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Rascal (Edgewater Agency Book 2)

Page 68

by Kyanna Skye

  She smiled at him and gave him one last kiss to buy more time. She took a moment to compose herself and began walking towards their final destination.

  Zeph followed.

  The office of Club Dynamo was more modern than she would have thought, though it was deeply rooted in the more mystical areas from whence it had come. She found it to be a unique blend of ancient and contemporary things.

  The office itself was just another cave, of which there were many within this great cavern, but only this one was sealed off for the privacy required for business. Its protective measures looked positively normal, even by human standards, though her greater senses told her that powerful magic had gone into their creation to insure the kind of privacy one would want for business. But she knew that such things only appeared normal, though they were crafted by spells that she couldn’t even begin to understand.

  The office itself was a thing of splendor. On the outside, it looked as if the rugged and rocky edges of a cave had been sealed up by a large pane of glass – a two-way mirror no less – that looked out over the club. This allowed the owners of the place to keep an eye on the goings on in their house while remaining unseen at the same time.

  The floor inside this miniature cave-turned-office was tile, built in the same kind of old style that old Roman houses had been built in. The walls were of smooth granite. Overhead were fluorescent lights that looked as if they could have been installed by mortals, but the light that they gave off was certainly no light that any mortal had seen – let alone could understand – for hundreds of years.

  In the center of the room was a small pool of water. The pool itself was no deeper than knee-height, but the basin in which it was held was smooth as porcelain. At the center of the small pool was an emblem of a dragon modeled in the Asian fashion, clutching around the world protectively… or perhaps malevolently.

  The final features of the office were a single desk at the far end of the room, fronted by a pair of chairs. The desk itself was old, made of mahogany she thought, or maybe oak or even redwood and the chairs before it were made of the same material. It looked the proper part of an office, save that there was no computer… telephone… not even a paper day planer rested on surface of the desk.

  Though these simple articles were all missing, the man sitting behind the desk was just as any other man of power that she had ever seen or could envision. She could sense his power even from across the room and she didn’t question that he was indeed the lord of all he surveyed.

  Combined with the same power that his brother held, the pair of them felt like two large bonfires that had been put side by side. Either by itself was impressive, but the pair of them was far more powerful together than they ever could be apart. And they both knew that, she was sure.

  The figure, she saw, was identical to the man who escorted her into the room. Once inside, the door that closed behind them sealed out all noise from the massive cavern beyond. The glass itself, protected by whatever magicks had been employed, didn’t vibrate in the slightest. It was as if the images beyond the mirror were nothing more than the sights of a television screen that had been muted.

  She tried to contain her excitement as she crossed the large office and moved towards the desk. The figure behind the desk, his nose pointed down into a book that she couldn’t read the title of, didn’t look up to see her as she approached. She knew that he didn’t have to. He would have been aware of her since she first entered into the club. That was the kind of power that he had.

  “Calypso,” said the figure as his twin moved around to stand behind him. “Good to see you again.”

  She stopped between the two chairs that faced the desk and didn’t move. “Zack,” she said with a nod, acknowledging her host.

  He turned a page idly from his book and she caught a glance at its pages. It was written in some language she didn’t understand, some kind of Middle Eastern text she thought it was. It was a language that she hadn’t gotten around to learning but there was something impressive in seeing Zack able to read it so easily. When he would have gotten the time would have been an interesting story, but she had no interest in learning such things.

  Not tonight.

  “So,” Zack said, not looking up from his book, “here we are again.”

  “Did you expect less?”

  He softly chuckled. “I wasn’t sure we would see you again after last time.”

  She shrugged it off. “Price of doing business, I guess.”

  “I must confess,” Zack said idly, “I was afraid that we had damaged you too badly. A most unfortunate thing, that.”

  “I healed.”

  “The advantage of being a Wisp, I suppose,” Zack said, his eyes still tracking the words written in his book. “So, since you are here… I assumed that you would like to resume our dealings?”

  She gave a single nod.

  “Are you certain, my dear? It’s a hefty price.”

  “I am,” she replied simply. “I wouldn’t have come here if I wasn’t sure.”

  Zack took a deep sigh and closed his book, putting it on the flat of his desk and finally looking up at her. “I find that very reassuring… and I can tell that you’re not lying.” He paused, looking her over for the first time, and it seemed that he was pleased with what he saw. “It’s dangerous, you know.”

  She nodded. “I know… but I find that it’s well worth it.”

  Zack smiled and looked to his brother. “Hear that? She says it’s well worth it.”

  Zeph lightly chuckled. “No accounting for taste, really.”

  “That’s true,” Zack said with a nod before he looked back to her. She could feel the pressure that his gaze put upon her as easily as she could feel her excitement boiling up inside of her. This was business, and certainly it was better than any other business she had ever conducted in the whole of her life: all nine centuries of it.

  “Very well then,” Zack said, getting to his feet. “If you’re ready?”

  “I am,” she said, her excitement rising. She was ready. She had been since the day after she had healed the last time. And though she had really only done this once before, she found it as addictive as any substance that the mortals could procure. But the kind of ecstasy that this provided was unique to the three of them alone.

