, 31, 70, 227, 233, 269, 289, 320n76

  Keating, Timothy, 37–38, 114, 216, 278, 302

  kill boxes: battlefield coordination line (BCL) and Marine Corps air-land integration, 191, 263–66, 384n92; effectiveness of KI operations, 261, 382n76; KI/CAS operations, 33, 74, 96–99, 175, 257–63, 341nn163–65; management of joint battlespace and FSCL placement, 74, 97–99, 195–96, 255–63, 380–81n60; opening inside the FSCL, 97–99, 191, 192, 263, 384n92; push-CAS, 96, 341n163; training exercises for management of, 292

  Kurds in northern Iraq: CIA paramilitary operations with, 32; Desert Storm and failure to support Kurdish uprising, 13; political sanctuary for, 32; slaughter of Kurdish rebels, 13; SOF and Peshmerga fighter operations, 73–74

  Kuwait: bases in and combat and combat-support operations conducted from, 17, 32, 41, 43, 45, 178, 277, 281, 389n149; Desert Storm and occupation of by Iraqi forces, 1, 9–10, 316–17n4; flow of forces to, 39; ground forces advancement from, 30–31; ground operation bases in, 2; Iraqi missiles launched into, 79–80; single front from, 24–25

  Leaf, Daniel: aim-point placement and analysis of targets, 34; air-ground power integration and coordination, 54; assignment to land component commander, 5, 39–40, 187–88, 191–92, 324n121, 324n123; Baghdad defense assets, 69; BDA information, 275; education and training of, 323–24n118; FSCL placement, 256, 264; information sharing and bandwidth capacity, 366–67n72; joint and combined operations, 299, 302; joint warfare, success of, 268; leaflet-drop activities, 230, 374n157; objectives for air offensive, 53; speed and tempo of operations, 103–5; targeting cycle and BDA, 276; timeline for offensive, 55

  leaflets. See information operations and leaflet drops

  lessons learned and areas for improvement, 6–8, 185–87, 243, 315n16, 362–63n21, 376–77n6, 377n9

  logistical support, 18, 184, 325–26n129, 343n204, 362n17

  Marine Corps, U.S.: air assets, integration of into air offensive, x, 190–91; air offensive plans, 31–32; air support for, 124–26, 175; air-land integration and battlefield coordination line (BCL), 175, 191, 263–66, 384n92; command and control of operations, 190–91, 263–64, 265, 267, 364n31, 371n117; equipment for, positioning of, 18; Iraqi Freedom role of, 4; planning and preparations for ground offensive, 30–31; positioning of forces, 18, 41, 43–44; reporters embedded with ground units, 6; sea-based air assets, 43–44

  maritime supremacy, 35, 44, 46

  master air attack plan (MAAP) and MAAP toolkit, 24, 26, 51, 57, 207–9, 210, 214, 218–19, 282, 317n18, 367–68n77

  McKiernan, David: air-ground power integration and coordination, 40–41, 48, 54–55, 325n124; airman liaison and representative of Moseley, 5, 39–40, 187–88, 191–92, 324n123; BDA information, 273; FSCL placement, 98–99, 256, 260, 266, 278; targeting cycle and BDA, 276; temperament of, 325n124

  McPeak, Merrill, 70–71, 255, 256

  media: embedded journalist restrictions, 6–7; foreign journalists, 6; reporters embedded with ground units, 5–7, 289; shock and awe campaign, 90, 94, 141, 340n149

  mining of waterways, 21, 44, 46, 122, 172

  Moseley, T. Michael “Buzz”: A-day and ATOs, 50, 93; air offensive planning and execution concerns, 44, 46, 48, 49; air-ground integration training, 383–84n89; air-ground power integration and coordination, 5, 48–49, 53–55, 315n15; airman as representative of for ground forces, x, 5, 39–40, 187–88, 191–92, 324n121, 324n123; ASOC operations, 269; basing arrangements, role in securing, 325n128; BDA information, 272, 273; CAOC leadership, 207; chemical weapons, concern about use of, 21; close air support and interdiction operations to support ground offensive, 33; contingency planning, 46; counter-Scud operations, 29, 94, 320n77; decapitation opportunity, 75–76; deployment orders and flow of forces, 39; early execution of plan, 57; Enduring Freedom leadership role, 5; Enduring Freedom successes, application of in Iraq, 391n14; fratricide incidents, 116, 247–48; fuel and refueling capabilities for air offensive, 35; information operations, 231; information sharing among forces, 286; initiation of war, 75; Iraqi Freedom leadership role, 5; joint and combined operations, 190, 191, 195, 297, 364n30; joint force huddle, 22–24, 31; JSTARS role in preventing Scud missile launches, 227–28; lessons-learned assessment, 185–86, 243; merge meeting about air offensive, 24; MOAB bombs, 233; objectives for air offensive, 20, 34, 53–54; planning and preparations for campaign, 20, 22–24, 29–30, 32–33, 317n18, 321nn88–89, 361n1; quality-control checks on plans, 49; Scud missile launch capabilities and control of Scud sites, 319n49, 333–34n68; SEAD to DEAD operations, 119, 120; shock and awe campaign, 340n149; southern Iraq air threat mitigation, 61, 66, 67–68, 69–70, 330n7, 331n28; space coordination authority and space-based support, 221–23; SPINs release to aircrews, 58, 329–30n197; tanker sorties and in-flight refueling, 276–77, 279, 281, 388n148; target approval authority, 203–6, 290, 292, 367–68nn76–77; target types and numbers, 23; targeting cycle and BDA, 276; timeline for offensive, 23–24, 53–55, 57; trust relationships and cross-service harmony, 290, 292, 391n12; warfighter conference, 29

