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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

Page 62

by Kyanna Skye

  The large animal had fur the color of straw, but more luminous, and a giant tawny mane that ruffled with every leap through the snow. The tracks it left behind were massive wherever its paws travelled.

  Tabitha finally released her breath. She didn’t realize there were any lions out there, and it seemed so out of place in the winter wonderland setting. She was caught off guard again as she realized it was playing. Pouncing in the snow, shooting up clouds of the powdery white stuff. He leapt trying to catch snowflakes in his giant muzzle.

  She couldn’t help the delighted laugh as it crouched as if to pounce, and then leapt up into the air reaching for a drooping pine branch, pregnant with pinecones. He knocked one loose, and batted it about like he was an oversized kitten. Tabitha was enchanted.

  She wondered briefly why she wasn’t the least bit afraid of this dangerous creature, but shrugged it off. It was almost like she knew him, he was almost familiar to her. The way he sat in the snow, tongue lolling as he panted, and the look on his feline face seemed to be grinning out at the forest.

  A charge of trepidation surged through her as the enormous beast sauntered closer to the cabin. And kept getting closer. She gasped as he walked right up to the door, but she lost sight of him as he passed out of view of the window.

  The sounds of something rubbing against the wood panels of the door had her breath suddenly coming in short gasps as she hurriedly looked around the cabin for something to defend herself with just in case the creature decided to try and come inside.

  All she could find was the heavy pan that Sebastian had made dinner for her in the night before, and she held it up above her shoulder like a baseball bat, ready to swing.

  Another scratching sound, and then a soft whine preceded the door handle being jostled. Lions didn’t use door handles did they? They didn’t even have opposable thumbs!

  Tabitha felt panic and adrenaline rush through her as she started backing away. Suddenly, the door flew open and there was…Sebastian. He stopped as soon as he saw her standing, leaning her weight against the couch to avoid stepping on her hurt ankle just a few feet in front of him, breath labored, holding his cast iron pan like a weapon. And she looked ready to use it.

  “Hi, Tabitha.” Sebastian looked around uncomfortably, shifting nervously as he stood in nothing but a coat thrown over his broad shoulders.

  “Hi, Sebastian.” She still hadn’t put down the pan. “What the hell is going on?

  “Just, put that down, okay?”

  “No. I don’t think so.” She shifted her hands to get a better grip.

  “There was a lion outside. I saw it.”

  Sebastian’s face went completely blank, an expression that looked so unnatural to her. Grinning, teasing, yes, but not this emotionless mask.

  “Are you sure? There aren’t really lions out here.” He tried to chuckle but it sounded forced, and he gave up with a sigh. “What else did you see?”

  “Well, there was a lion. He walked up to the door, and then.” Tabitha had to pause so she could swallow past the lump forming in her throat. “And then, you were here, opening the door.”

  She finally let the weight go as she lowered her arms.

  “What does that even mean, Sebastian?” She just looked at him, confused and a hint of fear shining in her big, dark eyes. He hated seeing that fear, knowing that he had caused it.


  Sebastian rushed forward at her sound of pain as she accidentally put weight on her injured ankle without realizing it. He scooped her up, ignoring her protest, and laid her in the bed again. Their scent still lingered, distracting him for a moment as he tried to figure what to say, how to explain. How to tell this woman he found himself falling so unexpectedly for that he was a lion.

  She stared up at him with those dark chocolate eyes and he wished he could just undo the last few minutes. But for all of that, he still felt the joy of the shift surging through him, filling him with happiness and a sense of peace that he had been missing for almost two years. And it was all because of her.

  Sebastian took a deep breath.

  “I’m a were lion.” He looked at her under lowered brows, but continued when she didn’t say anything. “I am half man, half lion. I can shift into my lion form, which is what you saw outside.” He paused, giving her a chance to take it in, to say something, anything. But she remained silent, just staring at him.