  Zack looked to his twin. “Shall we then, brother?”

  Wordlessly Zeph smirked and rounded the desk towards her. His body began to glow with the same kind of fire that she had seen him use to subdue the wolf less than a quarter hour before. But this fire was different, more intense. It was white, shining through the cracks in his skin as if he were kindling breaking apart by flames. His eyes turned an unearthly white, his hair too began to glow with the same brilliance, and though there was no heat emanating from him the fire was somehow still incredibly intense.

  So intense that the shirt, trousers, and shoes that he wore flaked and began to disintegrate as if being burned from off of his very body and the ashes scattered like leaves. It was a wonder to behold, being both amazing and somewhat terrifying to be this close to.

  But she had learned not to fear it. Rather, she had learned to yearn for it. That white fire was just the kind of power that Zeph and his twin commanded.

  She expected nothing less from dragons.

  Zeph’s body cooled, returning back to its normal appearance as the last of his clothing was scorched from off of his body, leaving him as pleasingly naked as any man should have appeared. As she had surmised, his muscles were pleasantly formed and rounded and she took in the sight of his dick, already hard and ready for her. She felt herself swelling to match his erection.

  He took her in his arms just as Zack’s body also began to glow with the same radiant light, his clothes also turning to ash as he approached them.

  Her attentions became divided as Zeph half-lunged at her. Zeph once again put his mouth on hers and she once again felt herself becoming a slave to his passion. His tongue pierced the veil of her lips and he
r tongue in turn twisted like mad with his inside her mouth. She could taste him… feel him… and not just his power. She could feel him as though he were truly a man and somehow, that made him – made them both – more appealing than either of them would have been in their truest forms. And it was that kind of power that allowed them to have a home, a haven, such as Dynamo where all knew better than to cross their hosts.

  This time, she didn’t try to fight him. She was Zeph’s slave, as well as Zack’s. Calypso had never encountered power such as this in the whole of her life. And to be wrapped up in it… surrounded by it… to be literally caressed by it was like nothing that immortal experience could have ever prepared her for.

  Zeph’s hands, still unnaturally warm, slipped inside her coat at the shoulders and insistently pushed the garment from off her shoulders. It fell to the floor and though she knew she should have felt a chill in the air, a normal thing for the interior of caves, all she felt was heat. Whether it was her own body or the heat generated by the two brothers, she could not tell.

  She felt a second pair of hands on her shoulders. Zack’s. His hands slowly traced their way down the bare skin of her biceps before circling her body, clasping around her breasts, gently fondling them through her vest. She felt his lips on the back of her neck as his hands moved, sending small shivers down her spine. His fingers gently groped their way forward, finding the buttons of her vest.

  One by one the small brass fittings were undone and the warm air generated by the brothers began to draw small bits of sweat from her skin as it was exposed inch by inch. It was only a short while before her breasts were freed.

  Zeph cupped her left breast. Zack cupped the right.

  In this she could sense the difference between the brothers. Zeph’s grip upon her was intense and strong. Zack’s grip was gentle and tender. Zeph’s fingers lightly pinched at her darkened nipple. Zack’s fingers lightly traced at the edge of her areola. To be touched in so powerful a way and by two separate pairs of hands felt better than any other magic that she had ever experienced in her immortal existence.

  She arched her head back, breaking her kiss with Zeph under the sensation of the hands of both men on her body.

  Zeph dropped back down to his knees, taking his claimed breast into his mouth. She felt the change within him again. His teeth, becoming almost razor like in a human-shaped mouth lightly teased at her skin, eliciting a small gasp from her. The tips of his teeth teased her skin and she felt certain that for only a moment his incisors gently scratched her skin, drawing a nearly indiscernible amount of blood from her. The feeling was both painful and exhilarating.

  Zack capitalized on the absence of his brother from her mouth. With his free hand he took her chin and turned her to face him. He kissed her, his passion was no less than his brothers’, though she noted it wasn’t as aggressive. Somehow, that was appealing as well.

  Zack’s lips were moist and warm. His lips played at hers once… twice… three times before he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Unlike his brother, Zack used his tongue gently, massaging her tongue inside and out and even drawing it from her mouth so that their tongues danced in the small space of air between them.


  Zack helped her to shirk her vest and that too fell to the floor, joining her discarded trench coat. With more of her skin suddenly bare, Zeph’s mouth claimed her other breast, his teeth teasing at her nipple there as well. Zack’s hands lightly traced the flanks of her arms, making her spread them like a bird about to take flight as she stretched them out. And with a gentle touch, their mouths still joined, Zeph caused her to lightly fold her arms until her palms rested on the back of his head, holding their kiss together.

  Zeph, more intent on the deeper pleasures, used his hands to unfasten her trousers. She felt claw-like nails form on the tips of his fingers as they slipped inside her leather pants and the hem of the simple thong that she had worn just for tonight. In a single move, Zeph stripped her of her pants and underwear, pausing only long enough to also help her from out of her shoes.

