Book Read Free


Page 8

by Adriana Locke

  “You’re quitting?”

  “I take it you got my email.”

  He sighs, not out of exasperation, but out of annoyance. That annoys me.

  “Does that not work for you?” I ask.

  He just narrows his eyes.

  “Look, Graham, I don’t want to complicate things for you. And I think I have,” I gulp.

  “You have no idea,” he mutters. He shakes his head. “This is because I didn’t kiss you yesterday, isn’t it?”

  “Don’t be so self-absorbed,” I say, although he’s right. This is because he didn’t kiss me, but I’m not sure how I would’ve felt, besides even more turned the hell on, if he had. Maybe it would’ve been awkward either way and we would’ve ended up here regardless. “This is about me wanting to work somewhere that I can understand my boss. Where I don’t feel his eyes undressing me one minute and then having him act like it’s a completely ridiculous thing to think the next.”

  “I’ve never acted like it would be ridiculous to kiss you.” His eyes darken further. I shiver as he stares at me, slowly lifting himself out of his chair.

  “I’ll admit I like it when you look at me like that.”


  “Like you are right now,” I breathe. “Like I’m pretty or interesting.”

  “I do that because you are.”

  “But you look at me like that, you let me know what you want to do to me, then you refuse to follow through. You play with me.”

  “I didn’t toy with you,” he growls, coming around the desk. He stands in front of me, leaning back against his desk. Looking down, his face dances with early evening shadows.

  “You did, but no more than I did you,” I admit. “I’m no victim, Graham. But you don’t play fair.”

  I’m acutely aware of the rise and fall of my chest. His gaze is so determined, so heavy, that it nearly stings. I want to stand, to even this power field a little, but I can’t move. He makes it impossible.

  “That’s why you wore this today, to get to me,” he maintains. “To drive me fucking nuts all day while you parade around, flaunting that body in my face.”

  I look him right in the eye. “You thought this was for you?”

  He’s caught off guard, which only spurs me on.

  “I hate to break the news to you, Graham, but I have a date tonight.”

  I watch that bit of news settle over his features. He forces a swallow. Uncrosses his arms. Narrows his eyes as his lips form a thin line.

  “So, if you don’t mind . . .” I say, standing and facing him. “He’s probably waiting.”

  “Who is he?” he demands.

  “Does it matter?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked if it didn’t.”

  “Fine. He’s a friend of Camilla’s.”

  “Camilla did this?” he almost booms. “You’re dating a friend of my sister’s?”

  “I’m going on a date with a friend of your sister’s,” I correct him, like he’s crazy. “I’m not dating anyone.”

  “Where’s he taking you?” he demands.

  “So many questions . . .”

  “For heaven’s sake, Mallory,” he says, throwing his hands up in the air, “Is he even taking you to a place that uses a damn fork? Does he have enough fucking sense to pay for your meal?”

  Technically, you don’t need a fork for pizza. I giggle, my way of releasing some of the anxiety that’s rocketing through me from the way he’s looking at me. “It doesn’t matter to me where he takes me, Graham. It’s the fact that he wants to take me at all.”

  “It does matter, especially when you’re dressed like you want to fuck. Damn it, Mallory!”

  I look him right in the eye, my heart pounding. “Maybe I do, Graham.”

  I turn to leave, and he grabs my arm and spins me around. I catch myself on one of the chairs and gasp as he steps into my personal space.

  His cologne surrounds me, but this time, it’s mixed with something else. Something muskier. Something edgier. Something purely male that I’ve never experienced before but know I’ll never forget.

  “You were making a point today.” Graham takes the final step to close the distance between us, our chests nearly touching. “Point. Made.”

  I gasp a quick breath.

  “Now it’s my turn to make a fucking point.” With that, his lips cover mine and I melt into his arms.


  THE CONTACT BREAKS SOME SORT of invisible barrier, not just the physical one. As our lips touch, the softness of his press against mine, his hands wrap around my waist. It’s as if a green flag is waved and we’re given the signal to go.