  Myers, Richard: achievements of air offensive, 239; combat operations planning and briefing sessions, 49; decapitation opportunity, 75; Enduring Freedom leadership role, 5; Iraqi Freedom goal for short war, 51–52; Iraqi Freedom leadership role, 5; joint and combined operations, 302; planning and preparations for campaign, 18

  Navy, U.S.: air assets, integration of into air offensive, x; CAOC personnel, 216; deployment orders and flow of forces, 37–38; information sharing among forces, 200–201; Iraqi Freedom role of, 4; maritime supremacy, 35; munitions requirements and interservice trading, 320n76; positioning of forces, 41; reporters embedded on ships, 6; Turkey airspace and operations of, 55–56; working relationship between Air Force and, 137, 350n321

  NOFORN intelligence classification, 151, 283, 390n156

  Northern Watch, Operation, 1, 18, 24, 25, 32, 42, 65, 142, 178, 285, 313n1, 329n196, 329n197

  oil and gas fields and infrastructure: leaflets and radio messages about not destroying, 229, 230, 374n157; securing and protection
of, 43, 48, 56–57, 80, 81, 90; torching and sabotaging, 21, 33, 46, 57

  Oman, 41, 43, 45, 178

  OPLAN 1003V, 19, 23, 26, 27–28, 50, 57–58, 75, 279, 322n102

  optional war, 288

  Pace, Peter, 302

  Patriot missiles, 79–80, 114–17, 244–48, 335–36n91, 377–78nn11–12, 378n15

  Persian Gulf War, first. See Desert Storm, Operation

  Petraeus, David, 227, 306

  planning and preparations for Iraqi Freedom operation, 15–36; air and space operations, 22–23; air offensive plans, 24–25, 31–33, 43–44, 317n18, 321nn88–89, 322n102; air-only operations, 22; Blue, White, and Red plans, 25–27, 320n66; coalition force involvement in, 150, 155–57, 355n14; collaboration and success of campaign, 51; concurrent air-ground start plan, 74; contingency planning, 46; deployment orders and flow of forces, 36–46, 322–23n106; Dream Team meeting, 24; executable plan, development of, 18–19; final adjustments, 46–58; final war plan, 32–36, 321n89; five-front invasion proposal, 26, 27; force strength for invasion, 16, 18, 21, 27–28, 42; Generated Start plan, 19–20, 21, 27, 28–29; goals and objectives of war plan, 19, 30, 34, 290; ground offensive first, 22; ground offensive plans, 25, 30–31; Hybrid Start option, 28–29, 47, 48, 57; inside-out plan for Fortress Baghdad, 27; joint force huddle, 21–24, 31; lines of operations and slices matrix, 16–17, 21, 22; munitions requirements, 24, 29, 30, 31, 320n76; OPLAN 1003-98, 16, 19; OPLAN 1003V, 19, 23, 26, 27–28, 50, 57–58, 75, 279, 322n102; preparatory measures, 18; reduced option, 18; responsibility for, 5, 7; robust option, 17–18; Running Start option, 20–21, 26–27, 28–29, 320n66; second-front option, 25, 54, 55; simultaneous operations, plans for, 17–18; single front from the south, 24–25; timing of and timeline for operations, 18, 21, 22, 23–24, 28–30, 35–36, 46, 53–55, 56–58, 329n194; timing of planning, 15–16; unilateral option, 18; unknown unknowns, 25

  postwar Iraq: accounts of and writings about, 395–96n75; force strength for peace and nation-building, 242, 306–7, 393n50; insurgency in, 29, 242, 305–6, 311, 393n50; planning for, 242, 305–11, 352n350, 376n3, 396n77, 397n86; reconstruction of post-Hussein Iraq, 30; sectarian violence, 305–6, 311; stabilization of, 53, 242, 306–9, 396n79, 396n82, 397n86; strategic failure to provide forces and plan for, 3, 29, 242, 314n12


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