  Free of her garb and as naked as both of her lovers, she felt elated… even liberated. Nine centuries of life had led her to sample the delights of the flesh offered by one immortal being or another. She had even sampled sex with humans, with men and even a few women. And while such encounters had been tender and intimate… something had been lacking in such things. But with these twins, she had found a magnitude of power that she had never known existed in the world. And it had felt as if she had finally felt the reason for her birth and while nine centuries had been a long time to wait, it had been more than well worth it.

  Zeph’s claw-like hands retracted back into human digits and she felt him pry her legs apart gently. Within seconds she felt his tongue, longer than any human’s, slip inside of her. The power that it generated turned her legs as wobbly as wet grass and she nearly gave under her own weight.

  She was saved, first by Zack as he encircled her in his arms at the waist and then again by Zeph as he hiked her unsteady legs over his shoulders, though he remained on his knees. Stabilized, Zack’s hands found her breasts, massaging them while their kiss endured. And Zeph, mumbling almost hungrily as his mouth devoured her pussy, yet did no harm.

  She felt like clay suddenly given over to the hands of a potter. She wished the two brothers would make her into anything they wanted. With their hands she knew that they could do precisely that. With the fire they possessed, they could burn hotter than any kiln in the world and make her harder than any pot that had ever been crafted by any immortal race. And once formed she knew that they could fill her with anything they wanted, as long as they did it together.

  “Come,” Zack said, breaking their kiss and pulling her away from his brother’s warm mouth. She had thought that Zeph might protest this interruption of his passion, but he said nothing. He simply followed, allowing her feet to find the floor once again.

  Zack brought her to the pool in the center of the room and the three of them wadded into its center. The water was cool to the touch at first, but with both brothers suddenly immersed in the shallow waters, small wisps of steam began to rise from the surface. The water would not heat to dangerous levels, she knew, not if the brothers didn’t want it to. But it did make her feel more comfortable, and oddly, it made her feel at home… somehow it made her feel safe.

  Zack slipped into the water, sitting down and reclining with his arms outstretched around the rim of the pool as if he were enjoying a Jacuzzi. A smile formed on his lips and she knew what it was that he wanted.

  She grew a smile to match as she got on her hands and knees. Bent over, she took a deep breath and plunged her face into the warm waters and took Zack’s cock into her mouth.

  As she did so, she felt Zeph curl up behind her. His hands rested on her hips and again he spread her legs as he eagerly put his cock inside of her.


  It was so strange a feeling. To have one cock in her mouth and another in her pussy at once! It was a hard feeling to describe. The feeling of holding her breath under shallow water somehow seemed to add to the euphoria of it all. As she bobbed up and down on Zack’s cock she felt Zeph rhythmically pulling in and out of her and she lost all sense of how long she had been holding her breath at all.

  When her lungs could no longer stand it, feeling as if they were burning with a heat that had nothing to do with dragon’s fire, she surfaced, gasping for air and moaning at the same time. She was afforded only a few seconds to take in a lungful of air before she felt Zeph’s hand on the back of her head, forcing her back under the water and onto his brother’s dick.

  She savored the feeling. To be subject to the will of both brothers should have been an enormous pressure on her, yet she did not feel its weight in the slightest of ways. If anything, she felt more powerful. There were few that knew much – if anything at all – about dragons. But there was one thing that many could agree upon: they didn’t pick their lovers easily. More than that most did
not know if a dragon’s lever ever really survived. None had ever told the tale, and she would not be the first to do so. Part of her bargain with Zack and Zeph was to maintain the highest level of discretion. And they would know if she went back on her word.

  More flattering than that, she knew that those that they did couple with were usually beings of extraordinary power.

  She almost wanted to laugh. She, as a Wisp, held no extraordinary magical abilities. But that these two men had chosen to take her in this way… it made her feel special… unique. Perhaps she was. Of the countless beings of magic across the world they could have had anyone, yet they had chosen her. There was something significant in that for her.

  She surfaced again for a second breath of air, the water running off of her face and from her soaked hair in thin streams. She took two large breaths before she was put back under the water, this time by Zack’s hand who looked thoroughly pleased by the ministrations offered by her mouth.

  She was not without her pleasure either, feeling Zeph moving in and out of her. He spread her legs a little wider, more of her body was immersed in the warm water, and he plunged deeper within her. His cock too was grander than any human male she had ever sampled. And the depths to which he thrust almost robbed her of her breath prematurely.

  She maintained her task until her lungs could endure it no longer and she surfaced, gasping for air. Before she could be dunked under the surface once again, she lunged forward splashing Zack’s face with water. There was something appealing in seeing him wet this way… a feature that she was somehow only able to attribute to him and not his brother.

  She began to kiss his belly and licked her way up his torso. Zack’s muscles were equal to his brothers in shape, size, and pleasantness, but there was something tamer about them. While Zeph reveled in his strength, Zack was more reserved… almost demure. The pair of them was as opposite as landslides and glaciers: one was calm and patient while the other was intense and quick to act.


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