  His kisses are deliberate. Each press, each lick, each time his tongue slides across my bottom lip is like a step in an intricate dance that I’m more than happy to let him lead.

  I’m aware I’m being moved in a circle and feel the sharp bite of his desk dig against the back of my legs. When I pull back just enough to drag in a breath of air, one hand palms the back of my head, his fingers interwoven into my hair. He tugs back just hard enough to give me no choice but to look at him.

  I’m putty in his hands, giving up some control in this moment. Strangely, I like it. No, I love it. It’s such a turn-on because I’m allowing it. My choice.

  “Is this what you want?” Each word is clear, his question emphasized by the look in his eye. Like he wants to eat me up. Like he wants to straight-up devour me.

  I am sure. I’ve been sure since I walked in to Landry Holdings the first day. Logic tells me to consider every possible way this could end terribly. With a decided finger, I hit the override button on the voice in my head and do what I’ve been pledging to do—live a little bit. At least the consequences, whatever they may be, are based on something I did because I wanted to. And I damn sure want to.

  “This is probably against some sort of company policy,” I say, reaching up and working his tie loose.

  “What do you care? You quit,” he grins mischievously. His hands cup my shoulders, kneading them back and forth before dropping down the blades of my back. As they lower, palms flat against the fabric of my dress, I’m inched closer to him.

  “I gave you my intent to leave,” I utter. “That still makes me an employee.”

  “Consider the handbook amended,” he blazes.

  My breath is hot, my mouth watering to taste him again. I ache as he dips beneath the hem of my dress.

  “Oh,” I draw as he grasps the backs of my thighs. The feel of his skin on mine in such an intimate area, just inches south of the tops of my legs, has my hands shaking just a bit as I pull his tie off his neck.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he groans, his breathing rougher now, matching mine. “Damn it, Mallory. Why do you do this to me?”

  I hold his tie up in the air, letting him see it, then toss it onto the desk behind me. “I feel even softer in other places,” I promise.

  His chest rumbles almost menacingly. “What am I going to do with you?”

  Undoing the top two buttons, I lean in and whisper against his ear, “I didn’t think you’d need a game plan laid out for you for this, Graham.”

  As I fall back on my heels, he steps forward, his cock solid against my belly. I let a slight moan escape, one he doesn’t miss because Graham doesn’t miss anything. He grins in reaction, his hands determined as they torture me on their slow ascent up the backs of my legs.

  One hand slips between my thighs, gently moving them apart and widening my stance. “I’m going to tell you one thing before this goes any further,” he growls, his fingertips searing against my skin.

  “What’s that?” I nearly pant.

  “I won’t pretend this didn’t happen once it does.”

  “If you could, I didn’t do my job,” I breathe. The anticipation of what’s coming, of feeling him, of feeling him feeling me, becomes unbearable. Working frantically to undo the buttons lining his chest, I open my stance wider to give him access to whatever he wants.

  As he re
aches my opening, his pupils dilate. “You aren’t wearing panties.”

  “You’re quick.”

  He growls. Suddenly, I feel him all over me, touching me everywhere, like he can’t explore my body fast enough. It staggers me as my senses try to analyze each and every touch.

  His thumb glides over the opening of my pussy. He draws in a quick breath, gasping as he realizes just how wet I am for him. His hands skirt over my hips, palming my ass, the solidness of his cock digs into me as he nearly barricades me against his desk.

  “Ah!” I moan as his hand lies against my vagina. It’s just enough contact to ramp up my desire by a thousand fold, but not enough to get me anywhere I’m desperate to go.

  He grins as I rip his shirt open, working my hips to encourage him to touch me for real.

  His chest is hard, his abs forming definite squares under the tanned skin. I shove the shirt off his shoulders and then drag my fingertip from his sternum all the way to the band of his pants.

  The look in his eyes is ravenous but everything else is calm. Deliberate. Methodical. But when I undo the button of his pants and scoop my hand inside, cupping his thickness, it’s him that gasps.

