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Annihilation Prequel - Psychic Beginnings

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by Saxon Andrew

  The Kahn had already heard the details but had not been told of the challenge. What was going to be an easily dismissed action now became something much more dangerous. This young man did not know what he had done by invoking the Gen-Cho. Then he heard Tao say, “He’s lying anyway. She is not his chosen. We chased her boyfriend away when we found them.”

  The Kahn now knew that someone was going to die tonight. He turned to the kneeling girl and asked, “Is this not the one you have chosen?”

  Cynthia was almost too scared to talk. She knew that she didn’t know this man and if she said she was not in a relationship with him, then they would probably die tonight. She almost said that he was her boyfriend and then she remembered what he had said in the van. She took a deep breath, “No, Great Kahn. I have been in a relationship with another until this night. I do not know him.”

  “Why until this night?”

  “I’ve seen his true heart and it is cowardly.”

  The Kahn turned to the young man and said, “Why did you use a falsehood to interfere in our affairs?”

  “There is no falsehood, Great Kahn. I am not her chosen; however, she is my chosen. Nowhere in the laws of Wang-dao does it say that one’s chosen must have also chosen him.”

  The Kahn thought for a moment and then turned to the Talman and asked, “What does the book of Wang-dao say about this?”

  The Talman looked at the young man and wondered how he could possibly know what he just said. “The book of Wang-dao says that a loyal servant is due protection for himself, his family and his chosen. It says nothing about whether or not the chosen has selected the chooser.” He looked over at the three warriors and continued, “It further says that you will know loyal servants by the approved process of approaching the Wang-dao. They will kneel on their right knee, bow their head, and extend their left arm forward, palm up before speaking. Anyone that follows this form will be identified as one that has studied our laws and are worthy of our protection.”

  The Kahn looked at the Talman and said, “The exact words are “his chosen.”“

  “Yes, Great Kahn.”

  Tao was now worried. He had been taught the book when he was a young boy, but he never really applied or for that matter remembered the teachings. He now knew that he had made a mistake which would embarrass him in front of the gathered Clan. It would reveal that he did not know the laws of the Clan. Why oh why did the Talman have to show up when he did. He had intentions of becoming Kahn but this kind of embarrassment would prevent his election. How could one ignorant of the Clan’s laws be Kahn? He looked at the one that had caused his problem and decided that he was going to pay for this.

  The Kahn turned back to the young man, “It appears you have studied our laws. What proof do we have of her being your chosen and why does she not know it? You know that Clan Law says that you may only have one chosen and is a lifetime decision. There can be no other. I am inclined to agree with Tao that she is not your real chosen. You interfered to save her and, though that is admirable, it’s not justified. Just when did you make her your chosen? Making it just before the attack does not mean we will accept it. Someone’s chosen is a decision that is made with much thought and deliberation.”

  Cynthia was not sure what to think. She did not know what the term “Chosen” meant. If what she was hearing was accurate, this young man was saying that he had chosen her to be his life-long companion. She didn’t even know his name. She was also inclined to believe that it was a decision made to protect her and that meant they were going to lose this hearing. What she heard next stunned her.

  “Great Kahn, I made her my chosen nine years ago.”

  The silence of the room was broken by the intake of breath by the gathered people who now felt like the young man had told a lie in their sacred assembly hall. They knew he would have to die for that.

  “You expect me to believe that you made her your chosen that long ago?”

  The young man raised his head and looked at Cynthia and she could see he had the most startling green eyes. “We were in the third grade and even though we were not in the same class, she caught my attention the moment I saw her. She was as beautiful then as she is now. She was smart and had a smile that would light up a room. One day after school, I saw three girls bullying one of the special girls that attended our school. Sara Bittaker was her name. Cynthia went up and pushed one of the bullies down and threatened the other two. The bullies said they would make her the most unpopular girl in school for her actions, but Cynthia said if popularity was based on being cruel she wanted no part of it. I decided that day that it would be her and no one else.”

  Cynthia was amazed. She remembered that day. She did not remember seeing him but it happened exactly as he described it. The Kahn looking at the two of them could see that what he had described had happened by observing Cynthia’s responses. “You still haven’t explained why she doesn’t know of your choice?”

  The young man looked away from Cynthia and lowered his head again, “Great Kahn, look at her. She’s beautiful, she has a wealthy family, she’s one of the smartest students, and I could go on and on. I have no family. I’m not good looking. I am just not worthy of her yet, Great Kahn. I intended to work and someday be worthy enough to tell her.”

  “What if during that time she chose another?”

  “Then I would remain alone. It is her or no one, Great Kahn.”

  The Kahn looked at the two of them and said, “Now she knows. What do you plan to do now?” Cynthia was staring at the young man and the Kahn could tell she was troubled. Then the Kahn had a thought, “Why were you there when this attack happened? Do you follow her everywhere she goes every day?”

  The young man looked up at the Great Kahn and said, “I saw this day coming the day I chose her. I knew that today was the day she would be attacked and I knew I had to be there to protect her.”

  Silence dominated. Cynthia didn’t know what to think. “Are you telling me that you can see the future?”