  “It’s actually kind of a miracle. You see, I haven’t been able to connect to my shifter form in almost two years. Too long keeping it hidden, pushing it away, and then, when I saw you at the pond, I could feel it. Him. My other half.” He slowly took a step closer and sat on the edge of the bed, his hip next to her calf. His amazement turned his eyes a burnished gold, shining with sincerity as he tentatively took her still hand in his.

  “I know it’s a lot to take in, but you saw it, with your own eyes.” His gaze was glued to Tabitha’s face.

  “You…saved me. You made me whole again,” he stopped, overwhelmed by the emotion.

  “I can never repay you for that.”

  Sebastian was startled by Tabitha’s quick chuckle, more an exhalation of pent up breath than a true laugh.

  “You carried me back here, and took care of me when I hurt my ankle, made me dinner with candle light,” she grinned a little at that, some of the tension in her shoulders easing.

  “And made me…the way you...I’ve never,” Tabitha paused, her blush running like fire over her cheeks, trying to get the right words out.

  “What I mean to say, is you made incredible love to me, and I’ve never felt that way with anyone. That is a true gift.” Tabitha shrugged, “I think we can call it even.”

  Sebastian grinned as he crawled up the bed towards her.

  “Sooo, you’re not freaking out about the whole lion shifter thing?”

  “Oh no, I am definitely freaking out. We are going to have to talk about that. A long talk. And you’ll have to show me. I want to see it happen, so maybe I can make sense of everything. But first…” Tabitha grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down on top of her, “First, I have something else in mind.”

  Sebastian’s grin somehow widened, became more sensual as his lips brushed hers in the softest, sweetest kiss.

  “I like the way you think, Ms. Jones.”

  Tabitha drove down the winding gravel road with her big, dark chocolate eyes as wide as they could go. Drinking in the gorgeous mountain views that peeked through the snow-dusted evergreens lining the path. She cracked her window just enough to breath in the crisp, crystal clear air tinged with the scent of pine that was exactly like she remembered as a little girl.

  The pine boughs were heavy with last night’s snow fall, making everything look perfect and clean, almost pristine. She could just make out the tiny foot prints of small woodland creatures that had been out scampering in the early morning and it made her smile to herself.

  As she continued up the icy road, she slowed as the White Mountain lodge peeked into view. It stood solid, cheerful, and beautiful. As much a part of this wilderness as the trees of the mountain itself.

  Tabitha pulled her red SUV into the parking spot with her name on it and parked. Getting out of the car, she grabbed her oversized tote from the back seat and took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet pine scent that always permeated the air around the lodge.

  After a year, she still couldn’t believe that she had found this place. Or that it had found her. The lodge had become her new home, offering her a beautiful space to stay, and permanent position teaching five to ten year olds how to ice skate.

  It was a dream come true, and when she thought back to where she had been a year ago, she almost didn’t recognize the stressed out, hyper tense person she used to be. She was so much happier now, sometimes she had to pinch herself just to make sure it was real.

  Tabitha walked inside and saw Bea standing in her usual spot behind the massive wooden counter that served as a front desk. Bea looked up as Tabitha neared, bea
ming at her, her robin’s egg blue eyes shining merrily in welcome.

  “Lovely!” Tabitha always smiled when Bea used her nickname for her.

  “How are you, dear?” There was a warmth that emanated from the older lady that never ceased to amaze her. Especially after finding out the truth. As it happened, Bea had been the same woman working there when Tabitha was a little girl. As a dragon shifter, she had a much longer life span that humans, or even other species of shifters.

  It took Tabitha a long time to get over the shock of that discovery, but as she continued to work at the lodge she soon realized that Bea was the most kind-hearted person…er, dragon, that she had ever met. She always had a nice word and a hug for everyone, and the work that she was doing at the lodge was astounding.

  The shifters who came to White Mountain Lodge needed sanctuary, and peace. And Bea always knew what to say, or how to act, to make everything better. It was a skill Tabitha hoped she could pick up on.