  Before I can do anything other than get a confirmation that he’s as big as I imagined, I’m lifted up and sat on top of his desk. Things go sliding off each side, a container of paper clips smashing against the floor, spilling everywhere.

  My chest heaving, I watch him draw closer until he’s immediately in front of my face. “I’m going to have you right here, right now.”

  “If this takes much longer, I’m going to make myself come right here on your desk with you watching.”

  His hands falter at the waistband of his boxer briefs, his eyes flipping to mine. “Oh, baby. You’re going to come and I’m most definitely going to be watching. But I’m going to be buried so deep inside you that you won’t know where you end and I start.”

  I want to complain about the unhurried way he moves about his office, gathering his clothes, locking the door. The only thing keeping me from objecting is that he’s naked and that sight is one I’ll happily soak in for as long as I’m allowed.

  He’s long and lean, muscles cut into his flesh in a way I didn’t expect. It’s a delicious image—devilish smirk, broad chest, a V that makes me whimper. But it’s what that V is pointing at that does me in. A verifiable nine-inch cock, hard as steel, the tip glistening with pre-cum.

  If he thinks I was making a point by torturing him today with my dress, he’s doing the same thing by making me watch him now. Once I realize this, it’s game on.

  When he turns back around, my dress is bunched at my waist. One heel-clad foot rests on top of his desk as I recline back on one hand. My other hand is toying with my opening.

  He stutter-steps before stopping in place, his eyes glued to my fingers. I press the pad of one into my wetness and then hold it in the air. When his eyes reach mine, I press my lips together. “Looks like I’m a little wet for you, Graham.”

  “Stop.” It’s a command, an order, a mandate given in the form of a sexy rasp. But I don’t obey. That would be too easy. Instead, I draw my fingertip up my slit until it lands on my pebbled clit.

  “Ah,” I moan, letting my head fall back, my hair swishing against the desktop. My eyes flutter closed, but jerk back open as his hand wraps around my wrist, his fingertips searing into my skin.

  “I told you to stop.”

  “I heard you,” I breathe.

  “I will give you every bit of pleasure you have in this office. Understood?”

  Instead of answering, I reach between us and palm his cock roughly. Stroking it up and down, I grin. “Understood.”

  He bends forward and plants his mouth against mine. This time, there’s nothing sweet or easy about it. Like a man that hasn’t kissed a woman in years, he moves against me so frantically, so fiercely, I’m breathless.

  He draws my dress over my head and tosses it to the side, our lips only breaking long enough for the fabric to pass. I succumb to the relentlessness of his kisses, feeling myself weaken against him.

  My ass squeaks against the glass as I’m guided towards the edge with a forceful hand on the small of my back. Silky strands of his hair slip through my fingers, and when I tug on a handful of locks, he finally breaks our kiss.

  Our breathing ragged, my lips stinging from the delicious assault, he grins wickedly. “Lie back.”

  His palms resting heavily on my thighs, squeezing them in an almost massage-like fashion, I do as instructed. Through the haze, I mention I’m on the pill and hear him respond, although the specific words are a blur.

  Lying before him on his desk is the most vulnerable I’ve ever felt. My entire body is on display, stretched out like an agreement to be manipulated. A flash of unease begins to rip through me, but when our eyes meet, it subsides as quickly as it came.

  His breathing is as intense as mine, the hunger in his eyes burning as hot as the desire spreading like lava through my belly. But there’s something else, a quiver in the cerulean blues of his eyes, that quells the anxiety of being studied by a man of his caliber.

  “God, Mallory,” he almost whispers, a slight shake of his head accompanying it. His finger touches the side of my face, the pad rough against my skin. He blazes a trail down the side of my neck, across my chest, and over the ridges of my stomach.

  I see him swallow as he grabs his cock with one hand, my waist with another. He scoots me closer to the edge, his eyes turning wild.

  If he can’t hear my heartbeat, it’s nothing short of a miracle. I can hear it pushing red-hot blood through my body, elevating my temperature and need, pure need, to the boiling point.