  “Only rarely, Great Kahn. Some people are born with different talents and yes, one of mine gives me visions of what is going to happen. I did not want to discuss this but it is a sin to tell anything but the truth in this gathering.”

  The silence was broken by Tao standing and saying, “Then you probably saw your death today. I invoke the Gen-Cho now.”

  The Kahn looked at Tao, “The only reason he issued the Gen-Cho was because of your error of refusing to hear his appeal. There would be no Gen-Cho but for your ignorance of our laws.”

  “Great Kahn, you will not goad me into challenging you instead of him. He issued the challenge and I am going to demand that he answer it.”

  “Tao, don’t follow one mistake by another. This young man was simply trying to protect the one he loves. He had no choice. He is no match for our warriors and especially not you.”

  “Then he should have stayed out of our affairs. The challenge stands.”

  The Kahn turned to the Talman, “Can he be forced to fight due to an error made by one of our own?”

  The Talman looked at Tao and shook his head, “The only relief from the Gen-Cho is the challenged party releasing the challenger. It takes precedence over all other laws. That’s why it is so seldom invoked. The right thing in keeping with the spirit of our laws is for Tao to release him from the challenge he was forced to make.”

  They both turned to Tao and saw him actually smiling. “There won’t be any issues when I finish with him. If he’s gone then there is nothing to right.”

  Tao looked around the room and saw that the assembled Clan had hard looks. He didn’t care. His chance to be Kahn was effectively killed anyway. This one was going to pay.

  Cynthia looked at the young man and asked, “What is Gen-Cho?”

  “It’s a ceremonial fight to settle disputes. It is a fight to the death.”

  Cynthia just had too much thrown at her too fast and she collapsed to the floor.

  Chapter Three

The young man reached over and grabbed her before her head hit the bamboo floor. Two older women standing behind the Kahn’s chair rushed forward and took her from the young man. Cynthia opened her eyes after a few moments and got her bearings. She saw the two women holding her head up and a child arrived with a cold towel to put on her forehead. “I’m ok, I’m ok. Just let me sit up.” The two women sat her up and helped her to her feet.

  The Kahn looked at Tao, “You shame us today with your total disregard of our law. You caused this to happen and I do believe him now about her being his chosen. I ask you as your Clan Leader to release him from this challenge.”

  Tao quit smiling and sneered, “He is not released and I will make him pay for intruding into my business.”

  Cynthia looked at the tall powerful warrior and asked, “If I agreed to submit to you would you release him?”

  Tao smiled a wicked smile and replied, “Absolutely not.”

  The young man looked at Tao, bowed and said to the Kahn, “Great Kahn, will you consider granting me one request before I face this great warrior?”

  The Kahn looked at the young man and said, “There is no escape from the Gen-Cho.”

  “I’m not asking to escape. My concern and fear is only for my chosen. The reason Tao rejected my chosen’s offer is because he knows that if he kills me in the Gen-Cho, then she is no longer the chosen of a loyal servant and he can go and take her whenever he chooses.”

  The entire room looked at Tao and saw him grin. “I guess that shows me you’re not dumb. Know as you die that she will suffer for your actions.”

  Cynthia now knew the name of evil: Tao.

  The Kahn got a hardened look on his face and said, “What is your request?”

  “I humbly ask for you to make my chosen one of your Clan Favored.”

  Tao said loudly, “You can’t do that. She’s done nothing to deserve it.”

  The Kahn looked at Tao briefly and then said, “Unfortunately, he’s right.”

  “Great Kahn, allow me the opportunity to try and persuade the Great Clan why she deserves their favor. I know it is not something that is given lightly.”

  The Kahn looked at the two women helping Cynthia stand and they looked at each other and then nodded to the Kahn.

  “You may address the Clan,” as he looked at Tao and continued, “Without interruption.”

  Tao’s anger was visible.

  The young man turned and faced the warriors surrounding the room and began, “I’ve already told you why I chose her those many years ago. But there are things that you would never know about her unless you spend time watching her. She goes to the hospital on weekends to deliver toys to the children there. She purchases those toys with her family’s money and money she earns working at the library. Some of your children here have received toys from her. What you may not know is that she is brilliant and intends to go to Harvard Medical School and study to be a doctor. She also plans after she graduates to come back to this community and open a free medical clinic to help those that are too poor to afford health care.”

  Cynthia blurted out, “How do you know this. No one knows about those plans. How can you know these things?”

  The young man looked at her and said, “Because you are my chosen.” He then turned back to the gathered Clan, “The value she will have to your community is tremendous. She is worth protecting simply because of what she is going to do for you and your families. But that is not the main reason for you to give her your favor.” This caused many in the room to look at each other. “She should be given your favor because of no fault of her own she will be brutally attacked by one of your own who has made a travesty of your law. Who will protect her if I am unable to do so?”

  The Kahn listened and looked out at the gathered warriors. He could see their feelings and he turned to the two women and said, “Take her and prepare her, Clan Mothers.”

  Cynthia looked at the young man as she was lead from the room and he nodded at her. She then looked at Tao and saw he was red faced from his anger. “Anything that makes him that mad is worth doing,” she thought as she left the room.