  “I’m doing great!” Tabitha set her big bag down behind the counter with a clunk as her skates rattled together inside.

  “I was hoping to get a little time in on the ice before the little ones get here.” She checked her watch, she had just over an hour before her first class started arriving.

  Bea stepped closer, a knowing smile on her face as she patted Tabitha’s rounded belly, just starting to show under her tight athletic long sleeved shirt.

  “And what about this little one, huh?” Bea’s voice softened as she whispered to baby, “how are you doing, sweetie?”

  Tabitha rolled her eyes, albeit good naturedly. Ever since she had announced her pregnancy, Bea had made this her daily morning ritual. Whispering words to the little baby growing inside her. In six short months, Bea would get to ask the baby itself, instead of talking at her stomach.

  She grabbed her skates from her bag, waved a goodbye to Bea, and set off for the pond. Walking the now familiar path up the small incline, she took a moment just to stare at the beauty of this wild, magical place.

  There was nowhere else like it, and Tabitha loved the fact that it was unique, and that she had finally found her place here. Spying the bench on the other side of the pond, she trudged through the freshly fallen snow, and scoped out the ice on the pond. But it looked like someone had already been there to clear it off, and now the ice was smooth and shiny, glistening in the mid-morning sunlight.

  Tabitha sat, taking off her boots, and replacing them with ice skates, the leather warn from use but soft and molded perfectly to her feet. She thought back to that first day here, so long ago. She had tried to go skating, but it had been too early in the season and the surface had cracked, causing the blade to stick. She had twisted her ankle and Sebastian had been there instantly, carrying her around like some he-man.

  The memory made her chuckle, and she cupped her arms around her burgeoning middle. Before long she would have to take a break from skating, but for now, the ice looked perfect.

  She slid gracefully onto the ice, not trying any complicated tricks or jumps, simply enjoying the feeling of freedom and exhilaration that always came over her when she was skating.

  The bright morning sun made everything look hazy in the beams of light, like she was still dreaming. She looked over at a noise, but didn’t see anything. Tabitha continued skating in lazy circles before calling out.

  “I know you’re there Sebastian!”

  He appeared from behind some trees and sauntered towards her.

  “How do you always know when I’m there? I’m the one who’s supposed to have animal hearing.”

  “You’re not very graceful?” Tabitha tried with a shrug. It was a blatant lie and they both knew it. He moved with all the grace his king of jungle side had. Which was a lot. It took her breath away sometimes, watching him move, the gleam in his golden eyes when he looked at her. Just like he was looking now.

  “What are you doing out here by yourself? I thought you promised you would be careful.” He walked onto the ice, the tread of his boots providing enough traction that he didn’t slide as he moved towards her. When he reached her, he wrapped his big arms around her, hugging her from behind so his hands rested on the swell of her belly.

  “We have a little cub to take care of now.” The pride and joy in his voice was unmistakable, and warmed her to the core despite the chilly morning breeze.

  “I’m always careful.” She scrunched her nose up at him, and he laughed, grinning that silly grin of his that always made her heart feel like it was doing cartwheels in her chest.

  “Uh huh, sure. It took you two extra months to heal that ankle because you refused to stay still.”

  “I can’t help it, I’m used to moving.”

  “Oh baby, you know how much I like it when you move.”

  “Stop it, Sebastian.” Tabitha turned in his arms with a laugh. “My class starts in less than twenty minutes, the kids are going to start getting here.”

  His only reply was a husky laugh and a sexy grin.

  “Well, we better move fast then.”

  Tabitha’s grin matched his as he swept her up into his arms, just like had almost a year ago, and started in the direction of their cabin. She couldn’t hold back the shriek of laughter as he broke into a run, and she threw her arms around his neck. She had no intention of letting go.


  Mated to the Lion: Paranormal Romance

  “Hello, this is Dr. Pearson, from the fertility clinic. Kaeden, we’ve found your match. The one you’ve been looking for all this time, we finally found her! Give me a call, she is due back in two days for the procedure. Call me back.”