  His tip touches my opening, parting me just enough so I know he’s there. I gulp, my eyes flipping to his face just in time to watch a slow, indecent smirk touch his lips.

  “Come on, Graham,” I beg through clenched teeth, gripping the edge of the desk until my knuckles turn white.

  “Come on you? Or you want to come?” He swirls his hips, teasing me with his cock.

  “Stop with the semantics,” I say, wrapping my legs around his waist and inching him closer to me.

  He laughs, clearly enjoying my frenzied state. “Maybe I could just stop altogether and kiss you. That’s what you wanted, right? Maybe this is a little overboard.”

  “Fine,” I say, starting to sit up. “Give me a kiss and let me get to my date. I’m sure he’d be glad to—Ahhh!”

  My breath leaves me in a quick, hasty gush as he fills me completely. My legs shake around him, my eyes fluttering closed as I hear him chuckle.

  “What were you saying?” he asks cheekily. I don’t get to respond before he slides out of me, the head of his cock stretching my opening, before he slips into me again. “I can’t hear you.”

  “God,” I moan, tilting my pelvis to give him more access to every piece of me.

  His hands find my waist and guide my body off and on his. His length pushes through me, splitting my body open in ways it’s never been pushed, kissing the back wall of my vagina.

  It’s a decadent, wonderful feeling—almost painful but not quite. His speed hastens, his movements more decided, as he deepens his thrusts.

  “Graham,” I warn, my body squeaking against the glass. A thought begins to tickle my mind, wondering if anyone can hear us or see us through the windows. Just as that panic begins to settle in, his fingers squeeze me harder as he rocks himself against me.

  My arms fly to the side, his stapler crashing to the floor in an unceremonious thump. In and out, he slides through my wetness, my thighs coated with how badly I want him. Need him. Need this.

  “Open your eyes,” he demands, kicking up the tempo another notch. It’s nearly unbearable in the most blissful way. Everything is louder—my body against the desk, his against mine. Everything is hotter—the sex-scented air swirling around us, his cologne as it’s heated from the sweat dotting his forehead. Everything is just more as I lose control and
my knees drop to the side. “Eyes, Mallory. Open. There’s no visualizing shit but me right now.”

  When I do open them, his are nearly burning a hole through me. I fight the urge to close them, to relish in all the feelings sparking through me like a fire show.

  I release a moan, much louder than I anticipate. “Graham, I . . .”

  He smirks again, the pad of one thumb hitting my clit. He rubs small, firm circles against the overstimulated bud and it’s like a match has been struck. There’s no going back.

  “I can’t . . .” I suck in a breath of air, rocking my legs back so my knees are bent in the air. He pushes me towards the end of the desk as he buries himself in me over and over and over. “Graham!” I shriek, knowing I shouldn’t, given the situation, but I’m in a state of total helplessness.

  My body riots, tightens around him, a part of it wanting to desperately pull away and the other wanting him to slam into me harder—none of which I can vocalize. I just feel the burn, enjoy the explosion and the feel of his cock swelling as he pushes one final time.

  I force my eyes to open and watch him lose control. As I fight the end of my climax, I watch him come apart inside of me.

  His head thrown back, his mouth hanging open, is so, so sexy and causes a ripple of orgasm to course through me again.

  My legs quiver involuntarily as he groans into the air. I try to hold myself in place for his benefit, but my body is too tired. My hips fall back to the desk as he opens his eyes and slowly pulls out.

  We catch our breath, me still on the desk and him standing before me like a man that just conquered the world. Now, post-climax, I’m more self-conscious.

  As quickly as I can, I swing my legs off the desk and stand on my shaky stems. I avoid his eyes, even though I know they’re on me.

  Tucking my boobs back into my bra and finding my dress on the floor, I finally raise my gaze to his. “That was better than a kiss,” I say with a smile. I leave him standing in the middle of his office, his jaw hanging open, as I head into the bathroom I saw him go into earlier. As the lights flip on and the door closes behind me, I fall against the wall breathless.


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