  Cynthia was taken to a small room surrounded by lime green curtains that hung from the ceiling to the floor. She walked through the curtains until she arrived at a small space with cushions on the floor. The older of the two women sat down on a cushion and pulled Cynthia down. “Child, what do you know about the Wang-dao?”

  “Nothing, Clan Mother. Tonight was my first contact with any of your Clan.”

  “The Wang-dao Clan was formed by the great Wang-dao who was our leader and teacher. We were little more than a street gang when he favored us with his presence. He taught us the way for us to live in harmony and protect ourselves against the outside world. He was the strongest warrior in the Clan’s history. He gave us a book of his laws and commanded us to follow them. I guess from your perspective we are nothing more than a street gang, but we represent so much more than those hoodlums.”

  Cynthia furrowed her brow, “How are you any different? My experience tonight of being attacked by one of your warriors doesn’t show me a lot of humanity in your Clan members.”

  The Clan Mother shrugged, “I can’t disagree with you but there is a difference. We do not allow the people in our territory to be victims of criminals. Burglars, organized crime, violent offenders, sex offenders are stopped from preying on those that live in our territory. Have you never noticed how safe it is to live in this part of the city?”

  Cynthia thought for a moment and realized that the Clan Mother was right. Her father never had a case to defend in this part of the city. All of the criminal cases were elsewhere.

  The Clan Mother continued, “We do conduct illegal activities to fund the Clan. Drugs, gambling, and other things are done here but those that use these services do so by choice. We do not force them on anyone. We also are very heavy handed in protecting the Clan’s interests. We have to do that to guarantee our safety. Your chosen, I know he’s not your chosen but you are his, has asked for you to be made a Clan Favored. Let me explain what that is. Our favored are those that are not members of the Clan, but through their actions have earned the right to the Clan’s protection. We will not allow a favored to be harmed. By granting you this status, no member of the Clan, or anyone else, can disrespect or harm you in any way. To do so would carry a very heavy penalty.” Cynthia stared at the Clan Mother and she nodded, “Death is the penalty for any Wang-dao that violates that status. I think you can understand why he has asked for you to receive this gift from us.” Cynthia knew it was to insure that Tao would not harm her. The Clan Mother continued, “There are requirements of those that accept our favors.”

  Cynthia looked the Clan Mother in the eyes and asked, “What are those?”

  “You cannot do anything that would harm the Clan and you must learn our laws. You can also not reveal any of the inner workings of our society to anyone. You must keep secret anything you learn about how our Clan operates. You must never say anything bad about us and to the best of your ability support and protect our community. Can you agree to do this knowing what you now know?”

  Cynthia thought hard. She knew the Clan did things that were illegal. She also knew that some of their warriors were out of control and that bothered her greatly. However, she knew that the young man who had saved her wanted her to have it and she sensed that he felt it was critical for her survival. She knew that the world was not fair and that sometimes bad things happened. She had her principles, but she also knew that reality and principles didn’t often mix well. She also sensed that the gathered warriors did not approve of Tao’s actions and that gave her a better feeling about the Clan taken as a whole. “I can agree to your requirements,” she said.

  “One more thing, child; is what he said about you wanting to open a free clinic true?”

  “Yes it is and I have no idea how he knows that. Even my parents don’t know about that plan. I have only discussed it once with my best friend. I know
there was no one else present when I said it.”

  “It appears that the one who has chosen you is a remarkable individual. We don’t know where he learned our laws but he appears to know them better than our Great Kahn.”

  Cynthia had an idea, “Could he be protected by making him a Clan Favored?”

  The Clan Mother shook her head, “No, there is no reprieve from the Gen-Cho.”

  “Does he stand a chance of surviving?”

  The other woman looked at Cynthia, “Tao is our strongest and most talented warrior. If he is holding the two swords, he cannot be defeated by any other member of our Clan. He is deadly and efficient in the arts of combat.”

  “Are you saying the one that chose me will die tonight?”

  The two women looked at each other, “If he faces Tao, he will die.”

  “Is there anything I can do to save him?”

  “No, Child; but you can honor him by witnessing his sacrifice and maintaining your composure. He will have enough to worry about without seeing your anguish.”

  Cynthia took a deep breath and shuttered, “I will try to do so. I just hate that he is giving his life for me and there’s nothing I can do to thank him.”

  “Sometimes that is the way life is, Child.” The two women stood and Cynthia joined them as they moved through the curtains back toward the main hall.

  Tao stood and said, “I am ready to begin the Gen-Cho.”

  Kahn said, “We will not begin until the Clan Mothers have completed the interview and reported their findings.”

  Tao sat down and felt his blood flow faster as the anticipation of combat permeated his consciousness. This bug was going to die of a thousand cuts.

  The Clan Mothers entered followed by Cynthia. They moved to the center of the room and the oldest faced the gathered warriors. She simply said, “She is worthy;” the two then moved back to their place behind the Kahn’s chair.

  The Kahn then looked out at the gathered warriors and said, “You have been asked to make this woman one of our Clan Favored. What is your wish?”


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