  “…Kaeden, This is Dr. Pearson again. I know we are supposed to confirm with you before going ahead, but we’ll never find a better match, and she more than meets all of your criteria. She’s coming in today for the operation. Please…call me back immediately.”

  Kaeden cursed as he pressed the red button to skip to the next message and held the phone to his ear, straining to hear the words over the pounding of his heart. Finally, after all these years, a true match! He couldn't wrap his mind around it. And it had already happened…he checked the date of the first two messages…almost ten days ago, and he hadn’t been there!

  He cursed again, this time directed at the Sanctuary Ranch, and its lack of cell phone reception, where he had been for the past two weeks trying to diffuse the ever-worsening situation between Rafe and Luca. His brothers were going to be the death of him.

  Sanctuary was an oasis for down-on-their-luck Shifters from all over the Great Plains. He should know, he had shown up with two younger brothers, still just cubs, and a giant chip on his shoulder, and they had taken them in, no questions asked. So when Mama Jones called telling him his idiot brothers were causing problems at the ranch, he had dropped everything and immediately headed there to straighten them out. He loved his brothers, but really, they were going to kill him.

  “Hi, Dr. Pearson here. Kaeden, call me back as soon as possible. She’s coming in this afternoon for the follow-up. We will see if the procedure worked…Just…call me back!”

  Kaeden looked at the time of the message, then up at the clock flashing red from the dash of his truck. The last message was from just under an hour ago. The clinic was about a three hour drive from the ranch, if he hurried he might just get there in time to catch her. He grinned at the thought, threw the old pick-up into gear, and slammed his boot into the gas pedal. Disbelief and doubt warred with excitement as he made his way toward the Doc, this mystery woman, and he dared hope, his future child.

  Amelia Price stared at the mint green clock ticking annoyingly, aggravatingly on the equally mint green wall of the waiting room. Normally, she found the soft grey and light green color scheme of the Jackson Fertility Clinic soothing, but not today. No, especially not today. Today was not just any day. Today was the day she would find out if the procedure had worked, and if she was really, truly pregnant.

  Her stomach rolled, and it felt as if
her heart was trying to beat itself straight out of her chest and onto the cream and grey checked linoleum floor. For about two seconds, she had tried to read one of the family planning magazines, but all the happy, shiny couples holding perfect little babies was just altogether more than her nerves could handle.

  What if it hadn’t worked? What if the results came back negative? It had been almost an hour since Dr. Pearson had taken the pregnancy tests, and she was told to have a seat in the waiting room. It shouldn’t be taking this long, right? She pressed clammy hands to her jittery stomach, trying to soothe the nerves that were threatening to overwhelm her.

  Amelia had wanted children her whole life. When other girls had grown out of playing with dolls, she had clung to the dream of having a baby of her own, to love and cherish. Well, actually a houseful of children. As she got older, went through High School and then College for her degree in elementary education, she had just been waiting for that right guy to fall in love with, and help make her dream a reality.

  But, as it turned out, she was incredibly unlucky in love. Like, abnormally unlucky. First there had been John. Sweet John, charming John, cheating John. The second year of college, she had met Nathaniel in her Intro to Children’s Literature class, and was sure that he shared the same dreams that she did. They had dated almost a year and half before she discovered the reason he would never move past second base probably had something to do with the stash of men-on-men porn she found in his closet.

  At the time, she had been heartbroken…again, but now she could chuckle at the irony of Nate hiding gay porn in the closet. They were still friends, even after she broke off the relationship, and had spent years encouraging him to be honest, at least with himself, about his sexual preferences.

  After that had followed an even sadder parade of guys just looking for a one-night stand, or if they were interested in more, Amelia just didn’t feel the spark that she was looking for. As much as she wanted a slew of children, she had dreamed of those children being a result of a warm, loving relationship with a man she could spend the rest of her life with.


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